The one Winter Wrap Up (Insert language here) to RULE THEM ALL. Included in the video you can find: French, Dutch, German, and Spanish. Some of it is a little off, but it does give you a general idea of what it sounds like. Check it out after the break!
93 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaFor some reason the Italian dub just struck me as...jarring to say the least. The German dub was pretty good except for Dash's solo, they were really struggling to fit the lyrics with the lines.
VastaKustutaThe Dutch, French and Spanish were really good ^_^
and as a side note, I'm glad I get the English version...hehe...
VastaKustutaWell, that was cool <3
VastaKustutaIt shows what a great song this is since it got translated so well to so many different languages. Daniel Ingram is a Godly Genius <3
That was a lot of fun to watch! I actually clapped at the end.
VastaKustutaAaaaaaaand stuck in my head. Every time.
That...was...TERRIBLE!TER :( Talk about disappointing, especially when I've heard the originals and they sound great. It's clear they were using the "karaoke" version and trying to match up the audio that was sung from the various songs, but the backing audio is out of sync slightly, so it winds up sounding distractingly off-beat.
VastaKustutaCorrect me if I'm wrong, but will there be two spanish versions for this show? I believe there was already a pilot for a latinamerican version and there's the spanish (as in from Spain) dub of the show.
VastaKustutaAlthough they might seem the same, the spanish from Spain (often called Castellano) and the spanish from Latinamerica are a bit different, mostly in some vocabulary and structures. Not always the Castellano dubs make a hit here in Latinamerica and the same goes backwards because of these differences.
wtf is up with the spanish and italians?
VastaKustutaI thought they were decent...EXCEPT the Italian one.
VastaKustutaSeems those people they picked can't sing. :I
And of course, original version is best version. :P
VastaKustutaI thought the Spanish wasn't too bad, but I agree the Italian was really...really bad
Original is the best version. Although, I really liked french Art Of The Dress.
VastaKustutaI love Netherlands but seriously, Dutch must be one of the ugliest sounding languages in the whole world.
VastaKustutaThat was pretty cool.
VastaKustutaI can't speak for the other languages, but I LOVE the lyrics in the French versions of this and the other MLP songs.
VastaKustutaGreat idea, poorley done
VastaKustutaI can name some dialects of chinese that sound like Cutlery scraping on Dinnerplates...
I am glad that i watched the show before i have seen the German dub, its really bad.
VastaKustutaIts nice for the kids that they bring the show to another countries but they could have tried to find better voice actors...
But i like the Dutch Dub <(^_^)>
I enjoyed the idea, though at the very end the music and subtitles didn't match, and all in all it was fun, even if some of the voices don't fit the characters, but hey go who ever made this.
VastaKustutaIt's crazy that the terrible Dutch version sounds good compared to the Italian and French vocals in this video. Spanish was a bit meh, but I did like the German voices.
VastaKustutaThe only part I liked in the Dutch version was Applejack's solo.
Dutch and French sounded cool!
VastaKustutaThough why do I feel when it got to the chorus everything seemed like.. REALLy off beat?
Anyway ive been singing this ALL day XD
VastaKustutaI agree completely... unfortunately, Dutch Rainbow Dash sounds like Rarity X_x
VastaKustutaWhatever, could be worse. I shudder to think what voice actors will they use to rape the show if it ever came here to Malaysia...ugh, Malay dubs always pick the worst voice actors
Oh these italian voice-overs...
VastaKustutaWhat have been heard cannot be unheard
Wow... Italian Ponies just can't sing.
VastaKustutaAnd did the music become unsynced to the vocals? Because things became a horrible mess as it went on.
The Italian version was the worst imo. I really liked the French and German voices though.
VastaKustutaEnglish version is superior. I actually cringed when the Italian version started... eeesh!
VastaKustutaI can't put my hoof on why, but I never seem to like different languages of show tunes. Disney and ponies? Nope, gotta be English.
(Says the pony that listens to opera in a multitude of languages and Vocaloids...)
the italian vesion is bad but not that bad, the person who made the video probably fucked up something
VastaKustuta@Alex C. You're right, i hope the latinamerican dub does a fantastic job, as they've done it with Phineas and Ferb, i actually like watching it dubbed instead fo the original in some cases, either way, ill have to wait until november
VastaKustutaI noticed the Italian and Spanish dubs were off-key, not just in the singing, but the music too! It sounded wonky in those bits. I think they may have sped it up in order to fit it within their alloted timeslots in those markets.
VastaKustuta@Madam L
VastaKustutaLike Anime fans who always say "Subbed is better," the original language always sounds the best, a lot gets lost in translation.
I just saw the Danish version.
VastaKustutaNot perfect but it was alright.
Tried to capture it, but my hd camera died on me so I had to get fetch batteries for my old one and by that time the song was over, I did manage to capture som of the danish voices though in the ending.
go fetch*
VastaKustutahaha i thought our german version was terrible but wth were the italians and spanish thinking while doing this song :D
VastaKustutaSo we can all agree something was bad. Why was it? Is it because of the video editing or is it already like that in the show or what?
VastaKustutaThis is the first website I've come on that hasn't got some form of Steve Jobs tribute on it.
VastaKustutaI'm not moaning, it's just an observation I made.
on word awesome!!
VastaKustutaA lot of the original text got lost in german.
VastaKustutaIam german, but I watch it in english. Much better
VastaKustuta"RIP Steve Jobs" - Trollestia :P
French is very good, I love the they have good french accents for one another and suit them nicely. German is okay, Spanish I find they all sound too much the same. As for Italian and Dutch... disappointing. Infact one of them they sound like they got kids to try and sing and they are so badly out of tune!
VastaKustutaAhhhh sweeeeewt!!!!!
VastaKustutaNo any russian word.
I would have liked it more if they switched the language when ponies sing "winter wrap-up winter wrap-up" instead of using only french for it..
VastaKustutaWell I'm surprised that overall the german translation actually works pretty well compaired to some other ones. The Italian one specialy sounded terrible, I read alot about the spanish one, but that seems pretty okay for me. The French version on the other hand seems to be one of my favorites, and the Dutch one just sounds like the German one with throat cancer. :/
VastaKustutaOverall the original is the best, but it's nice to see that the translations aren't as horrible as they could be. :D
As a player of many instruments and a singer, I find it hard to listen this with the such a lack of synched audio. Despite that however, kudos to the creator and it's neat seeing the contrast (and the Italian flop of a job)
VastaKustutanot edited italian version:
VastaKustutaCoincidentally, the Norwegian dubbed episode of Winter Wrap-Up aired just a little over an hour ago.
VastaKustutaThe song was... okay, I guess? I doubt you'll see it be uploaded on YouTube, however. The Norwegian dub of MLP seems to be rather rare to find on the Internets. I guess us Norwegian bronies doesn't have the tools to record the episodes and upload them or something. :/
Oh god, usually italians make better dubs, but here...
VastaKustutaAs an Italian, I'm quite disappointed of that. The french version was probably the best one here. German and spanish were good too.
Oh no..
VastaKustutaI've been working on something similar for the last few days, but now, however it turns out, it will be viewed as a knockoff. Way to destroy motivation. But that's the internet for you...
As for this one - it fails to correct for a pitch shift in the Spanish (and Italian?) version. There also seems to be more than one track playing at a time, often not properly synchronized. And what's with the warped voices - some kind of out-of-the-box "karaoke" filter?
Overall the video (as in: graphics) was a nice touch, but the music felt rather unpleasant, and more like noise.
Good idea, but needs more work.
Is it me or does it sound like it's reverbing and echoey?
VastaKustutaAs I Dutch person I have to say.... GIVE ME THE ORIGINAL ANY DAY!! Seriously we only have like 20 people here who dub from english to Dutch and it already felt redundant as soon as Disney and Nickelodeon popped up 10 YEARS AGO!
VastaKustutaSounds like they used children for the Italian dub.
VastaKustutaFrench version is awesome, easily my favorite right after the original. They got girls with really nice singing voices and the lyrics roll naturally. Great job!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaDutch Ponies are best Ponies. (I may be biased however.)
VastaKustutaI'm shocked y'all haven't given the Dutch dubs a better chance. I mean, how often do we get to hear out Little Ponies say, "nay"?
French and dutch versions kicked ass!
VastaKustutaOh, hush up everyone, jeez. It's for fun. Don't be so critical. It was a little off sometimes, by ah well. I still enjoyed watching it. It's fun to hear things in various languages.
VastaKustutaWhy is this song not in Hindi yet?
VastaKustutaAm I the only one that hears the french part around 1:20, sounds like they're saying, "Give a fuck, don't server Allah," cause it sounds just like it to me. (It's the parts where they're saying, "'Cause tomorrow Spring is here.")
VastaKustuta5 different ways to love the song though I prefer the English original lol :)
VastaKustutaAre the Italian and Spanish versions like joke, or something? lol
VastaKustutai wasnt a huge fan of the Spanish or the italian dub voices. then again you cant really beat the voice actor cast we have in english. still the french, dutch and especially german dubs had some great voice acting as well
Has to be my second fav episode but number one song from the show.
VastaKustutaI hate the spanish one, I'm a native speaker btw
VastaKustutaI'm so goddamn glad noone dared to make JPNese one, it'll kill me
VastaKustutaThis video is being sung in the worst form of Esperanto that I've ever heard...
VastaKustutaFrench and English are the only languages that I can appreciate this in.
VastaKustutaSpanish in itself just disturbs me.
German doesn't sound right.
Italian sounds like gibberish.
Dutch sounds too harsh, even more so than German.
I love dutch Twilight!
VastaKustutacould have done a better job with synching
VastaKustutaWhat's with the audio? It gets outta sync, and everything sounds weird.
VastaKustutaPoor Italians. GoGo French and German VO!
VastaKustutaIrony of ironies: Italian is one of the most beautiful of languages to hear in song (How can any brony who's played Portal 2 disagree?). Yet in this song it sounds terrible. The VA's can't sing well and the words don't even attempt to match the beat.
VastaKustutaAh well, Con Te Partiro is still as beautiful in Italian as Winter Wrap Up is fun in English.
The German dub really had problems sticking to the original tune XD
VastaKustutaIt's only a matter of time before this song is in as many languages as the Bible :D
French rules them all!
VastaKustutaThe French dubs were the best, but then the English ones came back on and I realized how awesome the VAs and singers are :D
VastaKustutaWhen I heard Italian Applejack I wanted to punch a kitten. Holy cow.
VastaKustutaDutch version is best foreign version. Then the French one. =D
VastaKustutaWow, that was... something.
VastaKustutaI had to stop listening halfway :(
I like the Spanish one. ^_^
VastaKustutaThe off-syncness really bothered me, but other than that...
VastaKustutaFrench and English are best versions.
That was interesting.
VastaKustutaDAMN! i thought this was going to be daft punk`s around the world and winter wrap up like mixed together...i am dissapoint :( now somebody get to working on it!
VastaKustutaCool idea, but the execution is terrible.
VastaKustutaDang it bronies. Do it right or don't do it! I already have the raw material to master an Euro Chorus mix but I lack time to master the 5.1 channel MP3 (and a preview youtube version with video)
Give me like two months to get out of this school hell and I'll give you something epic x_x guys realize there's two Spanish versions of the series.... right? There's one done in Spain and one done in Mexico. I really want to know which version of the song they used for Spanish
VastaKustutaWho turned up the tempo? WAY too fast...
VastaKustutaSTILL no japanese version Q.Q
VastaKustutaI'm sure you could tell by the fact that one is in mexican and the other is in spanish, just as american english and australian are all seprate...
And I thought german sounded nasty, that duch is..BLECH HORK HURF...
VastaKustutaThe video's too off-sync for me to listen to the whole thing :(
VastaKustutaDutch was horrible as always, French sounded semi ok and the rest was disappointing.
VastaKustutaI'm glad that I watched this in english :P
@Madam L
VastaKustuta"English version is superior. "
Well obviously. No foreign dub EVER invests in actual singers when their voice actors aren't good enough for the songs.
English is still way better, but I also liked the French and Spanish ones.
VastaKustutaThe sound of world peace
VastaKustutaWell, good thing the Japanese version is coming out this coming Tuesday :3
VastaKustutaWebsite to go and wait for it, as well as watch the other (ADORABLE) jap dubbed eps