Daily life in Ponyville edition!
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Thats our kloudmutt right there, saucy Alley Way in 10 seconds flat.
Saucy Alley Way
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Awesome stuff. Doctor Whooves most excellent.
ReplyDeletethat saucy ain't saucy. just implies. <_<
ReplyDeleteYay a drawfriend
ReplyDeleteGreat drawfriend! Love #2
ReplyDeleteHmm, so BlackGryph0n posted Grumpalee. I knew he would...
ReplyDelete#26: Oh Celestia!!! Run Lyra, run! It's the SMOOZE!!!
ReplyDeleteDAVROS PONY!!!!
A Davros pony, there's something I haven't seen before.
ReplyDelete#7: Clearly, Discord it the reason our educational system is broken. Where are magical ponies with powers to harness rainbows and harmony when you need them?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete#25: Smoking is bad for you, its not cool at all. Two of my grandparents died from smoking related health problems.
ReplyDelete#7 reminds me of 1984
ReplyDeleteSo much win in the drawfriend post today!
ReplyDeleteGood drawfreind, also happy 70 mil.
ReplyDeleteDavros is best pony
ReplyDelete6- It was only a matter of time.
ReplyDelete7- 'The cake is-' <Icwatudidther
8- I predict an influx of Twispike shipping.
11- Fluttersanta is best Santa.
15- Appletira is best Tira.
The moment I saw Applebloom flying with her tail, I knew she was going to put Tails out of business.
ReplyDelete3#: Rarity, two things: 1. Are your hooves made of iron? 2. Everypony knows not to dig straight down!
ReplyDeleteLOLOL. 40% of these are like WTF? So many good artists though.
Ha, Tails.
ReplyDeleteWHY do I find Fluttershy as Shaggy HILARIOUS?
ReplyDelete#37 Somehow I don't think Rainbow Dash likes being the team pet.
ReplyDelete#6 #8 I'm guessing Twilight's now taking Rarity's memes... oh and SPIKE HAS A CRUSH ON TWILIGHT *holds mouth*.
#28 FTW!!
ReplyDelete#2 - ....are those panties?
ReplyDelete#6 - fuck it, let's just all wear our hair down like Fluttershy
#7 - This is what most of my teachers were like. After I was done with them.
#8 - LET THE CLOPFICS...........BEGIN.
#11 - There's no Christmas in Equestria, but there IS a Ramadan...
#14 - Hey, here's a thought: Just KILL one of the fucking Element bearers instead of all this other bullshit. Teleport in, AVADA KEDAVRA, Teleport out. Done, 1,000 years of eternal night, good luck surviving without photosynthesis flankholes.
#15 - I remember when Soul Calibur was cool.
#16 - lol @ signing ur work but still being anonymous
#17 - ...she was spying on the Japanese.
#18 - Hey, shouldn't her lips be cherry red? LAAAAAAWDY MASSA
#19 - How is this saucy again? This would be image #1 if it were Trixie. Hey, don't forget to build up this ridiculous fanon backstory for this background character everypony! Extra points if you write fics where she either murders or fucks Rainbow Dash!
#20 - y eyes so small ._.
#26 - WHO WANTS A HUG? ^_^
#33 - Generations is cool, but its still R.I.P SEGA far as I'm concerned. CAREFUL NINTENDO OR YOU'RE NEXT....
#35 - Awesome *without* the pony.
#36 - She got that wound from garroting somepony in the bathroom. Whattup Boardwalk Empire fans! *POP*
#37 - Ohhhhhhhh. I see what u did there.
we shud have a more in depth clelestia episode, jst sayin
ReplyDelete9# made my little black heart bigger for a little while :)
ReplyDelete16 is awesome
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen many Diablo 2 crossovers :D
#7 is awesome
ReplyDeleteDiscorded Cheerilee fails at math. 20% cooler in fractions is NOT 1/5 cooler. It is 6/5. 100%+20% extra equals 120% or 6 parts of 5.
ReplyDelete"Remember to pass notes"
"The cake is a lie"
00:00.10 = faster than the average reaction time
hmm. let's see. my favorites were 2, 15, 25, and 32.
ReplyDeleteand 2 reminds me, can we get a straight shipping tag for us ponie who don't want to read stuff about how Twilight ended up falling in love with Pinkie Pie or something?
How has no one commented on #35 yet? That shit's intense.
ReplyDeleteWAAYYYYYY too much sauce in the drawfriend...
ReplyDeleteAnd if I have to define what the sauce is, we have a problem...
3) Every Minecraft player has been there.
ReplyDelete33) HA!
36) Broken leg, or just sporting that bandage look?
ReplyDeleteSomeone make a Hungarian version of this stat!
Poland and Hungary, brothers forever!
#1: Another of Stinkehund's excellent series of scenes from a day in Ponyville. While the artist seemed less than happy with the lighting in this drawing, I think the soft sunrise colors turned out quite nice. I look forward to the last picture in the series, showing the sun setting in the background.
ReplyDelete#2: A tiara topped with a bon-bon; cute idea. These two are charming as usual.
#7: Discorded Cheerilee is quite amusing; there's some funny stuff on the blackboard behind her.
#9: Polish bronies know how to put together promotional art.
#11: Santa's cutest helper.
#12: I'm happy to see more fanart of Sapphire Shores, and I love her costume and the resultant title of the drawing.
#17: I love the colors on this drawing, as well as Apple Bloom's look of determination. I don't know why, but I'm reminded of Porco Rosso...
#18: Zecora seems to love Nightmare Night. I really like the lighting in this drawing.
#23: Is there a reason she's sometimes called Roseluck, instead of Rose? (Granted, I much prefer the name Roseluck...)
#24: This is so random; I love it!
#27: Two Cheerilee drawings in one Drawfriend? I like it.
#30: Terrific crossover drawing; that's pretty much exactly how I'd expect "Davhorse" to appear, and I love the expressions and body language of all the characters, especially Derpy. Tonight's favorite.
#34: A terrifically happy and bright drawing of Fluttershy, looking so cute in flight. This drawing is all but guaranteed to cheer anyone up, at least a little bit.
#35: From the thumbnail, I thought this was another pony drawing place in a RL photo. Makkon did a marvelous job on the setting here; like Twilight, I'd love to walk among these rock and just study them.
#37: One of the funniest crossover pics I've seen in a while; of course Twilight Sparkle would be Velma Dinkley, but the other casting is oddly appropriate too.
I'm getting sick of all of these OC ponies.
ReplyDelete#12 - Haven't seen Sapphire Shores around for some time, quite nice to have here.
ReplyDelete#13 - I really like the expression Octavia has. Seems so tranquil.
#15 - Apple Bloom looks like she's dislocated her hips just a little, but otherwise smiling too 'cause I was thinking the same the instant I saw the loop-dee hoop.
#19 - Perhaps only with ponies does adding clothes consistently run congruently with increases in saucy-iosticity-esqueness. Still, this one isn't so much saucy as flirty. Nice pic.
And yes, you can play with my ball. Just as soon as Celestia is done with it in #24. Also a nice image.
#28 - favourite of the lot, and I adore quite a few of these. Drawfriends. yay. woohoo.
#20 - amazing use of grayscale, though if I can be see callous as to criticise... their faces look a just a little feline to me. All the same, a nice pic to keep looking at.
Unknown to the class, hidden behind Cheerilee's head is a request to divide by zero.
ReplyDeleteGuess there's a problem then; I saw only one picture behind a saucy link and it wasn't even that bad... and it was behind a link.
Other than that I didn't see anything else I'd consider saucy even by the most PG of standards.
and no one mentioned that rainbow dash lost her wings on #9?
ReplyDeleteI haven't checked on that Allie drawing because, well, I've given up on pics hidden behind saucy links, but otherwise I didn't see anything here I'd label saucy, and only a couple of pics that could be called saucy if looked at in a certain frame of mind. So, um, where's the problem?
Not to be cliche, but Twilight-with-Rarity-hair is very close to best pony (if only because of their similar hair.) ;-]
ReplyDeleteOC ponies? Well, that blue pony in #16 may be an OC, kinda hard to tell; #25 looks like an alternate-universe Big Macintosh, though without a source link I can't say for sure; and #22 is based on a toy that probably hasn't appeared in the cartoon, which doesn't really make it an OC, though it's easy to understand why someone could think that. So, um, where's the problem?
Lately, a lot of ponies, including the animators, have been flipping the colors of Rainbow Dash's tail... maybe she really does have it colored.
ReplyDeleteGranny Smith as Davros kicks ass!
ReplyDeleteSpeccyssys sorta took over the drawfriend tonight. No complaining though!
ReplyDeleteThat #35.... Makkon is quite the amazing artist, artistically AND musically!
ReplyDeleteBy that argument it would be 120% cooler in the first place... think about it. 20% cooler= 120% as cool as the original. 1/5 cooler= 6/5 as cool as the original. Discorded Cheerilee succeeds, and you are sent back to MAGIC KINDERGARTEN.
#2: D'aww Lyrabon. Cute drawing!
ReplyDelete#13: Cutetavia!
#14: Yikes! This Nightmare is scary!
#30: The continuing adventures of The Doctor and Derpy always cheer me up. So adorable.
#32: As do the continuing adventures of Dashie and the Wonderbolts. Spitfire being a dear and giving Dashie a shot at her dreams and a group of heroes to hang with is one of my favorite parts of the canon.
Fun stuff. I just can not believe how fabulous our brony artists are these days.
#7 is gold.
ReplyDeleteAnd #33 is on my desktop.
ReplyDeleteWhere it will reamin until the next drawfriend, or longer, with luck.
nice stuff! :)
ReplyDeleteWow. Tails -- a Sonic character -- made it into a Drawfriend, and no one has bitched about it yet. Impressive.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there's yet hope for fanfic crossovers as well.
#9 Nice foreshadowing.
ReplyDelete@Block Comment
ReplyDeleteSo I fail at semantics, not math then?
#1 Oooh, another one of these pics. I love them, the scenery and just feel of them is so nice. Nice deep and rich colors.
ReplyDelete#2 D'awwwww, that's sweet. Literally. There's candy on the tiara. <3
#3 Goodness, Rarity is playing Minecraft.
#4 A Chevelle SS, awwww yeah! Great old muscle car. <3 And the ponies as mechanics working on it? I'm more than okay with this. :D
#6 Dem wet ponies and manes. Yes, Twilight. You look lovely with your mane down too. lol
#7 Simplify 1! Discord'd Cheerilee... I bet she's a pretty strict teacher. Glad I'm not in her class.
#8 Totally a new meme. Spike crushing on Twilight now with Rarity's hairdo. Tis funny. Twilight doesn't seem to think so, but that only makes it just that more humorous. <3
#11 Santashy! I love Christmas even more now. Especially if -she's- the present. lol <3
#12 I kinda liked Sapphire Shores design too. It's a shame she's only made one appearance. I love this too, especially the Beatles outfit. The fanon-named character Soigne Folio's outfit always reminds me of The Beatles outfits too. It's what you'd call "vintage". ;)
#13 It's always Octavia time. ;)
#14 Whoa, Nightmare Moon's teeth... scary. She bites you and you'd know it!
#15 I dunno why, but I love this piece. And I haven't even played Soul Calibur. lol But it's awesome and I love the pose.
#16 Wow. I dunno if this is reference to anything, I'm sure it is, but it's pretty cool. Awesome monster designs. :D
#18 Slightly creepy Zecora is slightly creepy.
#19 I just KNEW this character was going to have saucy pics of her drawn in absolutely no time with how many Bronies seemed to be fawning over her character design. lol And that painfully obvious pun. D'oh! Though... ball? As in only -one-? I'm so sorry... XD
#21 Oh no, Pinkie busted through my monitor screen... again...
#24 And then Celestia joined the circus.
#25 So, while I was looking at this one trying to figure out what Big Mac was... a punk, etc. A friend looking over my shoulder says to me "he's more like a sub". /facepalm!
#26 Wat? Lmao. I love this one. You have to see the entire two panel piece. Hilarious. XD
#27 Aww, adorable. Good Birthday for whoever Kyle is. :3
#28 Awesome armor suit. Fluttershy brings out the nature lover in everyone with her cuteness.
#29 Dang, RD wields a pretty big blade. But of course, it is RD. lol
#30 More simply awesome Dr Who crossovers. Dinky will rush in and save them, you'll see! :D
#32 What are the chances of the Wonderbolts dressing up in Shadowbolts costumes too? :P Best Halloween for RD evar.
#33 I'm sure there were A LOT of Bronies thinking this when Applebloom took off.
#34 Aww, cute Fluttershy. Poor Angel is afraid of heights. I know that feel Angel. lol
#35 Wow, that looks great! The rocks and textures look very good.
#37 Hah, I love that RD is Scooby.
MLPonline? This is relevant to my interests.
ReplyDeleteNo, Rarity! You NEVER dig straight down! I don't care if you're standing on diamonds or dirt! NEVER!
Discorded Cherilee? Why has it taken so long?
The person who made Spike have googly eyes for Twilight needs to die. Sooner than later is preferable.
Happy Birthday, Kyle!
ReplyDeleteArgh! Seth! Get your arse off Skyrim and get rid of these damn captchas!
ReplyDeleteAnd while I'm at it, DON'T tell me how awesome it is. I picked MW3 and am kicking myself about it, so now's not the time to gloat.
#30 Wow that's on older Dr. Who character there...unless he's in one of the newer seasons which I've I haven't started yet. (on 3rd doctor)
ReplyDeleteCould be worse. You could be playing the new Ace Combat<---really hates AC.
Captcha: weads
Heh heh. Weeds.
#28 is my new favorite drawfriend picture.
ReplyDeleteJust now, I had a thought that they were going to make episode 14 season 2 a episode about boys being better than girls immorality by looking at 35, I don't know why...
ReplyDelete#7 - Whoa, I like this development of angry Cheerilee.
@ambion #28 - Thought you might. I was moved enough by this art piece while trawling through Deviant art's Fluttershy-fan group that I recommended on the original artist's behalf to this drawfriend.
ReplyDeleteAlso appropriate given we recently had Remembrance day and such.
#8 Yes, I knew people would start making pics for that part.
ReplyDelete#7 It has been far too long since we had a discorded pony, and Cheerilee is a great candidate.
ReplyDeleteHooves in the air edition! Don't belive me? Look, over half of them have a single hoof in the air.
ReplyDeleteIn #16 Scootaloo appears to be ascending to royalty! She shall now become Princess Chickenheart! ;D
And Davros Pony in #30. I knew it would come sooner or later. Or else I'd have to commission it myself. ;3
I can't believe no one said this about 24 (unless I missed someone)
ReplyDelete#24 - ARE YOU ON THE BALL!?
Alley Way?
ReplyDeleteI guess I shouldn't be surprised that she already has a name, but for some reason I still am.
@Alchat Me neither. Get on the ball!
ReplyDeleteAlso, #33 had me cracking up with laughter. Just Tail's and Apple Bloom's expressions!
ReplyDeleteFor only $19.95!
#19- Saucy Alley Way loaded slowly for me. Slow reveal made the joke tons better.
Anyone else notice her hair makes her look a lot like Vinyl Scratch's sister?
1. Has rather surreal feel to it.
ReplyDelete7. Quick! Somepony get this mare some coffee!
8. Spike? SPIKE. DOWN BOY!
11. Could bring cheer to even the grumpiest of Grinches.
14. Those teeth.
20. Very Nice.
24. Celestia seems to be having a tough time keeping her balance. Very cute.
25. A bad apple indeed.
31. Dawww. Rainbow Dash Edition.
@Baked Bad: "25. A bad apple indeed."
ReplyDeleteCan't believe it took this long for someone to come up with that pun...
#9 Look ma! No wings!
ReplyDelete#35 What?! Twi visited southern Utah and nobody told me?! I really missed out!
ReplyDelete#7 Lol! Best class ever!
ReplyDelete#11 Fluttershy is best Santa.
#12 Alright Sapphire Shores! Nicely detailed too.
#28 D'aaaaaaah.
#32 and #33 Haaah.
#34 Yay.
#37 When two great cartoons collide.
I actually tried responding to this Drawfriend about an hour ago, but my computer crashed. So as a much abridged version of my original post, I would just like to say that I think #16 is very nicely done, #35 is stunning in my opinion (I also thought this was a photo at first glance; truly fabulous work rendering the light and shadow here artist), and I found #37 to be far more entertaining than I probably should have. Overall, a lovely edition!
ReplyDelete#3 MINECRAFT reference, lucky rarity, you have gem detection
ReplyDelete#6 I think this is riding on the success of wet maned rarity.
#7 DISCOOOORD, that is all
#8 Ah, Spike buddy, isn't she like a sister to you?
#11 Adorable fluttersanta is adorable
#22 imma guess Emo/goth Big Mac
#28 How halo should have ended.
problem tails?
ReplyDeleteFor something to be 20% cooler, it doesn't first have to be 100% cool. Just 20% more then the initial percentage. Therefor, 1/5 (20%) can stand alone, and be added to whatever fraction, (or percentage) alluded to the initial amount of COOL! XD
ReplyDeleteI'm loving 35. Amazing scenery.
ReplyDelete#9 with wing http://stabzor.deviantart.com/art/Polish-Bronies-avatar-268973377
ReplyDelete#24 deserves a GET ON THE BALL.
ReplyDeleteNot feeling like my usual comment so:
ReplyDelete#7 Haha, Discorded cherilee is great.
#8 Oh dear Spike.
#13 I like how this ones been done and more Octavia is always good.
#17 I love the colours on this one.
#24 Oh...my. *embarassed*
#28 I love this one, the colouring on its great.
#30 Davros and Dr. Whooves, why was this not done sooner?
#35 This one is great, really well done.
Great drawfriend.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link! I've now downloaded the corrected version.
ReplyDelete"Good Birthday for whoever Kyle is. :3"
Thanks! Cheerilee's one of my favorite background ponies, so Speccy was awesome for drawing this for me! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! :D
here's #28's artist DA page. he's got some other cool stuff too!
Number 20 is awesome!
ReplyDelete#6: Is it my imagination, or does the longer hair make Twilight look older?
ReplyDelete#7: Discorded Cheerilee is going 1984 on her class?
#14: Nice and scary picture of Nightmare Moon.
#30: Pony Davros still looks a lot more human than most pony versions of characters. Must have something to do with the chair part of his design.