• Comic: Why was Derpy in the Chicken Coop? / Helping Hoof

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    I guess that explains just about everything here! Poor Scootaloo.

    And Fluttershy being assertive below.  She has been surprising me lately.

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    1. Fluttershy has been suprising us all lately, Seth

    2. The best reason I've heard is that Derpy was in the chicken coop because she was looking for an Egg McMuffin.

    3. Scootabuse!

      Apple Bloom is such a bully.....

    4. Aww yeah, another comic I've seen before getting posted here(#2)! Dash'll need some time for her legs to stop being propped up like that.

      #1 Aww, poor Scootaloo.

    5. Aw... Fans are going to give poor Scoot a complex.

      Heh... I thought I recognized #2 from the Drawfriend.

    6. #1 aw now i feel bad for all the times i've called her a chicken :(

      #2 /faceclaw

    7. I still don't get why she was in the chicken coop i mean Rainbow made up the contest right before We even SAW Derpy in the chicken coop.

    8. Derpy is just a stalker

      Fluttershy is mean

    9. #1 Awwww... poor Scoots. She's so conflicted over whether to be a chicken and RD's pet or not. :(

      #2 Dat RD pose. lol Scarecrow... that's a good idea. Just stick RD in a corn field or something. Problem solved! <3

    10. @WizardShy I will admit, that made me laugh. Alot. Very clever. Anyway....

      #1 Alright, that's it, where's my "Stop Scootabus" picket sign? I left it around here somewhere.

      #2 Now when you ask Dashie a question, she'll always have no clue about the answer. Permanent shrug is permanent.

    11. #1, Ergh! >:( No more chicken jokes. Seriously, folks. It's old and tired. Give it a rest.
      Suddenly, a Scootaloo focused episode seems all the more appealing.
      I don't care how many fanfics it destroys. Give her some proper love.

      #2, To this day, Fluttershy still doesn't know her own strength.

    12. *Scootabuse. Damn, I should go to sleep right now.

    13. Scootaloo chicken jokes aren't funny.

      And the more people talk about Ditzy Doo being in that chicken pen, the more annoyed I get. She was in there as a little treat for bronies, now please stop milking it before it gets old only three days after the damn episode.

    14. @Chaoyll

      Haha wow... welcome to the herd, if those reactions annoy you, you would be at least 20% happier if you stayed away from the comments section in general.

    15. Andrea Libman must be having a blast with this show. She gets to play two secretly psychotic ponies AND sing about animals a la most of the Disney princesses. All good stuff.

      Poor Scootaloo. Everyone thought she'd finally get her own episode. Maybe she'll get one dedicated to her learning to fly properly?

    16. 1. It makes so much sense now! No, Scoots don't cry! T-T

      2. Lol, over enthusiastic much?

    17. #2 Ponies have now been confirmed to be made of dark matter. Fluttershy strong enough to carry another pony, considering she can barely fly normally, plus her tail is strong enough to support a small rabbit.

      Then again, Applebloom can apparently lift weights with her tail...

    18. 1. Scootaloo heard about the contest a little too late.

      2. Fluttershy broke Rainbow Dash's bones.

    19. I'm really sorry for Scootaloo :(

    20. People keep saying Derpy was in the chicken coop but I watched the episode 3 times and haven't been able to spot her.
