• Story: The Showmare's Tale


    Author: Chris
    Description: As Trixie finds herself performing for her smallest audience yet, questions abound. Can her ego take the strain? Are the old stories still worth telling? And just how did Prince Blueblood get his title, anyway?
    The Showmare's Tale

    Additional Tags: Story-within-a-story, folklore, soused on salt

    32 kommentaari:

    1. This one sounds interesting. I'll give it a look asap.

    2. "smallest audience yet"

      I hope it's her performing to herself while soused on salt.

    3. All ways in the mood for some Trixie.

    4. Hurm.....


      Celestia, you didn't have to do that. You so crazy, doin' your crazy things.

    5. soused on salt? Is that a term i'm unaware of?

    6. Celestia's way of breaking it gently?

    7. Goddammit stop writing stories like this. It makes the one I'm writing seem less original.

    8. This is... rather adorable, in an odd way.

    9. That's actually an interesting explanation for the family tree......

    10. So apparently Chris doesn't get an author tag. Shame on you Seth! Horrible, irredeemable shame! Still love ya though. :P

    11. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    12. A small part of me wants you to do a sequel to see if this kicks Blueblood in the ass to be a better pony.

    13. Great story mysterious tagless author (hint hint Sethisto). The ending was especially poignant.

    14. I knew it was Celestia once she said "Nopony talks about the old days anymore". It just clicked. White coat, pink mane, earth pony.

    15. ^^^ Plus her name was Sunny Days.

    16. First, thank you all for reading! I do go through the comments, and it's always nice to see people taking an interest in one's work.

      To answer a few questions (in reverse order, because I'm too lazy to put them in their proper chronology):


      An intriguing idea, but I don't think I'll be writing any further on this topic. Too many other things to do, too much else on my mind (sigh). As for Blueblood? Your guess is as good as mine...but I'm rooting for him to turn himself around.

      @Spikely Whiplash

      There is no Strife; he's been banished from Equestria :) In all seriousness, he's the result of a conversation on worldbuilding I had which does not enter into this story. If that rankles you, feel free to assume that Trixie was speaking of discord and strife generically, not as individuals. She probably believed she was, in any case.


      Well, you are perhaps my favorite fanfic author (Old Stories and the two Holmes pieces were wonderful fiction in their own right, never mind as fanworks), but there's nothing in my story directly based on yours. Although I did nearly title this 'The Old Stories' before I remembered that you'd already used that title, so maybe my unconscious mind was influencing me there.


      Soused is slang for drunk. With no alcohol in Equestria, the poor ponies have to take what they can get.

    17. I'd just like to point out that horse pregnancy is around 11 months, not 9.


    18. Credit where credit is due. A brilliant piece of mythological for the original setting and a look at things. I began to suspect who Sunny Day was after a while. And perhaps Celestia decide that there is good in Trixie somewhere. And Celestia saying the one thing to Blueblood you'd never expect.

    19. Spoiler

      That was a very enjoyable story. I am glad Sunny did what she did at the end. I feared for a moment she would leave things as they were. I feel like a foal though for not realizing who she was until she knew the dream though. In mean, its not as if the fake name hasn't been used before.

    20. That was an enjoyable story! Trevor thanks you, and inquires as to what story you intend to write next.

      ~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria

    21. I loved this story. It was very endearing, and made me smile at the whole concept...

      But part of me wanted that last lien to be...

      "Blueblood, I love you, which is why I must do this... I do hope you taste good"

    22. What a great story! I loved every second of it. Thanks so much for writing this and for sharing. The mythos is great, and I loved "Sunny"'s response to it. Sometimes you have to be reminded that you love someone. Especially when they can be as much of a pain in the flank as Prince Blueblood! ;)

    23. I loved it. I had a big smile on my face as soon as I read the name 'Sunny Days'. I loved it. It reminded me of an old story I can't remember all the details of but it had to do with a trickster crow attempting to free the captured sun and he turned himself into a pine needle so he could be swallowed up by the wife of the man that held the sun so he could be born into their family and reclaim it for the world.

      But anyway, I loved the story, it had a classic old myth style to it and Trixie being the one to tell it was also great and I liked all the little details you threw in their over the course of the story as well. This is going to my personal collection of Pony stories.

    24. This was a lovely little tale, not the least of which being because as soon as "Sunny Days" was dropped I got a much deeper appreciation for Trixie's role in the overall story and what it meant in relation to the royal sisters.

    25. Excellent story!

    26. @iisaw

      Sorry I must steal a reply to comment, but my laptop is missing a script or something and can't create a regular reply (it's very odd).

      Anyway, this was a delightful little story! I enjoy very much in-world stories like this. It was very much like a traditional folk-tale and having Trixie tell it was a very nice touch! Not to mention continuing the theme from other stories of Celestia going into town in disguise.

    27. Okay. I am SO using Celestia's disguise form! Or is that cheating? Well I'm asking politely if it's okay. I mean, it's hard to tell what's community and what isn't in this fan-group.

    28. Now this was an interesting read. SOMEPONY likes Celtic mythology here. The myth of Taliesin (shining brow). I wont mention much more, so others will need to do their own research. I can't just TELL you guys the story. You need to learn it on your own.
