• Comic: Derpy Gets Pranked / Twilight Sparkle Makes Friends

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    I still prefer the other characterizations of Derpy out there, secret Einstein level genius being he best.

    Speaking of geniuses, have some Twilight Sparkle seeking alternate methods of making friends.

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    23 kommentaari:

    1. #1 Oh Derpy, looks like Dash didn't expect that. I like how she never seems to care.

      #2 All I could think of was that Twilight looked like Dr. Horrible (or Dr. horsible for those who like bad bad puns) even though it is just stereotype scientist gear.

      Comic was good, the suit fits her well.

    2. I'm going to start the dark cloud meme, fear ME!

    3. #1
      Hahaha, didn't see that one coming.


    4. I just read a slightly sad Derpy and Dinky fic that was also extremely sweet. Therefore, I find the first one slightly offensive. But only because I just read that fic.

    5. #1 Oh, come on. I know Derpy is....well, derpy, but she can't be THAT oblivious and dimwitted. I actually think she's smarter than most people give her credit for. Funny comic though.

      #2 Twilight playing God? Oooook.....I think Spike said it best. Spike?
      Spike: Dude, that's creepy.

    6. Twilight the ponymaker? O_o

    7. http://www.livestream.com/gamingbronies?t=636274

    8. Poor derpy. Lucky Dashy was loyal enough to extinguish her :P

    9. Because I'm a pyromaniac and im tired I will say,
      BURN BABY BUUUUUUUURN! I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

    10. lol dash, we all aspire to be like you

    11. #1 lol, and Derpy just doesn't seem to care either way

      #2 That's a bit creepy Twilight, but OMG.. little Pinkie Pie. She's too adorable.

    12. In Twilight's laboratory,
      Lives the smartest mare,
      you've ever seen,
      But pinkie blows her experiments,
      to smithereens!
      There is doom and gloom
      While things go boom

      In Twilight's Lab!

    13. @Asalis

      Enter at your own peril,
      Past the wooden door,
      Where magical things may happen
      That Equestria has never seen before!

    14. Lol, Dr. Horrible. Or even Bad Horse, if you will. Couldn't resist. Is it wrong to think that Twi in that coat with the "I don't give a **** attitude is kind of a turn on? Don't judge me!

    15. @JordanRynes

      It's called "Dinky Doo's Father Revealed. It has three parts. I got there originally by looking at other stories that the author of the Blueblood story "Royal Pains" that was in the post before this one, clicking on "How Bright Eyes got Derpy," then clicking on the inspiration story link for that story. That led me to "Dinky Doo's Father Revealed," and on that page it liked to chapters 2 & 3. Although, you could probably just type in this link if you want to read it:


    16. @BombedrumbumSomeone should make a fanfic about that.

    17. #1 Dashie, you're a meanie

      #2 IT'S ALIVE!!!

    18. Wow, surprisingly, I totally knew what was going to happen in #1.

      #2 In Twilight's lab, where Pinkie always breaks Twilight's fourth wall, constantly putting her secret lab in peril of discovery.
