For now, have some news.
New Jersey Comedy Show With Ponies
Lots of random pony references lately. this one is...strange to say the least. Check it out below!
Meetup Reports/Images
Tons of meetups went on in the last few days apparently! All can be found below.
London Brony Meetup
![]() |
Suddenly Celestia is best pony. |
Prague Meetup
For those over in the Chzech Republic, a group does random meetups out there too! Their forum can be found in the "looking for more" section below.
Russian Brony Meetup
Wow, we really are worldwide. 70 people all the way over in Russia met up for pony. Madness!
Italy Meetup
Italy too apparently!
More pictures
Portland Meetup
And back to the USA! Portland has a full video on theirs. Check it out here.
And a discord dance thing here!
Northern California Meetup/Writeup
36 People at this one!
Phoenix Meetup
And finally the last one. 60 people met up in good old Phoenix Arizona. Check out their gallery here.
Meetups/Groups/Guilds Looking for More
Czechoslovakian Pony forum
London Brony Group
WoW Guild
"<New Lunar Republic>
Faction: The Grand Alliance
Realm: Moon Guard (Please, stay out of Goldshire!!!)
Intrests: PvE, PvE, Socializing. Maybe Raids eventually. I don't think we'll be doing any guild RP unless the members really want to.
Contact: Riia
Italian Brony Group
Battlefield 3 Platoon
Midwest Brony Division Jam Session
Time: Saturday, November 5 · 3:30pm - 7:00pm
Place: MAC - College of DuPage
Interactive Flash Game Seeking Adobe Flash Coders
Another game, similar to the Vinyl Scratch game released a few days ago, is looking for coders and vector artists to get it up and running. If you are interested in helping out, hit up this facebook page or toss an email to [email protected]!
Osu! Taiko Mode Pony Songs
More rhythm games are being ponified! Check out the video below for this one!
Brony Subreddit Hits 10,000 Members
The swarms have been unleashed! 10,000 people joined the subreddit Brony community on accident, putting it at 34th for most popular page over there. Pretty amazing! Keep up the good work guys!
Charity Commissions
Sharkhook over on Deviant Art needs money to pay for phone service. Apparently her father had a stroke, and she has no way of contacting anyone. Right now she is doing 10 dollar commissions of any character. Hit up this page for more information and to help out!
Above is an example of the artwork quality. That's drawfriend quality right there, so do it!
Pony Icon Set #4
More icons have been added to the set that has been building for a few weeks now. Hit up the deviant art page here for them!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
3D Printer Fluttershy
Mystery Blind Bag Box Set
Mane Cast Cross Stitch
71 kommentaari:
That London brony meetup looks like it was awesome.
VastaKustutaI want to move there, now more than ever.
VastaKustuta.....I think I wont be sleeping after that video.
VastaKustutaLondon is suddenly... colourful
VastaKustutaThat Fluttershy transformation...
VastaKustutaActually, you guys have seen Bo' Selecta with Leigh Francis, right?
I recognise at least two or three of the folk in the London pic. I'm sad I didn't get to go =(
VastaKustutaThat Mr. Ponyman video was sort of scary...
VastaKustutaCzechoslovakian pony forum?
VastaKustutaLast time I checked, Slovakia and the Czech republic were two separate countries.
So yeah now that I have looked over the rest. Kinda cool Celestia cosplay.
VastaKustutaTwi......I really; like her mane.
Aww Seth, we had a better picture for the London Meetup than that one. Hopefully someone will go and upload it for us.
VastaKustutaUm, why is one of the russian bronies holding a ribcage??
VastaKustutaWtf@Fluttershy o.o
VastaKustutaPhoenix Meetup- That guy dressed as Scootaloo is my idol... not really, I just want to dress as Scootaloo! *cough* best pony.
VastaKustutaAlso, that 3D printer Fluttershy is awesome.
So many icons
VastaKustutaWoot that's ME and my facebook gallery - I'm the DJ P0N-3 in the italian brony group :p
VastaKustutaSharkHook really needed the money Sunday, and her request for help was posted early Monday morning... >__>
VastaKustutaIf that Fluttershy's smile wasn't so weird, I'd buy it. $71 is nothing compared to some of these plushies.
VastaKustutaSide Note:
VastaKustutaThe Nightly Roundup that killed the EqD commenters.
@Sketchy Sounds
VastaKustutaIt's okay, dude. I didn't get to go either. :(
It looked like a right fun time, too. Still, there's always the next one, right?
Oh my...that Celestia is AWSOME! I wanna brush her mane^_^
VastaKustutaThat Phoenix Arizona meetup reminded me were waiting on the next part to that awesome Phoenix Wright crossover video series.
VastaKustutaDamn, can't wait for that.
I wonder if Pinkie ever goes to Russia to communist party?
VastaKustutaThat picture! They did Lyra wrong D:
VastaKustutaThat Phoenix Wright sure did a great job with the hair.
VastaKustutaThey still are, but these two countries are very similar. That's why they are often "together".
That is one cool looking Celestia costume.
(It's Halloween)
Yeah, Seth, what's with Czechoslovakia?
VastaKustutaI sent you pictures of the AAC Pony Panel a couple of weeks back, but I never saw them go up.
VastaKustutaYou might want to change the text color of the numbers and percentages for the voting results on the side. It's kinda impossible to see... :)
Can you do the icons in separate posts, Seth?
VastaKustutaSeriously, stop posting. People don't want to hear your ridiculous negativity. Are you honestly complaining that there is too much halloween stuff, when it is actually halloween? Give me a break, and just ignore it for a couple days and it will be gone. Why try to get a response from your negativity?
There was a portland meetup? damn.
VastaKustutaalso, Y U NO STEPMANIA ICO-
omigoshomigoshomigosh YESSSSSSSSSS
@Sethisto the troll is in da house :D
VastaKustutaThat Celestia is awesome to say the least.
VastaKustutaI was at MCM btw, I sadly didn't get to meet many people though, (i wasn't in costume)
VastaKustutaYay for phoenix pictures! I was scootaloo! If anyone was wondering our Applebloom.quit so we used a picture... also phoenix wright was really fun to ply mafia with. "I think phoenix is mafia" *slam* "OBJECTION!"
VastaKustutaIm sorry, I ment I was sweetie bell >.> scootaloo made the capes
VastaKustutaAlright, enough is enough! Who was Celestia? I need her phone number and FB profile! Potential world's best girlfriend!
VastaKustutaDamn wish I lived in london now there need to be more meetups in yorkshire!
VastaKustutaHello guys,
VastaKustutaadmin of Czechoslovakian community here. Yes we are two countries, but with very similar language, so it was meetup of Czechoslovakian community and its Czechoslovakian forum :)
Dont blame Seth, i sent him mail with those informations.
admin of
Well... That's a new take on the term "Flutterguy."
VastaKustutaThat brony dance vid was cool :D
VastaKustutaOkay, I'm sorry, that video was just... no. There are certain lines you just don't cross in a fandom, and I'm pretty sure that was one of them.
VastaKustutaExtremely impressed by the Phoenix pic.
VastaKustutaOh my Celestia that Celestia is hot!
VastaKustutaAnd suddenly, Princess Celestia made an appearance in London.
VastaKustutaWe had one of these here in Portland and I missed it? What?!
VastaKustutaAm so confused. Do not recall how these bronies manage to arrange these meet ups. Is there a centralized place? Reading about them is cool, as long as you have the chance to have a clue you are not going to miss one if they happen in your area.
VastaKustutaUnder Seth, Cereal, and Phoe's incessant torrent of pony, it can be a bit overwhelming! :)
JerseyShy was... umm... ... kind ... meep!
London Celestia! /)OɛO(\
Now we need a midwest Luna... So I can see in person! /☽ᴖɛᴖ☾\
YAY! Our Expo meet got a mention! I was the crazy guy at the back with the pink hat, giant shades, 3DS and loud voice!
VastaKustutaI would have been at the London brony meetup
VastaKustutaI was at MCM too :C
unfortunately I was with 2 people who dislike ponies
Hasn't somepony uploaded the the full group shot of the London expo, post it please!
VastaKustutaAw seth, you could of at least linked to us.
Also, we're the 32nd most active, not the 32nd most popular. With 10,000 members, that mainly means that we have higher percentage of active members than any other subreddit our size.
A great deal of content that gets posted here originates over there. I can think of at least a few fanfics and a fair amount of art. The least you could do is provide a link, or luna forbid, give us a full post of our own.
HAHAHAHAAAA! I lost it at the were-fluttershy in the video. That shit was gold. "You wouldn't like me when I'm kind" indeed...
VastaKustuta@Son Gopaul
VastaKustutaA-HA! its you!
i was the dudley cosplayer who you were talking to! hey there ^.^
i was literally jus out of that expo shot, which is a shame because i stuck out like a sore thumb, what with being a street fighter character among ponies
there was that aerial photo taken by almost everyone which needed to be the main image, but hey, any is good
VastaKustutai mean
we had applecider, the podcast brony there...
it was amazing...
i feel like we need a little bit more love, maybe atleast an image
OOOooo Another Chicago Jam session at CoD. Th one 2 weeks ago was fun. Gonna have to go to the next one
VastaKustutaSucks I missed the pumpkin carving contest. I had a nice Derpy one. Ah well. :(
VastaKustutaThat comedy video was certainly... interesting. When he turned into Fluttershy... oh goodness. I couldn't help but start laughing. lol Though the mask seemed borderline creepy-looking to me. But hey, it's Halloween! Why not? :P
Some really awesome meetups pics in this edition. I'm waiting to see if our Halloween meetup picture gets on here. Unfortunately, I didn't get to be in it since my Octavia outfit was in the washer at the time. Sad face. :(
Congrats to the Brony Subreddit community on over 10k members!
Aww, I'm sorry to hear about what happened with the artist Sharkhook. I hope her father makes a good recovery and she manages to get a little money. Seems like people are donating a little here and there which is nice.
Oh look. Another pony icon set. lol Very nice. Not exactly sure what the Octavia icon is for. But hey, at least it's in there somewhere. :D
Wow, Celestia-tier Celestia. Was this from the Saturday or the Sunday?
VastaKustutaI missed the meet on Saturday due to having to corral stupid friends, but I saw a lot of poni around.
It was like 25 degrees C on saturday too, so I didn't envy the people with the proper full-body costumes.
@Phoenix Meetup
VastaKustutaHOLD IT!
I see what you did there!
That video was... uh... *shudder*
VastaKustutaPhoenix Meetup made me lol.
VastaKustutaThe video, umm.....what the f***!
VastaKustutaThat cross stitch is really really lovely! Nicely framed and everything. Also, I am getting so very jealous of all these meet ups! Can't wait til school is over and there is one near me!
VastaKustutaThat Celestia... so beautiful. In fact, wearing that amazing costume and her love for ponies make her the cutest girl ever. I wish I lived in London. Or pretty much anywhere people cared about meetups enough to invite so many people and make costumes. We've only had one meetup in my area, and I'll admit, it was pretty lame. Also, that Phoenix Wright is pretty awesome.
VastaKustutaI would've gone to the Phoenix brony meetup but the flier said 18 and over... All I can do is be president of a club where we watch pony and play minecraft.
VastaKustutaSo many meet ups yet I still havent been to one.
VastaKustutaThis has made my day! I'm the Princess Celestia cosplayer in that picture from London. I was a little worried about this costume but now I think it was worth it, especially since the meet was fantastic and everyone I met was so friendly. Thank you all so much! <3
VastaKustutaThe Mr. ponyman video creeps me out...
VastaKustutaAww.. I live near Phoenix, but I didn't know there was a meetup there.. I am disappoint..