• Story: The Town: Crime is Magic (Update Part 4!)

    [Slightly Dark][Crossover] [Mild Shipping] You guys really will crossover anything.

    Author: Firmly_Grasp_It
    Description: The story follows the four-pony armed robbery unit of Tripwire, Willowisp, Deadbolt, and Trixie. Rarity's family history is explored in depth, and there is plenty of action. Watching "The Town" is not necessary to understand or enjoy the story. But i'd watch it anyway since, well, its a great movie!
    The Town: Crime is Magic Part 1
    The Town: Crime is Magic Part 2
    The Town: Crime is Magic Part 3
    The Town: Crime is Magic Part 4 (New!)

    Additional Tags: The Town, Action, Drama, Romance, Heist

    16 kommentaari:

    1. Never heard of that crossover before. Looks interesting though.

    2. I'll have to look into that movie, maybe on Netflix?

      Anyway; time to read!

    3. OMG!

      I love this movie so much! Pretty surprising they did a crossover..




    4. -looks at Synyk-

      That wasn't me, I swear.

      Anyhoo, I haven't heard of this movie either, so I'm going to have to second Jelfe's notion since I have pretty much the same exact thoughts that he has previously already mentioned.

      ...Anyhoo, I'm going to read this just because it has Trixie and Rarity in this. Rawr.

    5. Finished reading the first chapter. Sadly, I'm not liking it so far. I've never seen the movie, but it still seemed, to me, that the story and interactions from the movie were just ponified and made into this. I don't think I'm going to read any further into this fic, it just seems too cliche/scripted.

    6. is that the movie where the robbers have nun outfits on?

    7. *Looks at counter*
      Yep, we're definitely gonna have over 60 Million visits before the new episode airs.

    8. Not to mention how out of character Twilight seemed to be.

    9. I read the wiki for the movie, which is right here.


      Pretty interesting so far, it's only on Chapter 2 so it's near the beginning. Since it's ponified, the tattoo was replaced with the Cutie Mark instead.

      The main character is obviously Tripwire, who is Doug from the movie. I'm interested to see where it plays out from here because there are some similarities with the movie.

      It's also cool how the author added some bits of My Little Pony with Twilight and her friends, so it's not 100% "The Town" ponified. I'm a bit surprised that Trixie didn't really react to Twilight or maybe I missed that part.

      Anyhoo, since it's incomplete, I'll have to wait and see what happens next. This does make me want to see the actual movie though.

      @Gypsy - Yes.

    10. It's a pleasant story and an above-par fic, but I'm afraid the movie is just another quite astoundingly dull crime caper. Pete Postlethwaite was good in it, but that's a bit like saying water contains hydrogen and oxygen. The rest of it just left me entirely cold, I'm afraid.

      Now, if you want a really good film to ponify, particularly given the pony propensity toward psychological breakdowns, I rather think Black Swan would work well. FiM does big emotions very well, and they don't get much bigger than in melodrama. It's a claustrophobic film with a lot of interesting, blackly comic side characters and a cast that's slowly descending into madness. If it were me helming proceedings, I'd cast Twilight as Nina, either Rarity or Trixie as Lily (it'd be the only way to get THAT scene featured on this site *looks pointedly at Cereal and Seth*), an OC as Thomas (or possibly Caramel... though perhaps not, considering the fanon), and maybe dear Pinkamina in the Winona Ryder role (the name of which temporarily escapes me).

      I'd write it, but I'm an incompetent hack.

    11. The movie was frickin' awesome. One of my favorites of last year...

      This fic however, seems to have almost nothing to do with the movie, besides repeatedly quoting the movie, and doing other random things. Putting Trixie in feels pointless. She simply fills the role of some random background character... It feels like you just chose her for the heck of it...

      I'm sorry, but this story needs a LOT of work.

    12. My Irish roomate would love to see this!

    13. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    14. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    15. Hey man, this story is pretty awesome! I'm especially liking how you're mixing in FIM factors with this movie (which I should really re-watch, sometime). So yeah, I'll be keeping an eye on this story :D

    16. Hi, Author here.

      So far, opinions are mixed, which I expected. I love the constructive criticism, but please be specific about what you like and don't like so I can improve in further chapters. You said you wanted a less confusing narrative, a more in-character Twilight, and more/better use of Trixie. You got it.

      If these were some of your qualms with the first 2 chapters, i'd implore you to stick around for chapter 3. If it doesn't change your mind, tell me how I can improve; this IS my first attempt at fanfiction.

      It'll take about a week in between uploads, and i'll be releasing chapters in pairs or trios, so stick around!
