For all the Phoenix Wright fans out there, and even those of you who don't know the first thing about the series, someone on Youtube is working on a four part series that crosses it over with Friendship is Magic. So far is actually looks really neat! Check out the first 34 minute episode after the break, along with a trailer for the entire series.
Episode 1
ReplyDeleteI am boss :3
ReplyDeleteChecking out now.
Fluttershy was so dawable in the trailer
ReplyDeleteDamn! Had to go make a Blogger. NEXT TIME.
ReplyDeleteOBJECTION !
ReplyDelete34 minutes?
ReplyDeletejesus h christ.
Objection! how can no one no the objection meme?
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome, so go watch it
ReplyDelete34 Minutes?! If I wasn't in Europe and it just hit Midnight and I really need Sleep, I would watch to see why it's so long now, instead. I'm going to sleep. Since I need to sleep.
ReplyDeletei can only see 6 comments, this is the closest ive ever came to first on eqd :D
ReplyDeleteOhmygawsh, THIS IS AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteThis is flipping epic! I've never played a Phoenix Wright game in my life, but this is SO COOL!
ReplyDeleteI thought this was about the Ace Attorney version of MLP game but to my pleasant surprise, this was not the case. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteAww, poor Fluttershy.
Phoenix Wright is awesome, and like everything else combiningit with ponies only increases the awesome. I expect awesomesplosions to run rampant.
ReplyDeletebut Seth...
ReplyDeleteI have an 80 question midterm due tomorrow. D=
The emotes are perfect, and even the voices, though not like the ones in show, are very convincing. Love this so far!
ReplyDeleteThis is clearly
The best.
ReplyDeleteI totally love those games (the first three anyway) and records show that everything becomes better with ponies. Going to follow!
ReplyDeleteOh I am so subscribing to there channel.
ReplyDeleteYeah... No. I'll skip this.
Thirty four minutes? That's nothing. Try watching the entire series of the actual game on Cubex55's channel. I still haven't finished watching the Miles Edgeworth Investigations.
That's three hours long, be thankful the video this post is about is only thirty four minutes in length you whiners.
I thought it was going to be Rainbow Dash, but I was thinking it was for property damage.
ReplyDeletejeez, why does everyone nowadays spell course wrong?
ReplyDeleteThis. Is so. AWESOME /)^3^(\
ReplyDeleteThe pony voices don't match the show of course, but we can't all talk like Rainbow Dash :P
I eagerly await the next episode.
I'm only five minutes in, but I can already confirm that this is, indeed, awesome. I'm not a fan of Twilight's voice, and from the trailer I don't think I'm going to like the other ponies' voices either, but at least Phoenix's voice actor is good, and I'll probably be hearing him most often.
ReplyDeleteI'm 120% okay with this.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see more.
Wow. this might be the FOURTH game that this fandom has driven me to play. from Fallout3 & Vegas, Assassin's creed, now phoenix wright? Confound these Ponies! They drive me to Vidya!
ReplyDeleteWow, this is awesome. I've only played one of the Phoenix Wright games, and didn't even complete it at that, but this captures the feel of the game spectacularly! The voices, while not spot-on, were very well done, and were not displeasing to listen to at all, and for a fan project, what more can you ask for? Kudos. Looking forward to more.
ReplyDeleteTwilight messing up spells yet again it seems. lol And she should have gotten her story straight before she brought him there. :P Voices aren't prefect, but they are decent overall. This was enjoyable to watch. More episodes!
ReplyDeleteAlso, "Butshersty", Flutterscotch" and "Firefly". Lmao. I cracked up each time he mispronounced Fluttershy's name. :P
I NEED to make time for this at some point.
ReplyDeletenow its time to start my English 12 project that is due in 12 hours... oh jeez
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the next part to come out this is great.
ReplyDeleteMy body is totally ready!
ReplyDeleteI came. This was incredible.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the voice acting for several of the characters were subpar, and I died a little inside when I saw yet another person who failed grade school and confused "your" and "you're". :/
The murderer is Gilda. Calling it now.
ReplyDeleteBrown Feather = Her coat color
Not a bird. Not a pony.
A flier that *could* and is likely to compete, so she has a motive.
And she's just an all-around jerk.
Makes sense to me.
YES! I love Phoenix Wright!
ReplyDeleteThis fusion is amazing!
ReplyDeleteGetting over the weird voices was a bit hard. After that it was good, though.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is all kinds of epic. Some overreacting at times, but otherwise it's really well done!
ReplyDeleteThe references were great, too. Loved the part with Fluttershy.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy body was not ready for the awesomeness I just took in.
ReplyDelete"I'm the best defense attorney in. . . The universe. . . Apparently". XD
This is fricken awesome
ReplyDeleteFirst crossover with ponies I've ever enjoyed.
First let me discuss the bad. Twilight and Dash's voices were a little off in my opinion, and the words weren't perfect. There were a few grammar and spelling issues, and sometimes, the spoken words didn't match up with the text. Also, I thought Dash's personality was exaggerated a bit. But, meh.
ReplyDeleteNow the good: ...pretty much everything else. It's a good storyline, Phoenix and Fluttershy's voices were right on, you're doing these great in the style of Phoenix Wright, it's funny to see Phoenix put in a situation like this and how he reacts, and I want more. All of that completely cancels out the minor complaints I had.
My only concern is Dash's refusal to give her reason for being near the crime scene. If it turns shippy, I will be majorly pisses. I'll completely pull a 180, turn tail and leave. Not only because I hate shipping, but because it doesn't fit well at all with MLP or PW.
Anyway, great work. I can't wait to see what's next and I hope the next episodes are as good as this one.
Phoenix Wright...and ponies. My god, this is epic.
ReplyDeleterd killed him with a rainbow nuke! lol
ReplyDeletebut in all that is holy and relevant this is friggen epic!
I cant wait for part two. I love how my favorite game series has been combined with the greatest tv show this generation has been blessed with(feel bad for older generations that will miss this). Props for the creators of this. Hopefully that four changes to an even higher number and they make even more cases.
ReplyDeleteGood god...I would be confused if that happened to me.
ReplyDeleteIs this fanfiction. Is it machinima? This defies all classification!
ReplyDeleteHoly freaking cow that was AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteThat seal of excelence is well deserved!
ReplyDeleteAs a diehard veteran of the Ace Attorney series, I am highly impressed at how excellently Phoenix's character is captured in the writing. The other myriad nods to the series (character references, music, sound effects, the works) are the ultimate antidepressant for someone who, even going on 3 years, continues to pine for GS5. I have to admit, it took me a good while to get used to voices actually accompanying the script instead of that good old speech sound effect fans know and (maybe) love, but once I did it was all good. :)
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I'm mostly just enjoying the sheer throwback to all goodness that is Ace Attorney and its classic features. Mysterious murder, wrongly accused suspect, plea from the client (in this case, client's friend), Phoenix struggling to grapple with the strangeness around him, and best of all, Phoenix heading into court only half-cocked. Oh, for just one more REAL Ace Attorney game... T_T
/fan gush
I'm lovin' this, being an Ace Attorney fan myself.
ReplyDeleteThis is FANTASTIC. Really looking forward to see how it turns out!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, Wow. It kept the Ace attourney feel really well despite being a movie. Can't wait for more!
ReplyDeleteThe trailer is perfect for tricking my non-brony friends into watching. Lots of suspense and buildup with awesome Phoenix Wright stuff and then BAM. Ponies.
ReplyDeleteAs for the episode, I give it high marks for voice acting and script writing. Half way through it sounded like the mic for Phoenix malfunctioned a bit, giving him a sinister echo. It would sound awesome it he were a really powerful villain, but not in this case. Easy to ignore though, and expected since this is fanmade and not high budget.
More plz!
Now how was that pony investigations game coming along?
I'd much rather have it voiceless.
ReplyDeleteUm, how about MORE than awesome? Seriously; I don't believe "awesome" is fitting for the amount of euphoria I experienced. Granted, there's lots of typing mistakes, but the voiceovers do well enough to cover it up. And the voiceovers are...well, shit, pretty damn amazing. Script? Written quite well. I am expecting much more out of this.
Oh, by the way, I squealed at just LOOKING at this. I'm the lowest bass voice in my school choir, mind you.
No matter if shippy or not - this is fricken awesome!!
ReplyDelete...wow :| I'm speechless, because that makes total sense.
Alright, now that I have a minute, I can comment on the fully-watched episode.
ReplyDeleteThe writing here is superb! Captures Phoenix perfectly. It's all a bit exaggerated, which is fine for Phoenix since he's a pretty exaggerated character to begin with, but it seems a bit off for the ponies. A bit off, but not off-putting, they're still more or less in character. And the humor meshes well with both the games and the show, good job.
The voice acting is a bit sub-par, as I mentioned in my previous comment, but it's more than passable considering this is a fan work. It's a far cry better than just text, lol. Especially considering the massive amount of spelling mistakes and bad grammar. But I was able to ignore most of the issues with the text in favor of how enjoyable this was as a whole. Really though, if the producer of this fan work is reading these comments, you should think about getting a pre-reader for the dialogue.
And to bronydash, I seriously don't think Rainbow's reason for being near the Everfree Forest was slightest bit shippy. Watch the beginning of the episode again, the sequence with the shadowy graphics and dialogue in red text. It's clearly Rainbow Dash refusing Ace Whatever's attempts to bribe her into throwing the race, which would explain how he'd been winning every single competition he participated in, and what Dash was doing out near the Everfree Forest at that time (and coincidentally, what Ace Dudebuddy was doing out there too, which I thought was odd that nobody questioned), AND why Dash was hesitant to explain what she was doing out there. It would NOT look good for her if it was discovered that she'd not only been near the crime scene, but had actually SPOKEN to the victim not long before his murder.
Holly Carp! 1000 times the awesome!
ReplyDeleteI came...
ReplyDeleteCedric Bale continues:
ReplyDeleteTo further speculate, combining the fact that the crime scene investigators had already come and finished collecting evidence at the crime scene and the fact that the guards collected Rainbow Dash as the prime suspect without giving a reason (that we know of), I'm fully expecting the court to produce evidence that Dash was not just nearby, but was actually at the scene of the crime. Can't wait to see how Phoenix deals with that twist, lol.
@bronydash Yeah, we get it.
ReplyDeleteThis may very well be the most awesome thing I've ever seen. Makes me want the fan game that much more, and my anticipation for that was almost painful.
This is epic on a whole new level. It would have been one thing if you just ponified an existing Phoenix Wright case but to write your own, one that sounds good enough to have come from an actual game? That my friend is downright awesome. May this series live long and you be given all of the praise you richly deserve for making it.
ReplyDeleteThis was awesome on so many levels.
ReplyDelete1. Voices were not exact match, but forgivable.
2. Has all the same funny jokes like AA series
3. This pretty much nail PW down to the T
4. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!
5. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!
6. FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!
7. It remind me of the AA series alot, just like the game, very game centered despite being in another dimension. I can already see the Fanfiction being pumped out.....and lets see....OH yeah
ReplyDelete>>Phoenix asks Rainbow Dash if she did it, then when she says "I didn't kill anypony" he immediately believes her because of no psyche-locks.
Yeah, how'd that work out for you last time bro? She even worded it the same as his response!
Test+Schoolwork+homework due to tomorrow, not even started it yet.
Well, crap. Who needs sleep.
ReplyDeleteRainbow Dash's personality, exaggerated? I'd laugh at you, but it isn't even funny in the slightest. most of this fandom likes RD the most, and part of them can't see her biggest flaws, the major one being her pride. And no, that wasn't exaggeration, you're just refusing to see what i just mentioned above. What i'm trying to say is that Rainbow Dash is OP and nopony is perfect. I have lego, your argument is invalid. I rest my case.
It seems like Gilda did it (which annoys me because I think Gilda is pretty cool), but the only fire she's breathed was at Pinkie Pie's party, and that was just for comic effect.
ReplyDeleteThis just makes us feel worse about the fact that US is not going to get the Layton/PW crossover or Miles Edgeworth 2. =(
ReplyDeleteHeh, Past Sins reference.
ReplyDeleteI like this. I don't mind Twi's voice but Dash sounds like a dude. Phoenix sounds good, though. The animations (Well, screens) are funny, especially Twi's crazy faces. Dash's 'Why Wub Woo' face also made me laugh. Dash also needs to learn to shut up sometimes. Fluttershy's voice was almost spot on! Colour me impressed.
Pretty funny when she thought he was a phoenix.
Lots of Phoenix ego stroking too, which was also humorous. At least he didn't go crazy upon seeing ponies. Good job, man!
I also sense that this was all prepared; Twilight isn't a very good liar.
Why does the body look like Slendermane?
Looks like he as burned, but that feather suggests a gryphon. Hmmmm...
You earned yourself a subscription.
I can see it now
ReplyDeleteTwilight: TRIXIE?! YOU are the prosecution?
Trixie: Well, of course. The great and powerful Trixies talents know no bounds!
Phoenix: You know the prosecutor?
Twilight: Yeah, but all she can do is put on a show and exaggerate! This will be easier than I thought.
Phoenix:... You have a lot to learn about practicing law, Twilight.
Wow...that was so excellent, I didn't even notice I watched the whole thing!
ReplyDeleteIn the trailer, I guessed the witness was going to be Fluttershy. I predicted she'd be too overwhelmed to speak and would resort to squealing instead and I foretold that that'd make Phoenix sweat.
ReplyDeleteI was right in all of my guesses because I used the power of logic.
Oh man, and I *just* finished playing through the first two PW games in the past couple months for the first time, too.
ReplyDelete(Alas, the video spoils what I assume is the third game. *SadFace*)
This is great though. I cannot wait to see more. In fact, just to be sure I don't miss it, I'm using the 'subscribe by email' for the first time ever.
Do we have an ETA on the rest of this AWESOME 4 parter? There's just so much waiting in this fandom!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I want to agree with the Gilda theory, but I wouldn't put my hooves down. PW games tend to have unexpected conclusions...
Oh, this is fantastic! Of all the things that could happen, this is THE BEST POSSIBLE THING!!
ReplyDeleteOK, never played any AA games, but I really want to. Especially after this and that one crossover fanfic. This is just pure awesome.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that spirit connection thingy? I'm putting my money on Pinkie Pie.
This is good. Really good. I'm just itching to find out what happens next!
ReplyDeleteWait, if this is a four parter and the 1st part is 34 minutes long, does that mean the other three parts will be nearly the same length? That's pretty much a full length movie, all done by fans. That's...freaking incredible beyond words.
ReplyDeleteThey did this crossover very well. It has the same sound effects and humor of the PW series. Again, I am a bit saddened at the fact that the US won't be getting the other games in the series, but this makes up for it. Plus we'll always have fan translations down the line.
I've never played a Phoenix Wright game but now im super interested!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for more parts.
ReplyDeleteAlso would hate to admit it, but a "Cupcakes" case would be more than fitting for a Phoenix Wright case.
02:30 Trucy's theme for Twilight. Oh, bot guess I have to watch the rest. That was brilliant.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think I will have to draw a Trixie + Mr. Hat picture now.
All you guys freaking out about my comment: CHILL. These are my opinions. I'm not forcing them on you, I'm stating them. Isn't that what the comment section is for? I'm not trying to tear this down. I loved it. I thought it was awesome and I can't wait to see what happens next. Once again, chill.
ReplyDeleteNo one cares if you stop watching awesome work just because there might be shipping. No one cares if you don't like it.
Rainbow Dash's personality IS over-exaggeration itself. And I can't believe you're expecting someone to sound perfectly like ANY professional voice actor, they did a damn good job all the same.
Nitpicky opinionated biased perfectionist much? Pipe down and watch the good stuff.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNot to derail the thread, but: http://www.forums.court-records.net/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=20823
As for GK2, well: http://www.forums.court-records.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20990
Hardly a confirmation, but it's far from dead in the water.
The best post I've seen this week! One of my favorite games on DS combined with my favorite cartoon of this decade? It's a match made in heaven.
ReplyDeleteSo I must be dead now. I'm a happy zombie.
I bucking love this fandom! This is positively sweet! ^-^
ReplyDeleteExcept you are forcing them, because you repeat the same ones every single time you post something.
A work is the best thing ever, except you caught some little hint that shipping occurs in it (which half the time you complain about said hints they don't even exist), so it is obviously complete trash and "completely against the spirit of MLP" (nevermind that stuff like this is already incredibly at odds with the tone of the show) and you go out of your way to make it known that YOU don't approve and because of that YOU won't follow it anymore.
Or a some fan work is fantastic in every way, except you don't quite like how a character is portrayed (usually Dash), so obviously it is worth pointing out and complaining at length about it.
It got old quite a while ago, and you shouldn't be surprised that people are starting to react negatively when you keep doing it.
ReplyDeleteThat is spectacular news. At least now we have hope. :D
In another video, this guy is asking for help on editing, voice acting and other stuff, maybe somepony with some talent could help this dude out?
ReplyDeleteJust to dispel this, there is NO shipping in the project nor did I ever intend there to be any when I wrote it.
Wow! I found this very intriguing and very thrilling. It completely took my total attention throughout the whole video. Never took my mind off of it for one second.
ReplyDeleteI'm no Phoenix Wright fan or have any extended knowledge of it whatsoever but this has certainly peaked my interest.
Crossovers like these is what makes this community the greatest. If it wasn't for the ponies, I would've ignored this and moved on to something else.
ReplyDeleteSimply amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis is a spectacular compilation.
Keep up the good work.
First I rebuy every Phoenix Wright game off of eBay and now there is a post about a Phoenix Wright/ Pony project. This has been a spectacular couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteThis story actually has me wondering whether Equestria uses the French or English model of determining innocence. -:D
ReplyDeleteTurn my day upside down, why don't you?
ReplyDeleteThe only voice actor I decently like is phoenix's. The others don't sound bad, but they lack alot of feeling I think.
ReplyDeleteStill, enjoyable and entertaining.
Can't wait too see more, be sure to post it here.
This is just awesome !
ReplyDeleteI bought the first "Ace Attorney" game the last week, and suddenly ponies with AA.
The game is magnififcient, ponies are awesome this video is Awesomagnificient !
As far as I can tell, Rainbow Dash is kinna tame compare to her usual Canon moments (quote: Especially when you have me around being better than the rest of us).... I don't get why people say she was being exaggerated.
ReplyDelete@Lord I don't think it's an actual game... Is it?
ReplyDeleteThe voice acting is subpar, as said repeatedly before, but considering the amount of work this must have taken and the clear amount of care in this project, I can't help but to love it to death.
ReplyDeleteThe author (or is it producer?) of this project actually requested help from anyone that could help, artists, editors, or voice actors. I'm thinking that with great voice actors, great music, and great art, this could possibly be one of the greatest fan productions of all time. So spread the world everybody!
Holy Mother Celestia And Luna!!!! is awesome. I can't wait for part II!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhelp, I'm hooked. Color me subscribed.
ReplyDeleteI am intensely impressed with all the hooks laid around the story. Twilight's fishy explanation of her spellcasting, RD's reasons for being in the forest, the brief allusion to a prosecution getting a hold of Fluttershy while Twi was scrambling for a defense, and the clues laid about the crime scene itself. (My first thought was actually Philomena, due to all the references to fire, but the brown feather threw me off.)
Add that to how similar the narrative pacing is to the actual Phoenix games, the enjoyably nostalgic snark of our main man's inner voice, and how well the music/-al transitions fit the mood of each scene... This is definitely a project I can get behind.
Was rather neat, only complaint I could think of directly was the use of "everyone" and not "everypony". It was right after a correction of "pony, not guy" as well xP
ReplyDeleteDude any idea until the next one is ready? I may actually be looking forward to it more then Saturday morning. :)
ReplyDeleteHands down gilda is involved, but i don't think she is the murderer. that is to obvious. The phoenix wright games are all about thinking outside the box and not accepting the easiest answer. The creator seems to by pretty knowledgeable about both MLP and PWAA. I think he is going to be as faithful as possible to both franchises.
ReplyDeleteIn any case i'm more interested in what twilight is hiding and who will the prosecutor be.
ReplyDeleteI would guess Princess Celestia would be judge, but prosecutor is a harder casting choice.
One of the things that would make this better would Be Detective Gumshoe or at least, like, a variation of such a man.
ReplyDeleteI hop this safe form hasbro. plz god let it be safe it so good