• Story Updates October 21



    Update time.

    Story: Blood is Thicker than Friendship (Update Part 6!) 

    5 Star


    Author: Stonershy
    Description: A strange book is found in the depths of the library's basement. When Twilight's curiosity gets the better of her, a mysterious entity is released unto the unsuspecting population of Ponyville. Fluttershy makes a new friend while ponies around town are attacked by a shape shifting monster, but not everything is as it seems. The ensuing chain of events will rock the very foundation of Equestria, and the world beyond. The sun will set on an era of peace. War is on the horizon.
    Blood is Thicker than Friendship

    Story: Administration is Magic (Updated Chapter 11+12!) 

    5 Star


    Author: Sir Politic Am-Be
    Description: Running a country is not easy, even with practice. To make matters worse, a bizarre diplomat from the land of dragons has come to petition Celestia to join a war the ponies know nothing about. Hence, Celestia embarks on an adventure of diplomatic tango, trying to avert a crisis before it overwhelmes her lands by seeking information and allies. Furthermore, Luna's return to the palace presents new problems, as the dragons will do anything to get the leverage they need for aid.
    Administration is Magic

    Story: Sins of Equestria (Update Chapter 13!)

    4 Star

    [Grimdark-War][Adventure] The Author wants me to let people know that this story is supposed to be more "Epic" than Grimdark, but war still falls into that category.

    Also he got a new Editor to fix everything.  

    Author: A.n.B. 
    Description: The world changed as we know it, war. The only hope, 6 Ponies and their Elements of Harmony. Will they assemble to face the threat? We shall see...
    Sins of Equestria

    Story: Rarity Horror Fashion Show (Update Part 2!) 

    4 Star


    Author: Roy G. Biv
    Description: Applejack and Big Mac's cart breaks down as they're delivering apples to the next town over. Lucky for them, an old castle happens to be nearby... An attempt at Rocky Horror Picture Show in the pony universe.
    Rarity Horror Fashion Show


    Story: Canterlot's Guests (Update Part 3!) 

    4 Star

    [Shipping] [Normal]

    Author: Jordan Kinsley
    Description: On a trip to visit Twilight's parents in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity find themselves in an unusual situation. Can they straighten everything out before they have to return to Ponyville?
    Canterlot's Guests

    Story: Storms On the Horizon (Update Part 5!) 

    5 Star


    Author: Eeveexpert
    Description: Reports of strange, almost sentient storms have been trickling into Canterlot from all over Equestria during the past month, and Princess Celestia has noticed an uncanny similarity between each of these reports. Every time one of these storms appears, it is clear that these storms are hunting for something.

    Despite the obvious connections between each of these occurrences, it is unclear as to what it is that the storms in question are searching for. Unclear, that is, until tragedy befalls one of the Elements of Harmony. The remaining five ponies must hurry to uncover the answers to some very fundamental questions, all the while fighting to protect the remaining Elements.

    However, in order to do so, they will have to dig down to the age-old fundamentals of good and evil, learning things about themselves that might have been better off left unlearned...

    ~Not every cloud has a silver lining, but everything good has something evil to go along with it.~
    Storms On the Horizon

    34 kommentaari:

    1. jelfes think2 1s51 51h51e5'1s5 1s5o1 5m5s51mar515t51515151

    2. Translation: Jefles thinks he's so smart

    3. Octover = October's almost over?

    4. I'm sorry but, "Octover"? Wut...

      Still nothing I'm following, where is Through the Eyes of Another Pony?

    5. a Rarilight story?

      how did i miss this?

      actually... the only Rarilight i can ever remember reading was sexual...

    6. @joetraincool I´m ready to poop rainbows. Can´t wait.

    7. Still waiting for that Gilda fic I'm following to update. Might check out Administration is Magic, though.

    8. I'm just relieved that the Grimdark tag hasn't completely taken over this post.


    10. Still nothing I'm reading...

      Crap, nothing I like to read has updated in the past three days at least... >_<

    11. Administration is magic? I have a feeling that was the one I read two chapters of but then resolved to let finish so as not to wait for more updates. (I hate waiting on things)

      I'm not sure i'll be able to hold off though, I always fold to temptation.

    12. That picture for Blood is thicker than friendship is extremely creepy. Somepony hold me. :o

    13. I think Octover was a typo. I mean, the "v" is next to the "b".
      Nothing i´m currently reading :(

    14. @Dusty the Royal Janitor
      Not reading Storms On the Horizon? It's pretty good.

    15. Awww.. nothing im reading and still no alicorn. when will it update.

    16. HOSE APPLES!!!!! nothing i'm reading
      oh well
      i might read canterlot's guests : /

    17. 'Octover' sounds right to me!

      Why has it taken so long for me to realize that most Grimdark stories ARE the same? (Epic-Adventure/Discord/Post-Apocalyptia, etcetera...)

    18. I think it would be cool in the comments for people to give a synopsis of any stories they're reading that got updated in the daily story updates. I often read descriptions and find myself wondering whether or not to read it, and a comment endorsing their favorite update of the day would be pretty neat.

    19. FICS I READ

      Y U NO this is getting old really fast.

    20. STILL nothing I'm reading... come on guys, where're my updates??? I am waiting impatiently...

    21. I was thinking about starting Storms on the Horizon. Should I?

    22. Read Blood is thicker than friendship. Don't let the pic discourage you, everyone finds it creepy, even the author. but it is an amazing story with action, thrills, laffs (it is most certainly not captain underpants). It has an acceptable amount of evenly paced, light shipping. It is not all hugs, but at the same time, it does not go "they said hi and then had sex". There is an OC, but a good one, not a half baked coulour experiment. Fight scenes were awesome as well.

    23. Dang none of my stories are going to update until Sunday:P

    24. Nothing I'm reading again :/
