Story: These City Walls (Update Part 4!)
4 Star
[Normal] [Sad] [Slightly Dark]
Author: KitsuneRisu
Description: A strange series of occurances are plaguing the fine city of Canterlot, as one by one, a pony of vengeance strikes seemingly random ponies down in their prime. As the locals try to contain the situation, they find that it soon slips out of their hooves as they discover that this one simple pony might not be as simple as was originally thought. Once Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia gets involved, can everyone work together to bring down this threat that threathens to ruin the very core of Canterlot?These City Walls
Labels: Author: KitsuneRisu, Celestia, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-Needed, Story
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 19!)
4 Star

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: The Breaking Point
Labels: Adventure, Author: Visiden Visidane, Celestia, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: The Monster Mash (Update Chapter 4!)
5 Star
Author: Fred M. Sloniker
Description: Six ponies. Six encounters with the supernatural.
Each of the chapters of this fic is an independent story featuring one of the Mane Six having an encounter with the supernatural. They are presented as one story because of their common theme. The stories written so far are:
Fluttershy: The Curse of the Night When Angel falls sick, Fluttershy ventures into the Everfree Forest at night to find a remedy. Though she faces danger, she escapes... but not unchanged.
Rarity: Blood and Water You know the story. Rarity gets seduced by a creature of the night, and her friends don't realize what's happening until it's too late. They find the vampire who turned her and destroy him. But then what happens?
Rainbow Dash: The Big Battle Discord's defeat didn't erase every trace of his influence on Equestria. Fortunately, hard-working ponies are already gathering the remnants of his power into Manehattan for easy disposal. What could possibly go wrong?The Monster Mash
Labels: Author: Fred M. Sloniker, Celestia, comedy, Everypony, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story
Substitute Harmony (Update: Chapter 10!)
5 Star
Author: Blayze Kohime
Editor: Florentine
Description: When strange ponies from another world suddenly pony-nap all her friends, Pinkie Pie must find a way to defeat their master all on her own. Blamed for the crime herself, she has no help from Celestia and just about every pony in Ponyville is convinced that she's finally cracked. Who can she possibly find to fill in for the other elements to defeat the ancient evil behind it all?Substitute Harmony
Labels: Author: Blayze Kohime, Celestia, comedy, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Random, Star-5, Story
Story: Decay (Update Part 2!)
4 Star
[Dark] [Sad] [Shipping]
Author: Thyrai
Description: With the time she has left, Rainbow seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.Decay
Labels: Author: Thyrai, Celestia, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Sad, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story
And here I was, thinking I was going to sleep tonight...
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks every time there is a story update post without Allegrezza
ReplyDeleteWhats with all the sad and grimdark these days?
ReplyDeleteSad/grimdark fics make me sad and/or grimdark. Thisiswhywecan'thavenicethings.jpg
ReplyDeleteAllegrezza updated not so long ago, you could just go read it on deviantart.
Lots of sad/grimdark upating atm.
Need a really long happy fic to be made.
Ahhh, I've been waiting for a Decay update. It's the only fic I've paid attention to for months.
ReplyDeleteI'm on it.
@Jango-Fett Read it on deviantART. It updates more frequently in smaller parts on there.
ReplyDeleteY U NO UPDATE "The Empty Room"!?
Still waiting for "Mort takes holiday" update.
ReplyDeleteIt's not listed what the fourth story for Monster Mash is, but it's about Pinkie this time.
ReplyDeleteStory Updates I'm waiting for:
ReplyDeleteA Slightly Cruller Fate
Alicorn (Mommy Nearest)
Brotherhood of the Moon
Dragoning her Hooves
Mort Takes a Holiday
My Little Avengers
Near Death Experience
Of Cores and the Alicorn (Yeah, I know it's complete but I can dream)
Pony Gear Solid
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
ReplyDelete>_< Posted before I was ready
Ponyville gets Screwed
The next "Silent Ponyville"
The Bear, The Eagle, and the Ponies
The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends
The Guidance and Patronage of Trixie
The Monster Mash (This one Updated! Yay!)
The Pony of the Opera
The Power of Carrot Compels You
Through the Eyes of Another Pony
Wooly Fetlocks and the Fashion Factory
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI swear. If there isn't an update with Cantering Death in it before Halloween, I'm exploding,twice.
ReplyDeleteThe bearded lol
ReplyDeleteI forget what Twilight said about him lol
Welp looks like imma have to do my fail proof method for updating posts
ReplyDeleteREAD ALL THE FICS!!!!!
Works wonders I tell ya. Althou I am following "These City Walls" and "Upheaval" so I guesw it only works after I finish reading those updates :b
@mrjoshmacintosh Working on it! Chapter is probably going to be as long as 19 at least!
ReplyDeleteAwesome im coming home from work and guess what i find on the internet?
ReplyDeleteLoad of pony!! Yay!!
so much sad and grimdark.
ReplyDeleteim I like one of the few in this fandom who ISN'T a manic depressive or something?
People write what they want to write.
ReplyDeleteGrimdark and Sad happen to cover all aspects of Tragedy, which according to Aristotle makes up at least half of every genre in existence, including every one that takes itself remotely seriously. That's why there's so much Grimdark- it's a ridiculously broad category and none of the tags intended to help break it down have caught on in the slightest.
So yeah, some complain about the massive amount of Grimdark, I complain that Grimdark is a stupidly generic category that tells you almost nothing about the story itself. At that point, you may as well revert back to labeling everything as either a Comedy or a Tragedy.
@Hydra in a Top Hat
ReplyDeleteit's Tragedy ABOUT CARTOON PONIES.
am I the only one who see's something odd about that? I mean hell even I have a share of Grimdark fics I like but still CARTOON PONIES.
write some goddamn comedy, you know like the show itself is.
call to arms for happy stories, pls.
Why does nothing I read ever update?
ReplyDeleteI am sorely disappoint.
ReplyDeleteOne word:
Most stories need conflict, it's very rare to see one that lacks it. And even rarer to see it done decently. When people want to tell a story they often go for the easiest forms of it. Which are typically tragedy and emotional strife. So I wouldn't say there's so much sad and grim dark just because everyone's a manic-depressive. It's just that it's easier for many amateur writers to weave a story from heavier themes then it is from light-hearted ones.
ReplyDeleteI'm not entirely certain you grasp the concept of fanfiction. Or even the concept of fiction in general.
Gah. Fanfic writers in this fandom are so frigging shallow. They have two stock endings-- "and then they F##ked," or "And then they DIED."
ReplyDeleteAnd they use NOTHING ELSE.
Through the eyes of another pony
ReplyDeleteThe kindness of strangers (PLEASE UPDATE!!!)
So long and thanks for all the ponies
my little alicorn
Subsitue harmony
A lot of other ones I can't think of the names...
These are the ones I'm reading.
Nothing im reading... I feel a bordom coming on...