Celestia Plate
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Toys R' Us Blindbag Set Back in Stock
For those looking to pick up a blindbag pony set, Toys R' Us online has them back in stock again. You can find them at this page.
Equestria Online Seeks More
For all the programmers out there, Equestria Online is seeking few of you to add to their team. If you are interested in helping out, hit up their recruitment page for information on what qualifications are needed, as well as the application itself.
TV Guide Cover Competition
On the TV Guide Facebook Page, a competition is under way to determine their December issue cover. Sadly Friendship is Magic isn't on the list, but they do have a suggestion section.
Head on over to this page, scroll to the bottom, and toss "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic" into the box. It is unknown if they will actually use these, but it's worth a shot!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More!
Tusla Brony Meetup
Copypaste: This is kind of last minute, but you're invited for playing Laser Quest and celebrating my sister's and my birthday! You'll need $16 to play with us (I've been told it needs to be cash) but even if you don't play feel free to come! The party is TOMORROW, so RSVP as quickly as possible by emailing me at artsiebee@aol.com -Artsie Bee
Xbox Live Clan
Big Book of Brony Update
Hijinks Ensue Pony Comic + Quick Response From Hasbro
The Hijinks Ensue comic has popped another pony reference, but on top of that, someone asked a few questions of one of the Hasbro employees at the NYCC.
"I talked to one of the guys at Hasbro (a Hasbrony?) about the Brony phenomenon. He said their official policy is “we don’t get it, but we love it.” He confirmed my suspicion that they are careful NOT to cater to Bronies with the production of the show or the official merchandise, because it would probably have the opposite effect and drive them away. What they are obsessed with is the show which Hasbro thought it was making for little girls. To alter course now, would likely alienate both core audiences. It was a very enlightening conversation that got me thinking about what happens when you create something and put it out there for mass consumption. The audience you get isn’t always the one you want, but rather the one you deserve." - Joel WatsonI can agree with the no catering to us in show, but I'm definitely hoping they consider some merch for us.
World of Warcraft Pony Voice Addon
A WoW modder recently released a small mod that swaps some of the combat sound effects with pony stuff.
Have some copy paste:
Due the lack of Awesome my little pony addons i decided to make this addon to make Azeroth 20% percent cooler I was working on this addon for about a week and tweeked every now and then but i got to the point that i wanted to make something new so i thought i'd share this addon with you guys :)Download Page
It is based on this addon Super mario soundpack addon by BigredBrent i just tweaked the addon a bit i dont have any knowlege of writing this addon but i did ask him if it was oke for me to upload it
To use this addon you do need the Super Duper Soundpack addon
i hope you guys enjoy this addon and if you got any pony related questions Sent them to my youtube 'Bebberscosplay' or ingame on Darkspear EU Applejack,Fluttershy,Rainbowdash
Youtube Video Demonstration
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Smartypants Doll
MLP Propoganda Poster Pre-orders (These are badass!)
ReplyDeleteThat plate was awesome! But I do wonder, how do Derpy fight with the master sword?
ReplyDeleteIt would be EPIC if we actually did get enough people to have MLP on the cover of TV Guide. That would actually make me buy an issue of one..
ReplyDeleteSeth, is Princess Phoe safe? we haven't heard from her in the last 48 hours. We are planning to send a rescue mission to the Galapogos Isles very soon if we don't here anything.
ReplyDeleteSmartypants doll finally exists, very cheap too currently. No watch everyone Want it and Need it.
Man, I want that plate!
ReplyDeleteDat WoW addon.
ReplyDeleteI am on the top of the DA section in that Big Book of Brony list! :D
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that Toys R Us in the UK only has eleven G4 toys, none of which are the blind bags and all but three of which are out of stock.
ReplyDeleteHell yeah, Song of Storms! :D
ReplyDeleteYou would not make a good dictator, Seth.
Also, that plate is fucking fancy.
Sorry mackintosh.
ReplyDeleteI'm buying that smartypants doll and you can't stop me!
I would really use that WoW addon if it weren't for the fact that standard WoW sounds are extremely annoying. I play a rogue so the first minute or so of the video sums it up... NOT ENOUGH ENERGY!
ReplyDeleteOh well, maybe some brony will be crazy enough to make some kind of pony-themed UI stuff.
Also, voted on the TV Guide thing, even though I don't live in the US.
About the quick response from Hasbro: changing the show would be a dumb idea. We got hooked on what it is now, why should they change it? I'm fine if they drop a little reference every now and then.
Sheik doesn't teach you the song of storms :|
ReplyDeleteIt's an adorable and hilarious Derpy pic for sure. <3
ReplyDeleteCelestia plate! Needs a Luna plate pr bowl to match now. Or rather, a whole dish set! Wouldn't that be awesome? A complete FiM dish set? :D
I still have yet to get that blindbag pony set. Though I've had the opportunity numerous times now. I'll get to it eventually. lol My collection is so small compared to most it seems.
Heh, a TV Guide cover fully decked out in colorful ponies. I haven't even looked at a TV Guide in eons on. But that could make me search for one in the store for sure! They... still sell them in stores, right? lol
The Hasbro employee said pretty much what I've been telling all Bronies for ages now. No one listens to poor ol' Octavia though. :(
A WoW pony addon? It's about time. lol Sounds like it could perhaps still use a little tweaking. But hey, it's something! And something is my favorite. :D
Those propaganda posters are indeed badass. I think I'm going to have to pick up at least one of these. At least The New Lunar Republic one. If not one or two others maybe.
Oh my Cele, that plate is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first thing that popped in my mind too. And then the actual song of storms did... and now it's back in my head forever again... thanks Sethisto...
As for actual news, the quote "we don't get it, but we love it" is probably the best thing I've heard all day. And good luck to the book of brony people, you guys are nuts. Though much of it can probably be compiled by searching through EQ Daily's archives.
On the subject of Derpy... Anyone remember the Donald Duck theme song? Look it up on Youtube if you dunno it.
ReplyDeleteWell.... since this post has a picture of good 'ol Derpy on it, feel free to sing along to the new Derpy theme song!
"Who's got a derpy disposition?
One guess, guess who?
Who never gets a single thing thing correct?
Who never shows a lick of intellect?
Who'se never right, but always wrong?
Who always fails to follow along?
Who gets cursed with all the wrong moves?
No one, but Derpy Hooves!"
While the big book of brony is a great idea, I don't like it since it's not including every aspect of fan wor. By which I mean their exclusion of PMV's and trailer mash ups. Their claim is files size but if that is the case then a simple list with links would suffice.
ReplyDeleteTo be blunt it comes off as it being said that the PMV's and trailers are not really fanworks and as such that they don't deserve even a mention in this compilation. It's just pretty crappy that they're going to include everything else BUT PMV's/trailers/YTP. We work just as hard on our stuff as the other genres of fanwork and deserve some kind of mention in this "greatest collection of everything the brony fandom has ever created," as the organizers put it.
Before it's brought up that they are also excluding rule 34 and NSFW stuff, that's a different situation entirely.
HUGE WTF to the Big Book of Brony permissions thing. Am I reading this right? If I don't contact them within the next two weeks concerning whether or not they can use my stuff, they'll go ahead and use it anyway?
ReplyDeleteThat's like me posting a notice in City Hall saying that I'll come by your house in two weeks with a bulldozer to take out the east wall, unless you ask me not to. I don't care if you're not doing this for profit. I don't care if this is the internet and the public domain. This is goddamn common courtesy we're talking about here. If you like something enough to throw in that kind of permissions deadline to "ensure" you can use it, you found the thing. It's not that much harder to find the creator and send them a personal message saying "Hey, I like your stuff! May I put it on display?"
P.S: Am I the only one a little saddened to hear that Hasbro doesn't quite understand the brony fanbase?
ReplyDeleteI would think it's kinda obvious. They've produced something well animated, and of quality, with strong writing and characterizations, and uncommonly useful morals that apply to the real world, more than lessons such as remembering to wear a helmet when riding your bike or not climbing into a dryer do.
It's always the best of things which look for one audience, but can attract and be accessible to many. They had a hand in this development, they should be able to recognize what it is, in my opinion.
Even if they don't understand it, I would think they should endeavor to find out, if they'd like to truly capitalize on making continued money from it, (which i'm aware is their primary, and mutually-beneficial-to-all-of-us goal)
Copypaste for posterity:
ReplyDelete"Hereby we would like to ask everypony who has ever contributed anything to the fandom, to send us an email whether they allow us to include their work or not. Please send us an email (titled PERMISSION) with your name (artist name you are credited by), webpage (if you have any) and a clear declaration of permission (or prohibition).
(Given the vast amount of creative bronies and overall nature of the fandom, we are taking permissions are automaticly granted after two weeks if not receiving any withdrawal of permission.)"
P.P.S: Then again, I'm sure there's still also all the meme-fanatics, who simply love FiM because it's "insane" and has the funny stuff, or gets mashed up with other permutations on the internet.
ReplyDeleteWhile all that stuff is GREAT, and everything, don't get me wrong... I partake in it and love it as much as the nextpony...
But I would think that all of the fanfics, comics, and fan-attempts to explore the deeper psyche of these characters would prove to lend more credibility to the above theory as to why it really caught on.
I've always been curious how the higher ups in Hasbro view the Brony fandom.
ReplyDeleteP.P.P.S: (Sorry this is the last one.) ....But on the other hand I do agree that they shouldn't make substantial changes to the show. I'm just saying, they should look deeper. I'm happy that they embrace us, I just kind of would hope that they understand more why we love it. But no, I don't want the show to change.
ReplyDeleteOk, i'm done. I apologize. I don't wanna spam the comments. I just have a way of my brain leading from one thought to the next. ^_^;
ReplyDeleteJudging from his/her facial expression, perhaps he/she is trying to give Derpy a quick crash course by teaching her a song she already has. Though it doesn't seem to be going any better than trying to teach the warp song went.
That image should totally have been used for a music update, though. :P
All the brony community wants from merch is to be show accurate. Their is literally no negative there that could alienate us or the little girls. Y u no giv?
ReplyDeleteAbout Hasbro...
ReplyDeleteI understand their inability to grasp the brony fandom, to some degree. They need to focus their time on producing quality merch/shows/whatever else, instead of trying to "understand" their fanbase. They don't really have to know "why" we like the show, they just need to keep doing what they've already been doing.
That being said, I do believe that Hasbro, tons of advertising moguls, and the rest of the world will come to understand what this Pony-craze really is all about. (although they'll resist it, fighting tooth and nail the entire time)
I think the world has been craving something honest. Something light-hearted. Something morally guided and emotionally uplifting. Why has the show amassed so many haters? Because people can't accept the simple truth: Well written, high quality feel-good stories will always resonate with audiences, young and old alike. Ironic hipsters, detached trendsetters, and pop-culture satirists can't understand it, because they've been out of touch with honesty for a long time, I'd imagine. In order to comprehend our obsession with something light, good, and fun, they have to attempt to label us and find other reasons why we like it (they're nerds/perverted furries/manchildren/sissies/whatever).
Society hates and fears something it cannot understand, or worse yet, cannot categorize. Sadly, the category of "Adults who enjoy happy cartoons from a non-cynical and honest place in their hearts" has been nonexistent for the past... 10... no, 50... uh, actually, "forever" years.
Ponies will change that, though. Ponies will change the world.
*crazy Twilight cackle*
ReplyDeleteI fully agree. Guys behind this Brony Book: if you want to use someone's work, then just send the creator an email asking if you can. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Making the creators send you an email is counterintuitive and it's certain not everyone who created something for this fandom is going to hear about your thing beforehand. YOU'RE the ones putting this thing together, so YOU can put the work into getting the proper permission.
In fact, I'm tempted to send an email to them along these lines. Anypony care to join me?
Seth, you derped the comic link. Phoe never derped links nor breaks >.>
ReplyDelete@NightStarX Wow. You pulled that song back out from the darkest, deepest, most dust-covered corners of my mind. I laughed, too.
ReplyDeleteGood to know they are not going to alter the show to please us. That will ruin a lot of things. We have Derpy in there, I think that's enough. I don't mind the lack of merchandise for us either. We have the welovefine t-shirts and all the other non-oficial pony merch we can acquire (and build ourselves), so why needing Hasbro to do it for us?
ReplyDeleteKudos to Hasbro. They know what they are doing.
I hope they reconsider the merchandise as well or we'll be stuck with super expensive customs that only the rich can afford...
ReplyDelete~really wanted the gala fluttershy plush that's gonna remain one of a kind that sold for $2,475 dollars on eBay~
so in the TV Guide cover, you can vote MULTIPLE times. I will be submitting 25 entries every day till close. I encourage any bronies with the time, patience, and sanity to handle it, to also do so.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I like the convo with the "Hasbrony" up there. While it seems like every so often we get slight nods, i'm glad they arent looking at bronies and thinking "well we got these guys, lets make the show for them!" They got us by making this show never intending to attract us, so to change things would most likely drive away ANY audience.
On the other hand though, the occasional merch or other promotion (like how Equestria Girls commercial acknowledged the term Brony and made DJ Pon3 a canon name.) is great. All in all i feel Hasbro has a nice balance between the show we loved from the start, and the occassional nod to us as the majority fanbase
PS - sorry for the rant >.< that is, if anyone cared enough to read it ^_^;
@allanime01 Dude, I read it and totally agree with you. *brohoof*
ReplyDelete...also, I feel the need to defend Derpy's honor in that pic. She isn't Derping, OBVIOUSLY she's just playing the bass part. That's why she keeps playing the root note of the chord while Sheik pony plays the melody (1, 3, 1 ... 1, 3, 1...) It's Derpy's attempt to fully realize the awesome potential of The Song of Storms.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. [/nerdymusician-zeldafanboy-derpyfanboy rant]
Why can't hasbro get fluttershys hair right?! And when did rarity get freakin highlights? DAMN YOU HASBRO!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo Operation TV Guide is a go?
or for the lulz.
ReplyDeleteThey're probably already bronies.
After all, it would seem likely that they would have been exposed to the show at some point or another.
For safety's sake, anyone who's voted on that TV Guide thing... it doesn't post your suggestion anywhere else, right? I'm still in the stable.
ReplyDeleteI thought you were gonna include the location of the Derpy easter egg from that app in this nightly round up?
ReplyDelete@NightStarX lol, oh wow..that song. I haven't heard that in years. I could definitely see that being Derpy's theme now as well.
ReplyDeleteOh my god that Derpy pic was hilarious hahahaha :D
ReplyDeleteI think the TV Guide Cover Page Vote thing should be a main article...to get more people to vote Pony....
ReplyDeleteHasbro just needs to understand one thing. We only want show-accurate toys. Nothing more. That's all they need to get. AKA, actually sit down and watch the goddamn show. You can still cater to little girls this way.
ReplyDeleteSomeone made a Smartypants doll?
ReplyDeleteI love this fandom sooooo much!
No vids? *sadfaic*
ReplyDeleteBuying Blind Bag Ponies online...?
ReplyDeleteBut how are you supposed to tell which is which?
Also, make it rain Sheik pony, make it rain.
ReplyDeleteI think you hit the nail right on the spot. People don't understand why grown men would enjoy something that is entirely devoid of any actual violence and is filled instead with love, friendship, happiness, and cupcakes. Sure, it was developed with a childish slant to it, but isn't it that child-like innocence which we all enjoy so much? Plus, there are some downright hilarious moments in this show, as well as some excellent life lessons (not to mention THE most awesome fanbase currently in existence)!
That's why I hope they don't try to cater to us; it will only lead to a loss of innocence and happiness in the show. Keep making MLP: FiM like you always have, Hasbro! Cause that's the way (uh-huh-uh-huh) we like it!
@Equestria Online recruitment:
ReplyDeleteDANGIT! Why did I take FORTRAN instead of C++??
I'll need to remedy that next semester... I'd love to be able to program some stuff for the sake of pony!
So, you're telling me that for $15, I can own my very own printed pony propaganda poster? I want it! Oh, but which one? Luna....but Fluttershy...but Luna...but Fluttershy....crap.
ReplyDeleteYou got out the fancy plates, are we having company?
ReplyDeleteI do agree that they should be very careful about what to do in relation to the fandom. Read: be very limited and restrictive to fan wants.
Keep in mind, I believe it was the fandom that wanted Luna to come back. Which is an OK concession made to them.
I just don't want concessions of Celestia showing up with a banana bag in the show.
So what's the easter egg? Too lazy to find it.
ReplyDeleteWith regard to the Big Book of Brony: NO. Without explicit permission, YOU MAY NOT republish.
ReplyDeleteYOU MAY NOT assume "silence gives consent".
YOU MAY NOT take whatever you see and give it away. It's not yours to give.
Without an explicit "yes", the answer is "no". Silence is a "no". If you have time to gather the art/story, you have time to ask permission, and don't pretend you don't know how to get it; the artist can be contacted where you got the art to begin with.
This attitude is a slap in the face to every artist and writer. They've been told time and time again how wrong this is (not just legally, but also morally), and they just don't give a damn. This is just a bunch of people with no creative output trying to make a name on others' efforts. It's not a "contribution" to the fandom, it's a parasitization of it.
What's it going to take? Perhaps my "contribution" will need to be to underwrite the costs of legal action. I know many artists out there are protective of their works but can't afford a lawyer. Well, I can. Is it time to find an intellectual property lawyer and discuss class status and start subpoenaing identities and gathering admissible evidence?
This isn't about money. This is about whether an artist's wishes mean anything, or whether they should be told "shut up and draw, bitch".
ReplyDeleteThe Internet is not, nor has it ever been, the "public domain". That's a myth that has been dispelled many years ago. Publication on the Internet in no way constitutes putting something into the public domain or gives up any ownership of the material or its publication rights.
People just use that "you put it online so I can do anything I want" as a rationalization for what they know is wrong.
"The audience you get isn’t always the one you want, but rather the one you deserve." - Joel Watson
ReplyDeleteWe are the Dark Audience.
Brony Knights?
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to make a Smartypants doll. This is actually a bit earlier than I thought.
ReplyDeleteThose propaganda posters are EPIC...must...resist...ordering...need...to save...money...
Good for Hasbro for not trying to cater to us. I'm certain that would end in disaster. I'm sort of bummed that they don't really "get" us, though.
Slow today, can't expect everything if it's nightly though, huh?
ReplyDeleteRe : The Big Book
ReplyDeleteDo we really want someone whose attitude towards artist/author rights is this :
Being a face of this fandom?
Too bad the Song of Storms wasn't really that useful. 'Twas a badass song with an awesome effect that was rarely actually useful.
ReplyDelete@Takata Yep, I made her :) She seemed "easy enough" in design, so I wanted to see if I could make her as my first plushie.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the Hasbro comment; it's ture that they are not changing their target demographic, but it is safe to say that most bronies were born in the 90's era, an era filled with some of the greatest animated shows of all time. It's since tapered off... significantly. But a diamond in the rough show such as this really give us 90s kids something to chew on. It's classic style animation and humor makes it appeal-able to us. No need to change it whatsoever.
ReplyDelete"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
I am truly amazed at this fandom, i mean, sites like this have to be the only place you can find almost everyone agreeing on something or being polite in their disagreements. ALMOST everyone, but still
ReplyDelete@Texas Almkrona
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't fight with the sword, silly, that's just for defense; she fights with the shield like a hotplot, killin' baddies and taking names (so she can send their families apology letters, and possibly muffins. She's so thoughtful!)
Yay! Let the TV Guide Magazine vote spamming begin!
ReplyDeleteHa, isn't that what happened in the beginning of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
The things I'd eat off of that Celestia, you have no idea!
ReplyDeleteWhy was Sheik trying to teach Derpy the song of storms? Was the windmill guy too busy?
ReplyDeleteAs long as Hasbro doesn't start shutting down people selling customs I think we can help ourselves.