• Drawfriend Stuff #253

    The Great and Powerful Trixie does not cry.  Trixie never cries.  Get that camera away from Trixie.

    Have some art!

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    And the original

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    Source 26 wredna

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    Trixie in an ANIVIA costume COMPLETE.  Truly the internet is a wondrous place.

    Source 28 Nikki

    Source 29

    95 kommentaari:

    1. Strong mares also cry. Strong mares... also cry.

    2. That one of Pinkamina an Dash in the rain... Wow <3

    3. Metal Shy Solid, I would play that.

    4. Hurray for #27

      More LoL+Ponies, please.

    5. No, THANK YOU, Pinkie Pie, for all the Grimdark fanfiction!

    6. Dat filly twi. Heart ...bursting. ack!

    7. Aw poor Trixie :(

    8. Man, I love the poniefied Burgerking. xD

    9. Trixie is overrated and not best pony.

    10. Re: #19:

      Dear Princess Celestia,



    11. trixiejack? AppleXie? (sounds like a disease. lol)

      Seriously, that's a new one on me.

    12. Great Drawfriend with tons of D'Awwww. Also, it's cool Seth got his request filled, but ...

      #19 spike has the perfect description "Dude, that's creepy"

    13. All of these are amazing except for 12, 13, and 16. Other than that, I am once again glad that I got that trine 2 promo for TF2.
      (see this link if you don't get it)

    14. I love the art style of the artist of 13, but he also draws clopcore. And for that reason alone, I'm out.


    16. #24: I hope if we ever see the CMC as adults, Scoot is this badass.

    17. Is 24 a Transcendence reference?

    18. Umm... why does Equestria Daily appear to be an hour into the future? When does Daylight Savings Time Start/End in the US?

    19. #1 Poor Trixie...
      #2 Interesting, I like the style of this one.
      #3 Dash looks happy there
      #5 A'ww, why so sad Derpy?
      #7 Or they could have asked nicely perhaps.
      #10 I wonder whats going on here? Certainly something interesting.
      #11 I don't quite get this one...
      #12 Applejack and Trixie? thats something I haven't seen before. I can't think of any clever abbreviation for their names though.
      #14 D'aww
      #15 It's a pity they had to wear their Wonderbolt suits to the Gala, that dress is pretty good.
      #16 Is she sad or has the rain simply made her mane soggy? either way this ones really ute, I like it.
      #20 Yay me, I really like the colours on this one, the background really fits.
      #21 Now those are different from the wings she made me gossamer and Dew. I wonder what they're made of and if they're permanent?
      #22 I saw this one earlier, I really like it. It's cute and Pinkie looks very happy.
      #23 I love the colours and the background on this one, it looks very lonely there. I think Fluttershy could do with some cheering up.
      #24 I liked this one and the text really helped it though Scoot's nose looks a little big.
      #25 Now that looks sinister, I wonder where she is and what she's doing?
      #26 Nice art but I stand by best pony changing often, that way everypony gets a turn, except Blueblood. He has some self improvement to do first.
      #28 I hope she though of a way to land safely or has Dash nearby to help her down. She seems to be enjoying it though.
      #29 D'aww Twilight is always cute as a filly.

      Nice drawfriend today, lots of cute and nice looking stuff.

    20. #24 definitely reminds me of Transcendence....coincidentally, the very point in the story Corejo left off on....

    21. TrixieJack... I just might have to write a fic for that.

    22. That 25, finally an awesome 1440p Trixie wallpaper.

    23. There's a serious lack of Rarity tonight. Let's hope this won't last...

      #1: I do feel sorry for her, but also keep in mind she more or less brought this on herself. I'd love to see Trixie appear a couple more times in the show.

      #5: Why so sad? Last muffin?

      #6: Raindrops is a mailmare too? I like the pose.

      #7: Great epic action shot of Applejack and Big Macintosh. I'm sorta surprised we don't see more drawings of Big Macintosh in action, actually. Favorite drawing of the night.

      #9: If you're not following Ask the Pie Sisters, you should be.

      #10: Great epic action Twilight drawing; the fandom can never have enough of these!

      #15: Just in case you thought the Wonderbolts uniform was all she ever wore. Love this drawing; the cape is simple but appropriate, and the accessories are perfect. I may actually squee if Spitfire's ever given more than a bit part in an episode.

      #16: A sweet drawing of friends walking in the rain together. (Remember from "Griffon the Brush Off" that Pinkie's mane and tail get like that when she's wet, so no, this isn't the supposed 'Pinkamena'...)

      #17: Another classy Octavia portrait.

      #18: This really shouldn't work, but it does. How does cute Fluttershy look so kickflank as a video game action hero?

      #22: Charming little Pinkie Pie animation.

      #23: I love the setting in this drawing; as dark as it is, Everfree actually looks more peaceful than scary.

      #25: Looks like Trixie's about to meet an Ursa Major. Fight or flight?

      #26: Is this the same artist as that Applejack "best poneh" drawing from yesterday? This one also looks like it would be good on a t-shirt.

      #27: I have no idea who or what Anivia is, but it's got Pinkie Pie in a chicken costume, at least.

      #29: Really cute chibi Twilight Sparkle, though I think I like the black & white version better.

    24. Trixie is sad that Ian just crashed the bus. For the children.


    25. I'm on time for the Drawfriend, so let's get to it:

      1) Poor Trixie. This is a nice little composition, and it makes me wonder what they did with all of Trixie's stuff that the Ursa Minor smashed.
      2) Now that is a fun cluster of pony. Love the pure joy that is Pinkie.
      3) I worry for Tank. I noticed that all the birds could stand on clouds... but what about tortoises?
      4) If she strums the cutie mark, do the strings play?
      5) Aw. What has made her so sad that even a muffin is no cure? Adorable Derpy.
      6) That's some serious mail. I don't even want to know how many stamps that envelope takes.
      7) That is one devil bull that could give me nightmares.
      8) It looks like Twilight has fallen in with the wrong crowd.
      9) So this is Pinkie's sister, enjoying a juice box? It's a cute image.
      10) Cool. Go Twilight! Nobody hurts her #1 assistant.
      11) A very cute image, even if it does ruin some perfectly good butter pecan. Has to be rough on a cold-blooded tortoise as well. The things we do for love...
      12) Now that is a pairing I never would have imagined. Trixie is almost opposite the element of Honesty. But any excuse to try on each other's hats is good enough for me.
      13) Another version of the cuddlin' Princess and student. Celestia's mane seems to be regressing...
      14) I had to read the description to see what she was cuddling here. She didn't seem the type to curl up with a helmet. Cute sketch!
      15) Does Spitfire have her own element necklace? Nice gown either way.
      16) Everybody is getting in on the wet mane look... That's an adorable Pinkie and Dash.
      17) A nicely reserved Octavia portrait. I'd throw roses too.
      18) The Drawfriend does love its video game crossovers. Snap one little bear's neck and you're typecast. Cool image!
      19) I hear they retired the creepy Burger King here in reality. I'm worried about what the Pony version has in the sandwich.
      20) Celestia is looking regal.
      21) Twilight must have had a Red Bull. Judging by her horn, these are magical constructs?
      22) It's traditional to wait until I offer the praise first, Pinkie. Ah well... you deserve it.
      23) Peaceful... but that's how it always is right before the monster jumps out. Nice job on the forest.
      24) I need to get myself a morning affirmation. If it works for Scoot...
      25) Yeep. Trixie has the worst luck with those. Fun image!
      26) Preach it.
      27) Might this help against the Ursa?
      28) A happy Pinkie always lifts my spirits, and this does nicely.
      29) I liked the black and white version, and the color is just as adorable with cool texture to boot!

      Nicely done, every artist!

    26. @u2ps
      What's wrong with #16? It's not like it's a shipping pic. (I'd argue that #13 doesn't have to be either, though that is the more natural interpretation of it.)

    27. @Celestia

      Take a look at Madmax's latest comic here to make sense of #11.

    28. @CouchCrusader

      I've seen it, I just didn't quite get what was going on.

    29. #11: Drawfriend? More like D'AAAAWfriend.

    30. @Sethisto
      I wish more states were sane in that respect...

      Darnit, I was hoping to hear about #13 from one of the ponies actually in the picture...

      It took a second for your comment on #7 to click, but once it did... :D

    31. Trixie does not cry... her eyes water for VENGEANCE.

    32. @jodyjm13

      I couldn't think of anything to say for it.

      I also cut #18 out by accident while correcting it seems, was going to say I loved the style. The hair and eyes especially.

      (I add more errors as I correct my comments sometimes)

    33. @Sethisto

      No one near the equator really has any reason to, anyway.

    34. @jodyjm13

      Your "Ask the Pie Sisters" link doesn't seem to work, but then I realized I could go back up to the image and hit "source", so it's all good.

      Is there any pony that doesn't answer viewer questions online? Equestria must have some excellent broadband services.

    35. #19: You guys really should look into the backgrounds of the artwork you post a little better. Stolen work does not amuse me.

    36. I'm not entirely sure that Burger king will get that many customers.

    37. @Harwick
      How did I mess up the link like that? :P Let's try that again.

      By this point, I suspect that every character that's been named in the series has a Tumblr, as well as most of the fan-named background characters. Well, Hummingway may not have one yet...

    38. whoa! pinkie pie oversized! wow.......... cool nice job!

    39. Every Metal Gear Solid crossover is awesome. And this one is no exception.

    40. #1: Hey, you lost a lot of stuff to a couple of dumb colts. Sheddign a few tears is ok.
      #5: Ditzy, u haz muffin, y u cry?
      #12: I don't think I have ever seen this pairing before. Trixie needs to get around a bit more.
      ... Did I really just say that? confound these ponies...
      #19: Gah, that King always creeped me out.
      #22: You're welcome!
      #25: Running for your life would be advisable now.
      #28: Pinkie will never abandon her pegasus roots.
      #29: Adorable style.

    41. Congrats on no flipped rainbow tails tonight.

    42. #27 <3 Ponies continue taking over lol.

    43. #22 I don't even LIKE Pinkie Pie... but it's a Gag Concert ref! Kamsahamnida~ Kamsahamnida~ Win!

    44. #1 Awww, poor Trixie. I know she can be really rude and obnoxious. But I still feel sorry for her whenever I see a pic of her crying. I also felt really bad for her when her home was crushed. I really don't think her boasting warranted something quite that bad. But I've got a big soft heart.
      #3 More RD and Tank. People sure love Tank. lol
      #4 One of my favorite cute pony couples. Being adorable together as usual. Bonbon also likes dat flank. lol
      #5 Awwww, I would like to know why Derpy is sad too. Breaks my heart to see that lovable little Pegasus sad. :(
      #6 At first glance I though he was using the giant letter as a glider. lol
      #7 Applejack and Big Mac trying to subdue a huge bull. Pretty cool. Quite like Big Mac's pose. As strong as Big Mac is, something like that bull would almost certainly overpower even him.
      #8 Rebel Twilight. This must be like her opposite twin or something.
      #9 More adorable juicebox pics, d'awww.
      #10 Love pictures that display how powerful and strong Twilight's magic is. Who doesn't love an awesome display of magical skill?
      #11 "Hey, you got your tortoise in my ice cream!" "No, you got your ice cream in my tortoise!" lol Really cute RD and Tank pic.
      #12 Dat AJ and Trixie shipping. lol Not a ship I'm particularly fond of, but it's still kinda cute.
      #13 This one looks a like that that other posted the other day. But it's also pretty endearing.
      #14 Another one. lol Going to be many adorable pics of RD and Tank. Well, like there isn't already, right? :P
      #15 Spitfire's Gala dress is pretty cool. Cool dress for an equally cool pony.
      #16 I absolutely love the rain. I find it so very peaceful and tranquil. Ponies plus rain equals <3
      #17 I am obligated to comment on every Octavia piece. True story. lol But seriously, beautiful Octavia pic. The roses are a nice touch. And look, even caught one in my mouth. "And She is so elegant!" Aww, why thank you very much. *copies Pinkie in #22* lol :)
      #18 Can I get a pic of a box with Fluttershy's tail sticking out the bottom now? :P
      #19 Aww, but I think the original better captures his... "unique" personality and look? Or maybe just the slight creepiness of him? lol These are great.
      #22 Awww, that's really adorable. Pinkie Pie is always welcome. <3
      #24 Aw, determined Scootaloo. You go get'em, Scoots! Reach for the sky!
      #25 Eek! Run Trixie, get out of there!
      #27 Not sure what the reference here is. A game I haven't played I think. lol But still, pretty cool. Plus Pinkie in her chicken costume is always a plus. :D
      #29 Adorkable little Twilight being utterly adorkable. <3

    45. Ooh, AppleTrix. (Yes, that's what I call it.)

    46. You have a weird thing for trixie.

    47. #5 Who did it? Who made Derpy cry?! Show your face and I will END you.

      #15 Whoa, that's cool.

      #19 Oh Luna, did not EVER want!

      #22 ...I will keep this forEVER!

      #27 How did we come to this point?

    48. No.1: Consequences! Hard not to feel slightly sorry for Trixie there.
      No.11: Tortoise is like my second or third favourite ice cream flavour ever.
      No.18: Damnit, now I'm trying to match MGS3 charaters to Ponies now...
      No.19: Nope. Ponification doesn't make the King any less creepy...
      No.22: Erm... your welcome, Pinkie... I think? (Wonderful animation, I love Solar-Slash's style)

    49. @Celestia
      I was wondering if it was just a study session that dragged on too long, or a night when someone felt lonely, or a scientific experiment on the suitability of ponies as pillows. :)

    50. #19....
      Guess I'm having nightmares tonight!


    52. @Cain.Is.Blogging.Stuff

      #13 is one sweet and adorable hug... and yes, I'm aware of the fact that he does other work.

      personally, I am thoroughly squicked out by the idea of two dudes going at each other, but that won't stop me from listening to some classic Elton John, or from saying hi to a person, even if I know they do that sorta thing on their off time.

      You'd seriously judge everything that person creates based off of one single trait in their other work you don't care for? We love and tolerate all up in this place... Except for the one stick in the mud.

      I know I can accept thing, and people for the moment, and not for any potential they might have to offend me later, or might have in the past.

      Haven't ponies taught you anything?

    53. #9 - ok, this just shouldn't be allowed...you could put ANYPONY in scarf, socks, sweater, hat and with a juicebox and they'd be freaking adorable. If someone does all this with Fluttershy, the world will collapse from too much cute.

    54. If we get Anivia Trixie can we get Kog' Maw Pinkie?

    55. #12 No, see this? STOP IT!
      #13 It's a "mother to daughter hug", that's all.
      #18 Someone NEEDS to make even a short game off of this idea. It's too good to be left alone.
      Another great Draw(D'awww!)Friend!

    56. #5 dawwwww derpy is so cute :)
      #10 whoa! go Twilight!
      #11 Its good to see dashy is happy with her new pet :)
      #18 solid snake greatly approves
      #22 your welcome!

    57. #12 - AJ and Trixie? Thats just crazy

    58. #7 is overflowing with badassery. Also loving all the Trixie.

    59. @jodyjm13

      I'm pretty sure this was a cut scene from "Winter Wrap Up" after Twilight went through the ice. Luckily, Spike was on hand to send a message to the Princess, and she knew CPR. This scene and Pinkie's verse of the big song were cut for time.

    60. 1. I can honestly say I never wanted to hug Trixie until I saw this pic. Somepony give Trixie a hug.

      3. Tank looks pretty smug in this one.

      5. Derpy tears while muffin munching. I'm confused.

      11. Butter Pecan, should have been Turtle Tracks. Muwhawhaw.

      16. Very nice shading, background.

      19. Apologies to the artist but, KILL IT WITH FIRE.

      22. Dawww. You're welcome.

      28. And Pinkie deifies even more physics in the cutest ways possible by floating with only three balloons.

    61. @richfiles

      I agree. I think Frank Miller is one of the most backassward douches to ever live but Sin City was still a cool comic.

      Likewise I absolutely despise so much of what chic-fil-a's CEO and owner stands for but I still think they have very good salads and I like to go get a bagel in the morning there. (I'm a vegetarian but my family seems to love their chicken too.)

    62. Burger Pony: Breakfast Is Magic

      Have it your way at BP

    63. Oh, boo... so often I miss out on the comment rushes on these Drawfriends because I am stuck at my "day job" while they are still fresh. By the time I finally do get home and am able to post on these things I doubt most anyone is here to read my comments anyway... oh well.

      I shall still comment regardless, so there!

      #1 I feel no great love for Trixie, it is true, but this picture still makes me feel a bit sorry for her. Just a bit mind you, but I still think the artist did a good job creating a nice little piece with a good sense of mood to it.
      #2 I usually enjoy these sort of little group shots, and this picture is no exception. I like the way the artist stuck with red and purple tones for all of that shading; it sets it apart from a lot of fanart that way.
      #7 This is a pretty awesome little action shot... Applejack is made of far sterner stuff than I am to be able to face such a terrifying creature! It's a treat to see Big Macintosh in such a dynamic situation as well, for a change... I'm surprised we don't see more art of him like this.
      #10 My favorite part of this picture by far is Spike... the artist really did a great job conveying the danger and energy of this scene through his body language I think. Good stuff~
      #11 Ohhh butter pecan... please don't do that to me right now I've eaten little other than carrot sticks and an apple (an insanely delicious one, granted) all day. But anyhow, this is a great picture and I love most everything about it... the artist's unusual gradient hues in the coloring job, the little scrunchy nose-kiss between Rainbow and Tank (that is seriously adorable)... even the minute little pony apostrophe on the ice cream tub. Really a lovely little piece, kudos artist.
      #12 Now that is a pairing you don't see every day. More Applejack is always welcome though, of course!
      #15 Is that Spitfire? This is pretty fabulous... she certainly cleans up beautifully doesn't she! I love it~ ^.^

    64. (Long comment post is apparently long; pardon me...)

      #16 I'm not quite sure of the story behind this little fanart but it's very nice... Pinkie's expression is cutely hopeful/uncertain and the artist's style is pretty adorable all around. I like the touch of all the leaves blowing around and littering the ground in the background; a nice touch to creating a convincing dreary-wet setting.
      #17 I really like the way this piece was composed, and the lone rose laying on the ground balances out Octavia and her cello quite perfectly, I think. Nicely done.
      #18 I've never played this or anything but I still like this piece quite a lot... it has a great gritty feel to it with the colors used and the somewhat messy (in a good way, in this case) artstyle. Love Fluttershy's expression here and it looks like traditional media marker art, which is always lovely to see.
      #19 As if the original wasn't creepy enough!
      #22 Seeing this just makes me want to try my hand at some sort of little fanimation project sometime. Pinkie is cute as always.
      #23 I like this picture a lot... I know I always talk about how I appreciate good backgrounds and this is no exception, of course. I love how while the forest is such a dark and overgrown mass of trees and foliage, it doesn't feel sinister in this picture but rather lush and almost peaceful (and now I am thinking of Fangorn Forest from Lord of the Rings, which only makes me like this one more). Very nice work in the warm lighting here and in creating a fantastic sense of mood, I love it.
      #26 Something about this piece almost reminds me of graffiti, but I mean that in a good way in this sense. Very bold graphic style, I like it very much!
      #28 One can never go wrong with cute happy Pinkie Pie art, I don't think.
      #29 Oh mercy how incredibly cute is that... I don't know if it's meant to be a younger Twilight Sparkle or just a chibified version, but either way, adorable! <3


      Well I suppose I'll just have to take it upon myself to create some new Rarity fanart then, won't I? Like I needed another excuse... ;)

    65. Shouldn't it be 252nd drawfriend? Or maybe I am blind and I missed one.

    66. Methinks Metal Gear Shy would have made more sense. Still cool and funny :)

    67. @WhiteDiamonds

      I'm sure people come back to read late comments... at the very least, many of the artists with works in the Drawfriend must, and they're the ones that you're commenting for.

      Then again, maybe I'm the only one needy enough to look repeatedly to see if anyone had anything to say about my work when I have something included here.

    68. Trixie? Shipped with someone NOT twilight? Or herself?

      I think I'm gonna have a heart attack.

    69. #24 now if only somepony will spend days on creating a skl, a skn and a skn base for this >=T

    70. Metal Shy Solid. It needs to happen. <.<

    71. @Harwick

      No you're right, I do that too. And hey look at me now, I came back again didn't I?

      Perhaps we should think of it more as we're just thorough. Yes, I think I'll go with that.

      And on that note, thank you for replying~ ^.^
