Author: Fred M. Sloniker
Description: Six ponies. Six encounters with the supernatural.
Each of the chapters of this fic is an independent story featuring one of the Mane Six having an encounter with the supernatural. They are presented as one story because of their common theme. The stories written so far are:
Fluttershy: The Curse of the Night When Angel falls sick, Fluttershy ventures into the Everfree Forest at night to find a remedy. Though she faces danger, she escapes... but not unchanged.
Rarity: Blood and Water You know the story. Rarity gets seduced by a creature of the night, and her friends don't realize what's happening until it's too late. They find the vampire who turned her and destroy him. But then what happens?
Rainbow Dash: The Big Battle Discord's defeat didn't erase every trace of his influence on Equestria. Fortunately, hard-working ponies are already gathering the remnants of his power into Manehattan for easy disposal. What could possibly go wrong?
Pinkie Pie: Gallows Humor Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's premiere prankster, is dead. So why haven't the pranks stopped?
Applejack: One of the Herd Applejack may be in charge of Ponyville's biggest farming community, but that doesn't mean she can't take a break now and then. Besides, tonight's meteor shower should be even better than last night's...
Twilight Sparkle: The Case of Wild Clover the Warder It's a boring day in Canterlot, and Twilight Sparkle has time to kill. Maybe picking up an old lot of books will brighten her mood.The Monster Mash (New Chapter 6!)
Additional Tags: "Werewolves, Vampires, Kaiju, Ghosts, Spores, Mythos"
76 kommentaari:
I remember that song from elementary school! Hmm, I wonder what Dash's supernatural encounter will be?
VastaKustutaI saw this on FiM Fiction, loved it. 5 starring.
VastaKustutaGunna read like NOW!
VastaKustutaRead it, can't wait for the otber five to come out!
VastaKustutaWerewolf Fluttershy? INSTANT READ!
VastaKustutaWell... This tops my attempt at a werewolf fic. By a lot. I love werewolf stories that end with the curse being turned into something resembling a gift. and I like werewolves in general. Much more so that vampires.
VastaKustutaAnyway, probably gonna be the cutest werewolf ever.
Aww, looks like Fluttershy's due for a date with Ms Brushie-Brushie~
VastaKustutaMolto Bene! I made the mistake of reading this under the moonlight, it made me a little jumpy at parts and gave the shivers throughout.
VastaKustutahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeZftK2kO6U Monster Mash
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZa3EYWCY3w Werewolves of London
I like this series. It's now under e-mail alert for future chapters.
VastaKustutaVery cute and fun! I eagerly await the next chapters!
VastaKustutaThis first part of the series has really sparked my interest, and it was a nice touch having the *SPOILER* curse be a blessing corrupted by the fact Luna became Nightmare Moon. *END SPOILER*
VastaKustutaI am also curious to see what happens for the other characters.
In other words, I'll be keeping my eye on this.
$5 says Rarity ends up being a Vampire.
VastaKustuta@DJ VS-3
VastaKustutaI would like that. Probably the pony Dracula seducing her by being the perfect gentlecolt?
Fred M. Sloniker? Do you like... mmmmm Kirby Games?
VastaKustutaWell, we've already got a fic where Rarity develops a craving for blood and another where she stitches together a bunch of corpses.
VastaKustutaWonder what this will do.
@DJ VS-3: Well, of course Rarity's going to be a vampire. (In fact, I've just published 'Rarity: Blood and Water'.)
VastaKustuta@Homestar Canter: I do like Kirby games. (^^)
Wonder what they're gunna do to ME. >>'''
VastaKustuta@Rainbow Dash You'll find out soon enough! Chapter three is all Dash. :D
VastaKustutaGrr. Didn't notice my name wasn't on my comments. Fixed.
VastaKustuta@Fred M. Sloniker
VastaKustutaI haven't gotten a chance to read your story yet(huge backlog), but seeing that you wrote it made me bookmark it for later. Loved your PMD LP from way back when. I wonder if anyone would play Pony Mystery Dungeon?
I liked chapter 1, but I can't say the same for chapter 2. Not sure why, but I think it was due to the low level of tension.
VastaKustutaWill Twilight to go the Twilight zone?
VastaKustuta@Rainbow Dash Make you into a ghost when you fail to pull out of a dive?
VastaKustutaI love these stories they remind me of what Halloween was like when I was little
VastaKustutaSo I'm guessing we're going with classic monsters I'll offer a guess:
Twilight- Frankenstein
Rainbow Dash- Ghost
Pinkie Pie- The Exorcist (not a classic but it'd be hilarious)
Apple Jack- zombies (I can see it having a walking dead sort of feel)
Do hellraiser reference,man)will be awesome
VastaKustutaIf you mean Dr. Frankenstein rather than his monster I agree with you on Twilight, either that or a witch.
Pinkie Pie I think would either be a psycho (damn you, Cupcakes) or a zombie or ghost (do you have any idea how many fics she's died in?).
Applejack, maybe Frankenstein's monster.
Rainbow Dash, no idea, though I doubt any "accident" she gets involved in would leave much more than a stain on the ground so probably a ghost or something.
Or maybe Applejack could become a Hunter, they've got a World of Darkness gameline for a reason you know.
VastaKustuta@cursormortis: while I'm disappointed you didn't enjoy Rarity's story, I understand that not every story is going to be to everyone's tastes. Some of them are going to be a bit zany; some will be rather dark, though not grimdark.
VastaKustutaMy main thought when writing it was that I didn't want to retread the story of someone being seduced and converted by a vampire, that it would be more interesting to explore the ramifications thereof. In fact, I'd intended this story to be a bit sillier, maintaining the tone of the first few segments, but it took its current tone over the course of numerous rewrites. (Rarity insisted on getting it just right, after all.)
I'm amused to see everyone guessing at what the remaining chapters will hold. I won't spoil them for you, though!
My guesses.
VastaKustutaTwilight - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Rainbow Dash - Ghost
Applejack - Zombie infection survivor forced to euthanize her infected friends
Pinkie Pie - Cthulu?
Also, I would love to see more about the moon blessed Fluttershy. Just to see how her new take on life would affect those around her.
I hope this doesn't become like Pony Psychology.
VastaKustutaI may be over thinking it, but here are my thoughts on the first one. Possible Spoilers Ahead!!!
VastaKustutaThe blessing is something from a time when Equestria was wild, and it helped some ponies survive dangerous nights and protect others. Then Equestria became more civilized and safer, so there were less ponies with the blessing, but there were still a lot. Then Luna became Nightmare Moon. She tried to make it eternal night and she changed the blessing into a curse that made monsters. However, she still exhibits some control over them, as shown in the story. In effect, she made an army of ponies stronger, faster, and deadlier than any other pony. Celestia had to come up with a way to remove the curse, which she is able to do in the story, so her ponies wouldn't be killed. She was unable to change it back to a blessing due to Nightmare Moon. The curse faded into obscurity, yet some ponies were able to master it, most likely due to the absence of Nightmare Moon's influence. With Luna back to normal she was able to change it back into a blessing, but most likely they will be the last ones blessed, because Equestria is not the wild and dangerous place it once was. I think that's everything.
@Jacky2734 I wouldn't be surprised if that happened, but I had originally thought of Twilight and Pinkie in the opposite roles – Pinkie for her already vulnerable psyche showing split personalities, Twilight because of her being the braniac would make Cthulhu even appropriate for the Eldrichian mind-horror being exactly what Twi would be more susceptible to. But seeing your list, I suppose Pinkie would be a better fit for making friends with a potentially benevolent Eldritch abomination due to her naturally naïve, chaotic nature, while Twilight would be more of the genius unwittingly unleashing a monster within herself.
VastaKustutaI must say I was genuinely saddened by Rartiy's turn of events; but one thing is not clear to me: while they may share a common theme, do the effects from one carry through to the others, or are they all one-shots submitting to Status Quo Is God? I could see the ultimate solution coming later after each of the six has had her encounter involving the heavy use of applied phlebotinum of some sort, but I'd rather my ideas not influence the author with what I have in mind.
That said, being well-read on tropes, I couldn't help but think of what Rarity could have done had she made use of an armor-piercing question on Van Helsing. "What else but a monster would hunt a monster's victim?" or "And where were you when the monster made me his victim? Where were you when we vanquished the monster, only to find we were too late?" or "What hero are you who hunts the victims he failed to protect from the monsters?" I just felt he needed to have his ideals shattered before he was locked up with his conviction still unwavering. Maybe drop the "Bearer of the element of Generosity" bit on him, make him realize that as much an undead being of the night as she was, she was still the same pony inside as she was before. Maybe even have Celestia or Luna bring some of this to his attention.
I dunno, I can't help feeling like he's still a loose end in all of this.
Bah. I had a big comment written, and then I accidentally navigated away.
VastaKustuta@waffle911, the hunter was a plot device, and was originally intended to be a comedic one at that, with the citizens of Ponyville dragging away the lunatic before he could do more than rave about the evil in their midst. As I was writing the story, though, I realized I didn't really have a climax for it, just a bunch of moments, so I went with the dramatic approach instead.
You're not the only one curious about his backstory; if I rewrite this fic (unlikely) or make a sequel (slightly less unlikely), I'll dig a little deeper into him.
@DrahcirAloer, you're very close. The only point where you're really wrong is that Nightmare Moon didn't deliberately set the transformed ponies (it's tough finding a neat word to describe them, as they're neither were-anything nor anything-wolf) against the rest of Equestria. The corruption of the blessing was simply part of Luna's own corruption.
Wow, never saw that one coming.
VastaKustuta@Fred M. Sloniker
VastaKustutaThe best way to describe them would probably be Lycans, as it doesn't directly imply werewolf, but still implies a feral transformation.
Also, loved Dash's story, but I thought the fight itself more directly resembled a fight between Godzilla and Mothra instead of a fight between Godzilla and Ultraman. Just my opinion.
Ok was I the only one who had swat kats flashbacks at the end of the RBD story?
VastaKustutaI just read chapter 3. Mister Sloniker, you have officially won the Internet for this week. And Toho Studios, you need to find a way to make the new Ultradash series happen.
VastaKustutaThis third one, with Rainbow Dash? Can only be summed up thusly:
VastaKustutaレッツゴー! ウルトラダッシュ!
Confound these ponies! They drive me to weeaboo!
@Jacky2734: well, I couldn't neglect Rainbow Dash's ability to fly, but my intent wasn't to recapitulate any specific kaiju battle blow for blow.
VastaKustutaI've taken a short break to work on something else (a Conversion Bureau story; now all I need is a clopfic and the destruction of my dignity will be complete), and at any rate I'm not sure which of the three remaining stories I should do next. Twilight's is going to be last, but should I next do Pinkie Pie's (which will be, well, Pinkie Pie's) or Applejack's (which will be the darkest of the lot)? Let me know which you'd prefer to see next, and I'll take that into consideration when I decide.
If Applejack's going to be really dark I'd say do Pinkie Pie next.
VastaKustutaNew Monster Mash = awesome. Poor Pinkie though. -hugs Pinkie-
VastaKustutaAlthough now I'm glad that the continuity isn't shared among all of the stories because that means that in the other stories, Blank is no longer...well you'll see...
VastaKustutaIf Applejack's is the darkest, I can only wonder what that will be like. Poor ponies.
Really awesome, although you should have them finished before Halloween! I thought Pinkie Pie's was very sad. I like the classic kind of monster themes. I bet Twilight is going to make a Frankenstien. And Apple Jack... idk.. you can do a lot with her.
VastaKustutaPinkie's brought back memories of a good friend's funeral. I wept.
VastaKustutaI'm loving these stories, my friend. Each one is excellent, and conveys a very different, but very real emotion. 5/5.
Pinkie's story wasn't all that sad, once one got past Pinkie's death. And since she's still hanging around, how much does that even count? The bit at the end with her dying Dashie's mane and coat was funny, and the funeral for her reminds me an awful lot of one held for an uncle of mine.
VastaKustutaYes, the 'sad' tag is meant most for Rarity's story. Pinkie's gets dark and scary, but it's got a more or less happy ending.
VastaKustutaI'm glad people are enjoying these! Just two more to go...
Pinkiegeist... so awesome and terrifying at the same time, kinda reminded me of Ghostbusters in that sense: yeah there's horrible evil being unleashed but the same time, pink cupcake ghost
VastaKustutafeeling sad and loling at the same time... weird
wish i could read it.
VastaKustutacan you put it on a word doc. or something?
If you go looking for Maximilian Veers' user account on DeviantArt, you can find this story and many others pre-collected for reading.
VastaKustuta@Ardashir: that's an interesting thing to say, since I don't recall him ever asking for permission to rehost my work. :| I don't have an issue with it per se, but as I often go back and make small tweaks when I notice something doesn't flow quite right on re-reading, I'll have to make sure he has the best version.
VastaKustuta@Fred M. Sloniker
VastaKustutaI wish they'd asked me! I've perfected Impure World Resurrection and could easily have brought Pinkie back to life! I'd just need a pony sacrifice for the body... I don't think too many ponies would miss Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara... >:}
Looks like only twilight is left without a story so far,I call mad scientist!
VastaKustutaone of us. one of us.
VastaKustutaAs soon as a meteor shower was mentioned in the AJ story's description, I thought Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I was not disappoint.
VastaKustutaAlso, I loved the idea somepony posted in the FiMFiction comment section about Twi encountering something lovecraftian. Only problem I see with that is needing to write it in first person.
I going to guess a mermare for Twilight Sparkle.
VastaKustutaOne more pony to enter the Monster Mash.. and that is Miss Twilight Sparkle. What will she find once that door shuts behind her and the supernatural rise?
VastaKustutaHappy Nightmare Night!
Fluttersnarl - bit too twee.
VastaKustutavon Rarity - getting better, but weirdly pedestrian.
Ultradash - AWW YEAH!
PolterPie - I see what you did there with that ending - and I like it.
BenellJack - Creeped out now.
oh god Dusk's worse fears have been confirmed: the podponies are coming!! (still creeped me out reading it though)
VastaKustutaThe final chapter is up on Fimfiction now, so... enjoy!
VastaKustutaLovecraft, subverted.
VastaKustutaSo this is how it feels, to be an eldritch abomination... Ooh! I want to be Ithaqua!
VastaKustutaSo, as a recap:
VastaKustuta- Fluttershy becomes a Werewolf.
- Rarity becomes a Vampire.
- Rainbow Dash becomes a "Giant Monster".
- Pinkie Pie becomes a Ghost.
- Applejack DOESN'T become a Pod Pony.
- Twilight becomes a Pinkie Pie.
Basically, the only ones who didn't become monsters were Applejack and (arguably) Twilight, and even then Twilight was permanently Changed by the experience. Fascinating...
Twilight Sparkle part
VastaKustuta(warning semi-spoiler alert)
"Turning to look at you..."
0.0 Oh...my...
Every one of these stories is brilliantly written, though the stories that focused more on suspense and intrigue like Apple Jack's and Twilight's were what really had me on the edge of my seat.
VastaKustutaIt's just too bad that the Halloween season is over and all six ponies had their moment, but that Incomplete tag gives me hope...
Wow that was fun hope this becomes an annual thing
VastaKustutaAs for the final story... that's just meta and now I feel like I've been lied to... whoever said reading doesn't hurt lies. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!
Me? Fail to pull out of a dive?
VastaKustutaBwahahahahahahahs ahahaha!!!!!!!
Now THAT is a good joke!!!
Okay that aside.....
Read all the updates, LOVED my chapter (who WOULDN'T love to be a fricken giant as hay pegasus!?) and LOVED Pinkie's chapter. Though I really did cry in her chapter.
Rarity's chapter bored me and Aj's was humourous. I haven't read Twi's yet.....
The real question: What did Pinkie do to Twi when they were alone? ALONE, alone, as we didn't go with them.
VastaKustutaHere be SPOILERS!
VastaKustutaI freaking loved how you used a deconstruction of cartoon physics and 4th wall breakage to paint Pinkie Pie as an eldritch abomination while telling the story though a Lovecraftian lense (complete with Twi going mad from the revelation), and then subverted the typical Lovecraftian ending. That, and you did this all without really importing any outside lore.
I doff my towering pillar of hats to you, dear author.
@Rainbow DashI agree on the love for your chapter. Rainbow Dash is best kaiju!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI knew Twilight's one would be a Lovecraftian thing! Also, each one of the stories has been awesome.
VastaKustutaAlso, I don't know how to edit my posts yet, assuming that's a thing you can actually do.
Fluttershy becomes Werepony.
Rarity becomes Vampire.
Rainbow Dash becomes Ultra(wo)man(pony, Dash, IDK).
Pinkie Pie becomes western ghost on first half then vengeful eastern ghost on second half(ish).
Applejack becomes Sigourney Weaver in Body Snatcher movie.
Twilight becomes One Who Stares Back.
Overall, my favorite was Fluttershy's. Rarity's was kinda boring. Rainbow's was OK. Pinkie's was just sad, and Applejack's was.. well... I knew it was going to be about Body Snatcher when I read the title, so...
Twilight's kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Like eating a medicine that's good for me, but still bitter as hay.
Anywho, I like author's choice to switch the narratives for each chapter. It brings fresh episode to engage on without actually have to think about overall story or previous chapters.
Personally, I thought Twilight's was going to be Necronomicon-related, but I guess Lovecraftian is good, too. Makes me want to play Saya no Uta again. D:
That brings one question, though. If there's some ponies who are like Twilight (to Stare Them Back) and/or Pinkie (to travel between two sub-spaces), would they exist HERE too?? That would be pretty awesome actually. :D
I've got two bonus chapters in mind, one of which I'm keeping under my hat for now, but the other of which will address 'what if' type questions. More than one commenter on FIMFiction, for instance, wondered if Applejack could have resolved the situation with the spores without violence. If there's a question you have about one of the chapters so far that could be answered in the form of a vignette, shout it out, and if I like it, I'll use it!
VastaKustutaIt's not. You have to retype the whole thing (or copy/paste), make your edits, post it, and remove the original.
VastaKustutaI know all about the ana-people watching us! Well, they actually don't watch me anymore... let's just say, I'm the one who made THEM scream. *is a.... FURRY!!! More screaming!* >:D