• Drawfriend Stuff #246

    Fluttershy is best best pony edition.

    Have some art.

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    92 kommentaari:

    1. #5 I love Sweetie as Peter Pan.

    2. I think #4's been posted before.

    3. Almost all the images have only one pony.

    4. # 23 Love it. I don't know why, but it just looks awesome.

      #17 This however... I actually think it doesn't look half bad, but I think there should be limits. Ponify everything, but I think religion--or at least such important religious events--should be left untouched.

    5. I had a funny feeling that that Trixie picture would end up here tonight.

    6. I really like #14

    7. #23 Note that the image is called Organized Chaos. Also, it looks like Discord's diploma is signed by Dionysus.

    8. #31: Interesting style, but yet, another flipped tail for Rainbow Dash. Since it's starting to happen in the animation too (see sleeping Dash in the Cutie Pox episode), sooner or later, someone's going to call her on dying her mane...

    9. Silly Seth thats not how you spell Rainbow Dash

    10. Never mind. It's in the filename.

    11. Let's see what's good today...

      #19 How does everyone keep making Trixie so adorable!? I'm sure Seth has renewed his vigor in building a portal to Equestria upon seeing this...

      #23 At first I was like "wut", but if you read the filing cabinet, diploma, pictures, mug, and paperwork boxes, it's absolutely hilarious.
      I want an office organized like that!

    12. #6 Luna pony does not approve

    13. Source 7 is wrong :/ I don't deserve that awesome artist's traffic.

    14. #17 how dare you make a pony into jesus, my lord and savior!?!?

    15. #23: At first I didn't know what was going on, but then I saw the file name and all of the awesome little details. Saved.

    16. #23 OCD DisQord is best DisQord. Organized, indeed.

    17. 30 wins everypony can go home now

    18. #1 Fluttershy just being Fluttershy, cute.
      #3 Heartwarmingly nice.
      #4 They look fuzzier than usual here.
      #5 D'aww
      #6 Luna looks a bit vexed here.
      #7 Not so cute anymore.
      #8 Making Discord look cute...hehe
      #9 Im certain this has been up before, thogh peras it was slightly different.
      #13 D'awww, very cute. Dash had better be careful though.
      #14 I look imposing here. Very nice.
      #16 Interesting style.
      #17 Bit creepy but well done.
      #18 I like how her mane has been done.
      #20 I love the atmospher in this one.
      #21 Nice style here, I quite like this.
      #22 I like it, Dr. Whooves and his Tardis.
      #23 Brilliant, I'm not sure Discord would be too good at that though. Or perhaps he's be great. I like the poster.
      #28 Darkish, I like the way this has been done.
      #29 Muuufins~
      #30 What the?
      #32 Nice drawing, though what am I supposed to be doing?

    19. Great gobbledygook! I really like this drawfriend!
      #1: Fluttershy is best best pony, indeed! Wheee!
      #3: This is a beautiful piece. We need more platonic cuddly Twilestia.
      #4: This. Is. So. Cute. Whipped cream noses with a date are adorable even on people; on ponies....I can't even.... this is winter ponies at it's best!
      #6: Awesome stance, and awesome eyes.
      #9: Cryhappy Fluttershy is SO CUTE!
      #10: This is a great Derpy. Not a huge fan of wings drawn like this, but this art is definitely an exception.
      #14: Excellent counterpoint to 6. So regal.
      #19: Word.
      #20: D'awwww filly dash is sooooo cute.
      #23: I'm watching Dilbert right now and this comic made my day.
      #31: I am Dashie. BACK OFF!!

      Seriously. I loved this drawfriend.

    20. 'Surprise! More chaos!'

      The freakin' early, mostly crossover, most saved pictures edition!

    21. #12 #19 Trixie, why are you so cute?!

    22. I really like that Twilight is Discord's "Employee of Infinity". Her magic is *so* chaotic... the things that happened when she first lost control during her test were right out of Discord's playbook. It's not surprising that she has so many mental hang-ups about not disappointing ultra-orderly Celestia. In any event, Organized Chaos is a great little piece!

      #1 is charming... is that a bionic pony?

      #4: My... what has Twilight been doing to get that ruffled?

      #11: The fans will just not let poor Rarity dry off, it seems. Not that I'm complaining.... it's still a cute look. And those are some killer eyelashes.

      #12: Trixie should totally add a puppet show to her act. You can't hate on puppets.

      #14: Awesome looking Celestia. I wouldn't argue with her.

      #16: Absolutely gorgeous. I love this one.

      #17: Interesting. I don't know what kind of statement the artist is trying to make, and it's an odd subject juxtaposition to me... but it's a good image, and if it works with his/her faith then more power to them.

      #18 Very cool use of color on black.

      #24: I've seen the Tron Applebloom before, and it still makes me chuckle.

      #25: Cool Tarot design.

      #28: Love the linework on this one!

      #30: No idea what this is about, but I like the style and the absurdity of it.

      It's a really nice collection of pony portraits overall, and there will be plenty of options for illustrating EQD posts from this batch. Nice job to all the talented artists!

    23. Wow, it is up. Can't get a good eye for the detail at that size though. Ah well, I'm just glad it was posted.

    24. #1: Beautiful colors for a beautiful pony. I also love the look Angel is giving to the other pony on the ground.

      #6: The muted colors really add to the foreboding atmosphere of this drawing, as Luna looks around, wary but determined.

      #10: It's hard for me to put a finger on it, but there's something about this drawing that really seems to capture Derpy's spirit.

      #12: Dance, puppets, dance!

      #14: Why don't we have more pictures of Celestia looking impressive and badflank? Love the tendrils of flame trailing off her mane, tail, and horn.

      #20: Terrific lighting, and a perfect depiction of Rainbow Dash as a young filly.

      #21: I love impressionism, and this drawing certainly hearkens back to that style. Celestia's interest in a single flower, her attention so focused she disregards how askew her crown is, hints at an interesting backstory for work. Maybe my favorite drawing of the night.

      #23: And sometimes it's nice to just have a silly drawing. All sorts of wonderful details lurking in this organized chaos, but my favorite is the expressions on the Celestia and Luna "figurines" on his desk.

      #25: The artist has actually planned on ponifying all the major arcana for a tarot deck; it looks promising so far.

      #26, #27: A pair of simple portraits that capture their subjects well.

      #31: Very nice style in this drawing, even if, as has been pointed out, the artist got the tail colors and cutie mark flipped. Has anyone made a Rainbow Dash cheat sheet to help guard against getting those details wrong?

      And I may ramble on about #17, so let me break it out into a separate comment...

    25. @Prince Shadowblaze

      Luna (which I assume that is based on the address tags) doesn't seem to be crucified there... her legs drape over the cross and she's looking out over the top of it.

      So while I'd say it was combining Christian images with angelic-seeming ponies, I don't know that I'd say it was ponifying Christ.

    26. #2 - So Dash is a Green Lantern that also draws on the powers of Fear, Envy, Hope, and Rage.



      #3 - If Twi had to choose between her parents and Tia, Joker warehouse style, I think we all know who she's saving.

      #7 - Black Bart cut the ears off of ppl that didn't listen. ARE YOU LISTENING?


      #9 - JohnJoseco pony drawings should be used as PsyWar weapons in the War on Terror.

      #14 - NO ONE MARE SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POWER......lololol yep I'm usin that one on OnlyBuilt4PonyLinx.

      #19 - Already printed out and placed inside Sethisto's wallet.

      #23 - "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but we don't think you're a 'team player' and we can't have that in the Discord Wireless family..."

      #24 - ME GUSTA. *starts blasting Daft Punk - The Game Has Changed*

      #25 - want pony tarot deck nao. Even tho it's devil's magic like the 700 Club sez.

    27. I have seen #9 wayyyy back in summer when i discovered the pony challenge. I'm surprised it hadn't been posted until now

    28. #1: dawwww
      #3: dawwww again
      #5: daaaaawwwwwwwwwww
      #6: Badass
      #7: More badass
      #8: dawww
      #9: daaaaawwwwwwww
      #10: And again, dawww
      #11: Nice shading. She looks beautiful.
      #14: Majestic, i'd say
      #16: Pretty cool
      #17: Awesome
      #18: Kickass
      #19: dawwwwww
      #20: dawwwwwww
      #26: Adorable (dawwww is getting repetitive)
      #27: Nice Gilda there
      #28: Badass and kickass
      #30: lolwut
      #31: lolwut #2
      #32: Beautiful

    29. @Prince Shadowblaze
      While the artist hasn't been specific with what he means with this drawing, I don't think that was his intention. Quoting from his Deviant Art comment:

      "Sometimes you don't plan or devise a picture but just see it - in the clouds' swirls, random patterns of a crappy wallpaper, or in the glimpse of light and shadow on the table of a cheap cafe, in the airport, at the end of all roads. No ideas behind, no meanings, no sense - you just see it and feel the urge to paint."

      I absolutely love the composition of this piece, and the use of shadow and light to define forms while obscuring details. On technical merits alone, this is a stunning piece of fanart.

      Emotionally, of course, things are more complicated, given the iconography in this image. Full disclosure: I am a Christian, so you should read my comments about this drawing with that in mind. I don't support bringing real-world religion into Equestria, actually, but for a stand-alone drawing like this, I think it's a valid way to raise questions and address ideas. There've been a couple of comments on dA talking about how this drawing suggests to them that Luna is searching for something or somepony, and that much I agree with; given the artist's comments on the picture, I think any further meaning in the clouds and the cross is supposed to be left to each individual viewer.

      Part of me wants to declare this the best drawing in a Drawfriend since WhiteDiamonds' Octavia, but another part of me says that's because I'm too close to the subject matter. Still, it is a haunting, thought-provoking image.

    30. though i love all the pictures ( for the most part) i think #17 should have been left out.

      yes ponies are amazing and should take over basically everything, but i don't think that one is right.

      being a christian and all, i just think that it's a little offending.

      ANYHOOF, great pictures!

    31. I'm especially liking #3 #11 and #26 out of this set xD

    32. on 23: for the embodiment of chaos, discord has one tidy desk, doesn't he?

    33. the trixie cuteness, the discord awesomeness, the twilestia sweetness, the sweetie pan parodyness....I cannot contain my joy!

    34. #25 discord is of the Major arcana Devil. As I'm listening to the reincarnated music of persona 4, I want persona ponies NOW!

    35. Fluttershy's wings look like marijuana.

    36. If by 'best pony' you mean 'most irritating', of course. Everyone should know by now that Rarity is forever the best pony! ^^

      But goodness, I never get bored of Rarity with straight hair...

    37. 4: Cup of joe. Morning hair. Longing stares. Implied something or other.

    38. @Peter
      Maybe that's the reason for the super saturated colors and the neon Rainbow Dash.

    39. 25: Dude, I want to see a whole deck of those...

    40. Suddenly my Gilda is very out of place...

    41. #24 is an ENTIRELY appropriate crossover, considering the last episode. Sheer brilliance.

    42. Don't ruin Ponies with religion ,bro.

    43. Eh, too tired for a ridiculously long comment from me in this Drawfriend I'm afraid. I know, I'm sure you're all very sad. Lmao. Awesome pony arts as always across the board. Though I particularly like...

      #12 Which is utterly adorable. Best puppet master next to Discord. Encore! <3

      #23 Organized Chaos. lol Love the little Luna and Celestia dolls. Oh, and the cotton candy tree raining chocolate rain. "Chaos." "Yup. More choas." Haha.

      #24 Because Tron.

      #30 Poor Hornbutt. I genuinely feel sad for her. :( But it's still kinda funny. I'm sure the horn can be used for other things back there too, right? *nudge nudge, wink wink* Sorry. lol

      So yeah. In conclusion... yay art. Huzzah! <3

    44. About religion and ponies:

      I think that the artist of #17 -- by giving his piece the title "End of all roads" -- meant his piece to be respectful and solemn.

      Far more solemn and respectful than, say, Aslan of Narnia.

    45. Inb4 rage over #17

      Though, just for the record, my first impression was to see the cross as a sign of death (As in, a literal cross used for crucifixion) and, though I'm not quite sure that's what the artist intended, I do feel like that symbolizes Luna well.

    46. #17 goes against the first commandment in a way, IF that's what it's trying to be

    47. Seth, never has the truth been spoken so well. Hang in there Shy, you'll get an episode soon enough. :P

    48. About #17... First off, she's clearly not being crucified. Second, the cross wasn't originally a Christian symbol - it's an astrological one. It's a constellation. Heck, the Romans didn't even use crosses like that. They looked more like a capital "T." That cross was taken by the Catholic Church to help bring in the pagans by using symbolism they knew and respected.
      The artist never stated an intention for it to be a religious symbol. If you gain some religious inspiration from it, fine. Good for you. That's what art's about. But don't allow yourself to become offended by your own assumptions, especially when they are made without any sort of confirmation. Most things aren't meant to be offensive and should not be taken that way. It detracts from your ability to gain from a beautiful piece of art such as this.

    49. @Stalking_z0mbie
      Yes i agree with you
      While i agree that this painting is beautiful, it kinda goes against the 1st commandment. While i agree art is about free expression, i think making this pony attacthed to the symbol of our god is offending. That is my opinion.

    50. http://us.akinator.com/ -- He's a bigger brony than I am -.-

      (it's a site where a genie guesses characters, he's really good. I haven't beaten him yet haha)

    51. @Prince Shadowblaze

      Crosses have been used in "gothic" settings in popular art and media for a long long time.

      I'm not the artist but my guess would be (with the play on shadows and all the dark coloration) an attempt at creating a gothic and moody piece; not to imply that Luna was your Christ.

    52. You'll only be offended by 17 if you look at it as an offensive picture. Look at it as a non-offensive picture that's not trying to take any jabs at religion or anything silly like that and it's a great, artistically entrancing little image.

    53. 3. Dawww.

      5. Sweetie Bell makes an adorable Peter Pan.

      9. Cool,somepony finally colored this.

      19. Trixie is pretty cute when she is asleep.

      26. Derpy and muffins. Classic.

      27. A very nice pic of a not so nice character.

    54. @jacobrowe37
      Fun game; he got Horace Horsecollar in 30 questions and Derpy in only 15, though I stumped him with Apathy Kat.

    55. I tried it and it guessed all of the characters which were:

      and even meat boy

    56. TwiDash shipping back in full swing!

      #4 - "So, how's the hot cocoa?" "I don't know. Why don't you come over here and find out?"

      #13 - These Rainbow Dash flying with Twilight pics make me want to listen to A Whole New World from the Aladdin soundtrack. I wonder if we could get their voice actresses to do a version XD

    57. You've got to be kidding me. Give me a freaking break. I've posted this on Facebook already. Maybe it should go here as well.

      "Religion. Stirring up bullshit since, well, ever."

      Not all of us have religions. Not all of us have YOUR religion. And not all of all us believe in the "Thou shalt not" this and thats.

      I'm already cheesed off at the general trend of fundamentalist Muslims getting butthurt over people drawing an imagery of Muhammad, no matter the context in which it was drawn. I didn't come to Equestria Daily expecting to see that same level of holy roller aggrandizing.

    58. I tried wrapping my head around #23, but I just can't, so I decided to just laugh hysterically at it instead.

    59. #23 is great, love every little detail in that office.

    60. 23 and 30 made me lol :D
      17 was very deep, it's all about perspective

    61. I don't know why I exactly I like #23 so very very much, but I really do.

    62. #3 Nice to see Twilight just getting the affection she constantly craves from Celestia.

      #17 Um... Huh. Moving along, then...

      #19 Man, I keep hoping for Trixie to come back. One episode, and yet she made such an impact. Oh, and the drawing's really cute, too.

      #23 This just makes me smile, and yet I'm not entirely sure why.

      #24 I likes me an Apple Bloom and I likes me a TRON reference. Now I just have to wait for someone out there to draw the comic for me.

    63. #7 source: http://rofldoctor.deviantart.com/art/Captain-Pip-268976308

    64. @pmcollectorboy I think you're overstating the reaction here a bit.
      There's no vitrol no venom spewed about that picture.

      Quite frankly I love the piece

    65. While I would love to leave a fabulously lengthy comment on these artworks this evening, apparently my typing is keeping my brother up at the moment and so I shall refrain. There is a lot of lovely here tonight though, and I also really like the TwiDash piccie (#13) despite the fact that I'm pretty neutral on that pairing... that artist's style is just so endearing to me and Twilight looks seriously adorable in my opinion.

    66. At least someone kept me in mind. Thank you for 27.

    67. @Multiversity

      I agree, Discord is awesome ^^
      Im not religious, but religion should be left apart...
      To avoid trouble...

    68. Clicking on source 4, I was not expecting to see what I did when I went to the blog's homepage... yeah, warning to all you other ponies, it's definitely 18+ stuff there. O.o

    69. #23. Ha, I get it! Organized chaos! Priceless!

    70. I understand that some of you arn't Christian! But this is my opinion about this piece of art. I know about the gothic stuff and the cross wasn't origionaly my god's symbol. whoever made 17 yes it is a great piece, but i don't support it in my life. P.S. the whole reason this "religious" stuff came up is because of us Christian's judment. I am sorry if my talk about Jesus offended you and I will drop the subject.

    71. @Prince Shadowblaze
      As I said earlier, each person will have to decide on the meaning of #17 for themselves. I obviously disagree with you about its meaning, but I will respect your interpretation of it. I just ask that you understand that the artist did not intend for it to represent Luna replacing God, nor for it to cause offense for any other reason.

    72. jodyjim13
      I completly understand what you are saying. It just shocked me for a while there.

    73. I don't think the artist wanted to make luna replace god either. The art just shocked me for a while there. thank you for your understanding jodyjim13

    74. @pmcollectorboy

      I am NOT offended by discourse, including religious discourse. I am Christian. I openly admit that, and am proud to say so!

      As I said, I'm not afraid of speech. I welcome it in fact, but I find your comments to be a bit dubious. Quote: "I'm already cheesed off at the general trend of fundamentalist Muslims getting butthurt over people drawing an imagery of Muhammad, no matter the context in which it was drawn. I didn't come to Equestria Daily expecting to see that same level of holy roller aggrandizing". Really? Statements like "It kinda goes against the 1st commandment", "Attaching this pony to a symbol of God is offending", "I think #17 should have been left out", or "Being a Christian, I just think that it's a little offending" is in your eyes, the same level of "holy roller aggrandizing" as Islamic extremists that call for the murder of cartoonists or commit terrorist acts... I'm open to discussion, but that just screams parasprite. I mean... REALLY???

      What I see in your words, is simply a person who defines themselves as an obligate atheist, and is offended at the very concept of religion in general. You seem to be offended by the fact that people with religiously derived opinions of their own have chosen to cross your line and openly subject them to you on a forum that you are viewing. They do have the right, you know.

      Some people have been offended by this image. It is their right to say so, just as the anti-saucy and anti-grimdark have the right to say how much those things offend them, or how they feel it tarnishes the fandom's public image. Just as you have the right to say religion bothers you, but I'm still gonna call out that one line as trollin'. Good God, dat be sum trollin'!

      I did many a double take on this image. It took me a while to even come to terms with how I defined it. It's beautifully rendered. I viewed the source to get the artist's thoughts and inspiration. I chose, despite my initial apprehension, to learn what it was about, and make an informed decision. Ultimately, it appears to be more inclined toward a general theme of abstraction or emergent imagery. The artist mentions climbing toward hope, and to most of the world, the cross represents hope, peace, rest, relief of our burdens... I can accept that. In that sense, the image does not offend me... In the religious sense, one can say they reach out to allow our crosses to be taken from us, to be spared from those burdens. That's what redemption is about. To a Christian, Jesus took it upon himself to bear all of our crosses, and to give us all hope.

      The character Luna had one hay of a cross to bear, and she was relieved of that burden. In that sense, I see the image as a beautiful melding of a character who was desperately in need of a redemption, with a Christian symbol of redemption. In my interpretation, she is reaching out for that redemption, seeking to have her burden, her cross, taken from her.

      Finally, to those who do not see hope, but an implement of pain and torture in the cross... The cross is a symbol. It represents hope and redemption to much of the world. Even among those who are not Christians, many can recognize the symbolism, even if it's not part of their own beliefs, as they are capable of perceiving what it means to others, who place greater meaning in it.

      We are not Romans, and we don't crucify people on crosses anymore. It stopped being a device of torture and death.

      It seems to me, the only people who continue to place such negative symbolism on the cross tend to be those who refuse to acknowledge the validity of the religious symbolism others place on it. You need not believe in what a symbol represents to understand it's meaning, or even to accept it's general meaning.

      Like I said, the Romans have been gone a LONG time.

    75. @richfiles
      "is in your eyes, the same level of "holy roller aggrandizing" as Islamic extremists that call for the murder of cartoonists or commit terrorist acts... "

      Whoa whoa. Context. Not all Muslims get offended at depictions of Muhammad, and most Muslims don't get offended at that kind of level, nor did I ever say they did, but it is a general trend among the religion, and it annoys me to no end, as a supporter of free speech.

      Looking back, I realize nobody ever called for its removal, so that's my fault, but I don't believe in a right not to be offended, or at least to verbalize that desire not to be offended and demand it be catered to. As an atheist, I see no shortage of billboards rife with false dichotomies of "where art THOU going after thou art dead?" and attacks on evolution and pamphlets deriding "the godless". But I turn my head and move on.

      I realize there's a balancing act to be had, but the mantra of "The right to swing my fist stops short of another person's nose" is a good one to be followed.

      Yeah I have a problem with religion. I have a MAJOR problem with religion. But that's a debate for another area. This is an area for the enjoyment of art. If I had as big a problem with the concept of religion and religious symbols as you say, I would've asked for the removal of the artwork as well, but here I am defending its right to remain.

      Most of the comments against it were benign and not at all contentious, but one in particular struck me as neurotically possessive, and that was the one I leveled my complaint against without picking out names. Oh yeah. And the whole Ten Commandments thing, but maybe that was overreaction.

      So wow. Me a troll? Really? They must've changed the definition around here. I wasn't trying to be troll-like at all.

      Whatever. I'm done with this post. Religion brings out sick discussions. You're a proud Christian and sound like a reasonable one. I'm a proud atheist and trying to avoid having his head cut off. Que sera sera.

      Now let's go back to worshiping ponies.

    76. @pmcollectorboy

      Woah Nelly! Hold yer horses pardner! Ah ain't tryin' t'offend ya none. Hear me out.

      The comment you made referencing negative reactions (of the pained bottom variety) in regards to the depictions of Muhammad really only do call up one thing in my mind. The extremists that called for harm upon that newspaper cartoonist, or made threats leading to Comedy Central censoring South Park, or threatened any publication that reprinted the famous cartoon that got this mess in the news.

      Nothing more, nothing less.
      I was not generalizing Muslims at all.

      I specifically referred to "Islamic extremists", and not Muslims in general. You used the "secularized" version, the more PC terminology "fundamentalist Muslim". I only went in the direction I did due to the notoriety of the news you brought up... At least that's the ONLY thing I thought of when I read your comments. What else did you think it could remind people of?

      The claim that the prior comments here were "that same level of holy roller aggrandizing" while bringing up something that notorious was undeniably a HUGE claim, even if it wasn't your intention, it was the most obvious interpretation. No offense, but I had to put up my suspension of disbelief field to even comprehend that statement! Also google... google helped. Had to look up aggrandizing, I'll admit. :)

      aggrandize: To enhance the reputation of something or someone beyond what is justified by the facts.

      I'm sorry if I misunderstood, in the case of if you were leaning in a different intended direction with your comment. It's just that the comparison seemed inherently skewed to bring up that particular event. That was the detail that seemed simply too unbelievable to be compared to the comments here for me to not believe there wasn't at least some degree of subconscious trollage embedded within it's synaptic origin. ;)

      I really do not mean to offend you in any way. I too am just sharing my opinions. Your comments just happened to bring out more opinions from me than the picture did! :D
