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On with the updates!
Story: My Little Metro (Update Part 8!)
4 Star
"A stunning example not just of post-apocalyptic worldbuilding, but of storycraft in general."- Pre-reader #23
Author: RedSquirrel456
Description: The metro tunnels of Stalliongrad shelter the last remnants of ponykind from the ravages of the Apocalypse. Beneath the earth, ponies struggle to survive against mutants, radiation, and each other. But when an unstoppable threat emerges from the darkness of the Metro, one pony must brave the shadows to save not just his home, but the very existence of his people.My Little Metro
Labels: Author: RedSquirrel456, Crossover, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Star-4, Story
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 11!)
4 Star

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: The Braking Point
Labels: Adventure, Author: Visiden Visidane, Celestia, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: Blade Trotter (Update Part 2!)
5 Star
[Grimdark] [Crossover] [Sci-Fi] I need to watch this movie at some point.
Author: Nadia Rodriguez
Description: The future of Equestria is a bleak one. After a long war, the once peaceful paradise has become polluted shell of it's former self. The creation of Reponants, robotic ponies, was meant to assist in the rebuilding process, but advance intelligence made the machines revolt against their forced labor. Now it's up to Blade Trotters like Colt Phelps to "retire" escaped pondroids.Blade Trotter
Labels: Author: Nadia Rodriguez, Complete, Crossover, Everypony, Grimdark, OC Ponies, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story
Story: Guardians (Update! Chapter 15!)
4 Star
Author: WarHorse72
Description: Twilight always knew the military wasn't wanted by most ponies. But it takes a trip to Stalliongrad going wrong for her to realize just how much they kept order and safety in Equestria regardless.Guardians
Labels: Author: Warhorse72, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: The Shadow Over Hoofsmouth (Update Chapter 2!)
4 Star

[Grimdark] Glancing at the queue, I get the feeling that today is Grimdark Day. Don't go to sleep!
Author: Lurks-no-More
Description: The death of Rarity's grandmother brings with it not just fabulous inheritance, and the opportunity to reconnect with a branch of family she's long been estranged from, but also stranger, more sinister things. Eeeeeeerie things.The Shadow Over Hoofsmouth
Labels: Author: Epic R.ty, Author: Lurks-No-More, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Star-4, Story
Story: Celestia's Notebook (The Third Alicorn) (Update Part: Bunch of Chapters)
5 Star
[Comedy] [Sad]
Author: Stainless Steel Fox
Description: If Blueblood is Celestia's great to the nth power nephew that means...? The personal diary of a genius pegasus polymath researcher telling how she and her spell crafter unicorn sister Luna accidentally became immortal God Empresses of Pony-kind, and what it cost them.Celestia's Notebook (The Third Alicorn)
Labels: Author: Stainless Steel Fox, Celestia, comedy, Incomplete, Sad, Star-5, Story
Story: The Son of the Emperor (Update Chapter 2!)
4 Star
Author: NoMoreSanity
Description: "We all know about stories where Humans enter Equestria. But what about a world where Equestria is in the Human world? It is the year 1820, and a series of events brings a young unicorn and a human prince together. Together, they will embark on a quest to change Europe, and the world, forever."The Son of the Emperor
Labels: Author: NoMoreSanity, Human, Incomplete, Normal, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Yay more reading to do while I wait for Episode 3!
ReplyDeleteI wonder, which one of these is the best to read?
ReplyDeleteSTORIES. :D
ReplyDeletewow only 2 non grimdarks? you guys like those huh? (i give one or another a shot... but not too often..)
ReplyDeleteSo much grimdark o.O
ReplyDeleteToo much grimdark if you ask me. MOAR SHIPPING COMEDY PLZ!
ReplyDeleteWonderful, Sanity! Lemme take a look see here...
ReplyDeletestorys i read. Y U NO UPDATE
ReplyDeleteHuh. Only one I'm following. Bummer.
ReplyDeletewhy so much grim?
ReplyDeleteWhy are so many people in this fandom obsessed with Grimdark? We sure could use something uplifting...
ReplyDeleteHow in the HELL is My Little Metro only 4-star?!
ReplyDeleteWhen will the next update of the Dead Space fan-fic whose name eludes me, coming out?
ReplyDeleteJUST REMEMBERED, its Pony Space.
ReplyDeleteWhy bother, I stop by at least twice everyday anywho,
And i can say without doubt, others stop by much more than that =)
If you have a problem with the grimdark, ease, wrote something light hearted and shippy
ReplyDelete[Grimdark], [Grimdark], [Grimdark], [Grimdark], [Grimdark], [Sad]... Ah! One [Normal].
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed an occasional grim story here and there and in any case I'd never tell people to stop liking what I don't like, but this is starting to get a bit silly. :)
Liking Guardian right now. On chapter 5 and it's a pretty good read.
ReplyDeleteOh my god, f-u autocorrect!
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, the cure for grimdark is more [comedy], [slice of life], [shipping], so write more!
Hory shet.... theres got to be.... millions of fanfics on here by now... I can only read two at a time lol @_@
ReplyDeleteDat Filly Luna Pic!
ReplyDeletemy favorite thing about being a brony is it opened my eyes and let me appreciate all the things in the world that aren't grimdark or something.
ReplyDeletei dont usually like grimdark, unless its GRIMDARK AS FUCK, in which case it's just so over the top its actually hilarious
Celestia's notebook AND that awesome Napoleon fic? sick!
ReplyDeleteSo tired of grimdark, you guys.
ReplyDeleteHeh. Just finished the Son of the Emperor one. It's very good, granted - I think I'll be following this one in future. But despite not being labeled grimdark it's got ponies being enslaved and murdered on-screen. Makes me wonder what's in the ones that _are_ labeled grimdark. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't mind sad, but grimdark drains me. :/
ReplyDeleteI'm only a recent addition to the fandom but I wonder why the lack of fics with similar content to the series?
to all the ponies complaining about grimdark
ReplyDeleteWe share your pain. I'd say around %60 of what we get is Grimdark. Why? Because it takes next to no talent to write it and it gets an emotional response from the reader. GD is THE single easiest genre to get words into a file for. It is trivially easy to do stupid, random, horrible things to ponies and have people be all D:
Good grimdark requires a character flaw to be exploited. Once set upon a path that foreshadows death, doom, and destruction, if there is a way out but, due to the aforementioned flaw, the character cannot evade their fate, you have true Tragedy. If the death of a character happens without regard to their character, if it is 'random' (in that anypony could have died instead) or if it is result of Deus ex Machina (Tales I'm looking at you) then it is quite simple a Comedy*, albeit a dark one.
Comedies*, even dark ones, are easy to write because they require nothing from the writer in terms of character development or justification. Shit Happens. Plot Railroad Deaths (Aeris in FF VII) or deaths where any given character could have died and it would be equally plausible (falling rocks or something) are devoid of meaning. They are a high schooler's attempt at moving a reader by pointlessly destroying something treasured.
As a counter to this, take a fic where a character, let's say AJ, is presented and a flaw established, stubbornness. In this spur of the moment fic AJ 's path is turned towards some looming doom or death. If Fluttershy were set down this path, her survival would be certain. The same is true of all other ponies, it must be a characteristic present within AJ herself, stubbornness, that forces her along this path to her own doom.
That is Tragedy. I would READ that. Lol let's cripple Dash or kill Pinkie or blind fluttershy is not.
99% of Grimdark is utter crap. It get's written because it's easier to shovel shit than gold.
* I refer to comedy in the dramatic sense, not in the LOL sense
Dat title pic, i was hoping there was a Twalicorn fic i hadent discovered lurking within.
ReplyDeletenow i have a sad.
more Twalicorn please... if thats okay..