• Story: Apple of my Shy


    Author: Gojira007
    Description: Three short stories exploring the relationship between Applejack and Fluttershy, and how both learn to draw strength from each other.
    Apple of my 'Shy Part 1 Fatmer Meets Flutters
    Apple of my 'Shy Part 2 A Thousand Miles "Shy"
    Apple of my 'Shy Part 3 Apple of my "Shy"

    Additional Tags: Applejack, Fluttershy, Friendship, Bond, Comfort


    1. This really seems like it's shipping, but I guess not!

      Not sure if want... might read anyway.

    2. This story looks like it should have a 'shipping' tag.
      But it dosn't.... Why?

    3. I kinda want to read this, even if it's only for the terrible pun.

    4. Friendshipping, people, there's about as much shipping as Fall Weather of Green Isn't Your Color.

      ... which some might argue is a lot...

    5. Great idea.
      Applejack cares about Fluttershy, as seen in "Dragonshy". She's veeeery pacience with her, a bit like a Mother-Daughter, but their relationship is an unexplored terrain. I think this is the first "shipping" (Which actually seems Friendshipping) Fanfic i'm going to read, when I have time for it.

    6. Part one should be titled "Farmer Meets Flutters", not "Fatmer Meets Flutters"


    7. No friend-shipping tag?
      That tag is usually used for stories like these.

    8. Please tell me I can five-star the Gala out of this little gem? Somehow I don't see the rating button.

      It's wonderful. Short, but wonderful.

    9. No melodramatic romance or gratuitous violence?


    10. Yup, needs friend-shipping tag. Will read methinks.

    11. @Delichon

      Try spamming refresh. At least that's what seems to work with Firefox for me. For whatever reason the rating plug-in seems to get screwed up about 50% of the time (it doesn't show up), but I found out I just have to refresh until it actually shows up.

    12. @mycutiemarkisagun

      You my good gentlecolt just summed up 90% of fanfics', not that i Don't like it that way ;)

    13. I had that problem with Firefox. Best solution is to just download Google Chrome.

    14. What a delightful little pick-me-up story. I love it

    15. Delightful in their simplicity. Excellent work.

    16. Have there been any other stories written about Earth ponies feeling inferior? I like hearing about that kind of inner conflict. Probably because I can sympathize with that feeling of, "I'll never be as good."

      Oh, and the story was great. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to read more things like it. :)

    17. I really enjoyed this one. It was a friendshipping fic, but gave much room for a possible shipping sequel! It was sweet and cute, and really showed why they like each other. Great job!

    18. FATmer meets Flutters? LOL!

      Looks like ya done goofed again, Seth. >XD

    19. This was sweet and emotional without being melodramatic or sad or shippy.

    20. That was a good read, it gave great insight into AJ and Fluttershy's friendship on a very personal level. Well done!

    21. Excellent work. I agree with prior posters, this needs a friendshipping tag.
