As always, send errors to [email protected].
Story: Pony Effect (Update Part 7!)
5 Star
Description: What if ponies replaced humans in the Mass Effect universe? Will Commander Sparkle save the day like Shepard did?Pony Effect
Labels: Crossover, Everypony, Incomplete, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story
Story: These City Walls (Update Part 2!)
4 Star
[Normal] [Sad] [Slightly Dark]
Author: KitsuneRisu
Description: A strange series of occurances are plaguing the fine city of Canterlot, as one by one, a pony of vengeance strikes seemingly random ponies down in their prime. As the locals try to contain the situation, they find that it soon slips out of their hooves as they discover that this one simple pony might not be as simple as was originally thought. Once Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia gets involved, can everyone work together to bring down this threat that threathens to ruin the very core of Canterlot?
These City Walls
Labels: Author: KitsuneRisu, Celestia, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-Needed, Story
Story: The Sun's Song (Update Chapters 20!)
4 Star

[Crossover][Normal] Does anypony remember the first time you played Ocarina of Time? That first time you picked up the Kokiri Sword? When you met Epona? Good times. Good times.
Author: Recamen
Description: A warning sounds through Canterlot--an undead sorceress, a lich, unknown in Equestria for centuries, has arisen. Now, Princess Luna and a rather famous band of six ponies must band together to defeat the evil spirit. Luna will need her newfound friends as much as they do her, because should they fail...The Sun's Song
Labels: Author: Recamen, Crossover, Everypony, Incomplete, Normal, Star-4, Story
Story: Too Shy for a Rainbow (Update Story 3!)
5 Star
Author: Jake Heritagu
Description: In an attempt to make her feelings known, Fluttershy begins to persue the target of her delicate heart's affection. However, when her interest seems to be oblivious to her feelings will she find the inner strength to admit her true feelings to the one she desires? Or will disaster follow her at every turn? (Takes place 1 month after Silent Ponyville, but is not required reading material)Too Shy for a Rainbow
Labels: Author: Jake Heritagu, comedy, Complete, Everypony, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-5, Story
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Part 15!)
4 Star

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: The Breaking Point
Labels: Adventure, Author: Visiden Visidane, Celestia, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle
Story: My Little Enterprise (Update Part 5+6!)
5 Star
[Grimdark][Sci-Fi][Crossover] "As a longtime Trekkie, I really, REALLY liked this one. It's remarkably dead on and feels both like 'MLP in the far future' and 'standard Trek episode'... specifically, it feels somewhere between TNG and Voyager. As a result, it's AWESOME!"- Pre Reader #10
Author: VozDeSuenos
Description: Years after the mane six defeated Luna with the Elements of Harmony, a new evil invaded Equestria. The ponies only hope lay in the Elements of Harmony, the princesses, and the Doctor. Unfortunately, a terrible catastrophe befell the planet. With technology inspired by the TARDIS, ponies fled to the stars. In time, a crew aboard the Alicorn finds itself far away from home, trying to survive in a new sector of space and wondering what has happened to Equestria.My Little Enterprise
Labels: Author: VozDeSuenos, Bonbon, Celestia, Crossover, Doctor Whoof, Everypony, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Lyra, Octavia, Other, Sci-Fi, Star-5, Story
47 kommentaari:
Did you break the post again?
VastaKustutaSomething doesn't seem right...
VastaKustutaBut that's Cloudkicker! Look at the cutie mark!
VastaKustuta6 Stories and some error, eh Okay
VastaKustutaIs Slenderpony attacking EQD?
VastaKustutaSeth broke it again :D
VastaKustutaWouldn't be a normal week without him breakin somethin!
Thats not Derpy. Eyes aren't even Yellow. Sethisto, I am disappoint.
VastaKustutadarn. none of the ones i'm reading.
VastaKustutao look more Grimdark fics.
VastaKustutaI don't remember Phoe having these problems. >o>
I think Seth derped the post...
VastaKustutaThose are his placeholder guys, not really broken I think? Just derped?
VastaKustutaSeth, I am disappoint. Cereal, can you stage a takeover now?
Aw, he fixed it :P
VastaKustutaI forgot to delete them!
VastaKustutaAA AA
VastaKustutaokay because you asked my AA is like 30 it's shit what's yours Seth?
Equestria Daily is an accurate representation of life on the ponynet.
SNAKE? SNAKE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
To much pony, we broke the internet.
VastaKustutaScootaloo fixed everything.
VastaKustutaa? a? a? a? a?
I blame the yellow one
VastaKustutaGaaaah!!! So much video game crossover and grimdark these days!
VastaKustuta... Is it just me, or did the entire blog just change color?
VastaKustutaI think it did...
VastaKustutaIt seems to have become... darker...
VastaKustutaHalloween theme?
Wheres my story?
Do need to put in google docs first???
love the new background color
VastaKustuta>reading comments
VastaKustutaI don't think I saw any derps when phoe took over...
Alicorn Story! Y U NO LOVE US!!!
VastaKustutaHm...neither did I..
The seeds of unrest have been planted!
I must get around to reading that star trek fic. I also need to get around to a few other stories. I should also get back around to working on my own story. Hmm...I should just go to sleep and dream I did all those things instead.
VastaKustutaI is lazy pony.
Um... why do we need Phoe taking over again?
VastaKustutaThe last time she took over, she tried to do that creepy brushie thing... DO NOT WANT.
Besides, they're always fighting...
Here's my idea: Kill all three with fire and let Discord have the controls.
What? At least he's cooler...
You want proof? Chocolate Milk Clouds and complete disregard for physics.
Discussion Closed.
Cereal deletes derps like this on the way to real errors.
VastaKustutaSorry...that Mass Effect picture got to me >:3
Wait, isn't there a fourth guy? I swear I remember someone with a name that started with "T"...
VastaKustutaFlutterdash? Okay!
VastaKustutaThe Hayngover is good too. However, I must catch up on Transcendence before anything else.