Have some news before it happens!
New banner by: Tobibrocki
Meetups/Groups/Guilds Looking for More
Malaysian Brony Meetup
When: November 20th, 12:00 noon
Where: Sunway Pyramid
Southern England Brony Group
Xbox Live Pony Clan
Midwest Bronies Facebook Group
University of Michigan Brony Group
Shadocon Brony Panel
Where: Tampa, Florida
When: Saturday, November 12th at 1:00 PM
Origin of Starswirl the Bearded
Someone on Ponygoons came up with this one:
Starswirl the bearded.
father of the amniomorphic spell.
a bearded wizard that shapes bowls
a hairy potter"
Oh Twilight Sparkle, you so silly.
Transforming Pony Glasses
Just in case you guys are trying to keep your pony obsessions a secret for whatever reason (lol Cereal) These glasses are sure to help out, while still filling your room with pony paraphernalia.
Northen California Brony Meetup Writeup
Another meetup recently went down in California. It looks like a success! Check out the video and writeup for all the juicy details.
Karzahnii Interview: Artist of the Week #1
Dr. Henry Killinger is planning to do weekly interviews of various artists/musicians/authors in the fandom. His "pilot" episode is with none other than Karzahnii on Deviant Art. Check out the copy paste below!
"Greetings pony fans! My name is Gendid (Also known as Dr. Henry Killinger here, and as Rarity on PF2), and I'm proud to present to you today the very first Artist of the Week! Over the coming months, I plan to highlight members of our community that have given us so much joy and inspiration over the past year! But enough of my plans, let's get to the good stuff! This week's featured artist is named Karzahnii, the creator of the Super Smash Ponies comic! You can find his work here! Karzahnii was also kind enough to provide an interview for the readers of Equestria Daily! Find the download of the interview here. Stay tuned next Sunday for another exiting edition of Artist of the Week! Also, if you know or are an artist who would like to be Artist of the Week, please contact me at [email protected]!"
And with that, I'll see you next week, with artist #2, Arcanus Nox/JunkiesNewb/whateverthehellnamehe'sonnow.
Luna Eclipsed Tops the Entertainment Section on Youtube
Get owned Minecraft "Let's Play" #36506
Pony Desktop Icons Round 3
Just a few days after the second set released, another group is rollin in with more pony to fill your desktop with. Check them out here!
The artist is also looking for suggestions on different programs, drop those in the comment section of the Deviant Art page.
Radio Free Equestria Episode 3
The guys over at Radio Free Equestria have released their third episode. Hit up the youtube embed below to watch it!
Retro Apple II Pony Game Coding Contest
Have some Copypaste:
The rules are as follows:
You are to create a MLP:FiM game for Apple II (it may require the Apple IIe, but it MAY NOT require the Apple IIgs), using whatever programming tools you wish. It may be coded from scratch or a ROMhack of an existing Apple II game. You can develop on actual hardware, or using solely emulators.
The game should be presented as if it were an actual commercial game, released circa 1984 through 1989. The more authentic the 1980s gaming experience, the better. (I'm thinking fake "CRACKED BY RAINB0WDASHER" loading screens, "COPYRIGHT (C) 1982, 1983 HABSRO INC" verbiage, etc.) The game should be submitted as a disk image loadable on an Apple II/IIe emulator.
The deadline for submission is January 5, 2012 (two days before BroNYCon January 2012).
The winner of this contest will receive the Apple IIe demonstrated in this video by Purple Tinker and members of her staff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azzTH0slrFA
They will also receive two (2) Disk ][ disk drives for said Apple IIe.
They will also have a copy of their game, along with the emulator necessary to play it, sent to Lauren Faust as a gift. She is, after all, a child of the 1980s!
Let the retro coding begin!
In the spirit of friendship,
Purple Tinker
Another Lets Watch Series Looking for More Viewers
A new channel for Lets Watch videos has popped up. Check it out here.
UGA Brony Survey Looking for Participants
A student at UGA is looking for people to help with a project for Strategic Visual Thinking class. If you are interested in tossing your two cents into the mix, fill out the survey below.
Ebay/Merch Stuff
Hand Painted Show Accurate 3D Printer Fluttershy
Shadowbolts Rainbow Dash Pillow
Derpy Hooves Scarf
Pony Crochet Hats
Luna Plushie
Another Luna Plushie!
Crochet Rainbow Dash
71 kommentaari:
Yay Rarity!
VastaKustutaThose Luna plushies...
Interesting news, Those glasses are a neat idea. Hooray, we're up on youtube again.
VastaKustutaAnd Rarity isn't going to get clobbered by Opal but her mane? well, I hope short hair is in this season.
Hell yes! A Hampshire based brony site! Now to organise one that's nearer Hertfordshire...
VastaKustutaThat Rarity pic... I think that's how a certain Rarity Tumblr got started.
VastaKustutaDat Luna plushie!! Do want, so very bad.
VastaKustutaFun fact: #10 in the 2nd batch of blindbag ponies is called Star Swirl.
VastaKustutaRarity and Luna are best ponies. I approve of this drawfriend.
VastaKustutaStarswirl the bearded is... Harry Potter?
VastaKustutaCannot unread.
Yay, more pony icons!
VastaKustutaHairy Potter...The writers of this show are big fans of Stealthy Puns XD
VastaKustutaHuh, I've never heard of "Let's Watch" video before...
VastaKustutaConsidering the hidden joke behind Star Swirl, I highly doubt it will be long until we get some Fanfiction for him. And maybe it will be a Harry Potter themed one as well.
VastaKustutaThis gaming contest, though I can't code for it, should mean a lot of fun games will be made when it is completed.
That's the most convoluted reference ever if true.
VastaKustutaI'm still gonna say they just randomly made something up. "Amnio" doesn't pull up the most... appropriate of results on google.
Also sadness that coding contest didn't get a full post. That's pretty neat, though I don't hack apple IIs (I hack the super nintendo, rawr).
Derpy scarf looks like Derpy got skinned. D:
VastaKustutaI must own those mugs *drool*
VastaKustutaNew banner is great. Trixie with fangs! :D
VastaKustutaThat origin story of Starswirl the Bearded... doh ho ho, you guys are very clever at finding hidden secrets. Touché, touché. ;)
Wow, those mugs are too cool. That's a very neat little trick. Don't think I've seen that before.
Luna Eclipsed up in the top spots on of the Entertainment section on YouTube, pretty nice. Figures though. Whenever a new episode is posted now, its up RIGHT after the premiere and it gets flooded with views pretty quick. :P
ANOTHER pony desktop icon set? Well, dang. Ooh, WoW icon. And it's... Rarity? Funny, I didn't take her for a big online gamer. In fact, there seems to be a lot of Rarity in this set. lol
Shadowbolts RD pillow. <3
I thought the banner was referring to Phoe...
VastaKustutaWhen will there be a brony meetup at Liverpool, England for the bronies in the North West of England, like me.
VastaKustuta@Rainbow Dash when somebody organises one!
VastaKustutaApplejack: Hint hint.
I shall acquire these mugs, and they shall be mine, and I shall drink from them constantly, and it shall be grand!
VastaKustutaLooks like my hot chocolate...
VastaKustuta*puts on sunglasses*
Just got twenty percent cooler.
mfw i read the Starswirl-origin. Ooh, you guys from Studio B, you foxes!
VastaKustutaPlease do! There are at least 4 bronies here in Cambridgeshire who would be happy to take part ^^ I also know one or two in Hertfordshire, I used to live there!
Woah-ho, Seth!
VastaKustutaSure, MLP is great, but you of all people should know that we love and tolerate the SHIT outta Minecraft.
University of Michigan? HOLY CRAP THAT'S ME! *joins in 10 seconds flat*
VastaKustutaThank You Everyone for participating in my survey. My teacher is going to be sooo shocked when she see's how many Bronies there really are! :D
VastaKustuta@P. Pony Ponyson Well sure, but when Luna is in our presence who's going to pay attention to some dope bumbling around and getting blown up by creepers over and over? I mean, that's not exactly a hard decision to make.
VastaKustutaI wonder if Princess Phoe or Duke PK have any hostile takeovers planned for today
VastaKustutaCould be that he was the first to tinker around with Proteins, amino acids.
Also, Radio Free Equestria!
Whoever runs that Xbox Live group site REALLY needs to look into making it more stable, I've had it crash on me twice now. Just flat out 'lock up' and stop loading/working/scrolling.
VastaKustutaI've been trying to figure out what it would feel like to be the guy who makes the Minecraft video and to find out he has been beaten by ponies for popularity. Only on the internet could you have that kind of situation.
VastaKustutaNo West Midlands bronies?
VastaKustutaHm, I wonder what's happening on EQdaily toni-
VastaKustuta*Sees new banner*
Eep! *Dives under bed*
Okay not really, but that new banner did give me quite a shock lol, wasn't expecting that :P
On topic: Another brilliant nightly roundup :D
Aww yeah University of Michigan.
VastaKustutaWHAT! Interviews of people in the brony community! Obsession Is Magic is already doing that in the Hall of Pony! You have got to be kidding me! No that's are thing, you can't do it! (cries quitely to myself)
VastaKustutaAlso, the amnio- section is a bit misleading:
VastaKustutaDenotes a thin, transparent, tough membrane lining and the fluid-filled cavity contains the embryo of reptiles, birds, and mammals [amniotes]; the membrane around a fetus; diminutive of amnos, lamb; a bowl in which the blood of sacrificial victims was caught. Now used primarily to indicate the membrane surrounding the fetus in utero.
Really, now, it's much more that he's a wizard that shapes... the protective layers for a fetus. (Think of "amniotic fluid" etc.)
lol i always read these nightly roundups in the morning *squee*
VastaKustutaOrigin of star swirl the bearded is just priceless XD
VastaKustutaShe just happened to be the pony I've made the most WarPONYs of. xD
"a bearded wizard that shapes bowls
VastaKustutaa hairy potter"
Epicly long Pinkie gasp time:
THAT'S...GENIUS! Ooh, nice one story writers. Very sneaky...
The "hairy potter" bit is funny, but I have no idea where they got that definition of amnnio, because it doesn't exist anywhere I can find, and I have really big dictionaries.
VastaKustuta@Dustin Coleman
VastaKustutaSorry mate, I had no idea! I'm freelance myself, not working currently for anyone but myself. If you want, I'll ask permission of my artists, and if they say yes, you can use my interviews in your Hall of Pony thing.
Just shoot me an email, and I'll reply back when I can.
Silly bronies... Apple II retro game contest? Every retro coder knows that the only proper platform is C64.
VastaKustuta@ Octavia while WoW is a game, and the activity of playing WoW is technically called 'gaming' it's a bit of a stretch to call WoW players 'gamers'.
*braces for inevitable flaming*
oh yea thats right.. topping youtube is just the start of pony domination
VastaKustutaCan I just ask, who ever said that Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash aren't sisters?
VastaKustuta*looks at todays merch* Damn I really need to refill my checking account...
VastaKustutaThose mugs are awesome. Why is this damn fandom so talented?
VastaKustutaAlso, more pony icons? *GASP* Momma Twilight icon for my Android alarm clock! MINE!
VastaKustutaShe definitely says "amniomorphic" if you listen to the episode. Amnio DOES mean "bowl" in latin, and in obstetrics it refers to the amnion or fetal bowl. In this case, I have to believe the reference to Harry Potter is deliberate and EXTREMELY clever, because otherwise there's no reason to come up with something as obscure as amniomorphic. Kudos, Studio B.
VastaKustutaShows I should Google before posting. Amnio is ancient Greek, not Latin. Anyway, the pun is there.
Harry Potter... with bells on. XD
VastaKustutaI just looked (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS2E4LunaEclipsed) and it appears someone already did! That was quick.
I like when pony-related stuff tops charts and becomes visible to mainstream youtubers and denizens of the internet. Spreading the word! Unfortunately, as of now (11:46 CDT) It isn't... But some pony can be seen by clicking on the "film and animation" category!
VastaKustutaCome on people. What's with this "retro" stuff? The correct term is "classic". Trust me on this, you sound silly when you refer to it as retro gaming, it's classic gaming :)
VastaKustutaI just looked it up on numerous translators, but they're all saying amnio means "stream, torrent" , not bowl. Although it's still fun to think they meant it to be a stealthy reference XD
VastaKustutaOMG that crochet Rainbow Dash is adorable! Must have!
VastaKustutaHere you go:
Rarity. Yowza. I approve. :D
VastaKustutaAlso, the retro MLP game sounds awesome. Wonder if any of those game creators need a composer... hmm...
@Dr. Henry Killinger
VastaKustutaEh, it's cool. Your question set seems to be in a different direction than ours anyway.
That's really nice of you to offer, but I'll respectfully decline.
Nice Luna plushes in her, Old style? Post elements...is there a term yet given to the differences in appearance of Luna yet?
VastaKustutaI vote for Season 1 Luna and Season 2 Luna.
VastaKustutaHah, I knew someone was going to say that. You're entitled to your own opinion. ;)
Where do we actually submit the Retro Game contest? Do we ship it or, if we don't have hardware, do we upload it somewhere? I'm assuming Purple Tinker will have it on her site soon enough, but it's not there yet :/
VastaKustutaThat Starswirl the bearded remark (after verifying the etymology of amniomorphic in the comments) made my day. :)
VastaKustuta@Cap'n Jax
VastaKustutaHmm, all right then, I'll see what I can do! I'll have to dust off my Facebook account, p'raps, but maybe it'll be worth it? I hope so.
University of Michigan? :(
VastaKustutaUniversity of Toledo, why u no have brony group >:O
Over 6 million page views!
VastaKustutaAmniomorphic? I should have known that was a stealth pun. Disguised by Twilight's ignorance-inspiring skills. Seriously, Twilight is one of those ponies that you expect to say something you don't know, and don't bother to look up afterwards. So Twilight was dressed as Hairy Potter. I'm going to bet that was the original nickname of the magician she dressed up as, and they decided to stealth it afterwards.
VastaKustutaThe awesomeness is overwhelming and those mugs are pretty cool too.
VastaKustuta@Deepermadness by the way things are going I tools like the meet up will be held somewhere in London, keep an eye on the site for more info
VastaKustutaBrohoofs for all
VastaKustutaStupid freaking iPhone, right for the tenth time being sent, by the way things are looking the meet up(s) are going to be held in London, the Hampshire idea was jut me thinking I wouldn't get that much attention from people further away but hey things work out for the best
Omg there's a Malaysian brony meet-up?
Singapore needs more bronies and pegasisters!