@Luna Foalaphile. Then again no matter who you date you'd be robbing the cradle due to being immortal. Ahem... anyway. This was really really disturbing. Not bad tho.
...Are you f***ing kidding me?... I've always hated shipping, but this... I really hate some members of the fandom sometimes. If I had this kind of animation talent, I would put together an amazing PMV of the Mane 6 in a rock band playing onstage or some epic battle scene of some kind. There's nothing I hate more than wasted talent.
"The fun has been doubled!" lol Indeed it has, Luna, indeed it has.
When I first saw it and them starting to kiss I was like "Oh no..." lol But then it got hilarious and I went ":D!" That was pretty funny, great job on that. XD
You all actually think this is bad? I am afraid to think of how you'll react once the Clopfic Writers get to this pairing. This is tame compared to what they'll do.
I would have hated this if it wasn't for Spike saying what was on my mind. Shows the animator was aware of the... creepiness. It was intentionally creepy. I can accept that.
Still don't like to see adult/child shipping, though. The ending was still funny.
*Royal Canterlot Voice* WHAT HAST THOU SHOWN ME???
I'll admit, the first part was fantastically cute, but from that point on...
I just have to agree with Spike. Couldn't have put it better myself. Well, at least the crisis was averted and now they're on the moon. Together. Alone...
You really didn't think this one through, did you Celest?
Not remotely funny, even if the animator was self-aware of the creepiness. Just because something is lampoon doesn't automatically mean that it's entertaining.
LOL XD all the buttmad. all of it. I HAVE TO WRITE THIS FAN-FICTION. brb: going to put a ton of effort and good writing into this fan-fiction nobody wants because it's for the lulz.
This was comedy gold, all the way. Couldn't stop laughing. Some combination of absurdity and sudden "WTF" reactions due to Spike and Celestia made it for me.
I have to agree with OminousBrony. This is nothing more than played for laughs. There's plenty worse out there that makes something like this all warm and fuzzy. Even some of that is still pretty funny.
What can I say? I'm a slave to the Element of Laughter. There's a lot I find funny.
Um dude no, just no. Shipping is one thing, but not with a kid (even an imaginary one). Thats just wrong on SO many levels, joke or no. It just ain't right.
Guys, it's just a cartoon for lulz. Don't take it so seriously and don't get your knickers in a twist. I thought it was funny. Not terribly funny, but it was still pretty good. Don't get too upset by it. Chill, y'all.
Oh gods, that conects to awesome on so many levels.
Pipsqueak is a proper pony from Trottingham, because unlike all the other ponies he speaks with an English accent. He should have got an Robbing Hoof, the outlaw who hiod out in Sheerluck forest, and stole from the rich to gove to the poor.
I guess the dread Pirate Pipsqueak works too though, escpecially if you know who played both human version roles.
@Avi There's far better stuff they could focus on to get the "bronies are gross" message across, y'know? Clopfics? Gory fics like Cupcakes? Fetish images? The list goes on.
This is a mere joke. While reading your reactions is amusing, some of you seem to take it a little too seriously.
"Is your order ready sir?" "Yes I'd like a WAT with a side of WHY please." "Ah good choice and what would you like to drink sir?" "Dr. Pepper please." "Thank you sir it'll be out in about 5 minutes."
I cannot believe the amount of butthurt overly moral fools occupy this side of the fandom. This vid was obviously a joke. It was clear as day that MrPoniator knew that LunaXPip is just creepy.
And yet their are people going "Oh noes. The documentary will take this and make us look like freaks" and "the fandom keeps getting worse".
Guys here saying stuff like this vid makes them dissapointed in the fandom. Comments in this section make ME more dissapointed in this fandom than any X-rated trollfic or trollart.
Grow a damn funny bone or at least learn to take satire everypony
I'm still processing... whatever that was... but there is a clear distinction between posting knowingly creepy/satire stuff and the real, unironic creepy stuff.
Peoples' mileage obviously varies on this type of stuff, but irrespective of your personal opinion on which side of the creepy line this falls, I'm seeing something far, far more disturbing in some of these comments:
People are hating on Pip. It is not okay to hate on Pip. Little guy's adorable. Anyone who feels like hating it on Pip, imagine that he's reading what you said. In his little pirate costume.Yeah, damn straight you feel like a jerk, hater.
I like how everypony is defending Luna when she's the adult that should know better. Typical, a woman can get away with murder and the male victim gets sent to the moon.
Yes, thank you! I can't understand all of the Pip-hate, and it makes me deeply sad. It's very un-bronylike.
I know the CMC have their detractors too, but somehow Pip's getting it much worse. What's with that? How is he any worse than they are? Seriously, what did this kid do wrong?
It reminds me of a comment somebody made about Twist; she was getting some inexplicable hate too, and somebody pointed out that here you have a sweet kid who's been nothing but nice to the major characters, and people hate on her for trivial things, while outright bitches like Trixie get hordes of slavering fans. (Let me clarify here: I know that Trixie's appeal is that she's a bitch. I get that an entertaining jerkass can be a more likeable character than one who is nice but boring or irritating. I just find the sheer vitriol directed at Pip to be surprising and completely undeserved; isn't it possible to dislike him mildly?)
I don't know. It probably sounds like I'm getting all butthurt about people not liking the characters I like, but that's not what bothers me. It doesn't bother me if you think Pip is annoying. It bothers me if you are incapable of showing him the same compassion you can show the characters you do like. It bothers me because, when you get right down to it, joking about banishing a small child to the moon isn't really any different than jokingly writing a story about somebody being tortured and killed by one of their best friends.
@aramaruNo. Christ, it's been one episode and he didn't even have that much screen time in it. It is too damn early to shoehorn him into one of those fandom scapegoat roles.
People hated on Wesley because he stole the spotlight and the glory from more likeable characters, with complete disregard for their experience and authority. Pip would be a Wesley if he started showing up frequently to save the day in situations that the mane six should have been able to handle. Pip is not a Wesley yet, and I don't think he is likely to become one.
I sincerely hope Pip does not come to be seen as this fandom's Scrappy, but from what I have seen in just the first day, I worry. I'd hoped this fandom was above that kind of petty, irrational, pointless negativity.
Please, fandom, spare Pip. Save your spite for somepony who deserves it; go punch Diamond Tiara or something.
180 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI've watched this at least ten times now...
VastaKustutaTrollestia saves the day
VastaKustutaTha- wait, what? What's going on?
VastaKustutaWhere's this creepy music coming from?
My "WAT?" has been doubled!
VastaKustutaA approve the animation!
VastaKustutaNot the content.
Leave my virgin mine alone.
Why wait? AHHHHH!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutareally now?
VastaKustutaYou're my favorite deputy
VastaKustutaUH?>.. isin't Pip.... like .. i dunno... 1 year old? or something?... so that makes Luna.. Pedoluna?
VastaKustutaI'll protect you Luna
Celestia is my favorite, FOREVEEEEER.
Pretty much every aspect of the fandom that I'm not particularly comfortable with condensed into a single video!
VastaKustutaIt's not that I dislike this type of humor but this specific one seemed a little off.
VastaKustutaGreat animation though.
Damn right Spike.
VastaKustutaDude... That's creepy.
Pipsqueak shouldn't be treated to the MOON.
VastaKustutadoes that make Luna a pedo?
VastaKustutaWell, it can't be unseen. :shudders:
VastaKustutaCelestia couldn't let people find out her sister was a pedophile, so she had to send them both to the moon.
VastaKustutaall of my WAT
VastaKustutaDarnit I thought he would be sent to the sun instead of the moon. :(
VastaKustutaO_o ... oh my. What is this I ... uh
VastaKustuta*short circuit
Well, now someone has to make a Princess Bride crossover with Pip and Luna.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaDamn straight Pip is!
We dost not know what this 'pedo' means. Wouldst some one explain it to us?
VastaKustutaSo Luna is your favourite princess?
The fun has been doubled!
VastaKustutaNow Equestria daily has little kids shipped with adults? Thats just nasty.
VastaKustutaI would be more worried about the video...
Are you certain you don't have an impersonator out there?
Becuase suddenly I think you might.
@Favo I could not agree more.
VastaKustutaFoalaphile. Then again no matter who you date you'd be robbing the cradle due to being immortal.
Ahem... anyway. This was really really disturbing. Not bad tho.
My squick has been doubled!
VastaKustutanot little kids, little ponys!
VastaKustuta"Celestia, what does the scouter say about their WAT level?"
VastaKustuta"IT'S TO THE MOON!!!"
No seriously, that abhorrent confusion of memetic ideas was the only way to express the amount of WAT I experienced while watching this.
... O_o
VastaKustutaThere are better uses of your talent, sir or madam.
What?! Just.....WHAT?!
VastaKustutaGood animation but REALLY?
"When I grow up, I want to go to the MOOOOON!"
VastaKustuta"Why wait?"
Best part. The rest was just..... ergh.
VastaKustutaHey Seth, maybe you could take this down? It's kind of sketchy, you know...
VastaKustutaBut these comments are far too fun to pass by!
...Yeah, my next one won't be like the this or the Twilight one.
VastaKustutaWe doth not know, dear sister. But we fear tis may be true.
VastaKustutaThank you for stopping that before it got too far (Although it already jumped past the line). You saved my sanity, Princess Celestia.
That being said, Oh no, I can't unsee. And I agree with Spike.
"Dude, that's creepy."
Luna + creepy foalaphilia + asdfmovie = ROFL WAFFLE
VastaKustuta...Are you f***ing kidding me?... I've always hated shipping, but this... I really hate some members of the fandom sometimes. If I had this kind of animation talent, I would put together an amazing PMV of the Mane 6 in a rock band playing onstage or some epic battle scene of some kind. There's nothing I hate more than wasted talent.
VastaKustutaKiss probably wasn't necessary, but the Celestia Joke would obvious anyway, but the Celestia Joke is still funny regardless.
VastaKustutathe asdf bit was funny though, still feel bad for Luna though
.... =_=
VastaKustutaI better go to play Silent Hill.
VastaKustutaactually as long as they're over 18 she can date them, but the video has a little colt and her, um, its wrong.
So... there's Trollestia, Molestia, ROYAL CAPS LOCK LUNA... now we have creepy Pip-Luna shipping?
VastaKustutaSome people should not animate some things. xD
Your kidding...? Your kidding right?
VastaKustutaThat was... uhhh... ಠ_ಠ?
VastaKustutaand down the drain the fandom circles.
VastaKustutaWhat the heck did I just watch!?
VastaKustutaHahaha. Agree with Spike, Celestia wins, Pipsqueak is weird and Luna is banished to the moon... Again. This vid has everything :)
VastaKustutaD: That's just wrong.
VastaKustutaALLLLLLL my interwebs for you!
VastaKustutada f...
...so soon?
...Oh right...
...I'm gonna go have nightmares about pipsqueak then, see ya.
"The fun has been doubled!" lol Indeed it has, Luna, indeed it has.
VastaKustutaWhen I first saw it and them starting to kiss I was like "Oh no..." lol But then it got hilarious and I went ":D!" That was pretty funny, great job on that. XD
VastaKustutaHOW DARE YOU INSULT PIP?!?! Sorry, just had to let it out.
so Celestia is Equestria's Chris Hansen...?
VastaKustutaWith all due respect, and nothing personal towards the person who made this video, BURN IT! BURN IT WITH FIRE! BURN IT WITH FIRE, NOW! :)
VastaKustutaDoth thou want candy? Come, foals! I hath candy aplenty in mine chariot!
VastaKustutatrollestia <3
VastaKustutaWhy don't you take a seat..... ON THE MOOOOONNNNNN, BEEEEYOTCH!
I agree with Spike
VastaKustutaWhat the hell...
VastaKustutaShut up Pip, no one likes you.
VastaKustutaIt looks like somepony wasn't briefed on the fact relationships with children have become taboo in the past 1000 years.
VastaKustutaNo problem! Just understand that rosy cheeked cute little boys are evil monsters.
We doth feel rather... uncomfortable...
VastaKustutaThis has been bothering me since the episode.
VastaKustutaIs that a dog or pony? I can't tell!
First I was like awwww...
VastaKustutaThen I was like ME GUSTA...
Then I was like OH SHI-...
Then I was like :(...
Then I was like :D
lol, Move over pedobear, PEDOLUNA is coming to the interwebs!
VastaKustutaThis then begs the question: If Luna could be sated with a young pony, why didn't she just keep a steady flow of them to the moon?
VastaKustutaPip's a pinto pony.
Spike just made my day.
VastaKustuta@Requiem for Gods
VastaKustutawell, okay. I guess it's just the lack of young male ponies that caused me to be so unfamiliar.
This makes me physically ill....because i'm laughing so hard XD
VastaKustutaI thought it was funny.
VastaKustutaReally? Really? Normal age gap isn't enough?
VastaKustutaBoy that was stupid.
VastaKustutaYou all actually think this is bad? I am afraid to think of how you'll react once the Clopfic Writers get to this pairing. This is tame compared to what they'll do.
VastaKustutaQuick, someone call Foal Protective services!
VastaKustutainb4 fanfic is written
VastaKustutaI wish i could do that... ;_;
VastaKustutaat first I was like : d'aawwwwww
VastaKustutathen : wait a minute...
then : oh dear god no....
thank you for this vid, it had to be done, just don't do it anymore ;)
1000+ years vs 20 or 1000+ years vs 5, honestly not that much of a difference. But yeah, that was weird. In a hilarious way.
VastaKustutaPersonally I thought it was hilarious just because it's entirely absurd.
VastaKustutaWhen the fics come along that are actually being serious about it, that's when it stops being funny.
Why do i love this. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
VastaKustutaI would have hated this if it wasn't for Spike saying what was on my mind.
VastaKustutaShows the animator was aware of the... creepiness. It was intentionally creepy.
I can accept that.
Still don't like to see adult/child shipping, though.
The ending was still funny.
I... what... this... I don't...
I mean, what the... it's just... I-I-I...
*Royal Canterlot Voice* WHAT HAST THOU SHOWN ME???
I'll admit, the first part was fantastically cute, but from that point on...
I just have to agree with Spike. Couldn't have put it better myself.
Well, at least the crisis was averted and now they're on the moon.
You really didn't think this one through, did you Celest?
VastaKustutaWhy do you think I never read clopfics? If you never read em, you'll never know, amiright?
See, this is exactly why I only read shipping stuff off of this site. Clopfics just make me sick and this one will be no exception.
VastaKustutaYou and me both, sister. Seriously, find a stallion.
Colts are too young for you.
VastaKustutaThat doesn't actually make it a good thing...
VastaKustutaIt's a big difference to the 5 year old!
Not remotely funny, even if the animator was self-aware of the creepiness. Just because something is lampoon doesn't automatically mean that it's entertaining.
VastaKustutaAmen brony. Well said. Would-be animators, take note!
This frightened me. I'm going back to homepage.
VastaKustutathis is bad
VastaKustutaand should be shunned
by everypony
who wants to be portrayed
as sane
if they continue to be
a brony.
As a moral brony,
I shun this
and you should too.
VastaKustutaall the buttmad.
all of it.
brb: going to put a ton of effort and good writing into this fan-fiction nobody wants because it's for the lulz.
This was comedy gold, all the way. Couldn't stop laughing. Some combination of absurdity and sudden "WTF" reactions due to Spike and Celestia made it for me.
VastaKustutaI have to agree with OminousBrony. This is nothing more than played for laughs. There's plenty worse out there that makes something like this all warm and fuzzy. Even some of that is still pretty funny.
What can I say? I'm a slave to the Element of Laughter. There's a lot I find funny.
I think it should be a universal fact thay Pipsqueak is best foal
VastaKustutaHuuuh? Lol.
VastaKustutaWell that went from cute to creepy to hilarious.
VastaKustutaYes! Somebody did the ASDF movie thing! I was waiting for that
VastaKustutaTo many butthurt comments over a satire of the taboo. Seriously guys, it's a joke. A bit creepy I admit but a joke nonetheless.
VastaKustutaThis is the internet, expect for your sensibilities to be challenged.
My thoughts exactly when I saw the scene for the first time.
VastaKustutaCall me a hypocrite, but paedoluna is not really my thing D: Molestia is still fun, though.
Um dude no, just no. Shipping is one thing, but not with a kid (even an imaginary one). Thats just wrong on SO many levels, joke or no. It just ain't right.
VastaKustutaUm... what?
VastaKustutaI agree, the second part makes this video awesome.
And Pip was never heard from again. And there was much rejoicing.
VastaKustutaDamnit guys, cut the creepyness. Are you intentionally trying to alienate normal people away from this fandom?
VastaKustutaGuys, it's just a cartoon for lulz. Don't take it so seriously and don't get your knickers in a twist. I thought it was funny. Not terribly funny, but it was still pretty good. Don't get too upset by it. Chill, y'all.
VastaKustutawe are ALL slaves to the element of laughter
VastaKustutaOh gods, that conects to awesome on so many levels.
Pipsqueak is a proper pony from Trottingham, because unlike all the other ponies he speaks with an English accent. He should have got an Robbing Hoof, the outlaw who hiod out in Sheerluck forest, and stole from the rich to gove to the poor.
I guess the dread Pirate Pipsqueak works too though, escpecially if you know who played both human version roles.
Just more content for the media to fuck us over with.
VastaKustutaUhhhhh, what did i just watch?
VastaKustuta@Requiem for Gods
VastaKustuta> Pip's a pinto pony.
Oh my gods, you're right! That means he's likely to explode at the slightest bump. Twice!
I would have sent them to the sun.
VastaKustutaRemember that documentary? yeah they sure will focus on this I bet
VastaKustutamind bleach, anyone?
^I'd say it's pretty darn effective.
VastaKustutaAlso, thank you for the mind bleach Mike. Thank you VERY much!
@Avi There's far better stuff they could focus on to get the "bronies are gross" message across, y'know? Clopfics? Gory fics like Cupcakes? Fetish images? The list goes on.
VastaKustutaThis is a mere joke. While reading your reactions is amusing, some of you seem to take it a little too seriously.
It's official. Pipsqueak is my best pony right now, because he's adorably cute, AND BRITISH!
VastaKustuta"Is your order ready sir?"
VastaKustuta"Yes I'd like a WAT with a side of WHY please."
"Ah good choice and what would you like to drink sir?"
"Dr. Pepper please."
"Thank you sir it'll be out in about 5 minutes."
The... um... pedo has been doubled?
VastaKustutaI cannot believe the amount of butthurt overly moral fools occupy this side of the fandom. This vid was obviously a joke. It was clear as day that MrPoniator knew that LunaXPip is just creepy.
VastaKustutaAnd yet their are people going "Oh noes. The documentary will take this and make us look like freaks" and "the fandom keeps getting worse".
Guys here saying stuff like this vid makes them dissapointed in the fandom. Comments in this section make ME more dissapointed in this fandom than any X-rated trollfic or trollart.
Grow a damn funny bone or at least learn to take satire everypony
What is this...
VastaKustutaThere's this thing where you separate fiction from reality. Makes life a lot easier.
VastaKustutasolo te lo dire una vez pequeño pip, te envidio
VastaKustutaI'm still processing... whatever that was... but there is a clear distinction between posting knowingly creepy/satire stuff and the real, unironic creepy stuff.
VastaKustutaPeoples' mileage obviously varies on this type of stuff, but irrespective of your personal opinion on which side of the creepy line this falls, I'm seeing something far, far more disturbing in some of these comments:
People are hating on Pip. It is not okay to hate on Pip. Little guy's adorable. Anyone who feels like hating it on Pip, imagine that he's reading what you said. In his little pirate costume.Yeah, damn straight you feel like a jerk, hater.
Wow, just wow...
VastaKustutatrollestia can't handle anyone being happy
VastaKustutaHaha! The plot has been thickened! Wait...
VastaKustutaI'm laughing at all the people that are like "HOW WILL PEOPLE LOOK AT US NOW!?!"
VastaKustutaHey. You fucked yourselves over long ago when you all supported ponies in lingerie making suggestive poses.
This is one of the LESSER evils Seth has posted on his blog.
As for the subject matter, it was good for a quick laugh.
I... ummm... okaaayyyyyy...
VastaKustutaI want just the ASDF-homage ending, please....
VastaKustutaAhahaha what the fck.
VastaKustutaI laughed my ass off.
Totally watching, omg. xD
VastaKustutaI'll admit, I watched it and laughed...then I rewatched it and laughed again.
VastaKustutaGreat movie :D
This is my new favorite ship. :3
VastaKustutaGiven Luna's age anypony she's with would be considered pedophilia then again i think a few years of waiting is nothing to her...
VastaKustutasecond the latter half is pretty funn, the fun has been doubled!
I find the hate this video is getting bewildering. This is comedy GOLD.
VastaKustutaThe crazy thing is, my roommate was playing My Heart Will Go On right now on his computer when I clicked this.
VastaKustutaPeople can not take a joke! Im a moral fag and I thought it was funny...
VastaKustutaI like how everypony is defending Luna when she's the adult that should know better. Typical, a woman can get away with murder and the male victim gets sent to the moon.
VastaKustutaIt was funny though.
VastaKustutaPedomare on da LOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!
VastaKustutaInb4 people take this way too seriously.
Never mind then.
Interesting concept...
VastaKustutaThis is pretty funny.
VastaKustutaAlways loved that song, too.
Squicky... yet totally hilarious!
VastaKustutaI like Pip. :C
VastaKustutaYou can't tell that he has hooves instead of paws?
Besides, dogs don't talk in this world.
I believe with Pip we've finally found the fandom's Wesley Crusher. Or possibly even our Scrappy Doo, if he shows up in future episodes and annoys.
VastaKustuta"P-p-p-pony power!"
VastaKustuta@Tears of a Valedictorian
VastaKustutaYes, thank you! I can't understand all of the Pip-hate, and it makes me deeply sad. It's very un-bronylike.
I know the CMC have their detractors too, but somehow Pip's getting it much worse. What's with that? How is he any worse than they are? Seriously, what did this kid do wrong?
It reminds me of a comment somebody made about Twist; she was getting some inexplicable hate too, and somebody pointed out that here you have a sweet kid who's been nothing but nice to the major characters, and people hate on her for trivial things, while outright bitches like Trixie get hordes of slavering fans. (Let me clarify here: I know that Trixie's appeal is that she's a bitch. I get that an entertaining jerkass can be a more likeable character than one who is nice but boring or irritating. I just find the sheer vitriol directed at Pip to be surprising and completely undeserved; isn't it possible to dislike him mildly?)
I don't know. It probably sounds like I'm getting all butthurt about people not liking the characters I like, but that's not what bothers me. It doesn't bother me if you think Pip is annoying. It bothers me if you are incapable of showing him the same compassion you can show the characters you do like. It bothers me because, when you get right down to it, joking about banishing a small child to the moon isn't really any different than jokingly writing a story about somebody being tortured and killed by one of their best friends.
@aramaru No. Christ, it's been one episode and he didn't even have that much screen time in it. It is too damn early to shoehorn him into one of those fandom scapegoat roles.
VastaKustutaPeople hated on Wesley because he stole the spotlight and the glory from more likeable characters, with complete disregard for their experience and authority. Pip would be a Wesley if he started showing up frequently to save the day in situations that the mane six should have been able to handle. Pip is not a Wesley yet, and I don't think he is likely to become one.
I sincerely hope Pip does not come to be seen as this fandom's Scrappy, but from what I have seen in just the first day, I worry. I'd hoped this fandom was above that kind of petty, irrational, pointless negativity.
Please, fandom, spare Pip. Save your spite for somepony who deserves it; go punch Diamond Tiara or something.
VastaKustutaLuna is just down from the moon and has had only ONE pony meanwhile you probably have had countless mares and colts for a millenia.
U JUST JELLY! Jelly because you didn't get Pipsqueak before and make his tiny British body you---
no banana jokes, Celestia I'm disappoint -_-
VastaKustutaErm. Yeah. Ok.
VastaKustutaI like it. I guess. *scratches head*
Surely wasn't expecting that.
You can wait a couple years, Luna. It's not like you're getting any older.
VastaKustuta*Facehoof (massive)*
VastaKustutabut but but ...... but pip is my new favorite pony O-O
he's just like me; loves pirates, loves candy, loves halloween, and loves luna.
Celestia should have sent Pip to the sun.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure how Celestia saved the day. Now they are alone together on the Moon.
VastaKustutaUgh. After that, I'm going to re-read "Cupcakes". Again.
VastaKustutaYeah, oddly enough, I find "Cupcakes" makes surprisingly good Brain Bleach.