Author: Koolerkid
Description: While out hiking in the mountains near Ponyville, Big Mac discovers a mysterious staff which grants him the power of the ancient god Thor. Old myths awaken, new legends are born, and one simple farm pony is thrust in the middle - as the leader of Celestia's newest crime-fighting force, The Avengers! A fusion fic with Marvel Universe, mostly Avengers.All Chapters After the Break!
My Little Avengers Part 1
My Little Avengers Part 2
My Little Avengers Part 3
My Little Avengers Part 4
My Little Avengers Part 5
My Little Avengers Part 6
My Little Avengers Part 7
My Little Avengers Part 8
My Little Avengers Part 9
My Little Avengers Part 10
My Little Avengers Part 11
My Little Avengers Part 12
My Little Avengers Part 13
My Little Avengers Part 14
My Little Avengers Part 15
My Little Avengers Part 16
My Little Avengers Part 17 (New!)
My Little Avengers Part Epilogue (New!)
Additional Tags: Epic, Thor, Superheroes, Teamwork, HAM!
Fan Art
488 kommentaari:
Oh dear God.
VastaKustutaIt is time. For. An. Avengers. Fic.
I am not prepared!
>Reads tags
Oh, hell yes.
An Avengers crossover?
VastaKustutaNo thanks, bleh.
VastaKustutaDear Celestia. This...I dont....I...cant comprehend....
VastaKustutaI NEED to read this!
VastaKustutaIndeed. I am also unprepared.
I will watch the movie FIRST, then read the ponified crossover.
OMG, HAM?!?! YES!!!!!
VastaKustutaWow, you'd think we'd be used to this sort of thing by now... I guess there's still room for surprise in this community.
How can Trevor NOT read this?! Oh wow! Auto-read!
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
dat pic
VastaKustutaA fic about Big Mac that doesn't immediately involve shipping? Hells to the yes. Here's to hoping it's awesome.
VastaKustutaMaking the ponies into Avengers? That would never work. I mean, sure... both groups came together because of one immortal's jealousy and actions against their royal sibling, but that's the only thing they have in common.
VastaKustutaAfter all, the Avengers had a fashion designer who gained insect wings... Um... Okay, so maybe they both had that. But the Avengers had a hot tempered speedster... Oh. Well, the Avengers most powerful sorceress went disturbingly insane and... uh...
Okay, so it might not be so much of a stretch.
Wait, what? This is not AppleDash Grimdark. What is going on here??
VastaKustutaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!1!1!1!1!1!!!!!!! F*** YEAH!!!
VastaKustutaLet me guess. RD looses her wings and becomes Dr. Rainbowgonapus. Her first victim is Scootaloo who she transforms into Chickenvision, the ultimate android!
VastaKustuta16th lol
VastaKustutaAh, good to see!
VastaKustutaTHUNDERHORSE!!dundundundunTHUNDERHORSE!!dundundundunTHUNDERununununununununununundunun - HORSE!!
VastaKustutaI'm honestly waiting for Iron Stallion
VastaKustutaI am more than a little sad that this was posted before I finished MY Avengers fic.
VastaKustuta... Trevor can't call this an Avengers fic in any justice until there is more than just one Avenger. Three chapters in, and there's only Big Thor. Until Trevor sees some more action, Trevor considers this to only be a Thor crossover.
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
p.s. Still love the fic though, so keep it up!
@Magical Trevor
VastaKustutaThere are three other Avengers on their way; it'll just take a couple more chapters before they show up. I wanted to work them in sooner, but I couldn't figure out the timeline. So don't worry, they're coming soon!
big mac pic can only mean gore and suffering
VastaKustutawell that's what I think
This is pretty good but I personally prefer straight "worlds collide" crossovers. No inherited roles or ponification needed.
VastaKustutaWasn't there already a Thor crossover with Sliepnir?
Pinkie is descended from Loki? That really shouldn't make perfect sense but... it does.
VastaKustutaMarvel, MLP and dat picture? Brb going to read this.
VastaKustutaUmm, Did anyone else catch that Feather Down from the other fic Moonbeam was mentioned in the first paragraph. Not sure if significant, but it is interesting.
VastaKustutaIt's an intentional homage. I love that fic.
Very nice! The only problem I see is that you seem to be using fanon Luna instead of canon Luna, but that's a personal preference and I could be wrong.
VastaKustutaIt would be so awesome for her to get in a shouting mach with Thor.
VastaKustutaI wrote that chapter before canon!Luna existed. All later appearances will be canon!Luna.
Awesome! Good to know! Also good to know that Feather Down WAS an intended insert from Moonshine! LOVED that fic! XD Can't wait for the future chapters! (Was still looking forward to them before, but it helps to know that they're on the way! Also, One WAS a bit hasty in one's judgement. It's hard to justify so many Avengers all made/created/whatever all at the same time, and it's only been a couple weeks/a couple chapters. These things take time, and one wanted to rush it. Sorry.)
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Glad to see this here kooler!
VastaKustutaKeep it up Kooler!
VastaKustutaAye Verily. Thor dost hath the dimensions to fit in this Realm of Ponies. And Might Big Mac is but the only pony to hold the title of Thor! Son of Odin!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOMG, yes. Yes yes yes. I was giggling like a crazy person while reading this. I'll have you know that this is the first MLP fanfic I've ever read.
You win.
VastaKustutaDude. How do you live without air?
VastaKustutaI win? Yay! What do I win? Is it a cookie? Or *gasp* a cupcake! OMG CAN I HAVE SOME CUPCAKES?
[/Pinkie Pie]
Glad you liked it so much! Same to all the other awesome people who left comments and gave four-five star ratings. Thanks, folks!
well, ah aught ta say, ah'm might bit in'ersted in this. Keep 'em com'in.
VastaKustutaYou should check out:
Fallout: Equestria by Kkat
Fallout: Equestria Project Horizons by Somber
Past Sins by *uuuuhhh* Pen Stroke
Three Great PonyFics
Great job davie :3 im happy or you <3
VastaKustutaI heartily endorse this fic thus far, and am looking forward to there being... you know, an actual super team.
VastaKustutaOMG Yes more of this! I can not wait for when you introduce Iron Man (Iron Stallion?) and Captian America (Captian Equestria?).
VastaKustutaWell those are the "Big 3"
The 3 fics that got me into ponyfiction are:
Getting Lucky by Chicken Vortex
Bridle Black by Nugar
The Dread Chitin by Karazor
VastaKustutaApparently I've been using oxygen tanks thus far. ;) I've been reading fanfics for most of my Internet existence, but it never occurred to me to read MLP stories for some insane reason.
All the cupcakes the Internet has to offer...times a million. XD You're very welcome!
I'll check those three out plus the ones DPV111 mentioned. I'm already psyched as heck! ^-^
You'd better be sure to have plenty of free time, The fallout fics are both massive
VastaKustutaOoh, me likey! Big Mac is so awesome, I can see how he'd make a good Thor. Please write more of this! I want to know more about Pinkie in this role too, how is she a descendant of Loki? Keep at it!
VastaKustutaWill Prince Blueblood become the Iron Pony when he builds a suit of power armor in cave, with a box of scraps?
VastaKustutaI really enjoy this - a few misspellings here and there but that doesn't matter much, as it is so fun to read. Very curious what ponies the other Avengers will be based on.
now now, we all know the Iron Pony will be Applesnack or Doof...
VastaKustutaI love this. And what's this? An update already? Aww yeah!
VastaKustutaOk, this last chapter was incredible. And if you do see this comment: Please for the love of god make this into a comic. Commission somebody to do this! This has great writing and with a good artist, would make for an incredible comic.
VastaKustutaAnd then you can have an LOTR crossover, when Sam's packpony becomes Beta Wand Bill.
VastaKustutaCaptain Equestria, anyone?
VastaKustuta@Saintspirit: No way, the Hulk is a scientist when not big and green with rage. Totally Twilight. Especially since we've seen her undergo a rage-based transformation before.
VastaKustutaWow, this was fast. Nice to have another part of the story to read. I see you decided to have Proper Etiquette is he a common stallion for use or did you pull him from Past Sins?
VastaKustutaI say thee NEIGH!
VastaKustutaAwwwwww Yeah!! FOE reference for the win!
VastaKustutaI love it that everyone catches my little references. Yes, like Feather Down from earlier, Proper Etiquette is an intentional homage to Past Sins because Pen Stroke is badass and so are all his fics. I like sneaking in little references to my favorites here and there.
Okay, now we need Iron Mare and Captain Equestria to appear.
VastaKustutaI'm hoping for Spiderhooves, personally. Mostly because it means that the hoof-tactile field can let a pony scale walls.
VastaKustutaSo, Trixie's fulfilling the role of the Enchantress, isn't she?
VastaKustutaAlso, Where did Discord fall into this, was he Loki's son?
And is it just me, or does anyone else se a PinkieMac relationship developing?
VastaKustuta1. Yes, pretty much, though she's not really a direct expy like most other Marvel characters here.
2. Discord is Discord. I'm not touching that because I have no clue how to handle it, in all honesty.
3. It's definitely possible, but rather unlikely since FlutterMac is my OTP. Still, if the story starts drifting that way... I have little enough control over Pinkie as is, I'M certainly not going to tell her who to date.
Oh my god Seth, Seth you're in a fanfic, YOU'RE IN A FANFIC!!!!
VastaKustutaJust my little way of thanking Seth for being awesome and running this awesome site.
Hehehe. This is fun. And the author *GASP!* actually called it a fusion like it is.
VastaKustutaCan't wait to see who else will be who.
@koolerkid In mythology, Loki's children were a withered crone, a giant wolf, an eight-legged horse, and a giant snake. I doubt that the amalgamation of creatures that Discord is would be much of an aberration there.
VastaKustutaOh, I love.
VastaKustutaI even spent part of class today drawing Thor. This is just such a cool fic.
Thanks to Koolerkid for writing it.
Whoa. Damn good fic you got here. I was positively giddy with excitement during the Big Thor vs. Wrecker battle (I love the Thunderer).
VastaKustutaReading this story reminds of how I felt as a kid while watching old super hero cartoons. I love this.
VastaKustutaSomehow I can see Applebloom learning about Big Mac & making her first Iron Mare suit to follow him... I'm also giggling at the idea of just what a Captain Equestria would look like.
Wow, THAT was fast! Woohoo! If the updates keep coming this fast... x_x (Also, somewhere near the beginning, you have an improper your. It should be you're for you are, but one can't remember exactly where, sorry...)
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Ragh! Curse you Kooler! Curse you and your comic book style cliffhangers that make me want to watch this fix as if my life depended on it!
VastaKustutaCURRRRRSE YOOOOUU!!! *shakes fist in air*
VastaKustutaDamn auto correct
Captain Mareica. Get it right guys.
VastaKustutaAs for Iron Mane? Surely you think I'm insane! But I suspect the pony who will take the role of Tony Stark, is the pony who is striped, half covered in dark.
This is a great homage to the Mighty Thor, and it's great to see the power fall into the hooves of someone like Big Mac. I do hope we get to see more of the Mane Six in the future installments, though; especially when they all find out just who Thor is!
VastaKustutaThe only way this could be better would be if the Shadowbolts from "Dark Skies" could be brought in as a villain team.
@chaoticrambler Join the club. I've been co-writing a ponified Avenger universe with my best friend for over 2 months now and we still had stories planned out for the next year.
VastaKustuta@Kamineigh: Power Fighting Pony
VastaKustutaWouldn't having a name of Captain Mareica imply that the Captain is female? Also I think it would have been cool if the Cap (if he is in this) is introduced today (tuesday) since Captain America comes out on DVD/Blue Ray/etc today.
Anyway, I was excited when I first saw this and I have to say that you did not disappoint Koolerkid! More stories is required.
So, Seth, when are you going to post that invitation? You can't just ignore orders from the princess.
VastaKustutaOh this is soo fun, please keep updating! I love the idea of turning this into a comic too ^_^
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaYou're probably right abou FS not being Hulk... Not sure if Twilight fits that well either, though. Better, I guess.
On the other hand, Rainbow Dash as Captain Equestria feels like it's a given.
VastaKustutaEpic name! Anyhow, everypony knows that Twilight Sparkle would make a far better Pony Stark/Iron Mane. She has already been shown in canon to be technically inclined, after all. Zecora could be that one panther king whose name escapes me, though.
As for Captain Mareica, I think RD should fill that role. I think her bearing the element of loyalty kinda fits. Who gets to be Spider Mare? Derpy could work... Then there's Flutterhulk, and dangit I forget the rest of the avengers.
VastaKustutaDangit, ninjad on the RD as the Cap.
Nopony else seems to have called Twi as the Iron Mane yet, though.
I feel compelled to warn everyone, to avoid later disappointment: none of the mane six will be joining the Avengers except as a member of the support team. There are multiple reasons for this, both in-story and meta, but primarily I just wanted to write a story about the side characters. Why? Because I LIKE side characters, that's why.
VastaKustutaI see... Suppose that explains why Blueblood, Caramel and Spitfire is in the labels... Hmm...
VastaKustutaThis is seven ridiculous kinds of awesome.
VastaKustutaYou know... For the longest time I was hoping to be the one to do this crossover, but you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm not going to be able to beat this. This is really REALLY good.
VastaKustutaThis story... it's damn near perfect. In fact, it may be completely perfect. I'm having a real hard time coming up with any decent criticism, and that's really REALLY hard to do with me. It stays completely in character, it follows a really good arc, the character interaction is really good, especially between Big Mac and his sister and Big Mac and Pinkie, and it had some serious "OH SHIT" moments... I had a particularly big one when you introduced that Heavy Weight was filling the role of the Wrecker and suddenly figured out whose shoes Trixie was filling then.
All in all, excellent story. I will be watching this very closely my friend. Very closely indeed...
@Menelaus Redz
VastaKustutaCaptain Marica wouldn't mean the pony is female. After all, it's the name of a country.
I can picture the Wonderbolts as the Fantastic Four, mutated after flying too close to space.
The Equine Torch, Mr. Ivisible, et cetera.
As for Spidermane, I have no idea. Marvel has too many nerdy characters. I do know howver, that the mayor is going to be J. Jonah Jameson. "I WANT PICTURES! PICTURE SOF SPIDERMANE!"
Pinkie would make a perfect Deadpool.
Ghostrider Rainbow Dash. You know you want it.
Dr. Whooves as the Hulk. Easily explained as a time travel accident.
Lyra as Cyclops.
And Gilda as Woverine. Because it'd be funny.
Steven Magnet is totally going to be Magneto. Steven Magneto.
I still want a Metroid Prime crossover. And the Majoras Mask crossover to update. And the Metal Gear Solid one. And the Disgaea one. And the Nightmare Wars. And the Okami one... Ugh.
VastaKustutaBy the way, if I may make a suggestion.
VastaKustutaDerpy as Nick Fury. (Eyepatch can cover her lazy eye and she can be totally badass) Call her Nick Derpy and it'll be awesome.
@Kamineigh: Power Fighting Pony
VastaKustutaSpiderman was not an original Avenger, so I doubt he/she'll make an appearance.
For future Reference here's a list of the original avenger team(With the exception of Thor) and who I think will play them:
Hulk - Caramel(For some reason, it fits.)
(Gi)Ant Man - Dr. Whoof(Their both pacifist scientist who are constantly forced into conflict)
Wasp - Spitfire(sadly with Koolkid's earlier comment, Rarity is out of the running for this position)
Iron Man - Blueblood(This one is a stretch for me, but he's the only one who comes remotely close to Stark's Personality.)
Captain America - Ditzy Doo(A patriotic mare with an unfortunate eye condition which prevents her from serving in the Equestrian guard is given a chance by an elderly unicorn to serve her country and become the first of a new generation of Super soldiers. However, just as the procedure finishes, a saboteur eliminates the elderly unicorn and with him, the super soldier spell. Vowing to not let the old stallion's death be in vein, Dinky Doo takes it upon herself to protect the innocent and face down tyranny where ever it rears its head as the one and only Captain Equestria!(Sounds a lot more feasible now doesn't it?))
You bronies have NO IDEA how hard it is not to spoil the identities of the Avengers. NO. IDEA.
VastaKustutaHere's what I will say:
1. Jacky, the Cap was not originally a member of the Avengers. Just sayin'. He joined later. Issue 4, actually.
2. I will not necessarily feature the original lineup; the only requirement is that they were, at SOME POINT, an Avenger. In fact, at least one of the Avengers I have planned, only the die-hard nerds (like me!) will recognize. So, uh, sorry 'bout that.
3. Counting Thor as the first member, there will be a total of four members of the Avengers, at least in THIS fic (possible sequel, if this one goes well!)
4. Fluttershy is best pony. Nothing to do with the Avengers. Just wanted to let you all know that. Oddly, she will most likely not be appearing in this fic. Some FlutterMac was planned but written out. I believe she is hiding from all the violence. But it's okay. I still think she's best pony.
I will try my best to answer any all questions I can without spoiling. But try not to ask questions that are spoil-ish in nature. I'm bad with spoilers :(
VastaKustutaYou forget, The Cap was given founder status upon joining the team and shortly after, cemented his role as the field leader of the Avengers. And considering it was only three issues later that he joined up, I think that more than qualifies him as an original member especially when he was the one who kept the team going when the rest of the founders quit.
So far I'm in love with this fic. Everyone is characterized just as they were to act in the show, which I love and plot is engaging and even suspenseful. I can't wait for the next chapter!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWe need Mag-neigh-to in this, too.
VastaKustutaSide Note- it's less Thor, more like Beta Ray Bill. I mean, he even looks like a horse...
Not to mention Zecora would make a good Doctor Strange/Doctor Voodoo
Just a heads-up for all my adoring fans: Keep an eye out! Chapter 5 is nearly ready. Look out for it sometimes tomorrow or the next day, more than likely.
VastaKustutaAlso: thank you all for being so awesome and continuing to tell me how awesome I am. It's doing wonders for my ego and keeps me motivated.
So I guess when another Avenger pops up the "Fun will have been doubled!?"
VastaKustutaOh, wait...Hawkeye...oh well looking at some My little Baccano
VastaKustutaomg Omg I can't wait my dream of a cap pony is finally here not to mention big mac as thor dude i like you just made me like Big mac even more and i didn't think that was possible
VastaKustutagot my fix...its like crack
VastaKustutabwahahahaha! HAM!
VastaKustutaI've been looking down at your tags and I think I may have figured out some of the lineup...
Your tags there mention several ponies. Big Mac, Caramel, Blueblood, Pinkie Pie, Spitfire, and Trixie.
Now we know Big Mac. We know Pinkie isn't going to be a member. I somehow DOUBT that Blueblood will be a member (it'd be weird if he was) so that leaves Caramel and Spitfire.
Now you mentioned that one of the members is going to be someone who only die hard comic nerds will recognize...You'll forgive me, my first thought was Monica Rambeau/Captain Marvel/Photon/She of the many names (lol). This would certainly fit for Spitfire, given the flight and speed and all that. Give her some control over radiation and we're good.
Then there's Caramel. I dunno for sure, but I can realy only see him being an Iron Man. Wither that or Ant Man, but I'm not sure that would do well, so Iron Man it is... or perhaps Hawkeye... but you only mentioned one of the ponies not being an original (well, you said at least one, but I'd think you'd want at least two originals). I'm gonna leave Caramel with those three and see where it goes.
Lastly... I guess there's Prince Blueblood. Honestly, the only way I'd get any satisfaction out of seeing him as a hero is if he were made into a monster of some kind and had to grow and overcome himself and thus become a better pony. Ergo, I guess either the Thing or the Hulk. You know, assuming he isn't a villain.
Other ideas include:
Zecora as Doctor Strange/Doctor Voodoo or Black Panther
Derpy as Nick Fury (I still totally support this)
And some other obscure avengers that you might try to sneak in include:
Two-Gun Kid
Black Knight
Luke Cage
...And a hella lotta others...
(Shall we toast to our comic nerditude? :D )
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaAll I will say is: wrong. I'm not going to say which parts are wrong, or how much of what you just said was wrong, because if I start with the spoilers I'll never stop. Good guesses all around, though! You came up with some ideas I wish I'd thought of.
In fact... if/when I write a sequel, and I need a cowriter... well. Keep in touch :D
Octavigra. Make it happen.
VastaKustutaAt least, mind spoiling in what chapter another avenger will appear?
VastaKustuta@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutai could see BlueBlood being the Black Panther since he's also royalty
VastaKustutaHrmm... starting to look like the intros will start around... oh jeez. Chapter seven or eight. I'm real sorry about that. Five should be coming out later today and describes the party, six has an awesome battle scene, and seven will either be the revelation of the first Avenger (besides Thor), or a bridge into said introduction. Depends on how the writing of chapter six goes. The intros will last a few chapters, and then we get back to PLOT.
Oh, YES. Great chapter, kooler! I am absolutely loving this story!
VastaKustutaI'm going to do some fan art Of Big Mac/Thor i was just wondering if that would be OK with you
VastaKustutaOkay? OKAY?! Dude, you draw me some fanart and I'll give an OC pony of your design a cameo.
All I could think of after finishing the new chapter was"
VastaKustutaDun Dun Duuuuunnnnn
As well as here comes Iron Mane/Iron Stallion/Iron Colt/whatever koolerkid decides to call him[her?].
And yes, great chapter.
This is great, koolerkid. Despite the fusion, you still manage to keep it an MLP fic at heart.
VastaKustutakoolerkid, you are kicking all sorts of ass when it comes to updating. So nice to have an author on top of this.
VastaKustutaThis. Is. Bucking. Metal.
VastaKustutaI came when i read this.
I wonder if we might see some BigPie(? what would it be called?)
Fin Fang Foom! You brought in FIN FANG FOOM!
VastaKustutaYou have won the Internets, sir!
i just figured out who Trixie is LOL she playing the part of Amora The Enchantress Lokis frequent partner in crime and big time and one of Asgards most powerful sorceress
VastaKustutaTrevor is ashamed to say taht he doesn't know who Fin Fang Foom is... He knows that he SHOULD, but he was never allowed/never had time to read comics as a young colt... Trevor spent his time practicing his magic...
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
@koolerkid awesome I'm really excited :D
VastaKustuta@Magical Trevor
VastaKustutaFin Fang Foom was an ancient alien dragon who found his way into Chinese myth. He's an Iron Man villain usually, but he's the kind of villain that just gets fought by anyone who's available - hero or villain - because he's THAT DANGEROUS. I fused him with the Midgard Serpent, who had once taken Foom's form, to link him to the whole Norse myth thing I've got going.
Essentially, Fin Fang Foom is what happens when Marvel writers see a Godzilla movie and say "Eh, we can do better."
VastaKustutaLovely work as usual, not too much, but it is not too little.
Going to go and ummm...thingy now
Fin Fang Foom.
VastaKustutaFin Fang FUCKING Foom...
Oh Hell...
Celestia zapped with the magic destruction spell... Trixie running amok... Fin Fang Foom destrouing canterlot.
My friends... shit has OFFICIALLY gotten real.
VastaKustutaOh believe me, I will. :D
@The princesses dialogue
VastaKustutaThis fic is awesomesauce.
Besides maybe the god of war crossover, this one is the best. I don't even know the avengers at all and I don't feel like im missing out on anything.
Hah! You guys think THIS chapter was awesome? Wait 'till you see the actual FIGHT!
VastaKustutaMy only regret is that the rest of the fic might feel like a letdown, because I'm unsure if I can ever match this level of sheer awesome.
Thanks everyone for your awesome comments. Special mention goes out to Dusty, not only for being a potential co-writer but because he said "Shit got real", which I've been waiting for someone to say since I posted this chapter; and Ponygrad, for saying this fic is on par with Bridled Fury, one of the best crossovers on the site. Thanks a lot, guys!
I must say I am pleased to see this on EqD and doing quite well considering the star score.
VastaKustutaFin Fang Foom, this is going to be epic.
I might be drawing one or two avengers too when they are revealed...
VastaKustuta@hubba404 That's EXACTLY the first song that came to mind after reading the concept for the story XD
VastaKustutaI admit, I don't know as much about Marvel and such as I should. Nontheless, I am looking forward to what you have in store. Namely the other avengers. Iron Man and Hulk I am particularly interested in.
VastaKustutaHey guys, I haven't been to EqD for a while, what's going on -HHHNNNNG *dies frome awesome-induced heart attack*
VastaKustutaSince when is Thor the head Avenger?
VastaKustutaWould you mind if I did my own Captain Equestria Fic. Writing that description about how Ditzy Doo became the Cap Gave me an idea for my own universe fusion fic.
Thor is only head Avenger in this particular fic. Why? Because I say so. I'm playing fast and loose with Marvel canon, and a lot of stuff aren't going to match up. This is primarily a Ponies-with-superpowers fic, they just happen to resemble Marvel heroes REALLY CLOSELY.
VastaKustutaAnd Jacky, if you use a different character and a different storyline, than I have no right to stop you, do I? Now if you wanted to use my version of Marvelquestria, than you'd have to ask. But just using a similar premise? I certainly don't have a copyright on MLP/Marvel crossovers. Go nuts!
Prepare your bodies, loyal fans. The extra-long, super awesome chapter six is making its rounds through the proofreaders, and it is going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND.
VastaKustutaExpect it some time tomorrow or the day after..
That's it?
VastaKustutaWhat happens next?
VastaKustutaSweet Celestia you update fast.
VastaKustutaI try. :D
@koolerkidawesome another chapter to read while i finish up my fan art :D you just made my weekend 20% cooler
VastaKustutaONLY 20%?
@koolerkid Ok you made my weekend 100% cooler thanks for doing that because my weekend is looking really crudy I'm almost done with your fan art i just have to scan and color it
VastaKustutaThought so. Sorry to hear about your potentially cruddy weekend, and thanks for the fan art! Send it me at [email protected].
In fact, any fan mail or fan art can be sent to that address. I love fan mail, so send away!
Also, brace yourselves for chapter six! I just sent it in to Seth and got confirmation that it's on its' way right now!
.. Then with all respect, why not just paste the link here? Telling us that it's on the way is like thrusting a cupcake in front of Pinkie Pie and saying that she has to wait to eat it... Why torture us with the knowledge, when we'll find out when it's updated? THIS IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT! ... *Waits patiently*
VastaKustuta@Magical Trevor
VastaKustutaBecause I enjoy your suffering.
... Trevor can live with that! At least you don't try to hide it! *Brohoof*
VastaKustuta... *Mutters* Now, where did I leave that hit order... surely I left it right around here...
Merc: But sir! If you kill him, there will be no more chapters!
... FRELL! You win this round, Sir! BUT TREVOR SHALL HAVE HIS REVENGE! *Magic smoke masks disappearance*
~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
VastaKustutasadly we're getting snow this weekend I really don't like cold weather I'm a summer girl i can't wait to read the next chapter:D
VastaKustutaDon't get mad, but I was able to hunt down chapter six of your story using Google and let me just say, without intentionally spoiling the story, that you are the master of the fused universe fanfictions.
Seriously, if Jack Kirby and Stan Lee's DNA were fused together into a baby, and that baby was then raised by Lauren Faust, It would be you.
The Fight scene was EPIC and the rest of the chapter really set up the rest of the story. Add that to the fact that you are able to pump out one of these chapters in less than a couple of days and still keep such a high level of quality speaks highly for your writing abilities.
VastaKustutaWow. That's quite the compliment, thanks! And I'm glad you thought so highly of my fic that you went hunting for the next chapter; I dunno what's taking Seth so long with the update. I'm glad you liked it so much! The next few chapters will be decidedly less epic, sadly, but I'll be introducing the new Avengers so I doubt anyone will complain. Avengers, ASSEMBLE!
VastaKustutaSeth is probably taking so long because you made Trixie a villian, and you know how that guy likes his Trixie.
Pouts why is Seth being a meanie mc mean pants I need my Big Mac fix :(
VastaKustutaBah, I made him a character in my fic, the least he can do is overlook Trixie being a villain. At least she's awesomely hammy.
Well played with the origin of powers. Quite feasible.
VastaKustutaNow, to find out who got which powerset...
Eeeee! 8D
VastaKustutaOh my gosh, this chapter was amazing! A-MA-ZING. *dies happily then is reborn to finish the comment*
I'm a terrible sucker for "secret revealed" stories and moments...and this was no letdown! It was done well, believably, and enjoyably! You, sir, are a god among bronies. *bows down*
Also, Pinkie Pie continues to win. That is all. ^-^
Awww, a small part of me was hoping for eventual MacPie. No big deal.
VastaKustutaAWESOME chapter, as always. I loved that the Mass Empowering Event was caused by Celestia.
Can't wait to see who the other Avengers are, and what they bring to the table.
Great story so far! I especially like how you managed to link the Asgardian portion of the Marvel universe into Equestria's past. (I always thought when Pinkie Pie was saying 'okie-dokie-lokie' that she was referring to Thor's brother. Just made sense to me with how chaotic she was.)
VastaKustutaAlso, I appreciate how you're not rushing things in bringing in other heroes; you obviously have a plan, and are sticking to it. Waiting this long (chapter six) to even introduce where other powered ponies might come from makes me happy, and I hope to be able to read many more chapters in the future.
(I also love all the discrete little shout outs you've done, and am honored to have one of my characters name dropped. Thank you, made me smile like you wouldn't believe!)
Wait, ahng on, what did Pinkie Pie just say? That she prefers... Ok, I think you have a quite important typo there.
VastaKustutaBut this is still awesome - I can't wait to read about the other Avengers!
So we have an incredibly awesome fight with Fin Fang Foom...
VastaKustutaCelestia exploding in a burst of magic, causing at least 300 ponies to become mutants.
A sighting of what I assume to be the Thing, Iceman, and Photon/Pulsar/Captain Marvel/She of the many names
Celestia drained to the point where she's turned into a little filly
Revealing the secret to Applejack
And Thor accepting leadership of the Pony Avengers/ Really more like the X-Men since this is mutants but WHO THE BUCK CARES OH MY LUNA THIS IS AWESOME.
I don't think me heart can take much more of this awesome...
So, if we do alternate universe fics, would this be Equestria-616? And was that Pony Dazzler?
VastaKustutaNew Avengers next chapter? Is it wrong to start speculating?
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash as Ms Marvel? Or maybe that's why Spitfire's name is in the labels? (Air-force pilot hit by cosmic rays/experimented on by aliens...)
Rarity as Wasp, right? Though those butterfly wings wouldn't really cut it in battle...
What about Fluttershy as She-Hulk? Her secret identity being a vet rather than a lawyer seems a bit odd though...
Maybe, but it seems obvious that Caramel is The Thing, or whatever that one Fantastic Four hero is, since it said he. The only other possibility is Blueblood, but it makes more sense if it's Caramel. Trevor will type more when on his laptop, and not his phone. Great chapter!
VastaKustuta~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Wow i can see an Xmen/mlp crossover coming out of this awesome chapter i can't wait to read the next one
VastaKustutaBlueblood will most likely be Iron Mane, sadly. I just hope Thor can reign him in, no pun intended. Oh well, at least I'll get my fix of "Iron man being a dick at Thor" in the Joss Whedon movie.
VastaKustutaI'm banking on Doctor Whooves as Iron Pony, mostly because he has the tech know how established.
VastaKustutaAlso, for an alt fic, please have Cutie Mark Crusaders form the Runaways, k?
VastaKustutaFrom what mutations was mentiones, it appears as if Caramel is Thing, Blueblood is Iceman, and Spitfire is Photon. Shame we won't get to see an Iron Pony, if that's true.
VastaKustutaAlso, I blieve what Pinkie said to Rainbow Dash later on should be "Mare", not "Filly", am I right?
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the chapter so much! I worked pretty hard on it.
VastaKustuta@Laurence: I'm glad you didn't mind Feather Down's cameo. I'm not 100% sure why I decided to do it, but it was on the page before I knew what I was typing. I really love Moonbeam, so I guess this was my subconsciousness thanking you for it!
@Saintspirit: Yes, this version of Pinkie likes fillies. As Rainbow Dash would say: DEAL WITH IT.
Also, just gonna point out, the three powered ponies Thor saw just after the explosion (the Thing, Iceman, and Captain Marvel) were all just cameos and likely will not appear again. They were just ways to show "something freaky just happened".
Also, just a warning, I'm having a bit of trouble with this next chapter. Not quite sure what to do with it, so it may be delayed a bit. You know; maybe a full FOUR days this time. :D
@RainbowLeader 510
VastaKustutaKoolerkid stated that none of the mane six would be members of the avengers. With the exception of Pinkie who is just there in a support role.
VastaKustutaNo, don't worry. This is still Avengers, and ONLY characters who were at some point Avengers in the comic books will be accepted. And like I said, those three were just cameos.
Also, the difference between "mare" and "filly" is the same as "women" and "girl". Which sounds better, "I like women" or "I like girls"? I dunno, it sounded better to me.
Also, just gonna throw this out there, Pinkie's not gonna be the only one of the mane six in a support role; one other will join up to help out. But none of the Mane Six obtained any powers not shown on the show, and none of them will join as full members until the epilogue, which is done with a time-skip Harry Potter style.
@koolerkidI see your point... Still, somewhere I feel that the CMC are fillies, while the Mane 6 are mares. That was my concern.
VastaKustutaOh, and those you mentioned were just cameos? I see...
(My OC-pony would totally have become Archangel, should she have been there :D)
VastaKustutaIt's a legitimate concern, but I just meant it in the context of 'girls', not 'little girls'. Cause that'd be creepy.
Also, Archangel would be a terrible choice. His mutation is having wings, which is already kinda lame IMO. In Equestria, that just means she gets something 1/3 of the population already have. Unless you're referring to the blue version with metal wings, 'cause that'd be kinda cool.
VastaKustutaYeah, perhaps. Was mainly because of his name. Huge metal wings - plus being able to heal others - on the other hand would be pretty cool.
Heh, actually the whole "Celestia explodes causing random mutants" thing is more like Milestone Comics' (RIP Dwayne McDuffie) "Big Bang" origin than anything from X-Men. The Moar You Know!
I just read the latest chapter and I love the "metahuman (metapony?) origin event". It'll be cool to see who among the background characters becomes a super, either hero or villain, in the next few chapters.
VastaKustutaIt's still a pity about none of the Mane Six getting involved, even though I can understand why. But Twilight Sparkle would make a great Sorceress Supreme.
4 full days?! FOUR FULL DAYS?!?!?!
VastaKustutaI'm not sure I can wait that long. Nah, I kid. In all seriousness, take your time. Quality over quantity.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash doesn't say that. ;P
Looks like I guessed 2/3rds of the cameos correctly. I got the The Thing and Iceman, but didn't nail down which female Marvel. Too bad they aren't showing up again, though. The Thing and (Ms.? Captain?) Marvel are two of my favorite characters.
...Also, was Celestia turning into a filly a reference to My Little Alicorn? Because I love that fic.
Marevel universe Pinkie is a lesbian?
VastaKustuta*pulls out a notepad*
Good to know.
*write write*
Also, I have the strangest urge to write a fan-fanfic about Spider-Colt.
@LordZephyr Trying to make the lyrics of the Spiderman song fit for Spidercolt are impossible...
VastaKustutaConsidering that she is Loki's Decendant...
Loki once turned into a mare to lure the Stallion Svaðilfari away from his master, and as a result gave birth to the 8 Legged Steed Sleipnir.
VastaKustutaWhich Avengers teams are you going to take characters from, because Thing is part of the New Avengers and you said he's just a cameo.
He fights just like a lightning bolt
Spins a web
Any size
Catches thieves
Just like flies
Look out, here comes Spider-Colt.
Pay up.
@BlackVion: Turning Celestia into a filly was just a weird idea I had randomly. I haven't actually read my Little Alicorn yet.
VastaKustuta@LordZephyr: Feel free, but wait until this is done. There's going to be a few more major changes to Marevel-Equestria before this fic is done. The Celestia Event (or The Singularity, as Loki calls it) is child's play compared to what happens later.
@koolerkidWill do, I was planning on waiting until I more continuity to work with anyway.
VastaKustutaHow are you gonna pull off Iron man? I've been pondering ideas on it..
VastaKustutaJust tell me if your going to have Captain Equestria or not, because I've got a pretty good idea how to integrate him/her into your story as a pre-singularity superpony and if you've already got a plan for the character, I really don't want to interfere with your continuity.
VastaKustutaI don't want to say anything yet, for fear of spoilers, but if anyone has any ideas they want to tell me send it to my email, at [email protected]. I'll read your ideas, see if they[ll work with what I have so far, and reply to you there. And please, don't feel bad about it - I LOVE it when people send me their ideas.
Please moar!!
dude dude no you didn't Omg you just made my day a million x cooler Soarin’ is Wolvie Gahh My fan girl self awaits the next chapter and now i have two more pieces of fan art to make :D
VastaKustuta... Firebird is badass!
VastaKustuta... That is all.
~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
VastaKustutaIs the Hulk going to make anymore appearances? Also, you really threw me off with firebird, I was thinking Firestar or even the Human Torch.
On another note, I think I've figured out what your going to do with Blueblood - The singularity gives him super intelligence which allows him to build the Ironmane armor. I just don't get how you're going to get him past the snubby royalty phase to where he'd actually help the common pony.
One more note, during the doughnut shop scene, you mistakenly referred to Sourin' as a "Her" when describing his injuries.
Keep up the good work man.
The author's notes are helping me learn comic lore. Very nice!
VastaKustutaMy lord, Firebird? I remember her from the West Coast Avengers when they fought Master Pandemonium and Hedlok!
VastaKustutaAnd she had one heck of an intro. One wonders what Dash will think when she finds out that one of her idols (Spitfire) is working with another of her idols (Thor).
VastaKustutaHulk: Probably just gonna keep him as a cameo. May get mentioned a few more times, but that's it. He's not a part of the plot.
Blueblood: Oh, I've got plans for him, don't worry. He's my second-most-hated villain, so you can trust me when I say I'm not giving him an easy out. Watch the Iron Man movie.
Typo: Thanks for pointing that out, man. My proofreaders are SUPPOSED to catch these things. Fixed!
I get to write an awesome fic about two of my favorite things (ponies and superheroes), thus satisfying my pony fix, my comic fix, my writing fix, my awesome fix, and now my educated-others fix. I LOVE teaching people about comics; you seriously just made my day. Thanks for reading!
Firebird is pretty badass. I wish she got more screen-time.
And Dash? Dash'll have a fan-gasm. And possibly explode. Twice. Sadly, Spitfire's identity will remain at least nominally secret, at least for now. Once she'd costumed and she ignites her mane, she'll be pretty hard to recognize through the flame. Most people recognize the uniforms more than the ponies wearing them, anyway.
You sir are a bigger nerd than I. I salute your knowledge of obscure marvel characters that are awesome yet I have never heard of.
VastaKustutaAlso, hulk-as-werewolf is not something I knew either. Kinda makes sense, though, and it works well. Shame he won't be a recurring character, though. I like Hulk; when he's well written, he's a fantastic character.
Personally, I'm most curious about Rarity's role. She's my favourite of the Mane 6 (when it's not Twilight or Fluttershy), and I expect her to be at least mostly awesome.
VastaKustutaIf Soarin's healing ability is as described in the fic, then he's certainly not Wolverine. Wolverine would take maybe a few hours at most, not a few months, to heal from that.
VastaKustutaAha! So he is Ironmane. Hmm, that just leaves Caramel, I was sure he was going to be the Hulk, curse you Koolerkid, You've stumped me.
And don't be too hard on your proofreaders, they are only human after all.
It's a shame about the hulk though, he's number 3 of my top 5 superheroes.
Sourin' isn't Wolverine, Wolverine has advance regenerative abilities(IE having all his skin blown off and then regenerating it within minutes) Sourin's ability simply allows him to make a full recovery from a life crippling injury within a few months.
I'm loving this! This is such a fun story and so well written. Will any of the Mane 6 have mutations or will you be mostly focusing on side ponies? Either way is cool. I laughed at the Pinkie scene, she's so random.
VastaKustutaKeep it coming! ^_^
VastaKustutaI'm a bigger nerd than most people. It comes with having no real life to speak of. As for Rarity, don't worry. She's not a main member of the Avengers but she is a key component in the origin, character development, and continued deployment of one. She gets an awesome moment later on, too.
@Melodia: Pretty much, yeah. Though I hear these Project X guys may have a way to boost that kind of power... just sayin'. It's possible. Unlikely - highly unlikely - but possible.
@Jacky2734: *ahem* didn't mean to give that away... silly me. It's Iron Pony, incidentally. Iron Mane just sounds silly. As for Caramel... think about it. Think about who's missing and you'll get it - BUT DON'T SAY IT HERE! No more spoilers. Blueblood is up next, so spoilers for him aren't TOO bad. And yeah, I love the Hulk too. He was originally gonna have a marginally bigger part in the plot, but I bumped him into Spitfire's origin because he fit so well and grabbed someone else to fill his place. Frankly? As much as I love the Hulk, I love Thor more. Thor is Best Avenger like Fluttershy is Best Pony and FlutterMac is Best Ship (sadly, neither that pony nor that ship can be worked into the fic believably at this point. Sad).
@Noodlegirl: None of the Mane six have mutations (YET!) except Pinkie, who can technically be considered a mutant by the definition of having genes that differ widely from pony normal. But that's due to her divine heritage, not the Celestia event.
VastaKustutaThe main body of the story is about the side ponies, but the Mane Six might develop powers in the planned epilogue. Not certain yet.
Glad you like it! Keep reading and I'll keep writing!
Incidentally, when I made Pinkie a filly-fooler I got a ton of response. Now I run with it - having her appear in Spitfire's bed, hinting at a pairing between her and RD - and nobody notices. Man, what's the point of trolling you guys if you don't react?
VastaKustutaOut of curriosity, How is Rainbow Dash taking all of this with super powered ponies now everywhere and quite possibly showing her up? Your are going to let her keep her title of Fastest pony in Equestria, right?
*nervously points at army of RD fans waiting to rip on you for not answering the question correctly*
Spitfire is officially a BAMF. My original thought was that she was Firestar, but yeah, Firebird is pretty cool too. But I gotta tell ya, I LOVE Spitfire in this story. She is DAMN awesome.
VastaKustutaA little sad that Blueblood didn't turn out to be the Hulk. I woulda liked to see that. Being a suddenly angry, ugly monster pony with everyone hating and fearing him would be a good way to reflect his inner ugliness to everypony around him. It'd knock Blublood down a few pegs while also giving him a chance to possibly redeem himself in some way. Still, I'm interested in seeing what you DO do with him. I think someone said he'd be Iron Man? Seems too good for him...
Nightcrawler reference drop for the win!
I have no words for how much I love this story, dude. This is one of the only stories that is both incredible and awesome, and also has the sense to update with any regularity. Keep it up man!
(Also, just a minor suggestion, but it'd be kinda cool to see one of the Mane 6 get a mutation. Probably not during the course of the story but perhaps in an epilogue once all is said and done. I think Twilight would make a great Mr. Fantastic, don't you?)
I first thought Spitfire was Pony Torch, then remembered he ain't an avenger - well well, anything fire-related is awesome in my book.
VastaKustutaAnd as it seems, Caramel is going to be Captain Equestria... or, another not that well known avenger. Still, Captain Equestria fits him pretty well when I think about it; Caramel isn't exactly a tough guy from what impression I've gotten, just as Steve Rogers.