• Comic: The Legend of Solar Flare / Applebloom Earns her Cutie Mark

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    Alternate universe time!  We have some Solar Flare up top, and Applebloom below!

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    30 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. Atleast one of these will inspire a fanfic im pretty sure.

    3. The day is going to last for a long time until Celestia and Luna come back...

    4. Love that first comic, but that might be because I'm quite partial to 'what if...' stories. I'd like to see that comic expanded perhaps. Also, poor Applebloom / lucky Celestia.

    5. 1. I wonder if Celestia is jealous of Luna overwatching all the lovers at night?

      2. As I've stated before, Luna had it easy with only having to stare at the moon.

    6. @Sabrean

      Same here. I've seen a few stories in which authors toyed with the idea, but nothing that's complete (yet).

      I think if Celestia had turned wicked instead of Luna, Equestria would be in a lot of trouble. Even if Luna did manage to bind her to the sun, she'd come back with a plan, and it'd be a good one. Knowing Celestia, she would have anticipated her banishment and made appropriate arrangements. Whatever she did, it'd be a lot more thought out than, "Shit! These six idiots are trying to stop me! Maybe I'll try throwing them off a cliff."

    7. Celestia looks amazing with braids

    8. I suspect that if Celestia ever went bad, everyone would be utterly screwed.

      Luna is impulsive and emotional, but Celestia is patient, rational and plans for the very, very long term.

    9. The second one is just damn hilarious

      I would like to see Celestia's facial expression when Applebloom's cutie mark disappeares

    10. @ Number 2:

      1) Plant Temporary Cutie Mark on unsuspecting filly.

      2) Place said filly as temporary monarch.

      3) Watch as nation rips itself apart at the seams and drink vodka with younger sister, laughing all the while.

      4) ???

      5) PROFIT!!!

    11. Now if you combine those two comics...

    12. #1 Well... alright then. I guess it would kinda make sense like that. lol

      #2 Haha. Equestria is in big trouble. And of course, Celestia is out of there! Now I'm picturing Celestia and Luna driving around in space in some sort of... space RV. Think Spaceballs. lol I dunno why.

    13. #1 Out of jealousy due to the fact that the fandom loves Luna so much more than her. She became Solar Flare and brought about eternal day,
      and everyone in Equestria died in that barren wasteland, either out of heat stroke or dehydration.

    14. 1. Opposite of how Luna got banishied to the moon

      2. Celestia hope you enjoy vacation while Applebloom is a princess.

    15. They said I could be anything

      So I became a god

    16. #1 If I ever become evil and try to bring about eternal day thats as good a name as any.

      #2 If I can have a holiday she can be princess for a week.

    17. #1, Woah...dude that's creepy.

      #2, He he he. Ha ha ha. This won't end well. :)

    18. *Looks at second comic* So, does this mean that Apple Bloom can now send Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to the moon? Not that she would, of course... but she /could/, right?

    19. congrats applebloom you're the new celestia

    20. #2 I thought the sun symbol represents a talent in trolling.

    21. I accidentally a whole fanfic in the DA comments for "The Legend of Solar Flare" alt universe storybook comic. LOL.

      It honestly started as a measly 3 paragraph trollfic, but I have a meticulous tendency to go overboard with details, and take things way to seriously. I might have added a little extra to the story... As in, it evolved into a 20318 character/3543 word fic with some serious thought and development behind it! I'm shocked DA comments can even handle that much text!

      Also... did anyone else think Celestia's flaming tail kinda looks like she's firing a stream of flame out of her plot?

    22. Love that Solar Flare idea, that would make an awesome "alternate reality" episode.

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