• Comic: One-Fifth Temperature Decrease / Carry on the Legacy

    I really like the faces in this art style.  I'm not exactly sure why.  I sometimes wonder what type of art style these ponies would roll with if it wasn't for Lauren.

    Actually, I have nightmares about stuff like that....

    And some Starswirl below, because Hasbro's recolor ponies need love too (and I like blue ponies).


    24 kommentaari:

    1. That spell would also make her about 100% more dead.

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. Starswirl the.......bearded?!
      one-fifth temperature decrease. Ha

    4. Great-great-great grandfather was.in the pre-classical era? Those ponies sure do live long......

    5. Seth, they would roll horribly with art styles G1-3.5

    6. I would love to see more of 2....that's great.

    7. 1. Hee hee, puns.

      2. I actually wouldn't mind seeing this pony again. Someone fanfic it!!!

    8. @Jelfes Not in the world of cartoon physics and Magic!

    9. @Bombedrumbum
      We don't know what era she is living in, it may not be the present.

    10. I have a confession to make. I tried to first this post. I have a deep hatred for firsters, but when i saw the 0 comments, the temptation was too great, and i was overcome. Immediately upon posting the spell broke and i was filled with shame for having committed such a heinous act. Cruelly, Blogger keeps a remnant of my crime, perhaps to serve as a reminder, a warning to others who would fall prey to temptation. I emerge from this ordeal shaken, but hopefully as a better man, one who has experienced the depths of depravity and come out the other side, stronger for it. Can you forgive me? Can I forgive myself?

    11. #2 That was definitley intriguing. I want more of comic.

    12. Thanks to Skyrim, I now think of Starswirl as a Grey Beard and knows the Way of the Voice!

    13. @Sir_cxyrtyx Crimes and atrocities commit against this pony blog have been pardoned.

    14. I'm the one who sent Seth One-Fifth Temperature Decrease, there's never enough pun in our lives. It seems the comic backlog is roughly two days though.

    15. Star Swirl seems to dig the Pinkamena hair. Not that that's a bad thing. I actually wouldn't mind to see this character more often.

    16. #1 Oh the pun, Twilights going to have to uno that one fairly quickly.

      #2 I like the way this ones been drawn, its good.

    17. There are no "recolor ponies", there is only Hasbro being lazy. But Starswirl is actually one of the few ponies that does have her own artwork.
      She appeared as a regular pony before appearing as a blindbag pony.
