This site will become a wasteland once everypony starts Skyrimming with each other. Even more so once pony mods start flowing through. I have a sad now. :(
@DeeperMadness To tell the truth, I'm still stuck on the AC-130 mission. No matter what I do, those mortars keep wiping out the ground forces.
My favorite plane has to be the ASF-X Shinden II. There's no way you can stall in that thing. My favorite mission so far is the the second fighter sortie (after Bishop's Nightmare and the door gunner intro).
I think she's waiting for tomorrow's episode. Or Skyrim. Or her next episode. Or she's just staring at her wrist because it's a different color than the rest of her body. Do ponies have wrists?
Yeah, that mission gave me a bit of gip at first. You have to look along the mountainside to locate them all. Then work systematically from nearest to furthest getting as many first time direct hits as possible. The game gets pretty good after that point, but ASM needs a bit of work. It works well for the sea sortie though.
You'll have to let me know how you get on (you're the same guy from Ponibooru, right? You can PM me! lol).
That banner is kick ass material, just wanted to say that really quick. Makes me wonder how the pony's would look like if they were animated in japan. Also, it gives me a bit of a Ninja Turtles vibe with the weapon and the facial expression. Love it! ^^
Skyrim might just consume us all. I too am going to that distant land soon. I might not even watch MLP tomorrow or even the BronyState stream tonight! Times like this I wish I had two monitors...
This Skyrim hype is a tad annoying to those of us that don't play those games.
But at least this isn't an MMO and it has no multiplayer. The game is finite and in a weeks time most people will have already put in the 200 hours and beat it and will move on to other things.
I would make a clever joke about HSC being over but I just woke up and there's Cheerios in my mouth so Trixie your um uh Attractive oh wait i said that out loud, oh wait i'm anonymous and we all think the same! PONIES
Today is also Remembrance Day / Veteran's Day / Armistice Day. I thought Trixie might have doffed her hat, bowed her head and put a hoof over her breast in respect for the fallen.
106 kommentaari:
Tis a bit slow today, isn't it.
VastaKustutaWaiting for something?
VastaKustutaShouldn't Trixie be playing Skyrim?
VastaKustutaNo Trixie, you don't have a watch on your arm.
VastaKustutaYou're bored, huh?
This site will become a wasteland once everypony starts Skyrimming with each other. Even more so once pony mods start flowing through. I have a sad now. :(
VastaKustutaI liked this because it has a Trixie in it.
VastaKustutaIt's not like the day has been slow on news man, go get some sleepy time, you've earned it.
VastaKustutaI know dude. So depressed now that Skyrim is out...Everyone everywhere will be playing it nonstop and nothing else...
"I know magic like the back of my hoof"
VastaKustutaDat picture
"Hmmmm that didn't appear there before."
I don't play the series that skyrim belongs to. Whatever its called
VastaKustutaOh Trixie.
VastaKustutaI got MW3 instead of Skyrim.
VastaKustutaMy guess would be that Seth has Skyrim preordered and is waiting for delivery. If that's the case, I'm in the same boat.
VastaKustutaPreordered online, that is. Like from Amazon or something.
VastaKustutaI waiting for my copy of skyrim to get here too.
VastaKustutaI'm not buying it for about 4-6 weeks myself, if I get a taste for it sooner, I'll fail all my classes.
VastaKustutaReally really surprised the image doesn't link to something either totally crazy or totally odd. lol
VastaKustutaBut yes, we wub woo too, Trixie. <3
The Great and Powerful Trixie awaits her copy of Skyrim from DerpyMail.
VastaKustutaWhat she doesn't expect is that she is going to have to pick it up herself because Derpy forgets she has a doorbell!
(Experience with UPS...)
I am seriously contemplating skipping school to make sure I'm at home to get Skyrim. I really, really don't want to have to go pick it up.
VastaKustutaThis is bad and you should feel bad.
VastaKustutaGets MW3 and Skyrim
VastaKustutaStill spends most of the day with ponies.
Greetings Trixie, Beautiful as always.
VastaKustutaClock is ticking Trixie.
VastaKustutaClock. Is. Ticking!
Don't worry Trixie! Your copy of Skyrim will arrive soon!
VastaKustuta(Quoting Rarity) Would you all be QUIET... NOOOOW!!!
VastaKustutaIt's not like EVERYPONY has a computer good enough to play this MOTHERBUCKING Skyrim, you know!
I'm still playing Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. I have absolutely no idea what this Skyrim is.
VastaKustutaTrixie is just dissapointed it's Skyrim time and not Trixie time.
VastaKustutaRandom Trixie time? Random Trixie time.
VastaKustutaSorry Trixie but your going to have to wait a long time before Hasbro calls you back for a second Episode.
VastaKustuta@Rarityfan Neither do I. Personally, I'm finding all this Skyrim hype to be really damn annoying.
VastaKustutaI don't blame you, it's a really fun game. I was a little disappointed in how you dispose of Markov, but the drama is great regardless.
What's you favourite jet and mission in it?
Meh. I failed history. No Skyrim for me :/
VastaKustuta"I really need to draw a new battery for this thing"
VastaKustutaBit bored are we seth?
VastaKustutaMy Pc doesn´t support Skyrim Y.Y
VastaKustutaSeth. I love you.
VastaKustutaTrixie. I love you too, dear.
This is a good wake up call. =)
Skyrim is now officially 24 Hours Old! ʸᵃʸ
VastaKustutaHooray Trixie!
VastaKustuta8/11: Modern Warfare 3
VastaKustuta11/11: Skyrim
15/11 AC Revelations
Videogames, Y U NO LET ME PASS MY EXAMS???
Don't forget Halo CEA on Tuesday aswell as ACR
VastaKustutaHow many games are coming out this month?
I need a job...
>My computer can barely run Skyrim
VastaKustutaI'm a sad panda :(
VastaKustutaYay, sompony else remembered halo! Im still trying to decide if I should buy it or reach with my new xbox
VastaKustutaTrixie: Oh roadapples, is that a small dragon in the front row?! *discreetly covers diamond clasp with foreleg*
VastaKustutaI'm not playing any games & am instead working on a parody project, dramatic readings & learning to use FL Studio 7. Fun times.
VastaKustutaSkyrim... I NEED YOU! Though, I do need Uncharted 3 and Dark Souls... And then I have New Vegas to finish... CURSE YOU TIME AND MONEY!!!
VastaKustutaI thought Trixie would be making an awesome battle mage on Skyrim, why so bored Trix?
VastaKustutaDon't worry, i've made one for you. Double firebolt ftw!
Is the great and powerful TRIXIE tired of waiting? Maybe she doesn't have enough bits for Skyrim...
VastaKustutayes Trixie your watch tells no lies it is time for skyrim... I AM COMING FOR YOU MUDCRABS!!!
VastaKustutathis is everypony waiting for the next episode.
VastaKustutaOh jeezy, soon, nearly everypony will be giving each other what I like to call... wait for it... a "Skyrimjob". BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
VastaKustuta(Y'all can shoot me now.)
VastaKustutaTo tell the truth, I'm still stuck on the AC-130 mission. No matter what I do, those mortars keep wiping out the ground forces.
My favorite plane has to be the ASF-X Shinden II. There's no way you can stall in that thing. My favorite mission so far is the the second fighter sortie (after Bishop's Nightmare and the door gunner intro).
You know you're bored when you watch what the clock is but you don't have a watch at your arm.
VastaKustutaYou are stuck on Iron lady? Words cannot describe my disbelief right now.
I think she's waiting for tomorrow's episode.
VastaKustutaOr Skyrim.
Or her next episode.
Or she's just staring at her wrist because it's a different color than the rest of her body. Do ponies have wrists?
The Great and Powerful Trixie does not seem to understand why we find Skyrim more interesting than her.
VastaKustutaDo you know what the worst part is? I'm playing on Rookie.
Now I know how Twilight felt during Lesson Zero.
VastaKustutaYeah, that mission gave me a bit of gip at first. You have to look along the mountainside to locate them all. Then work systematically from nearest to furthest getting as many first time direct hits as possible. The game gets pretty good after that point, but ASM needs a bit of work. It works well for the sea sortie though.
You'll have to let me know how you get on (you're the same guy from Ponibooru, right? You can PM me! lol).
What the hay, Seth?
VastaKustutaWhat's the big deal with Skyrim anyway. I don't even know what it is.
VastaKustutaI hear Portal was a lot better anyway.
So... Skyrim, yeah.
VastaKustutaSo, I heard your show is... um... yeah... um... Trixie.
VastaKustuta...anyways I'll leave you to yourself I guess?
VastaKustutaSo, hows space?
That little annoying yellow ball bored of it yet?
VastaKustutaProbably for her episode. I'm still staring at my wrist, too.
When Seth gets Skyrim, do you think he'll tell us or does he think a picture of Trixie will do for a few days?
VastaKustutaThat banner is kick ass material, just wanted to say that really quick. Makes me wonder how the pony's would look like if they were animated in japan. Also, it gives me a bit of a Ninja Turtles vibe with the weapon and the facial expression. Love it! ^^
VastaKustutaWell, good morning Trixie!
VastaKustutaFFFFF- First, Dark Souls (HNNNGH amazing game), then Battlefield 3 (HNNNNNNNNNNGH AMAZING game), now Skyrim (HNNNNNNNNN- *flatline*)???!?!
VastaKustutaI'm done for. Buy me a coffin, I'm too busy twicthing in excitement.
Does anyone quite realize what day today is? 11/11/11? This is a day of EPICNESS.
VastaKustutaImpatient Trixie is impatient.
VastaKustutaSkyrim might just consume us all. I too am going to that distant land soon. I might not even watch MLP tomorrow or even the BronyState stream tonight! Times like this I wish I had two monitors...
VastaKustutaThis sucks. Everyone has $60 for skyrim and all i have is this weekend SWTOR beta. ;)
VastaKustutaShe's waiting for Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
VastaKustutaOr I am, at least. Haven't heard anyone else mention it.
Today is going to be a very painful day at work.
VastaKustutaA pain that will only be remedied by a weekend long power session of Skyrim. I will be supplying myself accordingly for this quest.
VastaKustutaI'm pretty excited about it, I just wanted to play Skyrim really bad. XD
I'm looking forward to some multiplayer fun on there.
My Skyrim's supposedly coming in UPS sometime this afternoon.
VastaKustutaWhats a Skyrim? Sounds invasive and painful.
VastaKustutaThis Skyrim hype is a tad annoying to those of us that don't play those games.
VastaKustutaBut at least this isn't an MMO and it has no multiplayer. The game is finite and in a weeks time most people will have already put in the 200 hours and beat it and will move on to other things.
fur o'clock already
VastaKustutaTrixie: Where is Seth!? It is unwise to make the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE wait.
Skyrim has been awesome so far.
I'm not getting Skyrim until Bethesda drops/loses the lawsuit against Minecraft.
VastaKustutaSince when did Equestria Daily become a gaming community? /:(
VastaKustutaTrixie Is Waiting for the 70,000,000 Pony to accidentally stumble here!
VastaKustutaAm I Rite?
forgot to add "th" after 70,000,000.
VastaKustutaIs this how time normally passes?
VastaKustutaVery slowly, in the right order.
what are you waiting
VastaKustutaOh, would you look at the time, it's a great and powerful freckle past a great and powerful hair.
VastaKustuta[url=]I'm just sitting, waiting, wishing, you believe in superstition.[/url]
VastaKustutanope, not shiny enough
VastaKustutaScrew skyrim,I'm waiting for Saints the third.
VastaKustutaYAY! Halo CEA comes out today! Also cant wait for SWTOR. I dont really care for skyrim yet since I havnt played the series... Yet
VastaKustutaThe Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't play Skyrim, she is looking at her watch waiting for Skyward Sword to come out.
VastaKustutaTRIXIE RETURN!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaNo she's waiting for rhe Oregon vs Stanford game, DUH!!
VastaKustutaI would make a clever joke about HSC being over but I just woke up and there's Cheerios in my mouth
VastaKustutaso Trixie your um uh Attractive oh wait i said that out loud, oh wait i'm anonymous and we all think the same!
Why are you guys talking about Skyrim? Trixie is obviously waiting for the Pizza Delivery Pony...
VastaKustutaWhich begs the question... what do ponies have on pizzas? Regular meats and cheese?
VastaKustutaProbably cupcakes?
Today is also Remembrance Day / Veteran's Day / Armistice Day. I thought Trixie might have doffed her hat, bowed her head and put a hoof over her breast in respect for the fallen.