• Comic: My Best Pet / Mankey

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    Poor Twilight... You will always be my little egghead!  We have two comics dedicated to the new episode this time around. 

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    26 kommentaari:

    1. #1 Hahaha, Twilight... that's sort of creepy.

    2. #1...We were all thinkin' it. It was just a matter of time until somebody put it to paper.

    3. #1 Oh dear...

      #2 If she catches him and is feeling mean she could name him Turtle...

    4. Oh, Seth, don't you see?
      Dashie rules, Trixie drools
      Deal with it :D

    5. 1. Twilight the puppy pony.

      2. It's neither Turtle nor Tortoise. It's an adamantoise!

      Either way Tortoises don't swim and are primarily land based. So Now Rainbow Dash needs and aquatic pet to finish the trinity of land, sea and air!

    6. First one's pretty well done, though it falls kinda flat for me because I can't imagine Twilight falling for Rainbow Dash that way.

      Second one's clever; I love Flutterpokéshydex saying "sorry" in the last panel.

    7. Fun comics! I kind of enjoy how Dash consistantly shows Twilight such little respect. I'd love to see an episode focusing on the two... not that I really want them to correct the relationship.

      Great work on the expressions in the second one. Tank is the best tortoise.

    8. Blast, thats what I get for rearranging my comment and forgetting to press preview to make sure I put it back in.

      #1 was going to add the actual little drawing made me laugh, just becuase of the little BFF written beneath it. Though my Oh dear stands...

    9. i can't believe you featured #1, Seth. xD.

    10. he/she should give credit to smosh, its was a pretty funny video

    11. @jodyjm13 Wait, "falling for" Dash that way? Twilight just knows that SHE is the BEST PET! D:

    12. Here's an alternate version to number 2:

      Rainbow Dash: Cool! A Squirtle!
      Flutterdex: No that is a Torkoal
      Rainbow Dash: No... it's obviously a Squirtle. You're mine Squirtle!
      Flutterdex: Torkoal.
      (same as last two panels)

      I am a nerd!

    13. 1. BFF does not mean best pet forever

      2. Rainbow Ketchem.

    14. #1 I knew this was coming. Actually, this is like a REALLY tame version of what I was expecting to pop up in art after that comment. Which knowing this community I'm almost certain has somewhere. lol

      #2 Lmao. First time I had seen that video... Still, that's hilarious. Dat Flutterdex correcting. x3

    15. I want that Flutterdex right now.

    16. First one: lolwut?
      Second one: yes! I love Smosh! I was totally thinking that when she kept correcting Dash.

    17. @Roman500 Anything's possible with ponies, you frickin' jackass... :P

    18. #1, Uh...

      #2, "No that's definitely a monkey."
      "Whatever. You're mine, monkey!"
      "SHUT UP!"
      ha ha ha ha ha

    19. #1 Oh my goodness...you went there. That was hilarious!
      #2 I LOVE your art style! Twas a good laugh too.

    20. At first I was like
      But then I was like

    21. Smosh refence on #2? Hell yeah. Someone needs to let them know about this.
