I think we can end this a bit early. It looks like PashaPup won this time! There were so many awesome entries, it's hard to choose just one. I'm still really liking the Twilight's delivery service one personally, but I've always been a fan of the team behind those movies.
Thanks again to everyone that entered! Seeing all of these crazy banners really added some life to the blog. I might do something like this for Christmas if the interest is there.
If you want some reference, the finalist post is here!
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76 kommentaari:
Not what I voted for :( But still good ;)
VastaKustutaBecause Derpy will always be our overall Best Pony <3
VastaKustutaI couldn't vote Number 12 any harder X3
I liked # 32 much better.
VastaKustutaHooray for Derpy!
VastaKustutaI voted for it :D Because Derpy rules!
VastaKustutaYeah, I kinda could see, even just a hour or so after the post that #12 had it in that bag.
VastaKustutaI still voted for #4, though. :P
VastaKustutaDerpy wins by a landslide :D
VastaKustutaSurprised it wasn't LUNA, but well deserved.
VastaKustutaIt was between 12 and 20 for mep
VastaKustutaAw, congratulations to Pasha Pup! I thought this banner was very cute! ^__^
VastaKustutaI really liked 20 (the one submitted by anon) but this was my second choice. after I submitted my votes last night when there was less then a 1000 votes in I could already tell this one was going to win. It already had twice as many votes ans anything else. That kind of trend is hard to upset.
VastaKustutaCongrats PashaPup
Fricking Derpy, man.
VastaKustutaI know I'm a bit late but, Happy Halloween everyone!
VastaKustutaCongrats number 12 to making first place. :)
I liked all of them in some way so no matter the choice i'd have liked it though this was one of my favourites.
VastaKustutaI was rooting for #20 but alas.
VastaKustutaDerpy wins all!
VastaKustutaAw, I liked 16, but I guess derpy kept hitting the keyboard again and again so she won!
VastaKustutaIt was a toss-up between twilight's delivery service and this one for me! Although I liked most of the others too!
VastaKustutaKinda had to choose between 12 14 and 20, went for 12 just cause it look so sweet & win.
VastaKustutaI have never understood the masses fascination with this "voting" thing. Isn't is just easier if auntie just tells everyone what to think?
VastaKustutaCongrats to PashaPup for the win, and thanks for creating such an adorable and well-themed banner!
VastaKustutaAlso, thanks to everyone else who contributed a banner, and all those who voted and gave nods to their favorites... I like that everyone got some love and was appreciated for their efforts!
And I think the board should definitely do a another themed banner contest for the Christmas/Holiday season. I loved seeing the new entries go up throughout October... Which leads to the final thanks to Seth and everyone at EQD who sorted through all those entries and shared 'em with us.
This place is a blast.
Yeah, I like Miyazaki movies as much as the next guy, but with 12, it was hardly a contest.
VastaKustutaI can't believe #23 didn't win... D:
VastaKustutaAnd from these statistics, I can conclude...
VastaKustuta(imma conclude my own way)
The majority of bronies these days prefer art that features the reason why we all like MLP in first place; the CUTENESS, the ANIMATION, the [insertwhatyoulikeaboutMLP]. These statistics also indicate that certainly, Derpy is best pony (I'm not much of a Derpy fan) or maybe that currently she is possibly the canonically(am I using the write word?)cutest whilst featuring in very nice art. also Today, it seems, bronies have left behind the more 'classic' Halloween (e.g. Nightmare Before Christmas, amirite?) and also some more 'modern' styles of creeping the bejesus out of people(e.g. [inserthorrormoviehere]), which in my opinion is what Halloween is all about these days, but i've come to realize that it was all a "Nope, Chuck Testa" meme I was seeing. I'm not a Derpy fan myself (Twilightisbestpony) but I can definitely understand the logic behind it. These statistics and current trends was certainly what I feared when my making my banner (#24 on the 3rd Banner Update), but this, is certainly not a bad piece of art, and this is certainly not a bad thing. I was rooting for #1, but either way, my congratulations PashaPup!
and btw, why is my EqD background black? it doesn't suit the banner.
I guess it makes sense that the Derpy banner should win, her being the Fandom mascot and all..
VastaKustutaI knew it would win before anyone voted for it.
VastaKustutaI figured this one would win since it was ahead from pretty early on even. It's not the one I voted on, but definitely one of my favorites still. :)
VastaKustutaA Christmas banner contest would probably be well-received too. Plus, many awesome pony and Christmas-themed banners.
You have to ask if there's interest in a winter holiday banner? Seriously?
VastaKustuta(Winter holiday == catch-all term for Winter Moon Festival, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Dar of Ashura, Winter Solstice, Bodhi Day, Agnostica, Festivus, and any other December/early-January-based holidays I may have missed.)
Yes! Last night when I voted for #12 and saw that huge line I knew Derpy would win it. I did love the Twilight's Delivery Service too. Too bad we can't have a banner that changes on every page load with the top faves. *hinthint*
VastaKustutaI'd be all over a Christmas contest like this, maybe even make it a regular holiday feature! :D
Wished one of the Pinkamena ones would've won, but I can't complain about Dinky and Derpy, love that pair. :D
VastaKustutaYou all forgot to click on 6
VastaKustutaI absolutely loved this banner from the first time I saw it, and I happily voted for it.
VastaKustutaA well deserved victory PashaPup!
Happy Nightmare Night everypony.
Although I voted for a different one, this one was a close contender and not unhappy with it.
VastaKustutaNow, if it had been Derpy's Delivery Service instead of Twilight's (and a better character fit)... but it wasn't. :-(
Kudos to you PashaPup. Gratz.
VastaKustutaI dunno, I still think #14 was pretty awesome.
VastaKustutaBut 16 was so freaking cute! Shame on you all for not voting for it! Kidding of course, I'm very happy the winner was a hand drawn image. Great Job.
VastaKustutaWhere's the fun in that, prince?
I was all about #13, but I have absolutely no qualms about Pashapup taking it.
Yeah! The one I voted for won! I just love the Pumpkin head bit.
VastaKustutaWho wants to start on the Winter themed banners now?
VastaKustutaI'm not entirely certain what fun has to do with it, but it's definitely more orderly.
I voted for it because I loved how much it looked like it was out of an illustrated children's storybook.
VastaKustutaIt reminds me a lot of the art in a halloween-themed children's book I had as a little boy. That has sentimental value.
Plus, Derpy is basically the symbol or mascot of the Brony fandom. We all know the story of how we, the fans, noticed her and celebrated her early on, and how Studio B changed her to always be wall-eyed despite it originally being an animation error. Everybody knows Derpy is THE pony to keep an eye looking out for (pun unintended) in every episode. Jayson himself thinks of her like that!
So glad it won.
PashaPup won? Awesome =D. Rock on with your bad self, dude!
VastaKustutaGrats PashaPup. You've earned it.
VastaKustutaDidn't win, but i made it to the final votings and got 150 votes and a top spot on the finalist post :3
I think that itself is quite an achievement. Thanks for the competition EqD!
Wooooooooooo GO DERPY!
VastaKustutaI loved #31 xD
VastaKustuta19. Cause Fluttershys as Alice made me Dawwws.
VastaKustutaWhere was the vOte at?
VastaKustutaew derpy hooves? seriously?
VastaKustutaWoo! They were all great. I did love the Twilight's Delivery Service one, but Ditzy-doo's banner was just too perfect for the night.
VastaKustutaAnd like someone else said above, she is kinda the fandom's mascot.
Would have loved to see that delivery service one again :3 That Twi was adorable. But, yeah, Ditzy is our "mascot" of sorts. Not to mention, it's more halloweeny than the delivery service one, imo.
VastaKustutayes! I was super hoping that this one would win!
VastaKustutaYay! Derpy seriously deserved it!
VastaKustutaYay I made third! That makes me so happy! Thanks everypony!
VastaKustutaOf course Derpy one, she's our mascot, and as far as I know, she's the only character to level-up from background-filler to once-an-episode gag-machine on nothing but fan-fuel and an animator's inside joke.
VastaKustutaShe is a testament to the power of fans, without us, she'd be nothing, without her, we'd... probably not be as epic a fanbase without one universally-adored character like her.
Further, Fanon becoming Canon, when the fuck does that happen? Tell me?!
I was also a fan of Twi's delivery service, but oh well. All the banners were wonderful, and the Derpy one definitely deserved the win!
VastaKustutaBig fan of Studio Ghibli here, but it was obvious it wasn't gonna win unfortunately. It was a pretty awesome banner. Deserves one more showing methinks.
VastaKustuta@Chaos Knux
VastaKustutaI was told Dr. Whooves was spotted wearing a Tom Baker scarf. The Doctor Who famous for wearing a big friggin' scarf, in Nightmare Night.
I also find it interesting we see Derpy/Ditzy and Dinky prominently in the same episode. Especially since Dinky is wearing a firepony outfit (Sunset fanon continuity, anyone?)
someone messed with the link of the tpo of the page. just thought about letting know BUT i totally agree that Twilight Sparkle is the best pony
VastaKustutaI agree, Twilight is best pony AND cheshire cat. Even though I voted for the CMC +Rarity banner(#25 i think) Trying to give some love to one of the banners that didn't get featured before Halloween.
VastaKustutaOh well, Derpy and Dinky are still cute.
The one that won IS excellent, I don't want to take away from that...
VastaKustutaBUT, don't you think featuring certain banners on the main page BEFORE the vote began gives an extremely unfair advantage to those entries?
Just sayin'...if you plan to have a "contest" it might be slightly fairer to not give a handful of the entries a huge edge of exposure several days before voting begins.
Why is there a link to this called "twilight is best pony"? That is a LIE.
VastaKustutaThere were so many wonderful banners...it was really hard to choose. The winner wasn't what I voted for, but I still like it. :) I say a big round of applause for all the banners and the artists who worked on them!
VastaKustutaClicked the link out of curiousity;;
VastaKustuta>definitely not because it said twilight is best pony
Really did like the twilight one, especially since I couldn't find the original anywhere.
Does the artist have no actual site source? They're too good not to;
NO! it's Luna who's the best pony! ;)
VastaKustutaI guess it's like pinkie said. "She's the cutest smartest all around best pony! Pony!"
VastaKustutaPersonally I like Pinkie... But I like Twilight too. I really couldn't decide between them.
you seemed to have misspelt fluttershy in the link. i mean fluttershy doesnt even have a t, w, i, g or a h in it :S
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash is the best pony end of argument...
VastaKustutaRainbow Douche is not best Pony :<
VastaKustutaJust kidding, every Pony is awesome. Could we agree on that?
VastaKustuta%ponyname% is the best pony.
VastaKustutaYay! I'm best pony!
VastaKustutaThe funny thing is, even though banner # 12 won, it only won 21% of the votes. That means 4,956 (79%) bronies didn't feel like it was the best banner. Majority vote is flawed but it's the best thing humans have come up with.
VastaKustutaI would have also voted for banner # 12 anyway though ^^
yea i like derpy, but im with seth on this one because iv always been a fan of miyazakis movies. and that one was unexpected to see too!
VastaKustutaI'm so proud of you, Sweetheart!!!! Congrats, Yay!! <3