• Comic: Rarity...

    I think Cereal was trying to roll with a Rarity theme for this morning, so have a ridiculous Rarity thing.

    Sometimes I forget how awesomely obnoxious her personality is.

    25 kommentaari:

    1. Rarity can be a bit much sometimes but she means well. :)

    2. Rarity? Obnoxious? Seth, I am disappoint.
      Also, this is why cloning is a bad idea. :P

    3. multiple ratiries at one pic!
      must be magic

    4. Her annoyed expressions are brilliant.

      I quite like this, she has a nick missing in her tail in one but it doesn't really matter.

    5. At least she didn't have a bad day on the Cutie Pox episode.

    6. I am completely baffled by anyone who claims to dislike Rarity. It's like we're not even sharing the same planet. She's not even my favorite pony, and yet I feel the entertainment meter goes up every time she comes on the screen.

    7. If by obnoxious you mean the most beautiful, interesting, and talented pony then I agree.

    8. I must say, when I began watching MLP I really disliked Rarity for her diva personality, but now I've come to absolutely love her for her diva personality! :D

      Also, am I the only one thinking that her glasses makes her like look like... ALOT older? No glasses, she's as old as the others (though I've always figured her to be the oldest of the mane 6) but with glasses, BOOM she's like middleaged!

      Eh...please don't forward this to Rarity herself. She would weep her eyes out. Or more likely, end my life.

    9. @DJB123
      Why are you talking about Applejack in a Rarity thread?

    10. @Unknown

      Haha. Applejack is a VERY CLOSE second on my pony list. I absolutely love her as well.

      So, that's an awesome comment.

    11. The Rarity has been octupled! Not so rare any more...

    12. @Unknown

      Silly Unknown, that's not how you spell Pinkie Pie.

      But for serious, Rarity does have her moments. Like, every day... :/

    13. ob·nox·ious
      adj \äb-ˈnäk-shəs, əb-\
      Definition of OBNOXIOUS
      archaic : exposed to something unpleasant or harmful used with to
      archaic : deserving of censure
      : odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive

      ...... I think you used the wrong word there Seth.

    14. @Harwick

      Ditto. I could tell from the start she was my least favourite and has been that way for a long time, but I've never hated the character and I certainly don't find her flaws any more glaring than the rest of the Mane Six. (Though in my mind Dash has the most glaring flaws and she's still my favourite pony out of the bunch.) And I've certainly never understood why she seems to engender relatively intense distaste among some fans.

    15. Rarity is fantastic and I will fight anypony to the death who says otherwise. Only my nerd-love for Twilight Sparkle prevents me from unequivocally declaring her to be best pony.

    16. Those who hate Rarity must have her confused with the pink G3 pony of the same name. Tip: If you must watch a G3 video, avoid Runaway Rainbow above all else.

    17. I know that feel, Rarity. Well, besides somehow finding a multiplication ray and accidentally making a bunch of copies of yourself. All having breakdowns at the same exact time. lol

      I've been growing to like Rarity more recently. I always liked her a bit, even from the beginning. Though I'm still unsure exactly where she stands on my pony list.

    18. You know why Rarity's awesome?

      She's the only character ever made who could say "DID SOMEPONY ORDER A LARGE HAM?" and COME OFF AS SERIOUS.

    19. Rarity IS fabulous... she practically invented the word as far as I'm concerned. And this image pretty much captures everything I love most about her in one convenient little package (the only thing it's missing is her toiling away at her sewing machine, but at least it has her with her work glasses on which is quite close enough). Brilliant, as they say~ (*toasts with imaginary Guinness*)


      Hugs to you, my dearest! =^_^=
