We have a whole mess of FiM merch out there, but aside from the new Lyra, Carrot Top, and Big Mac blindbags, nothing has really been specifically for our little unexpected demographic.
What kind of merch do you want to see pumped out in the 2012 My Little Pony toyline?
Do you want a line of villians from the show?
More background ponies?
Hit up the comments below and toss your two cents out!
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I want Discord.
ReplyDeleteBetter stuffed animals. Pleeeeeeeease. The Twilight plushie is just pathetic, and I love stuffed animals much more than figurines.
ReplyDeleteAn Applejack with her hat. Or a white Celestia.
ReplyDeleteFor things not there right now... plush! Haven't seen any official plush.
Imma making a card game XD
ReplyDeleteAlso show-accurate models and figures.
ReplyDeleteYES!!!!! I would also love to see Derpy Mail stamps
ReplyDeleteActually, yeah, I'm changing my vote for all things huggable.
ReplyDeleteLess shitty names.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Tylenol.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see more of the background ponies as brushable and/or blind bags. Villians would be cool.
ReplyDeleteObviously subtle toys wouldn't sell to investors, so I don't plan on seeing any "not-obviously-MLP" toys anytime soon. But they would be nice.
ReplyDeleteI'd by myself a show-realistic Derpy/Dinky plush in a heartbeat, though.
Call it simple, but i just want show accurate ponies. Plushie, PVC, whatever, just make 'em accurate.
ReplyDeleteAlso we need some full-sized PVC ponies. The blind bag ones were a great start, but they are kind of small.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind a Discord figurine, no. Really, I'd be happy just seeing him on a shirt.
ReplyDeleteOffice-appropriate cutie mark neckties.
ReplyDeleteMore keychains, including crystal versions of the rest of the Mane 6 besides the existing Pinkie and Dash.
But yeah, mostly a big fat +1 to the chorus of "show accurate Luna and Celestia!!!"
theres a reason really good plushies go for hundreds on ebay. hasbro should make their own really good ons.
ReplyDeleteEntire seasons in a DVD/bluray box-set.
ReplyDeleteAnd plushies I guess!
Moar Octavia!!!
ReplyDeleteShow accuracy.
ReplyDeletea full sized pony plushie would be so aus!!
ReplyDeleteHats like this:
I want:
ReplyDeleteA Gummy Plushie
Better Pony Plushies
Discord and Nightmare Moon merchandise
Show accurate accessories and Gala dresses (my 10 year old sister wants this too)
No more baby pony toys, they're scary.
I’d be interested in merch I can buy without feeling shitty about supporting the exploitation of Chinese factory workers.
ReplyDeleteAnd a Blu Ray Boxset
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI want... A pony in the 20$ to 50$ range.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not sure what that means either.
We need a white Celestia and a Luna that talks with THE REAL CANTERLOT VOICE, DOUBLE THE FUN! And a plushie of the butt fun dog that says "Secret butt fun!" when you push a button would be a must have. THE SECRET BUTT FUN HAS BEEN DOUBLED!
ReplyDeleteA big, huggable Fluttershy plushie. Life size.
ReplyDeletePrice is unimportant.
ReplyDeleteI want some good background pony merch. Honestly, the blind bags are okay but the colts look just plain awful and I'm not loving the recolored stuff. I would also love to have a Granny Smith toy and a decently made Big Macintosh (with his horsecollar and freckles if it's not too much to ask).
ReplyDeleteI've thought about it long and hard and the only thing I truely want is a serialized comic book of the show.
ReplyDeleteLike the one The Simpsons have. Sticks close to the show but does its own thing.
I want MLP figures at this level of quality. And I don't mean humanising them. But I would put down good money for a white Princess Celestia if it was of a high level of quality.
I want good quality show-accurate pony figures. Even if they come at a price.
ReplyDeleteAnd Scoot. More Scoot.
Scratch that. Applejack plushie.
ReplyDeleteI want to see more antagonist merch
ReplyDelete(Discord, Nightmare Moon, TRIXIE!!!!! etc.)
Hasbro should look at how the Japanese market does this, to be perfectly honest: high-quality figures and statuettes, possibly with limited supply.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a large investment on their part, yes, but returns would be huge; look at how much people spend on custom ponies. Nendoroids and figma sell out almost immediately.
I'll just wait for the DVD :-/
ReplyDeleteAND DVDs
Small, accurate plushies.
ReplyDeletePlushies. We need plushies. I can't hug a figurine, dangit!
This will never happen but I'd love a full collectors mini figures set with each pony having their own mold...
ReplyDeleteSomething Discord. Please. Anything. A toy, a shirt, a bumper sticker, a notebook. Really. I'd buy twelve of what ever they put out.
ReplyDeleteAnd Trixie because Seth works too damn hard to not get one.
@Dan Guitar-Guy Gaertner
Huggable stuff, like plushies. And a blu ray box set. Wouldn't mind posters as well.
ReplyDeleteEverithing, but just made it looks fine and decent to our audience, not crappy recycled toys.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I know that for being toys the actual merchandise is not bad, but for me, as a collectionist..yeas.
I would like something similar, if not equal, to what I see in the show. I do not think the hasbro would be good in doing this, maybe some third house? Where is mcfarlane toys? Less spawn, more ponies!!!
I'd like the labor to be done in America/Canada instead of in Chinese factories by 14-year-old girls...
ReplyDeleteer, I mean, show-accurate plushies please!
I'm considering doing pony glass engravings, but i would need to know if anyone would want to have something like that before I start... Feedback?
ReplyDeleteShow-accurate models. While plushies are ideal, they almost always turn out disproportionate and ugly unless they are handmade. I'd rather not take that risk.
ReplyDeleteA full soundtrack would be nice, too.
Plushies and show accuracy.
ReplyDeleteI'd buy a Pinkie Pie plushie. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteA plushy. I would swoon over a reasonably priced, show accurate plushy
ReplyDeleteI want a Philomina or Owlicious plushie, a big one
ReplyDeleteSHOW ACCURATE SHIT. They can make accurate complex working transformers figures, yet they struggle to create ponies that look remotely like the show.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I know it would never happen, but we need more OC plushies. I NEED A LIL'PIP ONE NOW GODDAMNIT.
ReplyDeleteI want to see ALL the (show accurate) characters in Plushy or model form.
ReplyDeleteI'd like pulshie of Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. Or one of Discord.
ReplyDeleteActually, just Discord. That would be sweet.
Pony stress squishy things. They appear to be made of basically the same stuff, just a little tougher. But a molded squishy pony would be the best stress relief ever.
ReplyDeleteI want a life size rainbow dash pillow.
ReplyDeleteWould help with my insomnia
Caused by ponies.
Show-accurate ponies with guitars that play Insomnium songs when you press a button.
What? The question asked what I wanted, not what I realistically wanted. =P Luna could play "Daughter of the Moon" and stuff! While we're on the topic of unrealistic stuff, I want a pony that, when you press a button, creates world peace.
Posters. Something like the Comic Con poster. Or simple ones with a single Cutie Mark on them. And, yeah some antagonist based merchandise would be nice. Maybe a statue? Or something like S.H. Figuarts?
ReplyDeleteA Fluttershy plushie
ReplyDeleteAlso give Fluttershy her own fricken blind bag mold, it's just insulting to make her a Rainbow Dash recolor.
A complete season 1 DVD boxset, nothing else.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so MAYBE a decent Rainbow Dash plush too.
And possibly Applejack.
That's all.
Show accurate figures without the awful and annoying hair. Just use plastic. And show accurate colors.
ReplyDeletePlushies Nuf' said
ReplyDeleteComplete Season 1 DVD/Bluray with extras.
Show-accurate figurines.
Comic books! Seriously, there are Strawberry Shortcake comic books but no ponies?
ReplyDeleteAn official MLP video game developed by Square-Enix.
ReplyDelete...asking for too much?
...Fine. I'd do well with some show-accurate figurines, more background ponies (Vinyl Scratch ftw) a Discord shirt, and something Trixie-related. And a Season 1 DVD box set.
Seriosly though, I want the inevitable video game to be done by Square-Enix.
@jaayro I've been thinking the same thing for ages. I know they are two different toy teams, but man, if the Transformers guys can put in so much effort to get them that accurate, it should be the easiest damn thing for non transforming ponies.
ReplyDeleteI guess it's just the audience they think they're making them for. They think little girls don't care about it, and they probably don't. But we do.
Only other thing I would like to see are plushes as good as the fan plushes. Oh, and an official Derpy toy.
A "canvas" sort of pony. You could buy a model, with different poses, mane styles, etc. and paint it your own colours.
ReplyDelete1. A coffee table book detailing the art of the show, animator notes, photos, and behind the scenes stuff.
ReplyDelete2. My Little Pony: Stalliongrad City (video game)
3. Board Game
Anything show-accurate.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe some badass lock-on magic effects for Twilight or something.
A Portal to Eque- oh, are we being realistic? Damn.
ReplyDeleteOkay, A life size Pinkie Pie plushie.
...Foam hooves. They go over your hands, and are a pain in the flank to grab and hold things with, just like real hooves. But, dude, come on. They're as close to hooves as you'll get.
ReplyDeleteWhat he said! We need a Trixie figure STAT!
More show accurate molded toys (Minor characters included. I want a Lil' Big Mac on my desk!)
ReplyDeleteAwesome looking shirts that don't use the same vectors we've seen 1,000,000 times.
Am I the only one that wants a vinyl plushie?!?
ReplyDeleteI'm considering doing pony glass engravings,(as in etched in glass, not glass sculpture), but I would need to know if anyone would want to have something like that before I start... Feedback?
ReplyDeleteWicked awesome Plushies! I would totally buy one...with my parents watching...on TV... >.>'
ReplyDeleteFluttershy plushie please?
ReplyDeleteI can safely say that the entire community wants a Flutetrshy plushie.
ReplyDeleteI want show accurate ponies that use ball-joints so that they are possible. I also want them to facial expressions that suit their personalities, not the generic half smile they all use today.
ReplyDeleteAs longs as I'm dreaming, I want Pony Transformers. I know it will never happen, but I can dream can't I?
plushies, full season dvd/blu-ray sets...
ReplyDeletei know it wouldn't happen, but some D&D sized mini-figs of the mane 6 would be awesome
Villain playsets, including a Diamond Dogs cave playset with little carts, hidden cashes of gems, and a little dungeon to throw Rarity in when her complaining get to be too much.
ReplyDeleteAlso a Great and Powerful Trixie playset, with her show cart and little fireworks.
More Accurate Show Plushes. With molded hair rather than doll hair. Like these: http://evilsugar.deviantart.com/gallery/30689518?offset=0#/d4cpol9
Also, If it's not asking too much, I'd like to see larger molded figures, similar to the blindbags, but I'd like them to be somewhat posable. Honestly are girls just against posable toys? Is it because they're too much like action figures? What?
And I'd like to see that line have the mane 6, the CMC, The Princesses, Trixie, Zecora, Spike, Big Mac, Gilda, Nightmare Moon, and Discord.
...Also, while I'm dreaming...
I'd like a 3D platfroming/action/adventure video game akin to the old Crash Bandicoots, the old Spyros, or Super Mario 64 where they introduce some demonic entity that has litearlly divided Equestria (as in split the planet into millions of pieces) and Celestia and Luna have been basically put into a coma from the strain of keeping everypony alive while this is happening, and you play as Twilight, having to seek out and find all of her friends on the shattered pieces of Equestria, save the ponyfolk from the hordes of "Unfriendlies," defeat the demon, Awaken Celestia and Luna, and put the pieces of the planet back together again.
Also, as you rescue the mane 6 through the course of the game you can switch out your character at specific points and all characters have some unique skill or capability.
I want to see life sized recreations of the mane 6. No, i want to see Hasbro actually create a gate to Equestria. I'd go in.
ReplyDeleteHeh, When I first saw this I automatically went "they just need a 'Build a Pony workshop.'" I figured with all the people out there with their own OC pony, it would make some sense for them to just say "Fuggit, let them build their own toys!" and be done with it.
ReplyDeleteWhat would I want though? Well, most everything that's already been shouted time after time. Show accurate figures, plushies, some good paintings would be nice, maybe those super little key-chain thingies, you know, the ones no bigger then a penny. I honestly can't think of anything else new to add to the list.
Gigantic huggable plushies, of discord if possible.
ReplyDeletei would love to see; high quality, show accurate, plushies. very soft ones at that.
ReplyDeleteEpisodes on Amazon, some more apparel, and bust out the tiny tins if plastic ponies are that hard to make off model.
ReplyDeleteI think we can all agree that SHOW ACCURATE plushies would be awesome, so those who can't afford over 100 bits for a custom commission can actually get one.
ReplyDeleteShow-accurate toys.
Season 1 box set dvd/blu-ray.
ReplyDelete^that link... I've seen similar stuff out of Frontline.
Luckily the price of labor in china will increase until similar to our own; and companies that outsourced, then treated their workers badly will be forced to face the shortsightedness of their decisions.
ReplyDeleteWhat this guy said. Also, show accurate stuff. It seemed okay how many inconsistencies there were when it first started, but come on, you've had a while to get stuff to look right.
Wearable merch. Like the sweatshirt with pegasus wings I've been promised by a brony convert ^_^
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, plushies. Both foot-tall and four-foot-tall.
Show-accurate plushies!
ReplyDelete@Pecan Crisp
ReplyDelete"Foam Hooves"
I'll vote for what others have said. Plushies that are a more show accurate (Granted, I understand how hard this is with a 2D show, just about anything you make will look "off" to most of us."
ReplyDeleteI would love Shoes or plushies and something including Discord Discord is best pony
ReplyDeletelarge-sized show-accurate plushies of the Mane Six. If this were to happen I could die happy.
ReplyDeleteArticulation, that is all
ReplyDeleteWhat I would buy:
ReplyDelete1) T-shirts (We already have theses from We Love Fine)
2) DVD or Blueray box set (I will be surprised if we don't have this in the future)
3) Show accurate figures, brushable or not, of the main 6 plus some of the more popular background ponies. Idealy they would all have their unique own mold. Generaly to the scale of the current brushable line. (This will never happen because designing a unique mold for each character would cost a fortune. You might see the main six but that would be it.)
4) Anything show accurate that an adult could find a use for or use as a decoration. (This is the second most likely item on my list after the DVDs)
ReplyDeleteDO WANT.
That would rock so hard...
Life-size (more or less) stuffed ponies. Heck, more regular stuffed ponies. 4"-6" figurines.
ReplyDeleteAnd it goes without saying, but being accurate to the show is the one thing that _everypony_ wants and _nopony_ is getting.
ReplyDeleteShow accurate plushies. In particular, I want a huggable Fluttershy that says 'yay~' when you squeeze her hoof. But any of them are good. There's a reason that good fan-made plushies sell for hundreds on the internet; who doesn't want to hug a pony?
ReplyDeleteAlso, season 1 DVD set. One for everypony I know who isn't already in the Herd.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't bring myself to buy a plush toy. An accurate plush would almost literally sell itself.
ReplyDeleteNightmare Moon and Discord toys!
ReplyDeleteOh, and plushies of course.
ReplyDeleteShow accurate plushies.
ReplyDeleteAnd Discord. Lots and lots of Discord merchandise.
Can I just ask for DVDs?
ReplyDeleteI'd gladly start dropping some cash for DVDs.
Celestia that ISN'T PINK.
ReplyDeleteI mean she's even depicted as white on the packaging she comes in, ferfucksake.
I wanna see a pony knight. With a sword. And fire. And Armour. And Fire. And Awesome. And fire.
ReplyDelete1. Show accurate Plushies of each character.
ReplyDelete2. Dvd/blu-ray box sets of each season.(with BONUS MATERIAL)
3. Portal to Equestria.
Yep, going to have to agree with show-accurate plushies.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of one for toys. That said, I would buy the -shit- out of a toyline based on the villains. Other idea; High quality, highly show acurate figurines of EVERYPONY (villain or hero), sorta in the vein of stuff you see for Kamen Rider or Final Fantasy. I'd buy that.
ReplyDeleteThis. Hasbro has commissioned stuff from Build A Bear before, so the mane 6 at least should not be a problem, and if they can mix and match pastel pony bodies with stuff already on stock with eyes or yarn, customs would be a whole lot more accessible. Not perfect mind, but... nice.
Basically show accurate toys and good plushies.
ReplyDeleteOh, and what I'd also really like to see would be MLP tea set. (DONT LAUGH) I love tea and collect tea pots, loose teas, decorative and unique items, and I'd add one into the mix.(it'd obviously be plastic and not usable. I'd just have it with my tea pot/cup collection) I also think little girls would love it and it's be easy to work that product into the show somehow.
I've seen two official plushies, Pinkie Pie and Twilight. While they are a great size for hugging, at 16 inches tall, the design leaves a lot to be desired. When I saw the Twilight one the only thing I could think was "Dear sweet Celestia, what happened to your face, Twilight?"
ReplyDeleteI have two young daughters, ages 5 and almost 3, who love My Little Pony as much as I do. I constantly see all kinds of Disney and Hello Kitty merchandise and wonder why Hasbro hasn't put anything like that out. Posters, backpacks, stationary, school supplies, party supplies, the whole nine yards. It seems like there's a large market that just isn't being tapped. I'm constantly on the lookout for sticker sheets so I can start slapping ponies on all my stuff, but the only ones I can find are previous generation ponies.
I'd like some official shirts, show-accurate figures and plushies (preferably bigger than the ones they have now), and of course, villains, be it NMM, Discord, or some awesome new villain.
ReplyDeleteA Nightmare Moon figure would be awesome! :D (as long as they don't make it pink)
ReplyDeleteAlso, a Twilight plushie that looks less ridiculous.
A giant Derpy Plushie!!!
ReplyDeleteSome Quality plushies would be nice. Main characters, Princess Luna and Celestia ( preferably color correct Tia ), Popular background characters, spike, trixie, guilda, bigmac, and other popular support characters...
ReplyDeleteDVD/Blu-ray Box Set of each season
Those are probably the top two wanted items. Good plushies cost a crap ton of money due to high demand and low supply.
- I think it would be really cool to have (officially made) buttons and cutie mark themed accessories.
ReplyDelete- Plushes would be nice.
- Toys that accurately represent their FiM counterparts. i.e: A white Celestia or Applejack with no truck.
- And MOST IMPORTANTLY a season 1 collection DVD.
Decals would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm a tad surprised at the lack of any official plushies.
ReplyDeleteOK; so far the general consensus seems to be:
ReplyDelete1: good ideas
2: unique ideas
Lol, I kid; plushies count as a good idea.
This Zecora plushie plus the coat.
ReplyDeleteA plushie and, like @dntactical said, a pony stress squishy thing. Also an Applejack with a hat and celestia NOT pink.
ReplyDeleteWhoever makes the toys would have all of my money if only the toys were show accurate. Would it kill you to make a Fluttershy that looks like Fluttershy? Or a white ('that's racist!') Celestia?
ReplyDeleteObviously, there are problems concerning fanon that they can't act on, but I could always call my *show accurate*(!) 'Heartstrings' Lyra.
Cross my hoov- fingers for that long, long, LONG overdue Season 1 box set.
This isn't exactly a toy, but a few weeks ago, this website noticed a sort of fleece blanket featuring Twilight Sparkle. More variations of those things would be nice.
ReplyDeleteAlso, more throw plushies other than Twilight Sparkle would be most appreciated!
Discord. That is all.
ReplyDeleteShow accurate plushies
ReplyDelete*throws 2 pennies at screen*
Show accurate and moar merch in general. Better lookin plushes, manly shirts, ect.
One thing besides a Box Set: A Rainbow Dash Plush, ON AMAZON please, that has a felt mane.(not stringy)
ReplyDeleteShirts are enough for me. And soundtrack CDs.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see some high quality posable figures, the likes of which you see for made for anime series. A price point of maybe $20~$40 for something higher end and aimed more for the adult collector rather than the younger folks.
ReplyDeleteBetter, bigger, more accurate, and cooler vectored plastic/vinyl figurines. Specifically: White Celestia, FLUTTERSHY, Luna, Derpy, and the CMC [and by them I mean Scoot(and by scoot i mean in a chicken suit)]. Finally MAKE MORE STUFF, HIGHER QUALITY, POSSIBLY LESS PINK, and most importantly MAKE IT AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE(and by everwhere I mean doubly so in Canada).
ReplyDeleteIs it too much to ask for show accurate plushies? x3
ReplyDeleteI love plushies!
I have no Pony toys, and I'm not going to buy any either. Until they make a show accurate Twilight Sparkle! then.. but only then.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, start with Show Accurate and work down from there. And possibly less uncanny valley looks in the official stuff. Some of the older Hasbro stuff creeps me out somewhat (this seems to be prevalent in a lot of stuff that 3Dises a 2D character, so not Hasbro's fault alone really)
ReplyDeleteI'd LOVE if Laird & Co. would do a batch of custom made labels for their bottles of Applejack, of course with the namesake pony with her characteristic stance on the label!
Dat stance.
Would cost me half a fortune though. The minimum amount to import is 12 units! Well...at least I'd have Applejack for a while. ;)
Dear Hasbro,
ReplyDeleteI know that it's awfully late in the year to be making Christmas wish lists like this, especially since you probably already have all of your stuff planned out months in advanced. Still, if you could make a DVD box set (Blu-Ray preferred, but I'll be happy just getting all 26 episodes in the same packaging, to be honest) or an official Season 1 soundtrack available for me to purchase, I would be one very happy brony.
Keep up the great work on the show!
--Laurence Brown
Decent plushes. That is all.
ReplyDeleteI want a good looking Luna and Nightmare Moon, perhaps in a combo set.
ReplyDeleteOf course I have to start by basically agreeing with what everyone else has said. "Show Accurate -anything-" and "Better Plushies! No mohawk nonsense!"
ReplyDeleteI think something that would sell amazingly well would be molded toys, like the blind bag toys, both show accurate mane 6 and some background ponies!
Also, instead of random brushable ponies, I'd love to see some background characters. I don't care what silly names they use... Just please, please, background ponies! An Octavia instead of a "Honey Buzz"! A Trixie instead of a "Flutterheart!" I think even little girls would like some of the lovely background ponies form the show.
Show-accurate figures... and a Derpy Hooves figure.
ReplyDelete...and a Great and Powerful Trixie.
ReplyDeleteOh, and a boxed set of the show. But that goes without saying!
ReplyDeleteDiscord plushie!
ReplyDeleteI would like to see Celestia be accurate.
ReplyDeleteAnd also some Discord toys.
And plushies. I want Celestia plushies. Which are the right color.
Life seized Twilight and Luna plushies... NOW
ReplyDeleteShow-quality video games. I don't care if it's action-adventure, RPG, or something like Animal Crossing.
I want Friendship is Magic for all major consoles here, people. I DEMANDS IT.
White customizable ponies in the G4 style.
ReplyDeleteSide non-pony characters at standard pony scale.
Zecora, Gilda, Diamond Dogs
CMC set with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle with their CMC capes.
Plush of the red or green dragon, Discord, Smarty Pants.
Plushies. Like, not terrible ones like they have now, but actually fairly good Plushies. Oh the mane six, and if they're cool enough, Luna, Celestia and Discord, and if they're AWESOME enough some of the more famous background ponies (Like Derpy, Trixie, Lyra and Bonbon to please kids AND have Bronies freak out!)
ReplyDeleteMmmmm I have to admit, I don't think I'm man enough to buy any FiM merch, or I just don't feel a desire for it. However, I have been very tempted on a few occasions to buy a T-shirt, cause really, how do you say no to Derpy? (Though I didn't actually buy it...go figure.)
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering, is there evidence yet that bronies are a viable market for the toys? Marketing for an older audience is very different than marketing for kids, who to my understanding tend to be a lot less fussy. I think even once you've wrapped your head around the conept of bronies, it's a whole nother step before you can accept that an older demographic will be interested in the toy line. It will likely be difficult - though not impossible - to convince the higher-ups that we're a market worth investing in.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, I just write stories, what do I know. :P
Show accurate ponies.
Show accurate plushies(small and life-size ones) and figurines(in a similar style to the Japanese anime figurines) of ALL the characters, INCLUDING THE VILLAINS. And then of course shirts, with both characters and/or cutie marks from the show as well as shirts with things from the fandom.
ReplyDeleteHasbro needs to do the following:
ReplyDeleteGet together with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo and make a large-scale RPG preferably equivelant to the SIMs. It could even be on PC.
Make more show-accurate models and collectibles.
Consider making an episode where the cast is more grown-up. Like a "what will the future be like" episode.
I personally would like custom MTG card sleeves with Apple Jack on them. :P
Absolutely anything show accurate. I would have bought something months ago if they had show accurate toys. The ones they have now are either completely wrong, terrifying, or look like dolphins.
ReplyDeleteTo be specific, mostly collectibles for those of use who are older fans. Think toys that are not to be played with, because they're so exquisite and expensive for that matter.
Most companies don't do this because it's real easy to take a bath when it comes to selling merchandise to the older demographic. If anyone could do it right though it would be Hasbro. They've done such things with their Transformers line of toys, with successes and failures.
I'll add though, show-accurate toys and a box set of the show, Blu-ray preferred.
I want exploding chocolate milk and plush!
ReplyDelete1. Plushies, like seemingly everypony else
ReplyDelete2. Customizable figurines. They'd be plain white, available with different hairstyles, and they'd include a small paint set to make your own pony
3. More merch for the more popular background/one-shot characters(Trixie, Ditsy Doo, Gilda, Pinkamena's "friends", etc.)
4. Some video games. This I'm sure wouldn't be what I would want, but I'd likely buy anyway to show that there is a market for it. I want to see a more advanced "Ponyville Adventures" for the 3DS, that would be a great seller!
More socks.
ReplyDeleteTwo things.
ReplyDeleteAs Mic said "Less shitty names." yes please!
Somewhat show-accurate toys (is it really THAT hard to do?)
A> Bluray
ReplyDeleteB> Games
C> Celestia. Not a Pinklestia. Not a Molestia. Not some kind of brand new winged-unicorn-goddess type. Not a Fausticorn or Luna. Celestia. Pearly shiny pinkwhite coat, not pinkie-pie pink coat. Why is that so hard?
D> One of those collectible mini-figures games. I'd possibly end up hooked.
Whoops, probably should've been more specific. Adult sized T-shirts (both for men and women, children too if there's demand enough for them, don't wanna leave anybody out).
ReplyDeleteA lot of things! I'll list them below.
ReplyDelete1) Background pony brushables
2) Blind Bags in the US!
3) Better plushies (including Luna, Celestia, and Discord, please!)
4) Uniquely molded Fluttershy blind bag figurine instead of Rainbowshy
5) More accessories, like keychains and such (Like those crystal keychains)
6) Some kind of official MMO
7) Regular sized molded mane figurines (like the ones that came in the gift set)
8) Applejack's motherbucking hat. Not that wimpy blue one, a REAL hat
*throws my money at Hasbro*
First off, Have Show accurate figures (correct color & look), & secondly, GET RID OF THE CREEPY FAKE HAIR! its disgusting...Whenever I'd have to babysit some girl the hair on the toys would ALWAYS make me nauseous just by looking at it...
ReplyDelete- The Great & Powerful Trixie
ReplyDelete- White Princess Celestia
- Nightmare Moon
- Octavia and Vinyl Scratch
- Derpy Hoovees / Ditsy Due
- Colgate (& Berrypunch)
All of that in order of best to least wanted
@Somepony Else
(oh hey it's that part of the day where i'm weird)
All things official:
ReplyDelete★Blu-ray box set of Season 1
・Signature "Applejack" hat
・Character design socks
★Side Scroll console/Vita game
・Welcome mats
・Rainbow Dash sunglasses
・Windows 7 Theme
・Derpy carrier bag
・Music CD
All I could think of that I'd actually buy at the moment. Stars are must have lol.
Tangle Free Hair. PLEASE!!!!!!!! (Plastic) And also make the ponies the right color. god!
ReplyDeleteBetter Plushies (accurate Luna, Applejack with hat and a Doctor Whooves)
ReplyDeleteJust nothing that looks like that creepy luna at the top. Eek.
ReplyDeleteFluttershy, Rarity, and Derpy plushies. That's all I ask.
ReplyDeleteI'm broke with limited storage space, so I probably wouldn't invest in many toys. Can I get that soundtrack CD I heard somepony mention?
ReplyDeleteThis would probably be illogical to ask for, but it would be awesome to be able to somehow get simple figures of our OC ponies. I would pay a decent sum to get my own to display in my room.
ReplyDeleteHonestly? I would buy anything that's cool looking if it means keeping the show going. Typically, that to me means *show-accurate merchandise*. I would seriously buy all I could. I already spend money on pony shirts, posters, and general swag, because the show-accurate stuff looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteThat's seriously all it would take to get me to buy toys again for the first time in years.
Christmas ornaments ;)
ReplyDelete1. Plushies. I have too many already but who cares.
ReplyDelete2. More show-accurate toys of the characters, preferably with molded hair for accuracy's sake. Especially of characters like Luna and Celestia, who have kinda been botched in the toy department. aka, I want a white Celestia without having to seek out a custom through eBay/deviatnART.
3. Season 1 DVD box set. Enough said. Maybe blu-ray too for those who have a player for them, but I haven't got one so I want DVDs.
Show accurate, good quality, good priced Luna plushies and t-shirts aimed at bronies in stores like Wal-Mart or Target please.
ReplyDeletePlushies, show accuracy (a white Celestia, for starters), plushies, a DVD/Blu-ray box set, plushies, Trixie, plushies, background ponies, plushies, molded hair, and some good, quality plushies.
ReplyDeletePinkie Pie action figure with Kung-fu grip. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to see an Animal Crossing, or maybe Harvest Moon style FiM based game! Create a character, and interact with the denizens of Ponyville and beyond! This seems like such an easy sell, it's a wonder they haven't started one already. God, as I said in my comment, all they really have to do is expand on the "Ponyville Adventures" idea and bring that to 3DS, and I'd buy it in a heartbeat!
Cutie Mark Rub-on Tattoos.
ReplyDelete3. Season 1 DVD box set. Enough said. Maybe blu-ray too for those who have a player for them, but I haven't got one so I want DVDs. EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID
ReplyDeletePlushies (good quality, PLEASE!!!), band aids, white Celestia, AJ with her hat, show accurate models in general, and VILLAIN TOYS PLEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMore show accurate plushies. I soooooo want a Rainbow Dash plushie, but I have no idea how to make one myself.
ReplyDeleteAnything as long as it's show accurate. I'm looking at you pink Celestia and blindbag Fluttershy with the Rainbow Dash mold. >.>
ReplyDeletehow about ponyfigurines that actually look like the ponies in the show..? (pink Celestia... never forget...)
ReplyDeleteand indeed, PLUSHIES!!!! :D (especcially discord plushie!)
ReplyDeleteDerpy and better plushies.