• Story: My Funny Sister

    [Normal] [Sad]

    Author: Pascoite
    Description: When Scootaloo wonders why Rainbow Dash has been avoiding her, Dash decides to tell a story from her youth, about friendship gained, and friendship changed, in order to explain why seeing Scootaloo has been making her sad.

    My Funny Sister

    Additional Tags: Guilt, Reconciliation, Happy Ending


    1. i swear if i actually read sad stories, my sad-o-meter would break.

      I would partake, but I'm sad enough from my dog dying last night. =|

    2. @wackyteen

      Sorry to hear about your dog.

    3. @wackyteen

      Really sorry to about that, cause I know that feel man.

    4. @wackyteen

      Is that why you were in a bad mood last night? Aww. -hugs-

    5. Aww, we really need a "heartwarming" tag, or do we already have one of those? If we don't, somepony please make one!

      I actually did not expect for Ditzy (Or Derpy, if you prefer) too be RD's friend, but it was definitely a good use of writing keeping her anonymous until the end. That was a subconscious motivational factor that I enjoyed. Good read.

    6. @wackyteen

      Aaaahhhh...I'm really sorry to hear about that. Losing an animal companion can be tough. You have my condolences and sympathy. :(

    7. That crashing scene was kind of jarring. That was the kind of description I expect from [grim/dark]. Still a pretty good story.

    8. That was great. I loved this story. It makes me weep with happy sad tears.

    9. Sad Scootaloo and Dash with happy ending? mmm...

    10. I thought it was going to be Surprise. But I like who it turned out to be.

    11. Thumbs all the way up.

      I only wish I knew how to comment on the website where the story is archived (is it possible to comment there?).

      I love good sadfics. And of all the ones I've read over the last few months, this ranks among the best.

    12. This is annoying. I have an idea for a sadfic right as every new story out there is sad... maybe I'll wait until the trend passes *hipster glasses*.

    13. Ah' didn' even read thuh genre tags b'fore Ah' read it. Ah' don' wanna read an'eh more sad stories, but this one's'more bittersweet than sad. So long as ya ignore Dash's comment in Winter Wrap-up, it all works-out fine.

      It feels like her parents brushed-off the crash a lil' too easy, though. It was mos'ly Dash's fault she was even out there, so they should'a had some anger with her.

      Ah'm very disappointed with you. And disturbed.

    14. That was awesome I didn't figure out it was ditzy until the part about winter wrap up and her daughter. Very nicely done

    15. I'm glad the author did a revision on the story before submitting it to ED. They made the story better. :D

      It was a heartwarming and sad story, but at least Rainbow's friend doesn't hate her for it.

    16. The moment Rainbow said "My personal weather team" I immediately knew it was Ditzy.

      I have no idea why.

      Anyways, I loved this story o.o

    17. honestly this should be the official hasbro explanation for dash/derpy/scoot relationship because it pieces all 3 together that actually makes really great sense!

    18. This does explain a lot, doesn't it? Ditzy's random black-outs as well as Dashie's need to watch out for her during winter wrap-up and her zooming through life to avoid the feared confrontation all seem to proceed from this.

    19. God, I love this story... And for some reason, it seems like it should be in the show anyway... It might be a little to dark to actually put in there, but it would be so touching...

    20. @wackyteen

      *sympathy hug* I know the feeling, man.

      Damn, this story was god. Not perfect, but very good. I'll admit , it didn't realize it was Derpy until you mentioned the daughter.

    21. Happy Ending?? Pfft xD .....ok, enough with the jokes, this one is added to my reading list.

      @wackyteen Sorry to hear about your dog, I can totally relate

      @Applebloom lol, you got a creeper. And, I don't think i've seen you around here much. Glad to see you have internet at the farm.

    22. @SgtGarand
      Nah, we don't got thuh internet back on thuh farm. Granny Smith always says it's som'thing evil an' that it'll ruin the crops.

      So Ah' use it at Sweetie Belle's house.

    23. I would love to be able to review this positively, but I have this thing about poorly written stories...

    24. Happy ending? Will read. IT'S ABOUT TIME WE'VE HAD ONE.

    25. Very nice story, I liked it. *wipes away tear*

    26. Around sentence where it said Dash had wrote a reference for her to adopt a filly I was like...DERPY?

    27. Good story, I quite enjoyed it. It was bugging me at first that there was no description of Dash's friend but by the end it all made sense and came together nicely.

    28. @Apple Bloom haha, thats too bad. Oh well, at least Sweetie Belle has it.

    29. As soon as a I read “Her name’s Ditzy Doo." in the story, I almost wanted to cry.

      This was a good read, although the ending felt kinda rushed and stuff.

    30. I actually spent some time researching this. There's usually 3 colts, but in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles," the football one's not there yet as of the race. The basketball one's already got his cutie mark, but Dash said in "Call of the Cutie" that she was the first in her class to get one, so they're different ages. I figure he'd brag more about getting it first if he was younger than Dash, so he must be older. Also, Ditzy appears in the background in "The Cutie Mark Chronicles," and already looks older, so I put her in the older class. Thanks everypony for reading.

    31. It took me so long to realize it was derpy/ ditzy.

      this really exhibits a different personality in her than is normally seen.

    32. I figured out who it was when she referenced that "dancing light" being represented as her cutie mark. I have no idea how that equated to bubbles in my head, but its ok because i guessed right.

    33. @Pascoite

      It all fits together tighter than any other explanation ever could.

      I've already commented, but this story has just stuck with me all throughout the day. I have to comment again.

      This sadfic completely redefined Derpy Hooves for me. I will never look at her again, and using the name "Derpy Hooves" might be problematic. Ditzy is just so much better a name.

      I went through the whole gamut of emotions when I read your fanfic. Masterful control, Pascoite.

      In the future, I want this to be accepted as the fanon explanation for Ditzy Doo. I'm already working on convincing the bronies on my home forum to read this and do the same. And if I ever write a fanfic where Ditzy makes an appearance, you can bet I'll go out of my way to make a reference to "My Funny Sister."

      And you also dealt with the horrors of memory loss amazingly well. It's deeply saddening that Ditzy lost the beginning of her life and had to start all over again, especially since it cost her and Dash all the things that made their friendship special. How hard must it be to look into your friend's eyes, and for them not to even recognize you anymore? How terrifying to know that they'll never be the same person - the person you knew is effectively gone forever, dead.

    34. @Wisdom Thumbs Thanks for your kind words. It worked a little in reverse, but I wrote this to feel like when someone you love has Alzheimer's, or some other kind of dementia, and the person you know gradually slips away. I've had a couple of grandparents like that, but thankfully never where I had to see it firsthand.

    35. This story made me feel sad in a sobering, uncomfortable way that I can't accurately describe. I liked it, but it was more depressingly sad than beautiful sad and left me not with a bigger heart but with a bit taken out of it.

    36. One of those stories where it HAS to be text for the mystery to be effective. Not a bad thing, actually I wish there were more of those.

      I liked it ok, but even the final version still seems somehow lacking in....I dunno. But it's all good.

    37. This was so well done and it made me cry a bit at the end. Bravo!

    38. @Wisdom Thumbs

      Doesn't it though? Maybe now people will stop making fun of poor Ditzy! And making her wear paper bags for a costume! Shame on you all! ;3

    39. An excellent story, good sir. Sort of a bittersweet ending, but more sweet than bitter =3.

    40. Awww... What a sweet story! It did seem a little odd that RD would want to have "that talk" with Ditzy Doo while Scootaloo was around, or that DD would have chosen that moment to finally bring it up. But other than that, this was fantastic, and not too OOC. And, to be honest, I didn't realize who the "other filly" was until almost the point where you said it. Great storytelling! Thanks for sharing this! :)

    41. Not much to add to what has been said already. Enjoyed the story enough, didn't blow me away but definitely fun to read. Its as good an explanation for Derpy as any. Have to say though, Derpy's parents were very easy to forgive.

    42. The reveal of Rainbow's childhood friend hit me right here (in the heart). Truly great, five stars.

    43. @Baree Seeing as how I've gotten this comment a few times, let me say that I like to leave a few things up to the reader to decide, but my feeling on this is that the parent's don't necessarily know the whole story. Only Rainbow knows for sure, and maybe the colts could piece it together, and none of them would have much motive to be forthcoming about it. Dash is loyal, but not always honest.

    44. Well this was a really good story. I didn't really have a sad at all. I DID nearly lose it at the "I don't blame you" part. That was powerful, but in a very positive way.

    45. @DPV111 I did lose it at that point. Flashed back to the mental image of her being tended by the medics, desperately trying to say something and started crying right there.

    46. When I figured out Ditz's identity, I gasped audibly... It was really really well written.
