Well... I'm glad that fiasco is over. EQD will now return to it's exclamation point filled, holycrapihave300emailsand50thingstopost schedule. Phoe is being prepped for a launch to the Galapagos Islands (that's as far as the "jettison x almost to the moon" spell can send someone) for the time being. Hopefully she learns her lesson before it expires in ~35 hours; I'm no Celestia.
Everfree Radio Starting Up
Another podcast group has released it's first episode! You can find the website for it here!
Cracow, Hoto Meetup
For all you Polish bronies out there, this meetup recently went down. Look whatg you missed out on! Slackers.
Meetups/Guilds/Groups Looking for More
Anime Nebraskon Meetup
Where: Omaha, Nebraska
When: November 4, 6:00 PM
Facebook Group
Blank Flank Car Club
A club for cars I guess? He didn't give me any other info in the email!
Ponies of War Website Change
The Ponies of War group has changed domains, check out their new site below!
Ponies of War
Vancouver Brony Meetup
San Antonio Grand Galloping Ghoul-a
When: October 29th
Where: 107 lemonwood, san antonio, tx 78213
Who started this cake thing anyway!? And who told camera manufacturing companies to default to crazy resolution?! I think resizing these is stored in my muscle memory at this point.
Derpy Hooves Text Message Ring Tones
Someone has converted a few of Balddumborat's voiceovers to short mp3 format clips for you all to toss up on your phones for all the derpy fans out there. I have to admit, this version of derpy doesn't really fit too well with my EPIC GLADIATOR DERPY wallpaper, but I might switch a mailmare in some time in the future.
Check them out here!
More Ponygeist Billboard Shots
For those that missed the first round, Ghostsonic has taken a few more pictures of the Ponygeist billboard.
Come on now, how is this still a show for little girls?
Winona's Winter Wrap Up Charity Event
For all the animal lovers out there, someone has started up a drive to donate blankets and towels to animal shelters across the globe. Check out the banner for more infoz.
More Pony Graffiti
Inb4 law enforcement knocks down my door for showcasing pony graffiti. Phoe might be able to enjoy that second one after she is done shining my horseshoes and re-sorting my drawfriend folder.
Free 16x20 Poster Coupon for Wal-mart Until the End of the Month!
For those looking to print out the Greatest most Powerful Poster imaginable (which is currently residing above my new weightlifting area as motivation), Wal-Mart has a free coupon floating around for a 16x20 poster print. Hit up this website to print it out!
inb4 Trixie isn't in 16x20 format. Trixie can be any format. Trixie is Trixie.
DC Meetup
Thirty Two people recently met up in the DC Area for some Lesson Zero viewin, new intro disectin, pony music listening time. Apparently it was successful!
I have no clue what is going on here
It starts at 1:57 though.
More Vinyl Scratch Tapes Master Recording Stuff
Have some copy paste!
Hello Equestria!
Midnight Magic Productions is now off the ground, and all you wonderful people are the wind beneath our wings! Thanks to your inspiration we have completed Episode 1 of
"The Vinyl Scratch Tapes: The Master Recording"
We thank everypony that came out to listen to the premier on Celestia Radio. Thanks to you, we set a new viewership record for them! We know someponies weren't able to make it or didn't have the time. So for anypony that is interested, You can now play & download Episode 1 from the the following sites:
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/midnightmagicproductions
If you like it and you want to follow our progress you can find our new home at the sites below:
Twitter, Flankbook, RDnet, and more coming soon!
We are also looking to grow! So, if you are interested in giving back to our wonderful community, let us know!
You can email us at midnightmagicproductions@gmail.com
Once again, thank you so much.
A huge thanks to the EQD team for being just the greatest you could ask for.
A huge thanks to everyone that has worked hard so far and will only work harder in the future.
An an especially huge thanks to every brony out there. This is for you, we hope you like it so far.
WE <3 YOU!
~Midnight Magic Productions
(They made me center align it, it's not my fault! )
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Lesson Zero Sparkle
Blind Bag Derpy w/ Muffin
Wonderbolt Dash w/ Goggles
Oh... Phoe
That Pinkie Portal Cake
ReplyDeletedo want
Oh no... Why are there no EqD editors in Europe so we don't get this long break every day!
It seems the meet-up at Cupcake Corner was published yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI for one once more welcome our insomniac overlord.
ReplyDeleteThough I do miss the brushies. :(
Usually i'd offer to banish her for you, but that was a refreshing, if a bit mad break form normality. Wouldn't Phoe be happy to be tied up there though?
ReplyDeleteThat Pinkie cake is fantastic.
"Trixie can be any format. Trixie is Trixie." I laughed far harder at that than I should have.
lesson Zero Twilight already? you ponies work fast.
At least her banishment only lasts 35 hours
ReplyDeleteOh god dat banner!
ReplyDeleteThe old Queen is gone!
ReplyDeleteLong live the King!
All hail Sethisto!
No link for text message ringtones?
ReplyDeleteBondage is all the rage in Equestria these days~
ReplyDeletePrepare your weapons, prepare yourselves, it's time to end Phoe's reign! On my command... GO! CHAAAAAAAAAR...
ReplyDeleteaw shit, we're late.
If that cake is a lie, then I don't want the truth!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I blame anything I might have said or done during Phoe's reign on the effects of a 'Want It, Need It' spell. (You're buying that, right? Right??)
And also, was I the only pony who thought that Seth and Cereal were happy to have a day off? I bet they only took the ropes off because they were starting to lose circulation to their legs, and Rarity and Trixie had failed to show up despite the fact that I sent them letters letting them know that the two of them were all alone and tied up in a dark room. (Sorry guys, I tried!)
Also: Is tying Phoe up in rope _really_ a punishment? I'm just saying that when a pony talks about bondage, you might want to go for straightjackets or manacles in stead.
Portal cake!
ReplyDeleteAlso...what the hay was going on in that spanish vid?
aww, Phoe was so silly it was entertaining and interesting :p
ReplyDeleteFor the bondage republic!
ReplyDeleteThe cake is epic. (OMG Bondage banner)
ReplyDeleteThat banner makes me so sad :( Poor Phoe!
ReplyDeleteI did not mean those things I said about Phoe being my new found EQD ruler... I am loyal to you Seth (and Cereal too!).
ReplyDelete*insert bad twilight sparkle poker face here*
Welcome back Seth and Cereal
ReplyDeleteWe missed you
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeletePfff Day off! She still had us slave over the email and gather for the drawfriend! Down with the dictator!
I approve of the ropes on that banner. I approve that a lot.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the end! The Bondage Princess will return, and she shall usher in a glorious new era of pony blogging! ICE CREAM AND BRUSHIES FOR EVERYPONY!
ReplyDeleteOn a side not, I loled so hard at Phoe being tied up on the banner. Silly Seth and Cereal, don't you know that's what she wanted all along?
you bloggers and your crazy antics. lol.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Galapagos counts as almost to the moon? Its far away sure but there is worse places to send her, like Siberia or Limerick. And don't be too hard on her. She did give you a day away from being overloaded with e-mails.
ReplyDeletePhoe shall return and liberate us from tyranny!
Down with the Sethistodian Rule!
Okay, I know those ponies up there are you, but which one's which?
ReplyDeleteThough Phoe may be concerned about her takeover being over, I'm sure she doesn't mind the bondage, Seth is fair after all.
ReplyDeleteMe gustan los ponies en Español.
ReplyDeleteMLP Lyra Graffiti? No way i got to see this in person!
ReplyDeleteIt took you guys 24 hours before you realized you were unicorns.
ReplyDeleteFor shame >:3
Trixie would weep.
wait did seth come to save us yet (phoe has gone mad seth ceral save us)
ReplyDeleteI bet it was Phoe's birthday.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't much mind who's in charge, as long as I get my pony fix.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm still waiting for that ice cream.
ReplyDeleteRant over. A brony meetup in Nebraska, you say? Finally. I was starting to think I was the only one. Too bad I can't go though.
ReplyDeleteMaster recording :-D
This banner is disturbing o.O
ReplyDeleteOkay, seriously, what is with people and pony bondage?
ReplyDeleteThat Winter Wrap thing is lacking in the contact info department.
ReplyDeleteAlso "Que muestran no tenía nada que ver con MLP FIM" >.> <.< >.<
....Traductor Google FTW!
Lastly that crazy twi toy looks more like colgate...
(Sips some tea and eats some scones.)
ReplyDeleteYep, it was a jolly good day and it ends with the next mornings news.
(Darkon picks up a bazooka.)
Back to insanity it is then.
For Phoe! For FREEDOM!
*Beheaded by executors axe*
Sooo, Vinyl Scratch Tapes was one of the awesomest things ever. I'm probably being over excited, but it was still a well done dramatization. They two of them played off of each other just as well as the two of them did in the story. I loved it.
ReplyDeleteI miss Phoe ...
ReplyDeleteThat cake is probably a lie if it's that awesome D:
ReplyDeleteOnce again, who is Phoe?? or should I just give up on asking?
What. The. Fuck. was that Spanish thing.
ReplyDeleteI miss Phoe :(
ReplyDeleteNah, jks, she's a good person
I'll be honest. After Phoe took over, I missed Seth. Good to have you back, man.
ReplyDeleteI'll grant you the drawfriend, but be honest, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you didn't have several hundred emails to answer in a day.
All joking aside, having Phoe in charge for a day was a nice change of pace, but I'm just as happy to have the status quo reassert itself once again. Welcome back Seth and Cereal!
(Also Tek for smartest blogpony, as he seems to be the only one who knows that being in charge of this place is NOT an experience made up of cotton candy and sunshine.)
Two unicorn colts with vengeful looks in their eyes and a pegasus filly tied up and completely vulnerable.
ReplyDeleteI like where this is going.
One thing I don't understand, how does that cupon work?
ReplyDeleteDo you just give them a picture to print out, or does Walmart actually have it?
Phoe being tied up with rope...
ReplyDeleteME GUSTA.
@AK: Me too.
Derpy Hooves text alerts? I just got myself a new phone. Sometimes the universe just lets things fall into place. :3
ReplyDeleteWell at least she got what was coming to here you know, so contests on getting out Seth,peace out
ReplyDelete@Forest Thundertred
ReplyDeletePhoe is one of 3 known ponies behind (read: posting news on) EqDaily, shown the banner right now tied up by Sethisto (the yellow unicorn) who was once once contained in a box, [how did he get out anyway] and is the boss of the three, as far as I can tell. My sources indicate that he may like a certain character who appeared in only one episode, but we're unable to confirm more behind the numerous "G&PT" symbols on the documents they could find, that hadn't been drooled all over that is.
Cereal Velocity (The gray unicorn)is probably the most active of the three outside of direct posting, as he makes the Aperture Science ad parodies known as Equestrian Innovations. He also whines about mail a lot (as does seth, but seth doesn't get a gun and shoot the emails).
You guys and your zany antics.
ReplyDeleteI want my ice-cream and epic hourly updates back!
*starts cult*
The Vinyl Scratch tapes are sooo entertaining! Love it!
ReplyDeleteI also love whoever is putting these banners together. Phoe, you're awesome! Your takeover was too short though. Need more brushies!
How can she look so... So... SAD!? Aw, ok gonna miss Phoe.
ReplyDeleteWait.. I never got my Ice-Cream and Brushing!
ReplyDeleteYeah, consider me joining the Phoe Republic too.
ReplyDeleteBrushies and Ice Cream and Lyra were all I needed... And now that Seth took that away, there's a void left where all of that was.
We all need to form the Phoe Republic and free Phoe so that she can re-re-takeover. I liked the brushies and Ice cream.
ReplyDelete*sniffs* I miss that tub of chocolate ice cream.dream
ReplyDeleteI miss the bondage princess already...
ReplyDelete@Chaos Sun
ReplyDeleteI think you have to send them the picture. Also, the coupon won't work if you order more than one poster or anything. It's only good if the poster is the only thing in the order.
And speaking of the posters, can someone tell me the proper protocol for using fanart? Should we be getting the author's permission or something before printing it out?
ReplyDeletewe want an EU blogpony to post over US's night.
ReplyDeletenightly roundup always bug me...
What was it that suggested to me that Phoe enjoyed that sort of thing...?
ReplyDeletePHOE = HOPE
ReplyDeleteI kinda liked Phoe being in charge.... unlike, say, Cereal?
ReplyDeleteMy hair is not being brushed...
ReplyDeleteI'm already missing Phoe. :l
I do not know if I approve of this banner... I mean, two stallions tieing up a single mare? What would happen if someone strolled into that picture and what would they think?!
ReplyDeleteAh well... No more icecream and brushies... We will get story updates though, right?
i want our princess back.
ReplyDeletePlease someone with crazy skillzs make poster with Phoes OC and text HOPE. I'll give internets and imaginary cookies and 20% of my icecream that Phoe's reign will give me.
ReplyDeleteHow could you do that to my new, not-at-all-evil sister!?
Sure, the Gallopagos are warm right now, but you do NOT BANISH MY NEW SISTER!
Besides, it won't even last thirty-eight hours. You aren't me or Tia, nor are either of you Twilight on a rage-fit.
Then again, she'll probably be gone longer than that after she finds the hidden city of Sea Lyras.
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ReplyDeleteVideo made me lulwot. But it has ponies. So it has to be cool. Right?
ReplyDeleteHow mean Seth. You should respect the filly for once. She gave us some ice cream.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I was, getting used to the ice cream, oh well... *cough*
ReplyDeleteThat cake is totally amazing, though, like the graffitis.
And so ends the reign of Princess Phoe. It's like I said, you can't be a proper dictator without some decent minions. If you try to pull it off alone, at best it'll last until you fall asleep and the pair of unicorns you left tied up in the basement will struggle free and overthrow you.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how many times that scenario has played out...
I've only been on this site for about four months, so is there a way to find out kind of the personalities and histories of these people? I can 't just watch Phoe take over then have [her] banished to the Galapagos islands without knowing her motives!
hmm there is some introduction page somewhere but I have no idea where it is. :S
ReplyDeleteAnypony here tried that coupon yet? Let me know if it is legit.
ReplyDeleteDown with Seth! Glory to EqD's true ruler! Glory to Phoe!
ReplyDeleteyes tally ho
Just a warning on the poster thing: apparently, Walmart only lets you upload pictures in jpeg format.
ReplyDeleteNah... I liked Phoe's style better.
ReplyDeleteBack to the dungeon with the others.
Awwww, I enjoyed Phoe's reign!
ReplyDeleteWe want Phoe back.
ReplyDeleteNooo Phoe...
ReplyDeleteoh well, the news.
cool, a coupon! there are no wal-marts near me. crap.
aw yeah i speak span- WTF
yay Vinyl scratch tapes
Libero cum velocitate.
ReplyDeleteUm... seth, not to rain on your parade, but phoe loves getting bonded.
ReplyDeleteCool thanks for the heads up about the free posters!
ReplyDeleteI wonder which pony should I get as a poster?
Looks like Phoe got her comeuppance but damn, all DAT rope man
ReplyDeleteIs the current title of Equestria Daily a rape scene?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteOr you could send her to Newark
we want phoe!
ReplyDeletePS That's not how you tie, she'll escape in 10 seconds flat. That is, if she wants to. Being bound like that is her Galapagos... If her Q&NEIGH was right.
ReplyDeleteThe banner for Wynona's Winter Wrap Up says "Feel free to contact me if you have any questions," yet there's no contact info anywhere on the banner nor the roundup post. Might want to fix that.
ReplyDeleteYou used rope to restrain her?! What were you thinking?! Now she's more powerful then anyone could have imagined!
ReplyDeleteReports from off the coast are coming in. Fishing boats have sighted a pink and white streak blazing across the ocean. They also reported feeling something, something that seemed to emanate from the UFO.
Bliss. Pure, unrestrained bliss. Even now, it's beginning to be felt in the homeland. Celestia help us all!
"Come on now, how is this still a show for little girls?"
ReplyDeleteWhat, little girls aren't allowed to watch awesome?
Not gonna be an admin. Nope not even after I tempt Fate. Nope Da da da da. dad I'm in space. space, space SPACE. Like phoe. She's nice. She's weird. I lik mudkipz. bab baba babab ababab. Sweetie Belle Derelle. rainbows, scout, double. Eat pie. Soarin. !?!?!?!?!?!. Oatmeal, damn oatmeal AAAAA.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm never gonna be an admin here, just on my stupid blog for my school.
ReplyDelete@Scary Scott
ReplyDeleteand you know why? because phoe was lying about everyone getting them
That banner looks like something she'd enjoy. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteThe other side is always greener.
ReplyDeleteI miss Phoe now. You know what? We need all three ponies! Cereal, Seth, AND Phoe under one blog! Why can't we...
I miss those "odd posts" and they were only here for a day...
ReplyDelete@me I agree, why can't everypony get along?
That Lesson Zero Twilight is the scariest thing I've ever seen come out of this fandom.
ReplyDeleteInb4 Phoe turns this overturning into a clop fic.
ReplyDeleted'aww seth.. cerial.. is that a way to tread a friend.. she was just having a little fun T.T why would you hang her.. just because you were busy beeing tied up (by her)? that's no reason!
ReplyDeleteNot to poke holes in your plan or anything Seth, but Phoe does have wings you know, I doubt that getting back from the Galapagos Islands would be a problem for her.
Team Phoe forever!
ReplyDeleteI actually liked the whole takeover, why was it stopped? 't ain't fair.
ReplyDeleteCan't we all just get along? :D
ReplyDeleteYou silly admins, we all love ya.
DC meetup? Drat, wish I knew about it earlier, I'd totally have gone!
ReplyDeleteSo where's the rest of the shrine, Boss? In a trot-in closet?
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine what new bronies(or people curious about the show) will think if they come here and see a pony tied up to the banner by two other ponies xD
ReplyDeleteAlso... after watching the video, I now know what it feels like to know what is being said WITHOUT having to read the subtitles that translate it. lol Not sure what is going on though, since I can't speak fluent Spanish, and not really sure what it has to do with MLP.
Seth, please don't ever leave us alone with her again. That pony's crazy. And I never got my brushing. I think she was lying about it the whole time.
ReplyDeleteWell those guys from that Spanish show, since they are speaking in Spain's Spanish Accent or as we call it "Castellano" they just made a pun about that girl's CD.
ReplyDeleteShe is NOT a singer but since in latin america everyone can get a CD produced and become an instant pop star. She just did this "singing with Vienna's Singing Ponies" <--- sounds kind of lame hehe That's why she was singing "go go, run little horsey!!" a lot of times and the ponies appeared "running" on the bottom of the screen.
The guy also made fun of her. Since she said "this is my new single, so please go and pick one up on some of the most prestigious stores out there like Gas Stations and Horse Racetracks!"
So the guy said "well we know that you sing like angles.... FROM HELL!" haha
ok I'll just stop here since I'm pretty sure a lot of you will just go TL;NR xD
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ReplyDeleteSo much bondage since season 2 started...
ReplyDeleteWE SERIOUSLY need some PhoeSeth Shipping up in this site...
ReplyDeleteSo sad that the time Phoe spent with us was short... I give it a month tops
on a more serious note, prehaps phoe was going to galapagos on holiday, and they did this to explain her absence?
Noooooo, Princess Phoe, We must gather and stop seth now, FREE Phoe!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpike: *looks at Banner* WHOA! dude that's kinky! /:|
ReplyDeleteTime to awkwardly pick up my Trixie poster at Walmart.
ReplyDelete"Yes, it's the one with the suggestive pony and a fake autograph... It's for my girlfriend *Liarjack face*"
we'll start a petition!
That new banner is incredibly kinky.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a relief to see EQD return to its rightful owners! I knew Phoe treasonous treachery wouldn't last long!
ReplyDelete*quietly deletes every comment I posted in the past 48 hours*
ReplyDeleteWait, the Sea Ponies were real?
I thought I was just sleep deprived and seeing things.
The safe word is "banana".
But guys, Phoe daily comes with ice cream!
ReplyDeleteIce Cream!
and so the golden age of equestria daily came to an end....
ReplyDeleteIsn't that a little speciesist? The two unicorns over-throwing the Pegasus, I think your staff needs more equal subspecies representation.
Unless this is some sort of evil unicorn plot to overthrow the other ponies.... I'm on to you...
I was literally laughing out loud when I saw the new banner. I knew something like that would happen. LOL. XD
ReplyDeleteThat was a great. Phoe ruling over the blog was great. You 3 just makes things very amusing. I just love this blog so much and the whole community itself.
Great to have things back. We still love you Phoe! And all of you continue to stay awesome.
I find funny how Tek never gets mentioned in this blogpony moments.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I like how he is smart enough to get as far as possible of all this fighting.
I can't shake the feeling that he is just waiting for the moment "the mane 3" kill each other.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe, he just likes having a low profile, not having to deal with all the reponsabilities and all the (madness and insomnia inducing) perks that come from ruling this blog. >_>
I actually walk past that pony graffiti every day. It's pretty awesome in person.
ReplyDeleteI want a Tekaramity takeover now.
ReplyDeleteHow did Phoe get her reputation for being into Bondage? I must be missing something here...
ReplyDeleteStill, I've been noticing a strange amount of people getting tied up on this show since AJ in the Trixie episode... And Discord Part II, I mean, come on...
I loved The Vinyl Scratch Tapes from the moment part one was released...now that it's actually been recorded I think I love it even more.
ReplyDeleteSorry you got dethroned, Phoe. It was fun while it lasted, right?
The EqD staff are getting as bad as the CMC. Stop fighting and make up before you release a chaotic deity.
ReplyDeleteWooh! Everypony to the Galapagos! Eternal ice cream, brushings, and carrying sea turtles to the ocean party!
ReplyDeleteAlso how is it that the pegasus has better knot tying skills than two unicorns...
ReplyDeleteOh, right.
Awesome cake, I've got that as a t-shirt print ^^
ReplyDeleteWe need to form up, Pegasus ponies must stick together in fear more unicorns will attack us.
Then when our blog/bondage princess returns, we will attack.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe new banner is absolutely hilarious. Welcome back.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Ponygiest was a fan made picture. I must have missed something...
A shame I wasn't go to the meet up, but I got to work to earn my pay check!
ReplyDeleteThe Sethiso Empire Strikes Back.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I don't really care who's in charge. They both provide the goods. As for brushies and ice cream and all other kinds of silliness: I don't find it entertaining or enjoyable. As a dragon, I am deadly to ice cream and brushies don't really... work... on me. Anywhooves, these ponies are right, that is NOT punishment. Neither banishment to the Galapagos Islands, or that banner, could be considered unpleasant for Phoe.
ReplyDeleteNow if you want real punishment, simply throw her in my cave...
But after that, don't get to close to the entrance for the next 10 seconds.
Unless you want first-degree burns.
@Marvin Martian
ReplyDeleteFollowed by Episode 6: Return of the Phoe?
I am neither pleased nor dismayed about Sethisto and Cereal wresting control back from Phoe.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that does me is reveling as a bystander to their petty squabbles.
Fight for my entertainment, blogger-ponies. Fight!
-holds up picket sign- WE WANT PHOE!
ReplyDeleteI can see's myself in the DC meet up picture... /ohmygosh
ReplyDeleteThis Cake is Best Pony!
ReplyDeletePretty sure Phoe is enjoying being tied up...
ReplyDelete@Sorata Dadouji
ReplyDeleteThanks for your insight! My spanish is getting rusty >.<
...I liked my brushies and ice cream better...
ReplyDeletetek for president
ReplyDeleteCristina Pedrucci sings along with the Viena foals choir.... That's what they are saying..... :D
ReplyDeleteSadly I had missed out on most of her overthowing since I took refused in the Greatest and Powerful Gdocs bunker known as The Ballad of Twilight Sparkle. Sorry Phoe! but hey I did enjoy the free ice creams during your short lived rule!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Your so cute Phoe as you tend to always repost comics posted days before <3
P.S.S. LOL I was told to listen to ep 24 by GK and Seth dropped the Ballad bomb there during a MOVIE discussion! I lol'd love you Seth your awesome >XD in other News I am not following the Bronyville podcasts more closely from now on :P (I mean I was there for the gala you'd think I'd a kept following after that mare'o'thon!)
While I'm not particularly fond of graffiti, if more of it out there had the positive, awesome, and magical effect of our ponies I would feel much better about it. Also that cake is pretty epic, amazing stuff people are doing with them. OH and welcome back Seth!! :D
ReplyDeleteIs that poster deal America only? I'm on the walmart website in the checkout, but it only let's you pick what state your in.
ReplyDeleteAlternatively could someone just post a guide or something?
ReplyDeleteAnd now Phoe is tied up. EqD be getting all kinds of kinky up in here lately. lol Poor Phoe. But hey, the Galapagos Islands isn't so bad. It's like a free vacation! Phoe takes over EqD... gets free vacation. Sounds like a win/win situation to me. :D I also want to note Phoe is especially cute tied up in that banner. I mean that in the most not-trying-to-sound-weird-or-creepy-at-all way possible. :P
ReplyDeleteThat Pinkie Portal cake... is absolutely awesome. I rally hope that cake isn't a lie. :D
The new billboard is indeed especially awesome still. As for the show still being for little girls, well... even as a little filly I would have absolutely adored this show. And that billboard. But maybe I wasn't your typical filly either. I've always loved stuff like this.
Awwww... Winona's Winter Wrap-Up Charity Event. This is a stellar and very sweet idea. My mother used to work at an animal shelter for a long time and I know how bad it can get, especially in the winter months. And many shelters lack a lot of funding to go out and buy all new things like blankets and such. So they tend to be a little limited at times. Very nice charity. :)
Oooh, graffiti sitting Lyra! :D Now someone just has to paint a Bonbon giving an odd look next to her. lol
The free poster promo from Walmart is pretty cool.
That video... y'know, at first glance, it kinda looked like an adult video. Lmao. I was shocked but knew you would never post such a thing here. :P I also have not a clue whats going on in this, but it's certainly... something.
That custom Twilight and Smarty Pants. lol The face on that custom is both simply hilarious and rather scary. :P
I support Phoe and am proud of it! I'm ditching this site till Phoe comes back.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye, cruel world.
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ReplyDeletePegasi must work together to get Phoe back.
Down with the unicorns who do not care about us or earth ponies!
For those that wondered what happened, I got Seth and Cereal loose without Phoe noticing. I escaped before the re-takeover. And with that out of the way, BACK TO NORMAL LIVES!!!!
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Silent hunter
ReplyDeleteDastardly Bastard you are.
From all the whining over the third episode I'm pretty sure the show is definitely still for little girls.
ReplyDeleteDat New Banner...
ReplyDeleteSeen the pony thing from "NEOX", all they do is crack a joke about that girl holding the CD, she supposedly adverts a " Wien philharmonic " and ponies music collab disk the 'song' said "run run little horse, run , run like the wind" it made quite not sense at all, as usual here.
ReplyDelete@Silent hunter
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your fleeting victory while it lasts, and the last of your days, for you have incited the rage of the Princess of Night and I will have vengeance for my sister!
Um...what was with the video...?
ReplyDelete@Luna Does this I'm about to get fired from my job? ._.'
ReplyDelete>Galapagos Island
ReplyDelete>mfw I live in the country that owns those
@Sethisto You should be lucky that I freed you and Cereal last night. After all, Celestia told me about the mayhem between you and Phoe.
ReplyDelete>mfw i speak spanish
ReplyDeletePhoe's takeover of EgD entertained me greatly.
ReplyDelete@Silent hunter
ReplyDeleteYou're going to wish that was all that happened to you.
Princess "Bondage" Phoe looks a little uncomfortable in those ropes o_o
ReplyDeleteMaybe it has to do with how seriously you are pulling them :P
I demand you release Phoe this instance. Be prepared to be banished to the sun Seth and Cereal.
ReplyDeleteThink about it, I saved your sister Celestia from a assassination attempt on her. She then hired me as a espionage pegasus unit for herself and for you. If you fire me, then who would save you or your sister if I'm not around? Celestia saw through Phoe's ruse and sent me to end the hostage situation. I care more for innocent ponies than my very own life.
Has anybody gotten the poster to work? The Walmart in my area called me to say taht they can't sell it to me, since it's a copyrighted franchise.
ReplyDelete@Silent hunter
ReplyDeleteYOU GOT MY SISTER BANISHED! How is that helping me!?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you're just drunk so you can't tell who is Celestia or Phoe. o_o
@DarcySupremest Hurrah!Hurrah! *Gathers very unnecessary army of rocks and a necessary army of ponies*
ReplyDeleteYo también soy de Ecuador XD.....me pregunto cuantos Bronies en Ecuador existen?.....
@Silent hunter
ReplyDeletePhoe is my new sister! How could I not know the difference between Phoe and 'Tia!?
ReplyDeleteOh dear, Luna have gone too far with the Moonshine again. (gently knocks Luna out and puts her to bed) Don't let the bed bugs bite milady. -_-'
I didn't know Soundcloud had a limit for downloads so I put alternate links for both "I brought a letter" tracks into the page for the set. (Bottom of - http://soundcloud.com/meikos-1/sets/derpytones/ - ) I'll look into alternate hosting sites and I may make more in the future, I don't know.
ReplyDeleteSeth's 'bout to get SWOLL with that weight set.