• Brony Movie Night

    It is once again that time of the week! As always, Bronystate is running their annual movie night, leading up to the brand new episode on Saturday. 

    Check out the flyer above for information!

    22 kommentaari:

    1. 'annual'? i don't think that's the word you meant. perhaps try 'regular'?

    2. Bronystate should stream the Hub miniseries "Clue" next. That'd be fun to watch with a group I bet.

    3. The one time I don't fill out a ballet they pick BOTH my choices...

    4. Also, don't we show Sonic Rainboom almost every other week? I wonder why that episode is so popular...

    5. Hoping to be even a part of this this time around. Hooray for days off!

    6. Oh man, Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter was pure gold.

    7. I'll be there with bells on. Hoof-stitched ones, no less.

    8. Annual means by year,

      It's their "weekly".

    9. @Canvas Wolf Doll
      I find it funny when people misuse words that are supposed to be common.

    10. Haha. Annual.
      Oh, Shaun Scotellaro, you so silly. You meant "weekly."

    11. i was thinking of skipping the movie night to play skyrim but i figure when the time comes im gonna be tired of getting my butt kicked by the very first dragon i meet guess thats what i get for going pure mage

    12. Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter...

      You're kidding, right? They even made THAT movie?

    13. Everyone pick on Seth for saying "annual". lol :P

      I may be a bit absent this week. But behave, I'm watching! Octavia is always watching! ;)

      ... except when she's not. But shhh, don't tell anyone...

    14. Hot fuzz!?!? <3
      This makes me proud to be English

    15. Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter.

      Canadians can do some really weird stuff!

    16. Had a blast last week as it was my first. Looking forward to tonight after raid. Bleeeeh.
