Author: AuroraDawn
Description: Are pegasus wings really fragile? Do unicorn spells really fail catastrophically? And just how explosive is chocolate milk, anyways? Join Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the MLP crew as they not only tell the myths, but put them to the test!Mythbuckers Episode 1
Mythbuckers Episode 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Myths, Ponies blowing manure up
125 kommentaari:
Looks promising.
VastaKustutaWhat? This sounds epic!
VastaKustutaI reject your reality and substitute my own!
VastaKustutai love what this is classified as.
VastaKustuta" ponies blowing stuff up"
I can't help but think dirty thoughts at the title of the fanfic. All you have to do is replace the "B" with "F."
VastaKustutaI'm gonna have to read this. It looks too good. XD
VastaKustutaOh, this is just too perfect! RD as Adam Savage and AJ as Jaime Heineman - that just fits too well!
VastaKustutaPinkie says hello to the readers, which is bucking awesome.
VastaKustutaHello Pinkie. -hugs-
VastaKustutaI must say you need some Orbit Gum
Wow. That was extremely faithful to the show. Right down to the shameless mangling of the scientific method. Five stars.
VastaKustutaI got chills reading that description.
VastaKustutaPut on my things to read list.
The characterization was spot on for every character, this is definitely a must-read. Looking forward to more.
VastaKustutaAnd as always, we love ya Pinkie. :)
Yes, I love Myth Busters! This'll be good.
VastaKustutaJust finished it.
*Snorts* 'Bout time!
VastaKustutaI just read it.
VastaKustutaAaannnddd looks like in future episodes we'll have the CMC as Kari, Grant, and Tory. I like where this is going!
VastaKustutaYou had me at Mythbusters.
VastaKustutaStraight to the top of my "to read" list!
As for one of the myth/question
VastaKustutaYour everyday chocolate milk is not explosive however Discord brand chocolate milk is a different story...
Quack damn you
VastaKustuta"Rainbow Dash wants big boom" :3
VastaKustutaThis is just like I imagined it when you were brainstorming it Aurora. 5 stars is not enough.
XD Oh wow. That was... thoroughly entertaining. Looking forward to more!
VastaKustutaBoring. Trite. Yawn-inducing. Wake me up when it is all over. This story is simply average, nothing special about it.
VastaKustuta...Holy buck, how did I not know I was missing this in my life!?
VastaKustutaMust. Read. This. Instant.
VastaKustutaHope it actually has some quality beyond what the limit for being featured here is :3
Hahahaha. . . Every character wasn't acting out of character, the myth was actually a really good one to test and over all, I laughed.
VastaKustutaI will say try to flesh the stories out a little more. It's the first one and I do give you leniency, but for future issues, do try to give the testing a little more time and effort. (Example, so scarring unicorns doesn't effect their magic abilities, does laughter, a distraction (like a fly buzzing around), or how about if they pronounce a word wrong?)
Definitely going to see where this is going, I'm looking forward to it.
Mythbusters crossover?
VastaKustutaHuh, sounds interesting...
"Am I missing some feathers?"
VastaKustutalmao, that's the part that felt most like Mythbusters to me.
The story itself was average, but was good fun. I could totally see Pinkie carrying explosives in her saddlebags.
This was actually a really well-written piece. Everyone's in character, it's easy to pick up, and it can be finished in a reasonable time.
VastaKustutaGood form!
Well that was entertaining. Although I find it wickedly disturbing that pinkie pie has hundreds of containers of highly volatile explosive liquids lying around sugarcube corner. O_o
VastaKustutaThis has a dangerous amount of potential.
VastaKustutaI can't wait to read it.
Have all of my wildest fantasies come true?
Oh heck yes!
VastaKustutaA MythBusters crossover fic? Why is this only NOW showing up? Lol Will read, and will enjoy. :)
VastaKustutaZL wants big BOOM! Haha! :D
I wonder if they're gonna do a MareGyver episode?
VastaKustutaBucking this.
VastaKustutaYou sir, are my hero. nuf' said
VastaKustutawow, this is amazing. and much more enjoyable than the last auroua fic I read. Can't wait for episode 2
VastaKustutaThe second I read the title, I made reading this top priority.
VastaKustutaWhen in doubt... Ponies.
VastaKustutaShall read.
Welcome to the fandom, where we will crossover with absolutely everything. Seriously though, this sounds like a pretty good idea.
VastaKustutaAnd what was the last fic you read from her, Rainbow Factory? 'Cause that's what i read. It was good. :P
Okay, that was great fun! Of course Pinkie Pie would be a fan of explosions...
VastaKustuta"... Together they have thirty seconds of special effects experience..."
VastaKustutaXD Right up on my 'MUST READ' list
Holy crap this hasn't been done before. This is...nevermind, I'll just read it.
VastaKustutaHey, Pinkie, I know this isn't actually a testable myth, but if you could suggest testing if Rainbow Dash is really a fillyfooler, that would be awesome.
VastaKustutaGonna answer this one as Co-Conceptor to the fic:
We'd already thought of this one. It went something like this:
RD: How do we even test that?
AJ: I may have an idea...
*cut to AJ and RD in a bed, RD's tongue is hanging out, AJ is smoking.*
AJ: Confirmed.
*Big Macintosh enters the room. Rainbow Dash popfeathers*
AJ: ... actually just plausible.
Hm, yes, I really like this idea. The characterizations felt right to me, and you've set up the premise for a series very well.
VastaKustutaI look forward to your next installment!
300 mL of Nitroglycerin. Three. Hundred. Milliliters. Nearly one-third of a liter.
VastaKustutaIf I did my math right, that's the equivalent of ~3 sticks of dynamite. Pinkie just tried to kill Twilight
VastaKustutaThe fact that we'll crossover anything and everything is much less significant that the fact that so much of it actually works so well.
VastaKustutaIt's got exactly the right mix of science, pseudoscience, and stuff blowing up! Can't wait for more!
(For the record, thats a radio of 0:1:9)
Joining them, Apple Bloom: "Decapitation hazard, everypony."
VastaKustutaSweetie Belle: "Ding ding ding ding! Chow time!"
and Scootaloo: "They're gonna fry my brain!"
They don't just tell the myths... they put them to the test!
(Tell me that Kari, Grant, and Tory aren't Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo respectively.)
Some potentially better quotes:
"Well, there's your problem."
"Jackie want big boom."
"Quack, darn you."
Sweetie Belle:
"That is MESSED UP!"
"High explosives and electricity, woooo!"
"We have the best job EVER!"
"It's gettin' dangerous now... and that's how we like it!"
"Let's torch this thing!"
"Somebody ordered some exploding pants?"
I has idea for a myth, Pegasi wings: wet tissue or adamantium?
VastaKustutaActually, I'm thinking Sweetie as Grant, Scootaloo as Kari, and Apple Bloom as Tory.
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom may be switchable, but Sweetie is definitely a Grant XD
I rarely read fanfics, but when I do, they are always awesome.
VastaKustutaThis fic is awesome.
VastaKustutaI picture Scootaloo as Tory, since Tory's usually the one who takes the most spills. Seems to me Scoot is the more slapsticky one. :D
Awesome story! Hope you get a lot of myths to buck.
2 things:
VastaKustuta1: Pinkie Pie knows and is breaking the 4th wall!!
2. make this cannon!!!!
Eeeeeee I'm so happy this finally got posted! Aurora and Autumn were voiced for a week because of the funniness of the idea, I got an editing fix out of it, AND it's a funny, awesome fic based off of a funny, awesome show.
VastaKustutaBEST CROSSOVER EVER!!!!!!!
VastaKustutakeep it coming!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSorry, i was about to say, finally a funny story, i hate all that sad and grlidark sh*t, so it's kinda refreshing to have something funny to read!
VastaKustutaThis was fun, me gusta.
VastaKustutaInteresting story premise. Nicely composed, and with enough humor to handle the ideas well.
VastaKustutaHowever, I'm not sure your 'busted' myth was, in fact, busted - Twilight wasn't attempting a -teleportation- spell when she was explodied, she was raising either a bubble of random energy, or specifically raising a shield. Neither one of these is something that normally features in the myth - generally, only teleportation failures trigger the Giant Hairless Monkeys screaming around. You may need to revisit this myth in a future episode.
Still love that Pinkie!
VastaKustutaNah, SilentCarto is right. Bloom is reliable and good at making and fixing things (see the clubhouse repairs in Show Stoppers), which is Grant. Tory is the athletic one who takes lots of stupid risks and hurts himself doing it, and that's gotta be Scootaloo.
VastaKustutaYou all raise good points =D My reasoning was a little off, I see.
read it, and loved every minute of it!!!
VastaKustutacan't wait for the next chapter X3!!!!
I think Mythbusters is right behind MLP on my list of favorite shows, so I was really excited for this, but it... I'm not sure.
VastaKustutaGood premise. This idea is worth gold, but I was imagining it as a show while I read. That being said, technologicaly unsavvy people in charge of camera work makes for bad television.
I get it; AJ doesn't know much about cameras and televisions, but you made her seem downright stupid. Rainbow Dash was in character, save for a few words. I think there needs to be more work done intertwining the series. Maybe something with the pacing.
It's not bad, but it's not great.
Rarity NEEDS to make AJ a beret. Also possibly mustache.
VastaKustutai think the ideas brought up were pretty good. i was hoping for something interesting to happen, instead of nothing happening...
VastaKustutaCan't say I was impressed. The story just sounded like trying way too hard.
VastaKustutaI think part of the problem was trying to map the existing characters onto the Mythbusters roles instead of creating new ones who are quite obviously the pony versions of the Mythbusters.
ha great i love how the last page is "profit."
VastaKustutaMore more more more more more... (Now!)
VastaKustutaWhy does this have a "Complete" tag?! There must be more!!
VastaKustuta... Ponies and Mythbusters ? Go, go, comic ! : ...
VastaKustuta>Joinin’ us today is our good friend and fashion expert, Rarity. Welcome, Rarity.”
-Oh ? I would have thought they would have used Twilight for this... You know ?
>“And if not for your friends, would you do it for science?”
>“You asked me to destroy that barn!”
>“It’s the corn field I was talking about.”
-AJ *DID* say that it was the 'barn' in the S2.EP3... Quote: ''I want(ed) to put a new barn, but this one has to come down first. Hehe.''
Just saying.
>For this next test, we’re going to need Twilight Sparkle as our subject pony.”
-Ah, so Twilight is gonna do big magic finally. ;)
>Hi ponies in Canterlot! And hi to all you people reading this!” Pinkie Pie jumped and clapped her hoofs
-She sees us ! Activate 'Protocol 10' and call the MIB !
>Sugarcube Corner is full of those jars, and all sorts of other goodies that go boom and bang and that’s why the Cakes don’t let me use the gas ovens.”
-The Cakes REALLY need to invest into an anti-explosion vault or something, to put all those explosives.
Pretty interesting, yes. Kinda done like in the Mythbusters show, so it's good.
I suppose there will be more 'extravagant' stuff in future Parts, yes ?
Also, as other said... ''Complete'' tag ? Why ?
Odd, especially since the name is : Mythbuckers ***Episode 1***.
The author probably just mean that 'THIS' one is complete, but there will be more one day...
Coming up next:
VastaKustuta'My name's Mike Roan, and THIS is my JOB!'
This episode, I muck out the pigsty at Sweet Apple Acres, and I get an very intimate peek at a hydra down at Froggy Bottom Bog, thanks to the lovely Fluttershy.
Coming up, on My Little Dirty Job.
Haha, that was awesome! Wish I had a myth suggestion, but at the moment, I'm hard-pressed to think of much. Hm...maybe something involving the whole "tyrant Celestia" thing?
VastaKustutaThe best Sweetie Bell quote should be "That's a great SAFE idea!" :P
VastaKustutaHahaha! This was awesome! How about a rainboom explosion?;D
VastaKustutaepisode one...
VastaKustutabut it has a complete tag???
what, did the ratings blow that hard?
must be a mistake...
cannot wait for the next part!!!
VastaKustutaEpisode Two is in the works, folks. Fear not! =D
VastaKustutaOH GOD IT UPDATED!!!
VastaKustuta'bout damn time
VastaKustutaThank for the coverart.
Seriously. Go tell him how awesome he is! Right now!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaPart 2: TOTALLY worth the wait.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure whether to love you or hate you, you wrote rainbow factory, and then this MASTERPIECE!
I am aware that I may have severely seeped and you may not have written rainbow factory, if this is the case I sincerely apologize
Derped! Damn auto correct
VastaKustutaI've Died and Gone to HEAVEN! the ONLY thing that would make it better would be Ponified Versions of the REAL Mythbusters helping out the Mane 6!
VastaKustutaYou are correct, I did write Rainbow Factory.
Chapter 2 was badass beyond belief. I don't think I've smiled so hard while reading something in quite a while.
VastaKustutaThe only thing I didn't like was validating wingboners. I think they're silly.
Just finished episode one and two
VastaKustutaWow... That was hilarious!
Thank you so much!
VastaKustutaawkward, I love this so much, dont really have any suggestions tho :P
He he he.
The funniest Pony fic I have read in forever!
VastaKustutaFeel free to blame me, I'm one of the 40 who sent in that question.
VastaKustutaSo it's not going to taken another four months to update, is it? ;p
"This myth is officially Bucked... I am guaranteed one-hundred percent not a lesbian.”
“Frankly, I never understood why anypony would limit themselves to a single gender.”
(I'm a terrible, terrible person.)
“Wh... Why would Pinkie have flesh in her basement?”
Why WOULDN'T she? I know that I always... erm. I mean, that's weird.
“Dash, I really wish you’d be a bit more careful around all my work here. One wrong move and we could all be blown past the fourth wall.”
God and Celestia forbid THAT.
“We’ll let you hold your After-Party Party after-party.”
Yo, Pinkie, I heard you like parties...
“Yeah, I get that. But... wait. First off, where did you get all that fertilizer from? It looks awful familar, I’d reckon.”
“You weren’t using it! Besides, it’s not like you can’t get more for free. You make your own every-”
...Huh. I suppose that makes a surprising amount of sense.
“Aww. And here I have this entire barrel of explosives and nothing to do with it.”
Pyrotechnics Pinkie is Best Pinkie.
“Dash, you’re the bestest friend a pyro-pony could ever have!”
"This byth has been Mucked.”
It's spelled "Bith", Twi.
Well, that was fun! I gotta think of some myths to send some time.
The math on the pic is wrong
VastaKustutaThe links don't work anymore, it seems. I keep getting a 404 error...
VastaKustuta“Leave the fighting until we need higher ratings.”
VastaKustutaI. Busted. A. Gut.
Excellent work! I just stared reading this fic and love the concept. i love haveing the cast of my little pony do scenarios such as this just to see what they would do. Please keep up the good work!
VastaKustutaAlso, wait, as a question for the author, where the story says this:
VastaKustuta"She turned to her friends and muttered. “Frankly, I never understood why anypony would limit themselves to a single gender.”
The rest of the crew nodded in agreement, before shaking their heads at the letter in front of them."
Is it them saying they're all bisexual? That's what it sounds like. I'm just checking to make sure I'm reading that correctly.
VastaKustutaThat is definitely what that means.
Everyone in fanon Equestria is bisexual, your argument is invalid.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not...
I'm not bothered by it if it turns out that is what it means. It'd be hypocritical of me, since I'm bisexual myself. I like the idea of them all being bisexual actually. I just wanted to make sure I was reading it correctly.
VastaKustutaYou are reading into that correctly~ That's exactly what I meant by that! XD
Author's Headcanon ftw!
VastaKustutaNot sure he's being sarcastic? You mean at when he said "Your argument is invalid"? Yes, he was.
The phrase is a popular internet meme. He wasn't seeking to discredit you.
VastaKustutaI say... the population must a bit more mix, more ''homogeneous'' (No, I'm not making a joke there.) so to speak.
Probably something more like : 25% ''straight'', 25% F/F-M/M, and 50% Bi.
When we think about it, this would help explain quite a few things.
But, I'm just thinking.
Episode 2:
VastaKustuta... Mmh, let’s see. AJ : Jamie. RD : Adam. And... Sweetie Belle : Kari. Scootaloo : Tory. Applebloom : Grant. Did I guessed them all right ? ...
>“Yes, dears,” Rarity added formally. “Leave the fighting until we need higher ratings.”
-Heh. I think the worst thing in this is that she’s right...
>Dear Mythbuckers: Is chocolate milk actually highly explosive?
-Only if you combine it with a touch of coffee, and give it to Pinky Pie. ;)
>Does a pegasus really ‘popfeather’ when sexually aroused?
-The proper medical term is technically : ‘’Wingboner’’. ;)
>Why would Pinkie have flesh in her basement?
-Reglementary *Boot to the Head*.
>Twilight’s eyes widened. “Doesn’t gelatin come fro-”
There exist ‘’vegetarian’’ gelatins and synthetic gelatin, you know ? In fact, Kosher gelatin can be made with fish bones.
>Besides, it’s not like you can’t get more for free. You make your own every-”
-Yes, the apple family DO make their own fertilizer... with their own *PIGS*. Just pointing.
>Scootaloo looked up into Dash’s eyes with wonder. “It was... beautiful.”
-A valid answer would also have been : ‘’It was a blast!’’. ;)
>Applejack laughed nervously, “Please suggest something less dangerous to our crew.”
-I suggest... anything that would be humorous.
Like, hmmm, the one with Pinky Pie drinking coffee/espresso ?
Mmh... well, AJ and RD’s part was mildly interesting... but, it was more the CMC’s part that was mostly interesting, and a bit funny too.
VastaKustutaIf I remember my high school biology correctly, that seems suspiciously similar to the distribution of genotypes in a non-selective environment. And "popfeather" sounds slightly more like a verb to me. Besides, there are fillies watching this show!
I was expecting Twilight opening a rift and then suddenly Jamie and Adam (The Mythbusters) appearing. It would be HILARIOUS.
VastaKustutaI love mlp and I love mythbusters and you've put the two together = heaven ! Seriously tho, the characters were spot on and it was very entertaining - kudos to you my friend
VastaKustutaHuzzah! Nice to see I'm not the only one with that bit of headcanon.
No, I meant his entire post...the argument is invalid bit was what made me think he was being sarcastic with his first statement.
...don't you mean "lightning in a bottle"?
VastaKustutaSorry, to clarify: Scootaloo had some "lightning-in-a-jar" that she... borrowed... from Dash. "To have lightning in a bottle" is an expression for having a rare opportunity or a 'perfect storm' of circumstances that have created something exceptional.
VastaKustutai.e. "MLP:FiM is great! Hasbro really has lightning in a bottle here -- let's see what they do with it."
VastaKustutaEgads! You are indeed right, good chaps.
If I had a monocle, I would certainly have lost it. ;)
All this swag, why can't I hold it
VastaKustutaThat was amazing. You've captured the spirit of Mythbusters perfectly, and added a touch of Pony. I'd really like to see more of this. Thanks for sharing!
VastaKustuta.... i'd watch the fan flick
VastaKustutaHere are some myths:
VastaKustutaDoes eating large amounts of certain gems effect the color and intensity of a dragon's fire breath?
Does Celestia's mane wave even when there is no wind present, and will it wave if cut from the rest of her mane?
If a pony's flank is injured will the cutie mark be scarred, or will it always heal?
Can liquid rainbows be frozen?
Can a fast enough pegasus fly straight through cloud building walls without injury?
Can Pinkie successfully weaponize liquid rainbows and/or make them edible?
Can unicorn magic create life?