Have some news.
My Little Pony Roleplaying Game Update
Have some Copy Paste!
Hey there! Tall Tail here. There have been some advancements on My Little Pony: Roleplaying is Magic, which we're ready to announce.
First, an awesome graphic designer by the name "Artsy Heartsy" has joined the team, and has made us a much more polished PDF of the Season One Edition rulebook! We want to thank everyone for the great response and for bearing with our really (really) rough initial document. You can find the new PDF here, complete with download: https://docs.google.com/open?
Second, we're confirming that we're doing a Season Two Edition! We're flank-deep in working on it now, and it is going to be bigger and better than the first edition. We've got several planned revisions, additions, expansions, and this time around, we don't have to rush to get it out; so it'll look better to boot. We're aiming to put out MLP:RiM - S2E as close to the end of season two as possible. After all, we all know how hard that pony-less summer can be.
Third, we're looking to bring on board a dedicated artist or team of artists to do artwork for the S2E game book! Anypony who is interested should contact me at talltailtellstales@gmail.com , with samples of their pony art.
That's all for now. Thanks so much to the community, our players, and as always, our fine filly friends at Equestria Daily! Stay tuned!
Applejack's Apple Muffins from UK Pony Magazine
Apparently this recipe is floating around in that My Little Pony magazine floating around the UK. Derpy Hooves would be proud.
Pony Visual Novel in Progress
Someone is currently building a visual novel set in a new future version of Equestria. They need some more team members. If you are interested, hit up the website for it for more information!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Amherst/Williamsville/Clarence Meetup
United Kingdom Map Project
Someone is collecting locations of bronies in UK for a huge map. Check it out here!
San Antonio Grand Galloping Ghoul-a
When: October 29th 6pm-11pm
Where: 107 lemonwood, san antonio, tx 78213
Northern California Celebration Meetup
Copy Paste: Tomorrow the Bronies of Northern California are hosting a big part
celebrating the super-dooper brony meetup group on the West coast!
Cake, soda, balloons, dancing, music, and tons and tons of pony fun
await. So, why don't you come get your groove thing on with Apple
Cider of Bronyville podcast and the rest of the Bay Area Bronies.
Pomfcast Episode 3
Pomfcasts's 3rd episode has aired, with interviews from brony musicians such as Foozogz, JackleApp, DerpyGrooves, and Cats Millionaire. Check it out here!
One Hour Physics Presentation with Ponies
More physics... using ponies! Check it out here!
Pony Rap Battle Project In Progress
Mic the Mic is looking for a bunch of people to voice some Pony Rap Battles, primarily looking for female voices, or... just femanine voices. Whoever voices Trixie better be female, just sayin.
Anyway, check out the video below for all the information if you want to try it out.
Ponies Invade Calgary Academy Curriculum
Over in Canada, a random brony was wandering the halls when he spotted this in the window of a door. Some 11th grade class was watching ponies for an undetermined reason.
Why didn't we ever watch cool stuff in school?
Pony Rockband 3 Project
Have some copy paste!
"I have begun a project to bring some of the great MLP fan music to Rock Band 3 (Xbox 360 only; sorry PS3 and Wii gamers). Instead of just making a track using the mixed down, final cuts of these songs, I've contacted the artists directly and have gotten several on board to partake in this project by providing me with the stems to their songs. This means that the tracks in-game will play just like any other Rock Band song (e.g. the audio will cut out if you miss a note, etc). Best of all, they are FREE! You can just download the song and play. Everything you need to know is dictated here: http://rockband.scorehero.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29080 . To help build some hype, I will reveal that I'm currently working on "Millennium Alone (Luna)" by Cyril the Wolf! I will also reveal ONE of the many artists that have given me the green light to chart one of their songs. How does ISMBOFepicly's "Gimme R D" sound? Any inquiries/requests/etc can be emailed to me at lyokofreaks@gmail.com."
Equestria Rave Radio Weekly Broadcast
Today at 10:00 PM EST, Equestria Rave Radio is once again throwing out a broadcast. You can find it here. And have some copy paste below.
If necessary, use the following as a Copy-Paste (Centered, if possible):Good Evening, all you fillies and gentlecolts out there!
This is your ERR host, DJ-Jewnicorn servin' you another weekly reminder!
Just reminding you all that we take requests all week long.We also take fan-mail! WOO!
If you'd like to drop a request, or even some fan-mail, send it over to: err.equestria@gmail.comWe do read your fan-mail on the air, but we prefer to keep you anonymous. ;)
Again, this is your ravin' host, DJ-Jewnicorn, signin' out.
Crave the Rave!
Weekly PDF Update
More stuff! Charge!
Cantering Death - Gory Ed.
To Set Right
Project A.L.I.C.O.R.N
The Life and Times of Caughlin Mare
By the Unfaltering Light of the Sky
My Little Avengers
Oh, Octavia!
On The Equestrian Republic And Equestrian Citizenship
Fallout: Equestria: Pink Eyes
Nightfall at Sweet Apple Acres series
Some Ponies Play D&D, Campaign 3
Legion of Gloom, Story 3: "Between a Rock and A Hard Place"
Queensland Brony Meetup
Over at the Botanical Gardens in Queensland, Australia, yet another meetup recently went down. Check out the group for it here if you missed it!
Ebay/Merch Stuff
Crazy Twilight Painting
Custom Pony Plushie Commissions
Lauren Faust Signed Rarity
Pinkie Pie Plushie
Zombie Pony
Derpy Square Keychain
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's DapperShy!
ReplyDelete@azirex Fail...
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be a Christchurch, NZ meet up, I'm feeling left out.
ReplyDelete@Queensland meetup: wish I went *weeps*
ReplyDeleteAlmost went to the Queensland meetup, decided not to at the last minute, too many assignments >.>
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, I'm awake for the Nightly Round up. I guess that's my sign to go to bed now lol.
ReplyDeleteLooks like FlutterShy is Puttin' On The Ritz.
ReplyDeleteHurting my head trying to read the apple muffin recipe... Any idea how we can get a copy of this magazine in the US?
Is it bad that I actually understood the Physics one?
ReplyDeleteAnd it wasn't just MLP in there, there were all sorts of little references and jokes :) I wish my physics lecturers were bronies...
Butlershy is best shy
ReplyDeleteYay Brisbane! Sorry I couldn't be there, I forgot the rest of the herd was off doing Scout camping this weekend!
ReplyDeleteIN CALGARY. IN GRADE 11. /)^3^(\
ReplyDeletehere's hoping i get some pony at school for some reason
Isn't that physics presentation really more of an astronomy presentation?
ReplyDeleteAlso, that looks like a presentation room at Cape Canaveral.
ponies near the 40 min mark.
ReplyDeleteNOWAIT; ponies everywhere through the presentation.
ReplyDeletePomfcast = bestcast
ReplyDeleteReally jackle app and derpy grooves are the most hilarious people on the planet, and i would do anything for them. ~
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing a lot of high school brony stuff.
While that's all well and good, I'm eager to see more college stuff because that's where I'm at in life.
I thought they'd be easier to find, seeing how college students tend to be more accepting than high school kids in general... unless you're a prick. :P
Pretty cool, anyway! Glad to see there still are Canadian brony things going on. Maybe something'll come closer to home...
You tease, not including the muffin recipe.
ReplyDeleteHm...How might one go about arranging one of these brony gatherings?
ReplyDeleteSigh, I was literally a block and a half away from the Brisbane meet-up at work while it was going on. Stupid inability to get time off.
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust signed Rarity?
ReplyDeleteDayum, man, that needs more attention to it.
It's about time they started teaching kids about proper Unicorn history in school. It's downright shameful how few can recognize a perfectly accurate Star Swirl the Bearded costume.
ReplyDeleteI already was kinda familiar with the concept of how to find exoplanets (been an astronomy geek since ever)... but now it has become even better X3
ReplyDeletealso... those muffins look delicious!!!
and... Y ALL THE PINKIE PIE PLUSHIES HAVE TO LOOK SO DAMN HUGGABLE?!!!!! it crushes me not being able to afford them, or Fluttershy's for that matter!!!
@Harwick I wish I was given this kind of classes back at middle or high school
ReplyDeletesssooo... No new episode this weekend?
ReplyDelete>apple sudoku
ReplyDeleteAh, decided not to head the the Brisbane meetup at the last second. Oh well, hope to see all you bronies next time!
ReplyDeleteNow that I'm not going to college anymore, I miss the oportunity of using the AV department to watch movies. I'd so totally watch the MLP episodes there if I could.
ReplyDeleteCalgary Brony, go back to that classroom and ask about it. This mystery does not need to remain unsolved.
ReplyDeleteZ-z-z-zombie pony! :o
ReplyDelete0-o Williamsville?! I never thought I'd see my old hometown pop up on the internet, let alone in regards to ponies! Wonder if they're doing anything for the holidays.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, just want to clarify regarding the Rock Band project I'm working on. I forgot to mention that songs definitely don't need to be "rock" or have all of the instruments for me to do them, so feel to request whatever songs you got, as long as it's pony-related in some way.
ReplyDeleteDitto, though I did meet some bronies in the campus library while playing MW2. Very cool. One of them had that little program which makes random ponies leap, run, bounce, and fly across your screen. DO WANT.
ReplyDeleteAwesome of you to do this, thanks so much! Out of curiosity: do you like Code Lyoko? Cause if so... this fanbase just got much cooler.
Rarity signed by lauren faust! Why do I have no money?!
ReplyDeleteOMC OMC OMC! *hyperventilates* Theres a brony meetup in an area where I live?!?!?!!! FINALLY!!!! *explodes*
ReplyDelete@Arothyss: Code Lyoko is way too awesome to not mix fanbases with us!
They get to watch MLP:FIM? I had to watch Jason Robards stumble around in the ruins of a nuked out America in "The Day After". We had it rough back in my day. -Q.
ReplyDelete@Secret Pony
Roleplaying is Magic is blank when I put it on my kindle. Every page is blank but the last page (the character sheet). That makes me a sad pony.
ReplyDeleteI figure this is the best place to ask it but, is it just me or is the Site Hit Counter no longer changing and is now just static until you hit refresh?
ReplyDelete@ThatDudeNamedBrian That's odd... Did you download it as a PDF?
ReplyDeleteSorry 'bout that; I'll have a play around with the exporting and compressing, see if I can't get one that works
I want to go to that school now.
ReplyDeleteI wish there was a meetup in Portland / Seattle. :(
ReplyDeleteDammit Applejack. You don't have your hat on again.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you always not have your hat on?
...Also, when I was skimming through, I could have sworn that the Equestria Rave Radio Weekly Broadcast said Equestria Rave Radio Weekly Breakfast instead.
I had to do a double take. LOL. That's almost a shame.
They could've handed out those apple muffins there.
mmmm apple muffins, made of win, I want to make some now xD
ReplyDeleteAwesome, my Applejack Apple Muffins I made made it into the Nightly Round-up! I see some ponies want the full recipe for the muffins, and I can't blame them but I didn't want to just post it up since the magazine is still out in the UK and the next issue isn't until the 30th of November. I mean, if ponies REALLY want the full recipe I could type it out for you all. Only if it's really wanted.
ReplyDeleteare those muffins made from oatmeal????
Is there anyway someone can post the actual recipe online so us Americans can bake us some delicious apple muffins, too?
ReplyDelete@LyokoFreaks Hey, wasn't "LyokoFreaks" the name of a Code Lyoko forum back about five years ago? Any relation?
ReplyDelete(Topic? Whazzat?) What's with cartoons in the Alberta schools? I was doing some repair work in an Edmonton school late last spring and one class was watching something animated. (No ponies, I checked.) Though that might've just been lack of work due to impending summer.
Looks like I'm going to have to get my copy of Rock Band 3 back from my sister
ReplyDelete(looks up hometown on UK map)
ReplyDeleteIf the Brony from Bigglswade is reading this, we should totally hang out.
oh. SNAP. time to get ahold of rock band 3.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there never any Canadian Brony Meet-ups?
ReplyDeleteAlso, MLP; FiM RPG = AWESOME
Yay! QLD Meetup!
ReplyDeleteThat's me in the blue dress and straw hat :P
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on that question.
At this point, I'm thinking we need to be more organized... and a good bit of us need to just say "Haters gonna hate" and come out of our pony closets.
I'm down for a meetup in the Greater Toronto Area. Brampton or Mississauga would work well for me. Maybe at a Tim Horton's for lunch. Have a bite there really quick and head someplace else. Probably on a weekend.
Should probably start asking around.
@inanityinc yes, please pony the recipe! I'm sure the "canon" muffins taste awsome, and if life to try them myself
ReplyDeleteWell... I know there's one in Calgary...
Oh, that picture... That was my classroom, just sayin'!
I'm in Calgary. I'm in Grade 11.