• Comic: The Final Straw / Fushion HA!

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    One does not simply interrupt the Goddess of the Sun whilst during the royal nightly ritual. 

    And some Dragonball Z Below, because every fandom needs to crossover Dragonball Z at least 30 times in it's lifespan.  We have only hit around 10 so far.

    119 kommentaari:

    1. I wanna see Twilight and Dash do that. Ya know, just because.

    2. The thing is clean and well drawn... Give it a rest with the Anti-Furaffinity nonsense...

    3. Hey, when did the banner change? O_o

    4. I don't understand #1 at all. #2 was done first (and for a better laugh I think) by the FlutterDashPie tumblr (http://flutterdashpie.tumblr.com/page/4).

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. Furaffinity! Oh Joy! *Mickey Mouse Voice*

    7. I'm surprised that there hasn't been a DBZ/MLP crossover yet.

    8. *clicks first link*
      ah jeez...

      I'm not gonna hate anything just because it's on FA, I'd just like some warning. That's all.

      #2 Nice, but wouldn't Surprise make more sense?

    9. @ponydoraprancypants

      Also ... Fushion??? Now you're not even trying.

    10. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    11. @Ish I'd like to think that Surprise is Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in that sense

    12. #1 Description = tl;dr lol I think I -kinda- understand though what's happening here... or something. I like Celestia's expression in the last panel at least. lol

      #2 Oh goodness, DBZ. lol

    13. 1. OH ME Goodness, I see this as a ritual for the last 1000 years

      2. Dragonball Z fusion.

    14. If it goes by combining colors, Surprise would have to be Ditzy Doo and Sweetie Belle?

    15. I did not get that first one at all...

    16. It seems we've lost our FA hate. Yay!

    17. @Ish What's there to warn about? "Oh hey, if you go to the site this comic is hosted on, make an account, change the settings and search for it you can see porn?"

      Yeah, stop the Furaffinity freakouts, folks. They're silly.

    18. @Sketch Scribbles
      hmm, challenge accepted

    19. I didn't know bronies hated FA so much. ._. ... Why?

    20. F--K YEAH, FIREFLY!

      Nice banner. Something tells me that this will be Equestria Rarity for a while...

    21. Canon fire at Derpy/Dinky is distracting haters from FA.

      #1 tl;dr I only wanted that random final picture explained.

      #2 B)

    22. So for that second pic, it's Rainbow Pie!

    23. I'm loving the new Rarity on the banner! :3

    24. #1
      You know, I don't immediately freak out because of Furaffinity but... I don't get it. What happened? Did she just incinerate one of her subjects? That's not cool... This doesn't make sense...

      Pretty cool, though I never bothered with DBZ beyond the abridged series, so I don't really know what they're doing...

    25. Yes, wet hair Rarity is best Rarity.

    26. If you read this description below #1, you can see that it's part of a series.

    27. @Chaoyll

      It is not hate. Bronies do not know that word.
      It is just a small lapse in Tolerance towards their fellow man.
      Some people’s memories are still tainted by the evils of ignorance and stereotypes.
      Eventually they will learn true Love and Tolerance.
      For now just ignore them and give them time.

    28. What really needs to happen, is someone needs to assemble this furaffinity comic. I'm gonna try as soon as I do some chores that need doing and my video encodes finish. My computer is as slow as Tom on the ground without Rarity when it does... anything...

      So later, after chores.

    29. So in after furaffinity freak out. In before another? As funny as it is, please don't freak out, it disappoints some people for some reason.

    30. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    31. next time tell me something is on a furry website i mean i like ponys but i don't want to go to a furry website GOD!

    32. #2 Now the only questions is, can they go super???

    33. #1 Oh lord, it's on FurAffinity! Get over it, it's not like you have to look over the entire site to find wholesome pony pics because Seth did already! On the comic, nice art but I thought I read it out of order for a second till I skimmed the description.

      #2 BEST.THING.EVER! I'm surprised no one thought of it earlier actually, or maybe they did?

    34. @Mike F
      lol, as soon as I saw that page I knew there would be responses like this one.

    35. Oh no! Furry page! What are we going to do?! Get over it and grow some Dragon Balls.

      Speaking of which, #2 was awesome!

    36. @Everyone who was expecting Surprise
      When they do the fusion dance, they turn into Firefly. When they use the Grand Kai's earrings, they turn into Surprise.

    37. @DeRockProject
      I'm going to be as kind as I possibly can here. Rock, you are a furry. I will explain why.

      A furry, regardless of what 4chan will have you believe, is just a person who is a fan of anthropomorphic art or fiction. Now, anthromorphism is giving human traits to animals or objects that do not normally possess them.

      Unless I am mistaken, that is the exact and total description. So, let's see... speech, civilization, skills, higher brain functions... even the odd bit of clotheswear and free will... would you look at that! My Little Ponies are anthromorphic. They don't need to stand on their hind legs to meet the description.

      That said, it's literally the same thing.

    38. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    39. @DeRockProject

      I write down 6 little sentences and you're screaming religion?!? XD

      I was just trying to be succinct and direct while explaining the importance of tolerance in our fandom. Of course everypony still uses the word hate! I was just using Hyperbole to get the point across.

      Don't freak out. We are not a cult or a religion
      yet. *maniacal Fluttershy laugh*

    40. I dont get number 1. I really really dont.


    41. I saw this post previously. Is it showing up twice in my feeds or something?

    42. Let me finish this f****ng stupid furaffinity bullshit.

      1.To see any furry porn you need to sign up so no need to go crazy and jump to the conclusion that your gonna be infested with yiff.

      2.Once you finished reading the god damn comic you can leave the website! NOT AS IF YOUR OBLIGATED TO STAY ON THE WEBSITE.



      5.Stop Complaining. like i'm doing right now

      I'm not a furry but god damn it stop complaining/arguing

      We are all bronies and are number one task is to love and tolerate and you guys are doing the opposite and that's not very bronysh.of you.

      I'm done

    43. @Kayriel

      This. This completely. Rock, you're being a bit of an asshole. Asking for a warning because something links to something you personally don't like is dumb. The link leads not to the type of furry art you find strange, but to a comic using the ponies that look like ponies. To find the art that you dislike, you have to stay on the site and look for it.

      In other words, quit your bitching.

    44. @DSNesmith So what, the website something is hosted on is what makes or breaks it? So if Seth was to post, say, a news story with pictures about a rape, you'd be okay with it because it's on EqD?

      Bit of an extreme example, yes, but same principle. You enjoy ponies - obviously - so why make a big deal because ponies are on some other site? It's not a link to a bunch of furry porn. You have to make an account and remove a filter to even be allowed to see it. It's a link to pony art.

      Grow up.

    45. Anyone who likes good MLP stories and art owes it to themselves to check out that first link and what lead to it. The story's been going on for several months now and it is exceedingly well done and written.

    46. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    47. @DeRockProject "Don't piss me off?" Is that supposed to intimidate me or something? Because if it is, then it failed pretty miserably.

      But okay, I'll play your little game. You're too petty to accept that some people like things you don't, and get pissed when they link to a website that features that things? Well, I dunno about you, but I get all the warning I need when I hover my mouse over the picture. It kind of shows me the home link, you see, so if I just take a little bit of time and actually look I can see "Oh hey, it's from FurAffinity." And then I proceed to not give a single fuck.

      And your work argument is lol. If you're at work and browing a pony site, I think you're already probably violating some rule or other.


    49. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    50. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    51. Dragonball reference. Makes me think... what if Discord is like Majiin Buu? What if the personality we've seen is hiding another one, that is totaly evil? Heh, probably not; this show has limits it won't cross. Plus, Discord is already awesome... and stoned for at least the next year or so.

      Well, that's one of the things Fanfiction is for. It

    52. @DeRockProject
      >have to make an account and turn off mature content filter to see anything... you know, mature

      Wat. And I'm being a jackass, yeah, but only because you're being an intolerant douche and trying to justify it. Very feebly. If you aren't bothered enough by furries to take the time and check your links, then it obviously doesn't bother you that much.

      Also, I'm sure Seth will warn about any potential seizure risks if he posts something that could trigger one. But trying to protect people from seizures by telling them that this picture links to FA and on FA you might stumble upon a seizure-inducing picture if you stick around and look for one just doesn't work. Anyway, the same thing could happen on freaking DeviantArt, so don't pull that shit in your FA argument.

      Also, fucking rich, you asking if love and tolerance is dead. You're being intolerant too, bro. At least we aren't being hypocritical on top of it.

    53. That second one buckin made me lol pretty hard.

    54. ^ the heck is going on with these arguments above?

    55. @Mac3030 Rock is buttmad about FA links and trying to justify it. It pisses me off.

    56. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    57. @DeRockProject You were being intolerant. You were complaining because a picture linked to a website where you could choose to navigate away from the picture linked and find art that you didn't like. That's pretty intolerant.

      I may not like DeviantArt. I see dicks on DA all the time, and I don't like that. Do you see me asking Seth to warn when someone links to it? No? Know why? Because when a particular picture is linked, that is the only picture you will see if you click it. To find anything you don't like, you have to look for it.

      FA is not a porn site. It's an art site that allows porn, and yes, you do need to make an account and remove the filter to see any. Try not to talk about things if you don't know what you're going on about.

      And look, if it's not such a big deal that you can't be bothered to glance at the bottom of the screen before clicking, then it obviously isn't having that much of a lasting impact.

      I told you to quit your bitching because that's what it was, and I've yet to see any legitimate justification for it. At all.

    58. Comic #2 part 2:
      Okay... how do we separate?!?!?!?!?!

    59. Sigh... and I used to love being able to roll through the brony threads without seeing any of the typical back-and-forth of silly internet banter and pointless conflict.

      Furries exist. They have for quite a while now. Celestia know's I sure ain't one of them, but they're there regardless, and (surprise suprise!) a good portion of them like our little show. Does it mean anything? Naw. But it seems a big fear among us is what others think of the fandom (I'm lookin' at YOU, Fox!) and it seems a lot of (more ignorant) people automatically associate bronies with furries, and that sort of thing terrifies us. Apples and oranges, really; One's a subculture...almost a sort of way of life, if you will...while the other's a group of fans of a TV show, nothing more. The two are not necessarily correlated in any way. But as someone who is a bit weirded out by some of the stuff, even clean stuff, in the furry world, I believe we should nevertheless stick to our old MLP:FiM mantra and convey the messages the show teaches. Sure, even just a dA link instead would have made this a whole lot easier, but EqD didn't make you see any fox genitalia, so you can still sleep easy tonight and accept anyone who wants to be a part of this community.

      At least they ain't hatin'! They just got a unique way of lovin'.


    60. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    61. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    62. @DeRockProject

      Ooh, argument ad populem. Just because a lot of people agree doesn't make it true. A lot of people agreed with slavery too.

      One of your main arguments against FA was that you can find NSFW pics and kids might find them. I'm not pretending that everyone thinks FA is porn, you're acting like you think it's porn.

      And again, big fucking deal. Okay, so the bloody banner has animals with vaguely humanoid shapes. Why is this a crime? Did the banner sleep with your wife? Does it buy the love of your children, leaving you cold and alone? What's that? "No, I just dislike how they look?" Well too damn bad.

      I expect you to get mad when I insult you. That's the point. You're being an intolerant doucher and it pisses me off. So I return the favor.

      And no, you didn't just want to discuss this. Stop playing the damn martyr. You started bitching because something linked to a site you don't like and asked for a warning with nor substantial reason as to why you should get one for this site and not the several other sites we link to. That's now stating and asking for opinions, It's bitching. But know what? I don't think you'll believe me on my word alone, so I'ma use the WONDERFUL magic of the Internet to quote you.

      "Hey! I'm grossed out by furry stuff. I think they're creepy. I don't hate the ponies and what they do. Just saying that many ponies think anthropomorphic animals are creepy. Yeah, I don't think asking for something unreasonable. Just a warning."

      Yeah, that's you bitching about something stupid and asking to be warned. Not starting a discussion, not asking for other peoples' opinions. Anything else you'd like to pull out of your ass so I can stomp it?

    63. You forgot the vest in the fusion form

    64. As a side note, in the quote where it says "ponies," it was my Ponify changing the word "people." As cool as that thing is, it's kind of inconvenient for debates :/

    65. You can actually check links by hovering over them with your cursor. Clicked on the FA link and saw nothing NSFW. I think people are just knee jerking . Also word verification is a means of stopping spammers in the comments

      Also this debate is rather silly.

    66. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    67. @DeRockProject Outright said? Nope. Heavily implied?

      " You don't have to be at work. Maybe you're just underage and shouldn't be watching those kinda things."

      "Porn sites don't have mature filters. Images don't need accounts to be seen"

      ^This in response to me saying:

      >have to make an account and turn off mature content filter to see anything... you know, mature"

      Which was, of course, in response to the first quote I provided. So yeah, you very heavily implied that the existence of furry porn on the site was a big factor.

    68. From looking in the comments this got touched off due to a misunderstanding between Xort and DeRock.

    69. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    70. Shit I forgot to do one more grammar check before I post that! XDDDDDDD And edit a few sentences. They were worded a bit weird. Oh well. Hope I didn't make ANOTHER stupid mistake.

      Anyway, I gotta go eat dinner. So if by any chance I don't reply, I'll be there in at most a couple hours.


    72. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    73. @DeRockProject If you weren't talking about FA, then why even bring it up? It wasn't relevant at all.

      And my attitude pisses you off? Again, that's what I was going for. You pissed me off by asking for an unreasonable warning. There is no need for a warning, and we've been over this in at least three other comment threads.

      My "metaphor" - it wasn't a metaphor, mind you, but whatever - was an example of why argument ad populem is fallacious. Just because a large amount of people agree - like with slavery, way back when - it doesn't mean it's right.

      So, you whine in the hopes of cutting back on the whining? And while you do so, you whine about anthros creeping you out? No, dude. You weren't trying to preempt other peoples' whining. You were whining yourself.

      And yes, it is bloody unreasonable. WHY should we warn for FA and not for DA? On FA you can find furry porn if you sign up and turn off a filter. On DA you can find constant pictures of dicks that people claim are "artistic nudes" if you make and account and go past a filter. Same damn thing. So the only reason I can see anyone want a warning is because they're being intolerant of furries.

      Yes, you are acting like a jackass. I think the whole 'fursecution' shit's as ridiculous as the next guy, but you were freaking asking to be warned when a site would lead you to SAFE furry pictures. If you chose to navigate away from the linked page and search for them.

      I never said we aren't being jackasses. I said the difference is we aren't trying to pretend we aren't.

    74. And for the record, since I've been up for over 24 hours now, the only reason I was still up was so I could see where this debate went. Since you'll apparently be gone for two hours and I dun wanna wait all that time just for a debate, I'm off to bed. If shit's happened when I wake up, I'll respond then.

    75. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    76. If I was a sysadmin, or parent, or spouse, and I saw network traffic of someone following links from EQD to FA, I'd:
      1. Think that person's a furry.
      2. Start to think that the only reason people like MLP is because they're a furry.
      3. Be creeped out by them if they asked me to watch the show.

      It doesn't matter that it's "technically not a porn site itsa site that allows porn". It IS primarily known by 99% of those who know about it as a PORN site.

      I do not want to run the risk of this kind of network history.

    77. I'm confused. There's an argument here and none of the usual suspects are involved at all.

      Ah well, I'll just reiterate my position as usual: Seth can post whatever the hell he likes on his blog, he's not obligated to tell me -or anyone else- shit if he doesn't care to. He decides that linking to FA doesn't merit a warning, and he's free to make that judgment call. Doesn't matter to me any.

      Anyway, onto the topic.

      Comic #1- Well drawn, if a little confusing the first time you read through it. I got it the second time through by skimming the description a little, and I like the way the artist draws Celestia. You can really feel the exhaustion.

      Comic #2- Rainbow Dash's speed and arrogance combined with Pinkie's disregard for spatial boundaries and limitless energy. I think we're bucked.

    78. I don't normally post but I have to speak my mind do to the ammount of hate there is here.

      Anyone here who is hating on furries is not only as bad as anyone who is hating on bronies but far worse. Bronies are Furries are to some extent in the same boat and should not be hating on each other. (Many furries still do not like bronies but FA did make an offical post supporting the MLP fandom once)

      What I mean by being in the same boat is the plain and simble fact that we are minority groups.

      (Believe it or do not but there are more people out there who would say 'What is wrong with you!?' then say 'Hey I am brony too' if you told them you watched MLP FIM)

      Now you can say you hate furries because some draw or write porn. Have you noticed that there is the same for Bronies? Do you hate your own fandom because of it? And if you now think 'But I do not support he part of the fandom that creats porn', not every furry support furry porn either.(And if you hate FA for allowing it.. you probably should not visit FimFiction ever again)

      (Why fictional porn is considered worse then real porn is beyond me, but that is another not the point of this post.)

      So if you really hate the furry community and are not some random troll, think about the fandom you are supporting and your own position in this fandom. Furries and Bronies are really not very distant from each other.(In many, even if not all, aspects at least)

    79. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    80. In #1 the shadow-pony behind Celestia is a speaker for the series of images. He's been showing up provoking scares for the mane-6 and Luna as well as Celestia, demanding an audience.

      There's a lot of story to read. This was just a sequence of him showing up again in an unusual place.

    81. I don't get what's so unreasonable about wanting a warning when you're being directed to a site that has ads that people find disturbing, it's only common courtesy. I also don't understand how this turned into an argument accusing someone of bashing furries.

    82. "Love and tolerate"? Bullshit. It's the number one lie spoken by pony fandom. Bronies do not love, they do not tolerate, ever.

      If you basement-dwellers are going to whine about FurAffinity, you sure as hell had better stop going to DeviantArt. It has furries too... lots of them. It has sexually explicit art too.... lots of it.

      Fucktard hypocrite bronies.

    83. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    84. @DeRockProject Let me start this out by admitting one thing- I am a furry.

      I read through the big argument you had and felt a few things as I went through it. It reminded me of times where I got in heated discussions, ones where I was finding myself completely defenseless. Like everyone was going against me, and I was alone. I felt bad for you, that you had to go through something like that.

      But I could not agree with you, or find any desire to defend you. Because frankly, your words offended me. I feel like every time EqD links to FA I'm going to have to steel myself for the oncoming tide of hatred. For the ignorance and the intolerance. As a furry I'll say straight out fursecution is a word that should die horribly in a fire, but there is a limit to how much crap I can take.

      Sadly, knowing your type, it doesn't really matter what I say. I could argue all night and all day until its time for me to go to work. I wouldn't be able to budge your opinion even an inch. . . And ya know what? Thats the worst part. I can never show you that the Furry community has its good and bad parts, I can't remove your aversion to furry art, and I can't even get you to just appreciate a pony picture if its on FA. But hell if I'm not going to try

      Tell me, were you ever creeped out by Bugs Bunny growing up? Or even now? Did movies with werewolves cause you to squeal? Or maybe Beast from X-Men? I'd say thats the extent of what you'd see on FA without an account. Never once in the entire time I've used FA have I seen any genitalia in the Ads, I'd have to go to Fchan or some other crappy porn site. Their ads are explicit, and if Seth linked to there I'd completely understand your issue. Even still, its true some of the ads are saucy, but there have been times were images of this nature appeared on EqD's Drawfriend. Was it really that big of a deal?

      If you consider yourself a man of some intelligence and strength, I think you could put aside your petty hatred and appreciate it for what it is. It's a My Little Pony fanart that was made by another human being, that was posted on a site run by other humans. Not creepy monsters wanting to shove porn in your face, but people. Just like you and me, ya?

    85. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    86. @DeRockProject
      The ads sometimes get like that. A super closeup of two furries looking at each other affectionately, stuff like that.

      You seriously can't look at mascots or bugs bunny? This sounds less like personal opinion and more like a Phobia. At that point, I can understand why you'd persist on this for so long. It still doesn't make it right, though. If I were you I'd take some time to really self reflect and think about why you are so creeped out by it, because it doesn't sound healthy.

    87. @DeRockProject You already responded to the Baw comment. I don't see why you found the need to do so again. And your just gonna go ahead and spout that off just because of this incedent here? SMH dude Now you're the person overreacting here.

    88. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    89. @DeRockProject At this point it's just best to let go of this whole stupid thing and not hold on to it. Responding in your vitrolic manner is only going to make things worse than they already are. Agree to disagree and move on.

    90. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    91. Warnings about where an links lead you to are given by your browser on mouseover. Jus'saying.

      Also, tolerance doesn't mean you have to like it it just means accepting that something exists or that something is the way it is and not complain about it every chance you get.

      Like I'm tolerating the furry untolerant bronies among you.

      I'll just giggle qietly about how silly it is to hate on the very fandom which, by it's definition, they are a part of.

    92. #1 I don't get it. At all.
      #2 I'm surprised I haven't seen this done before. Now all we need is Rainbike!

    93. 1. Celestia needs to be on fire more often. It looks cool!

      2. Haha, nice.

    94. Wow! that art is insanely amazing. And I love the Fusion dance from DBZ. Rainkie Die!

    95. Uh... what does the art in the first post have to do with furry? I'm my opinion it's the best MLP art I've seen in ages. None of it is Anthropomorphized so it's pure pony as far as I'm concerned. Not sure what everypony else is talking about and complaining about. Art is Art.

    96. @Aragrist: It's a overreaction by someone who has issues with physically anthropomorphised animals. The mere fact that it's on FA, (and thus he can see the site banner and furry ads), was too much for him.

      @DeRockProject: If anthros impact you like that, might I suggest that you simply add FurAffinity to your adblock settings.

    97. @Forb.Jok

      No surprise you don't get what's going on, it's part of a series that he's been posting since July.

      The first one is here:


      And it's been a good chunk of his output since then. If you don't mind hitting a couple saucy pics you can use the "newer" links, otherwise you can drop out to his gallery pages.

    98. God why is it so weird to not like furries? I mean, it's not everyone can like what you like, right? What? Do you go everywhere around the internet trying to forcing people to watch MLP:FiM? No. I presume you don't.

      @Chakat Firepaw

      Don't just assume false shit about me, please... I'm really not like what you said.

      How did this become such a big deal anyway? I can go to FA. It's not like I puke or have nausea when I go there.

      I'm just, "Okay, this is a bit too close to the Uncanny Valley for me." But I can just move on. I'm talking about this because it seems like many people have an issue about it. And I suggested what we could maybe do about it. I mean, dang, calm down...


      For that matter, I saw this on Extra Credits so I'll talk about it here. You know the Uncanny Valley, right? Where something clearly not a human is given human characteristics, it looks more appealing. But when it looks too human, and looks more like a human with inhuman qualities, it becomes... uncanny. My explanation is a piece of shit. (Just google it or something. TVTropes has a good explanation.) Furries of the first kind is completely fine with me, but furries I often see seem to be too human. But, again, I know it's probably just me.

      No, I'm not asking for a fight. If that's what you want anyway, from now on, I'm fucking ignoring you completely. I really wanted to respond to everyone if possible, but I'm sick of it. I can no longer give a shit to things like that.

      Anyway, I'm deleting all my comments in this thread except this one. I think it's for the best. Throwing out the trash.

    99. @DeRockProject

      Sorry, but you're the one who said you have issues with physically anthropomorphised animals and you did overreact.

      I gave you a solution: If you dislike something so much that you don't even want to see a website banner and maybe a pair of small ads, block the site.

    100. @Chakat Firepaw

      Did you even read my comment? What did I say about blocking that site?

    101. @DeRockProject
      It was _A_ solution, one which would deal with any issues of 'accidentally' going to FA, furthermore it was proceeded in each case by a conditional. No one is forcing you to use it, nor is anyone forcing other people to not use it.

    102. @Chakat Firepaw

      What? No, that's not what I mean. Why does everyone interpret everything I say as worse than it sounds?!

      "Hey, calm down. Let's have a reasonable talk here."
      "IS THAT A THREAT?!"

      "Hey, I don't really need to block the site."
      "Sheesh, no one's forcing you to!"

      Look, I don't have a strong, well-thought-out opinion on this whole thing. I didn't think I NEED to. I was just saying things on passing until people start getting butthurt at me... And then apparently I HAVE to explain myself. I don't even get why the hell everyone's mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong.

      And btw why is it always taking you 12 hours to reply to me? I'd rather go through this conversation a bit faster.

    103. When everyone is reading what you wrote in a way you don't intend, perhaps you should look at the common element.

      (Mind you, you are somewhat misrepresenting one of those exchanges: You hardly made a neutral or pacifistic statement, you said "Don't piss me off," something most commonly used as an implied threat.)

      On to my suggestion, it was made because you said that the contents of the banner and ads at FA were already too much furry for you.

      Some further advice: If you make a statement based on a not well thought out opinion and people start questioning that statement, it's time to apply some thought to that position.

      My timing is due to nothing more than having other things to do than check my personal email every ten minutes.

    104. @Chakat Firepaw

      What? How is "Don't piss me off." an implied threat?! And through the internet? Do people just ASSUME I'm stupid or something? I just genuinely didn't want to get mad. Such a big thing to ask for... More importantly, he was talking shit to other people as well. I asked him to not piss them off either. Dude's fucking ruining everyone's day... Criticize their behavior, not directly insult them! Don't go around causing fights!

      The banner and ad... isn't any more furry than, well, anything else that is furry. I mean, I talked about the uncanny valley. They look more like deformed humans than animals given human aspects.

      But I don't even block goatse or whatever disgusting porn site about killing people that might hypothetically exist, no matter how unpleasant. And I'm just cool with that. It'd be nonsense to leave those alone, yet block FA. And I have to go there sometimes. I DO have to read the comics yknow. And some art. And that version of Somewhere Only We Know.

      And yeah I should apply some thought to my opinion. But I'm trying to talk about what I FELT about furries, not what I consciously THOUGHT about them. I don't know what I think about them. I never really thought much about it. I mean, it shouldn't be such a big deal I think furries are creepy. Like, AS IF it's this HUGE part of my identity.

      Btw, I'm notified through my desktop instantly when I get an email. Anything I have to do just shows up there. So it's best I know as quickly as possible.

    105. @DeRockProject

      It is an implied threat because, in its typical usage, it is followed by a spoken or unspoken 'or else'. You may not have intended this but that means you made a rather poor choice of phrasing.

      You do know that any decent adblocker can block page elements, right? A quick look says it would take about three entries to block the banner, ads and avatars on FA.

      It is quite possible to think about ones feelings, it is also very possible to think about proposed actions stemming from those feelings.

      And yes, I could turn on XBiff or whatever to monitor my personal account, (stuff I need to deal with for real goes to an account that is checked far more often). "Other things to do" still applies, including things which preclude any computer use, (or getting home before 2AM :) ).

    106. Well, when I downloaded google chat for... chatting, it just notifies me with a popup in the bottom right corner. There's also options where I can just make gmail do that. Yeah, I presume you're busy most of the time. Just saying there's a simple way. (If you're using gmail, at least.)

      "Don't piss me off..." I... Well, I suck at english. Shit's not even my first language, anyway. I'm korean. And yeah, that shouldn't be an excuse, I lived here for more than 5 years. This shit should be nothing. and, gah, what the fuck.

      Well, adblockers are complicated. I don't wanna deal with them. Anyway, whatever it is, I will never block FA in any way, when I didn't even block worse sites yet. And, either way, that would just be disrespectful. And don't they need money for the ads? I mean, if it's sound ads then I'll fucking block them, but... sound ads... Blech! I need to get an adblocker! Oh right. I already tried. XD Na, I'm too lazy. REALLY lazy.

      And if I'm going to think about what I feel about whatever subject, I'm not half-assing it. I'd give several hours of it and just say I have no idea at the moment. But that wasn't a moment where I gave a shit about furries or whatever. That was when he flipped out at me and offended me, and I had to defend myself. In those moments, no one looks for what's right. Everyone looks for who wins. Or maybe it's simple as, I did stupid stuff because I was mad. Actually, I have no idea. And I don't give a shit. Kinda similar to how I don't give a shit to a math problem too complicated for me.

    107. @DeRockProject
      I've run Biff[1] programs in the past, my personal stuff doesn't currently warrant it.

      What you've run into is something of an idiom, unfortunately the only way to learn those is to stumble into them one at a time.[2]

      Adblock Plus is pretty easy to use, it even figures out the likely broader filters you might want to use and gives you a list. If you're worried about the morality of blocking the ads, you can either ignore them with wetware or throw a little donation Dragoneer's way in lieu of ad impressions.

      [1] The original mail alert program was named biff after the programmer's dog, (who liked to bark at the mailman).

      [2] It gets worse when the same words are used to mean different things. Where I am, "not bad" can mean anything from 'things aren't that good, but nothing I can really complain about' to 'that's great for you!' depending on context and how they are said.
