• PMV: Ponyvarium / Super Pony Time 2 / Luna wanna go to the moon

    I know I usually stress quality over length when it comes to PMV's, but you gotta give this guy credit for going a full twenty two minutes.

    We also have some PMV hell, and a quicky Luna thing.

    1.) Ponyvarium [PMV]
    2.) Super Pony Time 2
    3.) Luna wanna go to the moon

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Yay, my first FIRST.

      Also, a full Octavarium PMV? MUST WATCH!!!

    2. Oh, Luna, you don't wanna go there!

    3. Someone make a ponified version of Panic Attack and call it Pony Attack.

    4. is it bad that numbah three made me chuckle?
      but still, luna belongs on earth :P

    5. @Zerolink3d it would have been better if you hadnt said that and just commented later that you got a first. That way, people wouldnt think of you so much as a first-er, which isn't proper manners. Its not against the rules, so don't worry. Its just proper pony-commenting etiquette

    6. Oh my. Dream Theater AND ponies? omigod.

      Panic Pony?

      A Nightmare (Moon) to remember?

      The Colt of Tuscany?

    7. Yes, my fellow Dream Theater enthusiasts, the time has come.

    8. She did ask for it...

      (I'm not that mean really.)

    9. That Ponyvarium video is out of this world. I can't begin to imagine how much time went into that. I thought it would be impossible to make a flawless song better, guess I was wrong.

    10. also...I am sorry for failing my task @ 6

      Games don't make themselves...especially for the pony culture! why would they do that!

      Also, Jefles is still a duck, if you see him later Bombadrumbum, tell him I said that

    11. @ZeroLink3D You say that as if it won't be the last *sigh* more to stop, I guess.

    12. Damn, i get a first comment and already I look the fool...

      I'm not trying to be a "firster", i just noticed that i was and decided to congradulate myself. I won't purposely be trying for it in the future, i just fell into this one by chance.

      I do apologize if i offended, I'm just a simple man trying to make his way through a very complex Brony community. :( Forgive me, my fellow bronies...

    13. Super Pony Time 2 has been out for a long time! Glad it's gonna get many views now. Long live SecretBrony!!!!

    14. Well, who can say no to such and adorable picture of Twilight? Accepted!

      I can't believe #3 wasn't done sooner. that was great.

    15. Is that TMBG I hear in Super Pony Time 2? It is? Oh you spoil me. :3

    16. These remind me that we're due to see the new opening tomorrow morning!

    17. @Zerolink3d its fine, just dont be an annoying jerk about it, thats all. Love and tolerate, and you'll go far. You, my friend, are forgiven

    18. (I had a comment up here not 5 minutes ago, but it got bumped, so I'll repost)

      @Harwick I know! I'm looking forward to that (mostly cause it's a Twilight ep., but new theme is nice too. :P)

      Thx Bombedrumbum and Jelfes. I'm fairly new to interacting with the Community, so im not familiar with commenting protocols, proper etiquette and other forms of dos and don'ts, i was just trying to be funny (to no avail it seems)

      I'll be sure to keep my nose clean from here on out.

    19. Holy sh*t...someone did Octavarium ponies... ALL MY LOVE!

    20. @Unknown Another fan of super pony beat and TMBG! Brohoof!

    21. Wow! A 22 minute PMV?? I thought I was pushing it when I was thinking about doing Metropolis part 1. I bow to a power greater than mine.

    22. @ZeroLink3D

      Don't worry about it. I had my first first too a few weeks ago. I know exactly how it feels.

    23. Princesses Sisters and the fight with Discord, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Nightmare Moon and the nightime eternal, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Battle for harmony at the border of death, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      My faithful student shall face this mess, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Let's meet ponies, let's make friends, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      See you in the morning when you make through hell, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

      Now, Spike did you hear about that tale? Can you please send her this note?
      Spike are you goofing about this? Hey, princess, are we losing touch?
      If you believed, they put a mare on the moon, mare on the moon.
      If you believe she has nothing in mind, then you egghead are wrong.

      Rainbow went dashing from cloud to cloud, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Applejack got you filled with apple goods, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Pinky was troubled making a party up, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      Rarity dressed you with gems and couture, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

      Now, Spike did you hear about that tale? Can you please send her this note?
      Spike are you goofing about this? Hey, princess, are we losing touch?
      If you believed, they put a mare on the moon, mare on the moon.
      If you believe she has nothing in mind, then you egghead are wrong.

      There's a little dragon for the shyest of ponies, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      There's a little derp for the mailing job, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      There's a pony sitting like a human would, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
      The great and powerful's gone vanquishing [vanquishing ursas], yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

      Now, Spike did you hear about that tale? Can you please send her this note?
      Spike are you goofing about this? Hey, princess, are we losing touch?
      If you believed, they put a mare on the moon, mare on the moon.
      If you believe she has nothing in mind, then you egghead are wrong.

    24. Ponies and asdf? Together? My life is officially complete.

    25. Super Pony Time was actually really good. Couldn't list all the ones I liked, but I think AppleDale just made my week.

    26. All of my respect and Bits to the creator of Ponyvarium.

    27. Er..that last one wasn't a PMV. Again...

    28. The second one is acting really weird. I can't watch it!

    29. Read Ponyvarium and exclaimed "Dream Theater and Ponies together? YES!" And it's the whole song!!!

    30. Haha, that third one. Made me laugh. I needed that.

    31. "Epic face! Epic face! Epic face! **** in my pants!" And that is where I lost it! They captured just the right expression from Pinky

    32. Finally! A dream theater PVM!!!!!!

    33. 1. I honestly can't say cause I'm still watching it. Hint hint.

      2. I love it!

      3. >.> No comment needed.

    34. Rarity kicking that soccer ball reminds me of mario super strikers..

    35. I'm really happy to see Ponyvarium here, it's just so damn awesome...

      Go sub to the guy right now!! He can really use more subs

    36. Ponyvarium was taken down. Could someone tell me who made it, please?
