Games I need to play some day edition!
Have some art.
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Source 27 rubrony
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Source 38
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86 kommentaari:
Whoa! Really early edition! #1's pretty cool.
VastaKustuta@Jelfes And you are an early bird too.
VastaKustutaLol #15... I love this stuff.
VastaKustutaThat's because Jelfes is everywhere. Everywhere and nowhere at the same time. :3
VastaKustutaWhoa super early edition.
VastaKustutaI really like that sparkly Celestia!
VastaKustutaHeck Yes!
VastaKustuta*raises hand for incoming high-five*
#13 Dash in a maid outfit? Imokaywiththis.png
VastaKustuta#14 I've no idea what's going on here, but it looks like Derpy is not pleased.
#17 Daww
#28 Dawwww!
Draaaaawfriend. SOMEONE needs to do a Red Faction crossover.
VastaKustuta17!!! All my hugz Woona! You can has 'em allz!!!
VastaKustutaWhy Wub WOO!!! /)^ɛ^(\
Seriously... Woona in a free Hugz time stand made out of a cardboard box overshadows EVERYTHING in the Drawfriend... FOREVER!!!
VastaKustutaSuper early and super good. I really like this drawfriend, it has super cute.
VastaKustuta#3: I feel bad for discord, but it's also just so d'awww.
#8: Aloe and Lotus are a pretty adorable pair. Fun shared activities like this look great with them.
#9: Super squee. Good family fun.
#12 & 14: Derpy dates are the best dates. You don't see much Derpy shipping, but it is cute; I'll give it that. Derpydash is pretty adorable.
Well this was a wonderful drawfriend; I could say something about every. single. image but I would say so much that it would be tl;dr
Cupcakes Returns?
VastaKustutaAntipodes FTW
VastaKustutaGotta read that new chapter D:
Oh my gosh, #2 is a ponified Coco Bandicoot from the Crash Bandicoot series! I freaking LOVED those games growing up!
VastaKustutaAnother early drawfriends? Great Scott!
VastaKustutaAlso...OC edition?
#1 A very epic piece of work
#2 Cute, but I don't know who that is
#4 lol, pokemon and MLP
#8 Cute pic, glad to see those two make it into a drawfriends every now and then
#9 D'aww so cute to see Big Mac playing with his little sis. And I use to do the same thing he's doing as well. *manly tear*
#10 Thanks to the Brony community for introducing me to Doctor Who, I really this picture
#12 You don't see Rainbow/Derpy like this much, but it's adorable
#17 Such a different take on this. Luna with her hug rape face? I may want..
#23 very beautiful, once again..don't know who she is
#35 & #37 Such cute pictures of Sweetie and Rarity :)
Drawfriend before class? What a nice surprise.
VastaKustuta#6: Pinkie's using her own tail... how she doesn't feel pain from that is beyond me.
#10: Science and magic working together, that's new.
Surprised #12 wasn't featured before considering it's used for the fic "Decay".
VastaKustuta#13. wat
#1 Finally, some Alice McGee's Alice... now where's Twilight as the Cheshire cat?
VastaKustuta#13 Rainbow Dash in maid outfit... blushing with such a cheerful look on her face... this has provoked my emotions positively!
^^*American McGee's* lol, what was I typing?
VastaKustutaIs #1 meant to be DMC/the new Devil May Cry?
VastaKustutaDrawfriend Stuff #239: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww edition
VastaKustuta#13 What happened, Dashie? Didja lose a bet?
VastaKustuta#18 Makes sense.
#27 Oh no, Dashie's cutie mark is backwards!
#26 Dashie's cutie mark is not backwards! ...but HER TAIL IS! ARGH!
fuck yeah @ 17!
VastaKustuta#17 - Why Wuv Wu Woona! All my hugs, you have them!
VastaKustuta#27 - Gorgeous and epic! Love Dashie.
#37 - Just sweet and endearing. I love pics like that! /tear
What does pinkie think she is weaving?
VastaKustutainb4 sock
#2: Coco the Bandipony!? TAKE ALL MY MONEY.
VastaKustuta#1 - Very nice!
VastaKustuta#4 - It had to be done eventually.
#13 - I guess BraeDash is the new, hip ship.
#22 - Love the vibrant colors. RD is indeed 20% cooler.
#30 - See 22. Replace 'RD' with 'Celestia.'
#3, #6, #9, #12, #18, #35 and #37 - D'AWWWWW.
d'aaaahw :3.
great drawfriend! thanks! :D
Source link for #38 leads to #4
VastaKustutayay :D keepin it fresh
VastaKustutaAwwwww... Poor Discord.
#13 Cute Dashie is cute
VastaKustuta#32 Something about this stylization is awesome. Desktopped.
My god, so few people remembered American McGee's Alice. That game was epic! The first one, anyway. Never did play the second, got turned off by the bad ratings.
VastaKustuta1. Pinkmina in wonderland.
VastaKustuta2. Coco Bandipony, with wumpa fruit on the back of the computer.
3. Somebody needs a hug. Yes I in fact mean that Luna needs a second hug.
6. Pinkie and knitting... we're doomed.
8. Aloe and Verae, nice to see them enjoying some nice tranquil music.
9. Big Mac playing with Filly Jack.
12. Cute.
13. What bet did Dash lose this time?
14. Muffin queen is not pleased, give her the muffin. MOW!
15. That is so wrong... at least she's embarassed about it.
17. But I just gave you ten hugs an hour ago.
18. Firefly for Rainbow's mom anyone?
19. Nice and elegant as usual.
20. Not likely, Pinkie is the energizer bunny after all.
21. Pink Celestia and Pinkie Pie are almost indistinguishable from each other.
28. Isn't wet Rarity or straight haired Rarity becoming more of a common theme? Eh, I still prefer Fluttershy anyway.
29. In such a manner as seeing the forest for the tree's.
31. I really like this one, well made if a bit disheveled.
33. Trixie is also being filly sat by Fluttershy much to her consternation.
37. Funny it doesn't like Applejack and Pinkie.
#1 Very nicely done! I liked the game to :)
VastaKustuta#6 oh pinkie pie you always put a smile on my face X)
#20 i dawwwed :3
#26 so much speed!
#29 very beautiful scene ^_^
Dat Antipodes fanart
@Nicole G.I had a feeling that's what it was. Well, time for the other characters.
VastaKustutaYou messed up the source on #38... it's a duplicate of source #4.
VastaKustutaUm no, it's the actual chapter art. Pretty sure it was commissioned/requested by the author before the chapter went live.
These Drawfriends have been so early the last couple days. Guess Seth is getting into a new earlier routine with them now. :)
VastaKustuta#1 Huh, could have sworn this was already posted here a while back. But that's impossible looking at when it was uploaded. Must have been one close to it. I love these Wonderland pics with Pinkie. And the style is really good too.
#2 She's on an "Apple", of course. lol Also, "I'm on the ponynets!" Maybe her cutie mark means she's a computer technician. Least that's my guess.
#3 Awww, poor Discord. He needs some lovins too. I'd give him a hug. :(
#6 Hah, didn't even notice she was using her tail as yarn to knit with. Well... it does kinda look like some yarn, I guess. It's a simple mistake anyone could have made. :P
#7 Hmm, jokes, huh? Think I missed them. Unless this is a play off My Life As a Teenage Robot like that one commenter said. But I didn't watch that show much. Still, pony robots are cool.
#8 Awww, that's cute. Yay Aloe and Lotus. <3
#9 More cute. :>
#10 That is indeed a pairing I don't think I've seen before. Hah... witchdoctor. :P
#11 & 12 More d'awwwww. lol
#13 Dat story excerpt. lol Poor Braeburn. He's so lost and confused right now. And maybe just a little intrigued. ;)
#14 Well... that is certainly one of the more interesting pairings I've seen. A first for this particular one that I've seen too. :P I like Derpy's expression here. And she's wearing her mailmare outfit too. Cute. <3
#15 Bleh, more Applejack and Pinkie Pie shipping. lol Should I feel odd that the thought didn't even come to mind when apple pie was said in the show? :P
#17 Oooh, you know I can't say no to you widdle Woona. All my hugs are belong to you. <3
#18 D'awww, that little Dashie is just killing me with cuteness.
#20 Yet more adorable little filly ponies. Poor little Rarity though, awww. I hope she gets a turn soon. :(
#21 One of the best pink Celestia's I've ever seen. See? Not all pink Celestia's are all bad. lol
#22 Pretty cool design style with this.
#23 Oooh, very pretty.
#24 I really like the nice calm and tranquil feeling to this piece. Plus, awesome Zecora. :D
#26 Really kinda like this RD pic. Not absolutely sure why. lol Think bit has to do with the nice art style and the really adorable face she's making. <3
#31 I dunno. Looks like she either just woke up, or... yeah. Lawl I'm also taking into account the blushing. And she's wearing her crown. I don't know why she would be wearing her crown to bed. Unless she had a long night. Sorry, don't pay any attention to me over here. :P
#32 Cool slick style with this one, I like it.
#33 What I'm really curious about is what Applebloom could be possibly talking about to give Trixie such a shocked/surprised look on her face. And Scootaloo doesn't care much for any of this "namby pamby" stuff.
#35 & 37 And more cute pictures of the sisters of the week. lol Really, if you want this community to draw something, just stick it somewhere, anywhere, in the show. And chances are it'll get drawn. :P Sweetie Belle is being especially adorable in these. <3
#38 Believe this to be based off that fanfic. Which I've not read. lol But it's still a cool image. :P
VastaKustutaI hope I'm not alone when I say I WANT MORE BRAE BURN. He is the only male pony in the series who has any lines longer then a few sentences. He's more characterized then Big Mac even! He was plucky and cheery and why oh why have the fandom not deified him as the go to stallion for any ships or... well, anything?
Plus the hub basically made him the representative Brony Pony in the Equestria Girls Promo.
Oh wow, thanks for posting Grace (#23) again!
VastaKustuta#6: Is that how ponies knit? Wait... she's knitting her tail into a sock! O_o
VastaKustutaTwo early drawfriends in a row?
VastaKustutaThis... is.. IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Oh my lord this is good stuff. I can't remember a drawfriend this good.
VastaKustutaHurray for Big Mac.
VastaKustuta#1: I don't care for grim'n'gritty Alice in Wonderland or grim'n'gritty ponies, but this drawing is too good to be hampered by my personal tastes. Saved.
VastaKustuta#2: Coco Pony! Porting one of my favorite videogame characters into Equestria works out quite well, actually.
#4: I didn't know what the character on the left was until I checked the artist's comments, but this is a funny drawing nonetheless. :)
#7: It's about time someone spoofed that famous saying!
#9: I do like it, though canonically speaking, Big Macintosh shouldn't be that big if Applejack hasn't gotten her cutie mark yet.
#10: Now there's an interesting pairing; besides, you can never have too much Zecora. I wouldn't mind reading this as a fanfic, actually...
#11: I can totally see Apple Bloom and Braeburn doing this. Nice drawing, good job evoking the show's style.
#14: I'm not entirely certain what's going on with Derpy here, but it's still a funny drawing.
#15: More fallout from the "apple pie" metaphor...
#18: Speculating on Firefly as Rainbow Dash's mother? Works for me.
#20: So chibi-cute! Briskby scores again.
#22: I really love the wild style and bright colors of this Rainbow Dash.
#24: Very atmospheric drawing of Zecora at peace; I especially love the trees and the silhouetted grass and mushrooms in the foreground. Favorite of the night.
#26, #27: A pair of vibrant, dynamic Rainbow Dash portraits. It's always good to see characters in action shots or unusual poses.
#30: Wonderful use of color, especially in Celestia's mane and tail; I also like the angular, sketchy linework.
#31: You'd think Celestia would be more of a morning pony...
#32: Another strikingly stylized Rainbow Dash; this would be great for a t-shirt, cap, or button.
#34: Everyone wants to try on AJ's hat.
#35: I love the soft colors of this portrait of sisterly affection.
#36: Applejack in motion; she almost seems to have a twinkle in her eye here. Very appealing drawing.
#37: Another cute drawing of the sisters of the week. Rarity's eyes in this drawing are stunning.
#38: Now this is how you make a drawing for a fanfic.
#9 is best pony
I get the impression in No33 that Applebloom's just told Trixie something shocking about the coffee. My mind keeps throwing up the Blackadder-style situations:
VastaKustutaTrixie: The Great And Powerful Trixie thinks this coffee tastes like mud...
Applebloom: Oh, it is mud. Applejack keeps drinkin' all the coffee so we hadta improvise. Want some "sugar" in that?
*shocked face*
Who's the pony in the top hat in source 14??
VastaKustutaHe's my favorite background pony but no one seems to know who he is D;
VastaKustutaMust resist...cant... too cute... DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
If its a prank, Its Purely Priceless.
If its shipping, Its Surely Stupid. (I don't like shipping at all)
VastaKustutaI'm pretty sure it has been featured in a Drawfriend before, yes. Does this fanfic actually have Dash and Derpy in a relationship? o.O
@D. Shadows
VastaKustuta"18. Firefly for Rainbow's mom anyone?"
Well taken out of context the piece certainly lends itself to that interpretation. That said I know of one other piece of art that depicts Firefly as Rainbow's mom that was drawn by Little Tiger.
Certainly is a cute piece. What is it about Filly Dash that I find cuter than the other Filly ponies? Is it the spiky hair? Is it seeing the brash daredevil depicted as a wittle woobie? Either way, how the bottom of her eyes squint in that one really gets me.
And #33, well babysitting the Cutie Mark Crusaders does sound like a reasonable punishment to burden Trixie with for her hubris. :p
@Adam Crocker
VastaKustuta"That said I know of one other piece of art..."
"One other?" Bah. I should have typed, "only one". :p
VastaKustuta#7 is a spoof of (Arthur C.) Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
VastaKustutaTrust me, you're not alone. Braeburn's one of my favorite minor/one-shot characters.
I e-mailed a picture of Scootabelle the other day. Where would it be put? Drawfriend...?
VastaKustuta@Steve the Tramp
VastaKustutaAccording to the MLP:FiM Wiki, his name is Caesar. Granted, I think a lot of bronies have doubts about the names listed there now...
9, 35, 37 are all super heartwarming!
VastaKustutaThere's too much cuteness in this drawfriend!! /)^3^(\
VastaKustuta#17 I dunno, the way the words are painted, and that look on her face, it's kinda creepy.
VastaKustutaHow about a kiss instead?
I came for Alice, and stayed for the apple pie.
VastaKustutaLots of very cool AJ stuff... I approve, most heartily!
VastaKustuta#8 - I have always liked the Spa Twins
VastaKustuta#4 HA! I sent that artwork in yesterday! It's not mine, though, it belongs to Chu/Raizy. Check out her deivnatART page, it's full of great artwork!
VastaKustuta#9 and #20 are exceptionally cute imo ^^
VastaKustuta#17 Thanks for the heart attack
Is there anyone who doesn't like Sweetie? I mean, I know there are people out there who don't like the CMC as a group, but does anyone really dislike Sweetie? Because I just can't see how that's possible.
VastaKustutaHell, she even makes Rarity bearable for me.
#4 - It's official. Cobalion has entered the pony universe. Now we have to see a Ponymon League battle between Celestia and Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash wearing a cap.
VastaKustutai think this is the picture you are thinking of
#12 Why has no one thought of derpydash shipping? Some now has to write a story! NOW
VastaKustuta#13 was sort of my fault. Apologies, everypony. I didn't see it coming, either. But I'm so happy it did. ^_^;
...and wow, I'm also so happy to see pony fanart remains as adorable post-my hiatus as it was before I took it! I could stare at nearly all of these for hours.
Probably best to catch up on what I've missed, though.
1 and 6 cool.
VastaKustutaHmmm did I miss Drawstuff #239?
VastaKustutaMost of the Dash pics I liked except maybe 12.
10 just to say, "DON'T CROSS THE BEAMS!"
1. Not sure whats going on, but amazing none the less.
VastaKustuta2. We'll ponify anything.
8. I really like the spa spa ponies design. Very cute.
14. Humph, I say.
23. So elegant. So graceful.
24. A very peaceful scene.
27. Which way did they go?
29. Yay.
31. Go back to bed Celestia.
35. Dawww.
37. Sweet like apple pie.
10. Magic and Science together. What sort of madness is this? It really is friendship.
VastaKustuta7: Arthur C. Clarke. I love that quote.
VastaKustuta20. White Ponies Can't Jump.
VastaKustutaNumber 8, 12 and 28 are adorable :3
VastaKustutaHalf frickin adorable, half shipping edition.
VastaKustutaMAH FAVE GAME EVA!!!
Yay, love Drawfriend updates!
VastaKustutayes, i do eat muffins with spoons on my dates.
VastaKustuta#18 is adorable! I love seeing the Gen 1 ponies drawn in the Gen 4 style. Firefly as Dash's mom/mentor is so cute!