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Friendshipping time! This is a short flash/dialogue game with ten different endings to discover. Apparently one is supposed to be "climactic" though while nine others are short. I think I got the short one!
Click the image above to head on over to the page for it.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds sad... I don;t like sad Vinyl.
ReplyDelete<3 Vinyl ScratchxRainbow Dash ship fics.
ReplyDelete:( i was sent to the moon.......well at least i can eat bananas.
ReplyDelete@Discord why Jelfes and I ever told you how to embed I will never know
ReplyDeleteEenope, I guess not. But why is it called Vinyl's Silent Wish, that just sounds so sad!
ReplyDeletethat seems to be a growing trend.
I went in expecting the worst (ship yourself with this pony games to be exact).
ReplyDeleteI think I got lucky and got the best ending right off the bat.
A little weird, but overall pretty innocent and a nice (if pointless) way to spend 1 minute of my life.
this music is getting to me....
ReplyDelete*Gets climactic ending, stops playing*
ReplyDeleteTook me about five tries, sent to the moon the first one, enjoyed bananas. This was...nice, an interesting diversion from life.
"I'll be your friend!"
why does this option exist, and why can I not stop laughing and frowning?
really? my first ending was her running off.
ReplyDeleteBetter than posting giant ASCII all over the place >.>
Poison Joke'd her on the first ending.
ReplyDeleteI felt terrible.
Oh, never mind, she was sad, she was just very good at hiding it till that one long story choice.
ReplyDelete'Banana Ending'
ReplyDeleteOh god I love the moon
Don't think I like this, seemed odd to me. Apparently I was working on an art project in the game. Just didn't like the outcomes or the answers I could give. But that's a sim game for you.
ReplyDeleteI got the best ending off the bat because Vinyl Scratch is awesome and I didn't think the other options were a good idea. So I became friends with Vinyl yay! :D
ReplyDeleteI picked the other options just to see what would happen though, but they made me feel terrible. Poor Vinyl. =(
I like the option to decline the offer to be her friend.
ReplyDeleteHa! Only took three tries!
ReplyDelete...Poor Vinyl. Not the saddest thing ever, but... d'aaw...
This is a rather cute little game. I like when I made Vinyl blush. Too cute. Or when I became her friend and she blushed even harder with that face... oh my goodness, that was so adorable and sweet. "Really?!" That made me squee a little. Great game. <3
ReplyDeleteI liked this. Some of the options were a bit weird/cruel, but overall, it was sweet.
ReplyDelete"Get jiggy with this."
That made me "wut?"
Vinyl is not an Emo pony... this actually might have worked much better with Derpy, as she has much to angst about.
ReplyDeleteOctavia's comments is even more adorable because of the common fanon pairing of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. Daaww.
ReplyDeleteI made her deaf. D:
ReplyDeleteI got the happy sweet ending. I liked it.
ReplyDeleteI went back and tried a few other options to see what happened but I wasn't mean enough to decline her offeirng to be friends.
Thats just cruel.
And that's why Celestia is our goddess. :3
ReplyDeleteSo is the best ending where its you two walking in the rain? I'm not sure how I could get a more positive ending.
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice distraction while I waited for FO3Edit to filter through, I managed to get the best ending after a few tries. I laughed at how the "I can be your friend" option is tiny at first but becomes huge when you hover over it.
ReplyDeleteHah. Easy. I found the good ending... in 10 seconds flat. Honestly, it was a great story, but pathetically easy to play (as a game). Good artwork, music, and story though!
ReplyDeleteOh and when I played it again, instead of saying "Yes" when Vinyl asked me if I'd "Really" be her friend, I said "No".
Then I put my shades on and played Michael Jackson's "Bad".
I got sent to the moon on my first attempt.
ReplyDeleteI'm not very good at this.
You know if you look at "you" in the Climactic ending, the coloring is right for you to be Octavia. ...just saying.
ReplyDeleteI got the good ending c:
ReplyDelete...now I just wanna give Vinyl a big ol' hug. <3
ReplyDeleteOMG My heart just melted :'(
ReplyDeleteI wish I wasnt so musically affected the piano made it worse when I got the good ending! This was awesome thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteGot the "good" end, as well as all the "bad" ends. Quite fun to see all the different things. Also, I cant help but think that "you" are Octavia, what with the "cutscene" featuring a grey pony. Shipping/friendshipping between Octavia and Vinyl? Love it. :3
ReplyDeleteI just tried again to get the "cruel" ending too, I regret nothing.
Gettin' Jiggy Wit It
ReplyDeletena na na na nanana, na na na na nana!
Trollestia, Y U HATE WILL SMITH?
Took 5 tries and a trip to the moon but I finally got the 'climactic' ending.
ReplyDeleteThat cinematic ending was actually rather easy to get.
ReplyDeleteThis made my day.
Attempt to make me feel like a douche for being mean to a game character = fail.
I also loved the "Get jiggy wit it!"
A cruel, unusual creeper. Yep, that about sums me up!
Oh wow, when I found out that you were actually Tavi...
ReplyDelete"I'll be your friend."
The cuteness cannot be contained!
ReplyDeleteClimactic ending on first try = win.
ReplyDeleteSecond try I clicked "get jiggy with it". Do that, the ending is worth it.
I got the best ending on my first try.
ReplyDeleteI went to get Poison Joke-first ending
ReplyDeleteSecond try did better.
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ReplyDeleteI got the full ending...
ReplyDelete'Good End' get. :D
I like how he has a Meta-Ending and has the game tell you "You're a cruel person"; I wanted to see every ending and this one is the second funniest (albeit cruel, but funny because is so Meta). Funniest ending by far is the Moon ending....At least I've got chick-BANANAS!
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard that there was a "climactic" ending, I kept expecting something grimdark. (Seems to be a pattern with pony games. Story of the Blanks, Super Filly Adventure...) To be honest I was kind of looking forward to that, but the sweet ending was really cute anyways. :3
ReplyDeleteEasy to figure out the "big" ending, and the pony you're playing as was painfully obvious =P
ReplyDeleteStill very "d'awwww" all the same XD
That was... beautiful...
ReplyDeletecrowning ending of heart-warming~