that's the pony she was based on, I don't remember the name or generation (I'm not a freak. wow, I didn't realize how that sounded till I typed it.) but I do know that much.
My sister made the Cheerilee her Deviant Art account is rainbowdrizzles can you please link the source to that page?
That Discorded Rarity custom is beyond hilarious to me, and I also adore the Scootaloo; that one is so adorable! As usual though, they're all pretty fantastic... this fandom is just far too collectively talented, that's all!
@All those who don't know who Surprise is: The white Pinkie Pie's name is Surprise, she was the original concept design for Pinkie Pie until Hasbro made Lauren change ut since the lost Surprise's copyright. Surprise is a G1 (Yes, G1 bronies) white pegasus with purple balloon cutie mark and blond hair.
42 kommentaari:
These look nice.
VastaKustutaD'aaw......cute little Octavia.....
VastaKustutaWhy does it say "add caption" under the title image?
VastaKustutaalternative motives? of course.
VastaKustuta12 all day long
VastaKustutaAlso because I not keep up with awsome stuff, where did the white Pinke Pie Pegasus come from?
oh my motives are not alternate... they're standard.
VastaKustutaDon't you mean "ulterior motives"?
VastaKustutaAwwwww at the tiny Octavia.
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith - That white Pinkie Pie Pegasus is named "Surprise." It's what Lauren's first creation of Pinkie was going to be until they changed it.
VastaKustutaRight! That's the word
@travis smith
VastaKustutathat's the pony she was based on, I don't remember the name or generation (I'm not a freak. wow, I didn't realize how that sounded till I typed it.) but I do know that much.
Okay thanks both of you!
well there goes my heart...
I saw the filly Octavia and my heart just about exploded. :D
VastaKustutaI do believe I have just contracted DIABEETUS from Octavia.
they are so good! I am so jealous! my Vinyl Scrtch sinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job!
VastaKustutaYou foals, everyone knows the Applebloom is the superior one of the bunch.
VastaKustuta#15 Oh god, someone actually did it.
VastaKustuta#2 That's a kinda cute little character right there. :>
VastaKustuta#8 Yay, fancy Gala Big Mac. Love his little top hat and bow tie. :D
#14 My my, Fluttershy. What so many hairs you have. lol
#15 ... Yeah...
I really like Rarity and Tom. And the Octavia.
VastaKustutaAll of Equestria? aim higher, try the universe.
VastaKustutaThis is off-topic, but still something that I've been wondering. Are you the same Octavia from KYM, or is that someone else?
I totally WTF'd at number 2, but there's some beauty in it.
VastaKustutaAnd, yeah... Octavia game me diabetes, oops! There goes my left foot :D
Damn, classy Big Mac is classy. I want to see him dressed like that in the show now.
VastaKustutaThat rarity with the clay hair looks amazing! I must go ask Santa!
VastaKustutaLots of good customs in this compilation. #5 is, of course, best pony. That Scootaloo is darn good too, and filly Octavia steals the show.
VastaKustuta@Select Few
Aww, poor Scootaloo and Lyra. They never stood a chance against him.
VastaKustutaKnow Your Meme.
My sister made the Cheerilee her Deviant Art account is rainbowdrizzles
can you please link the source to that page?
@Select Few
VastaKustutaOooooh. Derp.
I do go on there once in a while. But I don't have an account. So nope, not the real deal. ;)
12 and 13 are GODLIKE
VastaKustutaAh, alright then.
Pony Shortcake is best Shortcake.
VastaKustuta-.- difficult to admit, but ponies make evrything better.
#7: I just fell in love with Apple Bloom.
VastaKustuta#15: Ok, I'm in love with Apple Bloom *and* Octavia. The Cuteness is Doubled!
That Discorded Rarity custom is beyond hilarious to me, and I also adore the Scootaloo; that one is so adorable! As usual though, they're all pretty fantastic... this fandom is just far too collectively talented, that's all!
VastaKustutaPretty epic!!!
VastaKustuta@All those who don't know who Surprise is:
The white Pinkie Pie's name is Surprise, she was the original concept design for Pinkie Pie until Hasbro made Lauren change ut since the lost Surprise's copyright. Surprise is a G1 (Yes, G1 bronies) white pegasus with purple balloon cutie mark and blond hair.
I kind of seriously laughed out loud once I figured out what #2 was. Extremely well done.