Anyway, have some news.
Meetups/Groups/Guilds Looking for More
London MCM Expo
Where: MCM Expo London - East Entrance Foyer
When: Sunday October 30, 1:00 PM
Fluttershy's Cottage Forum
Another forum dedicated to discussion about all things pony!
Youmacon Brony Meetup
Where: Youmacon
When: November 5th 8:00 PM
Houston Brony Group
Estonian Ticket Master
Yet another language has been added to the pony! Check it out here!
UK Pony Magazine
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Source : Kate |
Garrys Mod Fluttershy Contest on Deviant Art
A contest dedicated to showing off Flutterhy's scootaloo side is currently under way over on Deviant Art. For those talented in Garrys mod, a simple image of her cowering in fear from something will do. It also allows traditional artists to submit their stuff as well. Check out the rules here.
Cedar City Brony Meetup Report
A grand-scale meetup it was not, but for four people living in the middle of Cedar City, friendship was had.
Hopefully next time more people come out of their holes for it!
Wallpaper+Subtitle Documents Updated
For those seeking wallpapers of every size, hit up this page.
And for anyone looking for subtitles, hit up this one.
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Pinkie Pie!
Pony wedding cake! For some reason it feels like this should be RD and AJ with the fall weather friends leaves hangin out in the background, but a pony wedding cake is pretty hard to top! Grats to the couple!
Crying Fluttershy Webcomic
Another pony specific web comic project is underway! Check it out here!
Nightmare Night Background Pony Costume List
I lol'd at Colgate after Cereal pointed it out. I don't know if she actually was supposed to be a dentist, but it was still entertaining. Derpy was amazing anyway.
Berry Punch: Safari guide
Big Mac: Undertaker
Bluegrass: Ermac (Mortal Kombat character)
Mr. & Mrs. Cake: Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy
Candy Mane: Zecora’s cape
Carrot Top: Devil/demon
Cherry Jubilee: Bee
Cloud Kicker: Witch
Coconut: Cowboy
Colgate: Surgeon/Dentist (xD)
Cool Star: Viking
Daisy: Cowgirl
Derpy: Bag lady/SHEER AWESOME
Dinky: Firefighter
Lyra: Mummy/Frontier girl (Animation error/recycling)
Noi (multiple names/filly): Princess
Paradise/Applecore (filly): Ladybug
Raindrops: Viking/Winter Wrap-up vest (animation error/recycling)
Seafoam: Knight
Skitsy/Skittles: Lion
Sour Grapes: Shark attack victim…?
Starlight Haze (multiple names/Filly): Astronaut
Wind Whistler: Cleopatra
(New pony) Sugar Neighlin: Devil
Guards (Adam and West): (NO COSTUME)/Batguards?
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Nightmare Night Shirt
Knitted Rainbow Dash
123 kommentaari:
Canon Luna is best Luna.
VastaKustutaO hai
VastaKustutaI dont get it. Why was Everypony supost to freak out over Luna's personality?
VastaKustutaI actualy couldn't find anything wrong with it personally, but that's just me...
"I wonder if we will see more of her now that she is technically re-established?"
VastaKustutaI believe you know the answer to that question.
Am I glad I live in the UK? Very much so.
VastaKustuta"A contest dedicated to showing off Flutterhy's scootaloo side is currently under way over on Deviant Art. For those talented in Garrys mod, a simple image of her cowering in fear from something will do." I see what you did there, Seth.
VastaKustutaCAKE?! ITS A LIE
VastaKustutaYeah what was with that shark-attack guy anyway?
VastaKustutaWait, a London meet up? Damn, I wish I'd known sooner! I'll have to look it up.
VastaKustutaAlso, there was a two-page pony section in "Pink!" magazine this week. You also have the chance to win a Celestia toy in it (her wings are so pretty!).
Oh hey! In that nightmare Night costume list, don't forget that the orchestra ponies (Octavia, Frederic Horseshoepin, etc) showed up in the background all wearing scarecrow outfits!
VastaKustutaAlso, Octavia playing more than one instrument is canon, seeing how she was playing the fiddle :D
I lol'd when I saw Colgate.
VastaKustutaViking costume is best costume.
VastaKustutaThe guards' names are Adam and West? Oh my God, my head just imploded from the hilarity XD Whoever came up with those names deserves an award and a pat on the back.
VastaKustutaAlso, if two lines of dialogue gave for an entire year of fanfics and fanart, an entire episode will us even more.
Canon Luna is BEST LUNA. And she's still is BEST PONY.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
2 minutes 42 seconds. Check it. :D
I guess I didn't pay enough attention to what all the ponies were dressed up as, time to watch the episode again!
VastaKustutaAlso, not to continue spamming the page, but now I have to go back to catch Bluegrass dressed as Ermac. Mortal Kombat is my favorite fighting game series! :D
VastaKustutaSour Grape is a homage to a character from the movie 'Jaws'
As much as I'd love it if they really had put Colgate in a dentist costume, she's wearing a stethoscope in shots where you can see her whole body. It's a doctor outfit.
VastaKustutaPutting Carrot Top as the onlooker in the Derpy apple bobbing shot was great though. I really hope that was done on purpose.
What about the nightmare moon paper-symbol thing D:
VastaKustutaActually, the "Shark attack victum" is suppost to be the main hunter guy from the movie "JAWS." Hence the cap, and facial hair.
VastaKustutaSugar Neighlin has my vote. ;)
mfw rainb0wdashie's terrible comic gets posted on EqD
VastaKustuta"Guard ponies (Adam and West) - Batponies."
VastaKustutai c wat u did thar.
wooooo my whole day is awesome, a whole Luna-centric day topped off with my country winning the rugby world cup! woohoo today has been the BEST DAY EVER! Thank you Princess Luna, thank you All Blacks and thank you New Zealand!! total RBD style freakout right now
VastaKustutaI really like how they handled Princess Luna. She is, after all, not only Celestia's sister, but the Princess of the Night. And like Celestia, she's at least 1000 years old, and probably much older.
VastaKustutaBeing banished to the moon for a thousand years would certainly leave her somewhat behind the times. Imagine someone from the year 1011, when the Danes had just Captured Canterbury and a lot of people still talked like Beowulf, being introduced to life in 2011. There would be a little culture shock, to understate things dramatically.
And despite the appearance of "chibi Luna" in episode 2, who melted a thousand hearts, to be sure, it's somewhat of a relief to see that she is "growing" and is indeed every bit as powerful as Princess Celestia, if somewhat less mature. I have to wonder if Celestia was more like her a thousand years ago.
All in all, quite an episode, and quite a grand re-entrance for Princess Luna.
I, for one, welcome our new nocturnal overpony. ;-)
@Dusty the Royal Janitor Another thing I noticed when looking at all the BG ponies more intensively is this. If you look at the crowd there at 4:06 then you'll see the front and back half are identical(Rainbow, Scootaloo, Pinkie, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, both of the Cakes, and, I think, Pip Squeak, make up the crowd).
VastaKustutaJust to note . . . I'm pretty sure the band playing on stage at around twelve minutes in was Octavia and her crew.
VastaKustutaLuna might make another appearance down the line. Even if it may not be quite as prominent as it was in this latest episode.
VastaKustutaThe UK is so awesome. They get a whole pony magazine. If only it were Worldwide or at least spread to other countries too.
Aww, Fluttershy is so cute in Gmod. I look forward to seeing the entries for that. :)
That Pinkie cake looks like it has SO MUCH FROSTING! Delicious and cavity-inducing. <3 And a pony wedding cake? Is that our first wedding cake? Tis cute. Congrats to the couple from me as well.
Crying Fluttershy webcomic? Dat name. I hope it doesn't have a larger-than-average amount of crying Fluttershy. :(
As for the costumes, these seem right, at least overall. Though with Luna's guards I was simply going with that's just how her guards in particular look. They match her carriage and all as well in that old Gothic style. But if you want to say they're in costume too, then sure. :D lol
Adam and West....Nice.
VastaKustutaI thought the Cakes came as classic style Strawberry Shortcake and boy(?) though Raggedy Ann & Andy makes sense. It was a blink and miss scene.
Shark victim is "Jaws" victim.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaLet's not start in on the "Octavia" recolor please... *sighs*
That new MLP magazine. How much (£ or €)? Is this the first issue? How long is it still available for?
VastaKustutaYeah, because of time I believe, there were A LOT of duplicates and easy recolors in this episode.
Ace don't need no outfit because he's cool like that
VastaKustuta@Octavia I'm not complaining, or even whining, I just thought some ponies might notice it, eventually, so why not mention it now? After reading that back to myself it sounds like I'm trying to defend myself from something you said, but, I'm not, since there was nothing you said that would cause such action; just thought I'd make that clear.
VastaKustutaI didn't think you were complaining or whining. Just reinstating what you pointed out.
Awesome! Youma Brony Meetup is official! :D
VastaKustutaI look forward to seeing you all who can make it :3 Is there any specific place that meetup is planned for? If not my suggesstion would be the main lobby. First place you enter, huge, and easy to find no matter where you are in the Hotel. :)
That crying fluttershy webcomic really didn't give me a very nice first impression.
VastaKustutaTwo of the comics just seemed like the author being angsty about something he doesn't like seeing on the internet.
Octavia's "recolor" was just part of her costume :)
VastaKustuta^ This :)
VastaKustutaYeeeeah... we all have our own interpretations on what it is. As her name's and more originator, I still stick by my own views on it however.
Friendship was had..
VastaKustutaNew Fav line
Wow, first meet up I have seen in England and I am not going to the MCM expo this year. Damn, I wonder if there are any bronies in Liverpool. Anyway episode was good. Even I had to do some form of art after the episode was aired, cake is epic, derpy is derpin' and all is well.
VastaKustutaActually, after seeing this piece of artwork, I'd be fine with a long lost twin sister theory for Octavia.
VastaKustutaIt could go either way.
I just watched the new episode, it was perfect. All fears about the show going too zany or OTT are totally laid to rest.
VastaKustutaLast night I was at a bar where the bathrooms didn't have male/female signs, just one was wallpapered with pictures of fighter jets, and the was plastered with My Little Pony wallpaper.
Might not be as clearcut a boy/girl distinction nowadays.
Personally, I'm going with the idea posed here:
VastaKustutaBy the way, excuse the language, but yeah, I have to agree with one of the above posters.... The author of this "Crying Fluttershy" comic appears to be quite the obnoxious, soapboxing douchewaffle.
VastaKustuta....I mean, I thought comics were supposed to be funny. Or if they were supposed to be serious, they were supposed to establish a decent point.
VastaKustutaNone of these even do that, and just look like the angst of a person that wants to go out of his way to make enemies.
'jus' sayin'
That comment I posted about an hour ago. Could someone please answer that? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!
VastaKustutaIndeed, the fun has been doubled for us today.
VastaKustutaAs Luna said in virtual capslock, double the fun.
Hope to see more of her.
If Luna does not appear again this season, I will be beyond upset. I just hope next time to hear her normal voice more.
VastaKustutaThe Shark attack one looks like a pony Richard Dreyfuss from Jaws to me.
VastaKustutaI believe the shark attack costume is a reference to Jaws. The rest of that costume resembles a character from that movie I believe.
VastaKustutaDunno if it's a confirmed sighting, but I think Gilda crashed the party as the bed sheet ghost next to Colgate.
VastaKustutaI don't know if it's been said, but it looked like the brief sighting of Big Macintosh early in the episode was like a cross between a haunted hayride and a Mardi Gras float. I think, considering that, his costume was really meant to be Baron Samedi.
VastaKustutaI guess that means i should keep a pony out while running the pokemon trading card game.
VastaKustuta-everyone was freaking out after 'Lesson Zero'
-/B/ronies have squabbled over Luna's personality in the past
The real question is 'why wasn't there much arguing?'. Did the parasprites jump ship? Did people keep their expectations low? Was Luna's characterization just that good? I think it's a mix.
God damn it, Will bronies be willing to meet up at London Expo on the Saturday?
VastaKustutaPretty sure those are the same guards from "a bird in the hoof"
VastaKustutaBecause everyone thought they'd go with one personality that erases every other fan made one, but in actuality they made a canon Luna that pretty much hit every fanon personality on some level resulting in a very three dimensional character who is now for the first time ever truly worthy of having a dedicated fanbase.
The creators pulled off a spectacular hat trick with her depiction, and squeees of joy resounded across the land. The only question is why did so many underestimate the creators ability to craft such a good character?
Typical that I'm going to London MCM Expo on Sunday, but I'm already going to a Team Fortress meet the hour before.
VastaKustutaI'll be going as a BLU Spy (wearing black with a blue tie), and I'll keep an eye out for any pony cosplays.
According to the episode's TVtropes page (, Sour Grapes is supposed to be Quint from "Jaws".
VastaKustutaI think it should be included that applebloom was dressed as the bride of frankenstein and scootaloo was a werewolf....
VastaKustutaYeah. Yeah, I think I could get into New Luna.
VastaKustutai really hope adam and west always look like that, luna's guards are badass
VastaKustutaLuna's guards should DEFINITELY be named Adam and West. There is no other option now.
VastaKustutaNope. He's Steve Zissou from the Movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.
Pic comparisons:
Apparently, none of you are Wes Anderson fans. Shame, his sense of quirky humor makes for the best in Indy comedy films.
Also, Hi! I'm a kiwi too! :D
VastaKustutaWhoops. That last link should have been this:
VastaKustutaAnd Sweetie Belle was Dracula.
VastaKustutaPS. Relevant:
"I'm pretty sure Luna hit pretty much every fanon personality in that episode at least once."
VastaKustutaShe TOTALLY did. That's the best thing about Luna. She's every single fanon personality rolled into one.
Oh, and Venom.
(YES, I know that's a ye olde royal way of speaking but do you think THAT when you hear it or do you think VENOM?)
Safe to say, canon Luna is best Luna.
VastaKustutaMyself and many others hope for her to show up again. I fear, season 3 is when we will see her again though. :(
VastaKustutaOMG! SO EXCITED!
Also, this is off topic, but this is ending soon:
But yeah, I'll be there with probably a plushy I made. 83 More than likely a Pinkie Pie.
Gonna have to sew lots!
I'll be at the Youmacon, although this will hit my wallet something fierce.
VastaKustuta>D Your wallet is doing the Brony Dance in your Pocket!
VastaKustutaOkay, I've never actually seen that movie, but I'll give you points based on the red knit cap. But was that character ever attacked by a shark?
I think I prefer the 'suspiciously similar rival band' theory for the recolored music ponies.
VastaKustutaAbout the only thing better than that is if Fluttershy had dressed up as Scorpion.
Why does no one ever seem to care when new pony merchandise comes out? It's like the best part of the Nightly Roundups. o.O
VastaKustutaI'm still missing the old merchandice!
VastaKustutaI was expecting to see a mention of the /b/ pony crackdown and mass banning, but maybe that's old news and I missed it?
VastaKustutaThe whole movie was about him trying to take revenge on the mythical Jaguar Shark which he thinks ate his friend.
VastaKustutaSteve Zissou is hunting a shark. It's an awesome movie and I love Wes Anderson, but I feel like an argument could be made for either reference.
@Tears of a Valedictorian
VastaKustutaWell, Quint doesn't wear an orange knit cap and his beard is rather nonexistent. So I think that settles it rather easily.
Sour Grapes:
Case closed.
I should have given Luna the speaking in public lecture, I didn't expect her to leave without telling me.
VastaKustutaAnd again, and again, and again! :D I know I will!
Ace: No costume?
VastaKustutaUnless it was somepony else dressed as Ace.
Also, I loved Adam/West as names for the batguards.
VastaKustutaHaha, that does make it seem a bit clear cut. So awesome.
@Tears of a Valedictorian
VastaKustutaThe only problem here is that the movie is such an obscure reference to the general population that it's no wonder most bronies wouldn't make that connection. Hell, I didn't even make that connection at first. I saw it on a message board last night and facehoofed when I saw how obvious it was.
Kinda short don't you think Seth?
VastaKustutaBig Macintosh with eyeliner! Big mac just became Big Emo! ;)
Also "Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm" <-- New favourite quote!
Hey guys, I'm the one who made the list. I didn't know what Sour Grapes was, so that's why I put that tentative '...?' behind it. I was pretty certain it was a reference of some kind, though.
VastaKustutaI'll update the costume name in the list on my dA, thanks for letting me know~!
@Kitana Coldfire
VastaKustutaYou have a message on your dA journal entry.
@Kitana Coldfire
VastaKustutaJust replied again. -.-;;
Anyone else noticed this nightly round up should be #136... Just putting it out there
VastaKustutaMaybe Sour Grapes was Moby Dick?
VastaKustuta@ponyvangelist -- I, too, welcome our new nocturnal overlord. :)
VastaKustutaI really enjoyed "Luna Eclipsed," though I still think "Lesson Zero" is the funniest episode so far. At first, I was afraid this story might be a rehash of "Bridle Gossip". But I also said the writers have surprised us in the past. Once again, they did not disappoint! The only plot point I might quibble over is that while Celestia is a wise and nurturing instructor for all the ponies, especially the Mane Six, she seems to have dropped the ball when it comes to her little sister. Then again, perhaps it was her intent to have Twilight and the rest of Ponyville help Luna toward her eventual rehabilitation -- whether or not they realized they were doing so. And, once more, it was Pinkie Pie who was key to the resolution of this week's plot. And she lays an egg!
Excuse Luna Capslock, but I'm in the UK(Bedfordshire) and have been looking for a MLP magazine for WEEKS! All I can find is a couple of pages in Sparkle comic, but no dedicated magazines. WHAT SHOP DID YOU FIND THIS IN???????????
VastaKustutaI really like canon Luna as much as the next pony, buuut....
VastaKustutaYou're just jealous at this point. :D
Okay, I did some digging, and I think that Link Pink is most likely wearing the ghost costume, based on coat/eye color. She's now credited as such in the dA list ^^
VastaKustutaI think that's it now
Im pretty sure Big Mac was Alice Cooper, hereby name Alice Hoofer
VastaKustutaCrying Fluttershy appears to be tremedously unfunny.
VastaKustutaIn other news, new episode was awesome! "Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
Ermac pony is best pony.
VastaKustutaLuna was already Ermac with the way she talked lol
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaYeah, well, I do not follow the Ask Tumblr. And it in fact upsets me a bit whenever its brought up. The fact I came up with the name and such for her, but this person seems to be more looked to for any answers about her. I don't think that's fair.
Unfortunately, I don't even get to have a piece of the Pinkie Pie cake. B-Day Party was canceled today since my niece was too sick, and she's going to take that cake to her school to eat with her classmates. That's pretty cool too, I guess.
VastaKustutaWell, at least Twilight's eye isn't fucked up like on the gummy package, even though it's the same vector.
VastaKustutaWould be cool but no really she really was in costume. They are from an old show and if you see her eye is even stitched up. It's body paint and it's not hard to see many doing it for the character they are trying to portray.
I wish I could remember the name of the show but believe me it's just a costume not a recolor. If you put that yellow powder on yourself it'll make the mark look a poorer shade of violet.
No need to fret Octavia was just in a very festive mood.
@The T Man I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so!
VastaKustutaAlso, did anyone else think "Sugar Neighlin" looked like Lucy, Daughter of the Devil?
You don't realise how LONG I've been waiting for that MCM Expo meetup to show up, now I know when it is! Changing costume days now, for those who will be there I'll be wearing SOMETHING Pinkie Pie related. Not sure what though...
VastaKustutaNice catch with the comic, I haven't seen it yet though. The Sparkle World one with the Pinkie Poster was awesome though!
Wow, I had NO idea how many references were in the costumes! I was paying too much attention to Luna and the mane 6.
VastaKustutaMy Opinion: They killed Luna
VastaKustutaNo offense but in the second episode of season 1 Luna had real hair, her coat color was lighter than the new Luna, and her voice is big difference!
New Luna has Nightmare moon hair, darker coat, and different voice (people told me its Rarity's voice actor i believe) and a different additude! Plus the Mane 6 (besides Twilight) is scared of her. What the world?
Thank you for listening to my rant.
Hope i didn't hare anypony's feelings.
I thought the guards names were Biggs and Wedge
VastaKustutaI totally called Luna having all personalities. I did I did. Although, when I said it, I had been thinking "extreme bipolar".
VastaKustutaI was also just being silly.
Anyways, for all you saying "why were the mane 6 (besides Twilight) scared?" consider this:
We never see RD scared of her (exept the end, but that doesn't really count)
Same for Rarity. Heck, her cut scene was gonna have her wig out for getting to design Luna's dress! Doesn't sound like scared to be.
AJ was really only intimidated by Luna's loudness, methinks. It only took a talking to for her to help Luna
Fluttershy is a big (Scootaloo) chicken, so she's scared of everything.
It's heavily implied Pinkie Pie wasn't scared, she was just acting.
VastaKustutaThat's just the way the internet cookie crumbles, I'm afraid. If you release an Idea, anyone can steal it and try to claim it as their own. Best to try to let it go, if you can, methinks.
VastaKustutaRarity's voice actor was always Luna's voice actor, Faust already explained her changed appearance, we only had two or three lines from her originally so she really didn't have any sort of established additude, and see my explanation from a minute ago for why the mane 6 were "scared"
VastaKustutaI still say recolor. Like the rest of the band too. Sorry.
Regarding Sour Grapes's costume, I thought he might be a reference to Robert Shaw's character Quint the shark hunter (and his infamous death scene) from Jaws.
VastaKustutaBut that's just me being a nerd. n.n;
@The T Man
VastaKustutaReally? I thought he was Voltaire...