Pony Shirts

Look at this! Pony shirts! Apparently some brony found this in a Sears in Canada. There were four of them- the Fluttershy and Celesita shirts seen in the image, as well as a Rarity and Twilight. They're all covered in glitter, which sounds like pretty much the worst thing ever, but okay. At least it makes sense for Twilight's to have glitter. CAUSE THEN IS SPARKLES
Applejack Painting
Another Canadian brony produced this painting of Applejack for his theatre department!
Looking for Voice Actors
Piggybank12 is looking for a voice actor to play Twilight Sparkle in an animated production of the comic "True Friendship" by October 21st! He's even constructed a rough animation of what he has so far. Go audition!
Texas Meetup Group
A new meetup group (or rather an old meetup group who recently became affiliated with the larger Texas group) has sprung up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area! You can find links to their pages here and here
PMV Project
There's a new PMV project popping up on Ponychan- go check it out!
Halloween Meetup
Are you ponies in the Halloween spirit yet? Ready for some scares? Well, there's going to be a party of the 29th of October in Florida! If you're interested, check out the facebook page here.
Storybook App Update
Remember the interactive storybook app? It's been updated to 2.0, and has more stuff! It also costs $3.99 now.
Feeling Pinkie Keen Storybook

Awwww! Look at it! It's adorable! It's an interactive "Feeling Pinkie Keen" that popped up in a magazine recently.
Berkshire Meetup
Another meetup popped up in Berkshire, UK, and they're looking for more! If you're interested in going, talk to Opolopolous on RBDN or Twilight Sparkle here.
Pony Forum User Model

Heh, this made me giggle. Forum user model with ponies!
Bronies in Asia
A new brony forum for bronies in Asia has popped up- check it out here!
Brony Blue Jeans
Some brony blue jeans here! Pretty impressive.
Twilight-haired Dog
Apparently, this is a story of a dog who's hair got colored Twilight-style. Enjoy!
Drunk Ponies
Hmmmm. I think that this explains Applejack's behavior in Applebuck Season. She wasn't sleep deprived. She just loves...
Pony Comic
So this is a true thing that exists. I'm not really sure what I can say about it that it doesn't already say for itself.
Well, that was fun! I hope you guys enjoyed it too, I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing.
86 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaWhoof the FUTS is this.
VastaKustutaOnly 4 hours till the new episode!
VastaKustutaBy the way, this is a very early roundup.
Posted by PK? The writer? If I write an awesome fanfic, can I do something so delightfully trollsome too?
VastaKustutaYou forgot titles
If the intention was to make the Round Up look like Photo Finish hersef wrote it...Well, kudos! It feels like one of her photoshoots.
VastaKustutaBut who is this mysterious pony?
VastaKustutaPK? Hmmm...
VastaKustuta1) Player-Killer? No, I don't see that working for this site...
2) Phosphorus Potassium in chemical notation? Me thinks that's strike two for me, I better make my next guess a doozy...
3) What's Phoe's last name? Does it start with a K? Is she trying to hide who she is by putting up a nightly roundup in a non-Phoe style? Hmmm...
Commenting first (and somehow one of three to do so before the post went up, according to the time stamps) would lead me to wager all my bits (27 at last count) that that is who the mystery pony is. Judges? How'd I do?
VastaKustutai think he means it.
wait wait wait. is this new pony a mare or a stallion?
VastaKustutaHey, Seth, you posted this a little ea-
VastaKustutaWait, PK posted this?!
I don't know if this is early for him or not, though.
Derpy is a bad influence on blogs it seems.
VastaKustutaNice news, cause then is sparkles indeed.
And here i thought the Pinkie Pie comic was all we got XD i forgot the round up!
VastaKustutaOh yay! moooore aditions. I wish more called for Das, Fluttershy, or any male ponies. Ya know, voices i can actually do well >w<
the Beast of Bodmin Moor, lol
VastaKustutaEh, it got the job done. I wouldn't sweat it.
VastaKustutaAs for ponies getting drunk off of too many apples, I guess that Ren and Stimpy style animation suddenly makes more sense.
Well... No. Not really.
VastaKustutaLol; at least he/she got it done early, and it's mostly comprehensible.
btw... what ever happened to tek?
Warning: Some parts of this comment are grimdark in nature, but no pony important was hurt.
VastaKustutaIn other news it looks like PK was fire from the job five seconds after he got it...
Poor guy, you can always try to get hired again or write a letter of apology.
In today's news, horse gets drunk... that's nothing I haven't seen before and I've seen a pig fly. Eating the resulting pork chops afterwards made feel a little funny though.
I'm proud to be a Derpy level actor. Virtual muffins for every pony!
In other news Raocow the famed Mario Rom Hack Lets Player has run afoul of Pinkamena Diane Pie. I wasn't able to get an interview with him but he is still deftly afraid of horses from all the times Yoshi has killed him.
The video in question is "It's a 9th Door Contest PENTAPALOOZA!! - 69th~65th" Raocow is not a pony fan and will likely never be one, I'm still on of his fans though and don't hold his fears of horses against him.
This has been the news with Darkon Arters Shadows, supposedly evil annoying monster that likes cute and cuddly things.
This message has been brought to you by the Pinkamina Assassination Service Organization. If you need someone to kill Blueblood she'll do it for free, but she'll take some pay if your happy enough with him gone.
Again, no pony important was hurt in the lines of making this comment.
@D. Shadows
VastaKustutathose 5th and 6th lines: not sure if minecraft reference or general sarcasm...
At first I was uber happy to see an Asian brony board, but then I was sad that it rather lonely. Ah well, I'm sure the community will grow in time. Time to sign up!
VastaKustutaI didn't know Ponies get drunk from eating apples... wow another thing I learnt today
VastaKustutaI was thinking the same thing: especially since horses are essentially walking fermentation tanks, and they're made to withstand a certain level of alcohol almost constantly. To get one drunk, that whole swimming pool would need to have been filled with pure ethyl alcohol or something.
Very...bare, I love it!
VastaKustutaShort and sweet and to the point, works for me! Can't wait for the new episode!!
VastaKustutaBerkshire! Finally in my area! But I get a 404 when I click on the link.
VastaKustutaCheer up PK, I thought you did a good job. Also, why do UK Brony meetups always have to be nowhere near where I live? Northerners need love too!
VastaKustuta>Drunk Ponies article
VastaKustuta:D Check it out guys! This horse's eating a sh**load of apples!
OMG awesome! I knoooow yooooou! Yay! Is this a long time gig? I hope so :)
VastaKustutaThis mean PK is the fourth member of the EqD crew?
VastaKustutaAwesome!Bronies forever
VastaKustuta@Jeffthestrider I believe you're forgetting Tekaramity.
VastaKustutaI was born in Reading, so I did live there for quite a while. Now I'm in Wales, though I usually head back now and again to see my relatives and friends. I'll have to think about this and see what mood I'm in.
VastaKustutaWe've just started out, give us some time. I can at least can guarantee that most of the members there are active netizens on the Singapore Bronies Society Facebook page, so you won't feel lonely for long.
The banner is wrong. It should go like this:
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle = Maka (They are both identical, in terms of geekdom)
Spike = Soul (Both eat really weird stuff and Spike is perfect for a scythe)
Rarity = Kid (Both are rich, symmetrical and careful in every way possible)
Black Star = Rainbow Dash (Well, the banner had it right. Both are the same...)
Pinkie Pie = Patty (She is PERFECT for Patty. Both are crazy and fun-loving.)
Applejack = Liz (She is protective and brave, well.. Not that brave...)
Fluttershy = Tsubaki (Both are warm-hearted, tender, comfortable and nice)
VastaKustutai haven't seen Teka post something... in like... a month.
*goes off to search tags*
magical mystery pony?
VastaKustutaBut then it makes sense for rairty's to sparkle too. CUZ SHE GLAMOUR.
Oh. My gah. THAT POOR DOG!
wait, oops. can't do that. Doesn't put post creator in tags.
VastaKustutaSub note, no spell checks were use in the making of my last comment.
VastaKustutaAlso Pinkamina failed to assassinate Blueblood, I bet everyone is happy to hear he has survived his chariot blowing up without injury.
But that's all the news I really have. Now I wait for the next episode to come up on TV, will it be a Twilight Flopple? I slept throughout the afternoon yesterday for a good six hours rest, that's amazing for an eye monster with insomnia problems.
To answer your question its neither. The pig flying thing actually has happened, it just did it without wings and after being hit by a car. (Seen it happen twice, the second pig still continues to miraculously live. I see a lot of strange things and just shrug.)
But yeah I can understand why people would see it as a minecraft reference. Would someone just create a Joust arena and duel with Moa's over lava pits already!
Speaking of which, where is Tekaramity?
@wackyteen Regardless of posting frequency, he is part of the crew.
VastaKustutaI know, but he could leave and only Ponies like Seth would know.
@wackyteen Very true...
VastaKustutaMust... Resist... My inner... Rari-
VastaKustutaThose jeans are terrible!
I was confused about whether this was Seth's or Cereal's writing. Damnit, PK, you made me question my skills as a writing analyst!
But only for a few minutes.
I'm confused as to what the fuck they did to the jeans.
VastaKustutaDid he bleach them in areas?
We need proper Pony jeans. It'd give me more reasons to never wear shorts again.
well, she*
VastaKustutanot he...
I'm guessing they just acid washed the hell out of them, and then they bleached on the cutie mark.
VastaKustutaPlease don't have giant clickable white areas to the sides of pictures. I often click empty areas when switching windows to regain window focus, and end up hitting that.
VastaKustutaI agree, proper jeans required. Not the kind that look like you had a major accident with some bleach
VastaKustutaThat book, can't help but notice that Fluttershy broke the 4th wall.
VastaKustutaOMG OMG OMG! The Prancing Pony! This was great idea!
VastaKustuta@D. Shadows
VastaKustuta... ...
Do you happen to live near the Union Square Farmer's Market? I could totally see something like that happen there; it's like the /b/ of NYC on Saturdays. I saw ostrich jerky last time I went there.
I've learned that ED is all but dead this time of morning. =|
VastaKustutaYOU GO
VastaKustutaI am offended that Derpy is a representation of a user.
VastaKustuta/sarcasm because actually it's better than any other poni.
VastaKustutaSo true. Especially considering that a new episode is airing in the not-too-distant morning.
VastaKustutaIt's so quiet this morning BECAUSE of the new episode, not despite its arrival.
Everyone's waiting with baited breath: probably with their computers off and TV sets on, not writing or drawing or organizing and otherwise contributing to the fandom, but instead focusing on the reason the fandom exists. even google searches for FIM go way down right before a new episode airs.
@Sethisto; PK
VastaKustutaAnd then Seth fired PK out of a cannon, where he then landed next to his shiny new desk in his shiny new corner office and went back to work.
I'm very sorry to the creator for my incoming criticism. I'm sure they worked very hard, but this needs to be said. My inner Fashionista won't let me say nothing and just forget about it. Here goes…
Like I said, I'm very sorry to the creator.
VastaKustutabecause everyone is either: A) asleep, B) too tired to care to search for stuff and rely on bookmarks, C) MAREATHON.
Okay, the link to the Berkshire meetup returns a 404, so here's the correct url:
Ummmm, is the link to the Facebook page working for anyone? It's not for me
VastaKustutaAnyone notice that Fluttershy's tail has completely been chopped off on that shirt?
VastaKustutaAlso... those jeans are... terrible...
Rainboom nuke!!!
VastaKustutaPeople recognize Canada as a country :D
How are there already pictures from the new episode 20 minutes after it aired?!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaYay for new mods!
VastaKustutaApples.MOV is real! lol
VastaKustutaAs for the jeans, I think they're great! I love the stuff the fandom creates that's on the subtler side. Fashionable enough to wear anywhere, anytime - of course not...but neither are my pony t-shirts! Definitely something I'd wear out friday night, to a meetup, con or a night with friends.
Yay they posted my painting of applejack (btw canadian bronies ftw)
VastaKustutaThe prancing pony like the one in Bree?
I no facebook... Wanna see Twidog.
I think this is it.
It's not actually Twilight though.
I couldn't stop laughing as I read the article abut the drunk pony.
VastaKustutaare there anypony on Guam??:3
VastaKustutaWow... That dog... So close, yet so far. Would have been at least 19% cooler if it actually had been modeled after Twilight. (Only Dash can get a full 20% cooler, though... Don't tell Dash, but Luna ranks a full 100% cooler, but we don't wanna hurt Dash's feelings).
VastaKustutaMy God, it's full of apples!
VastaKustutaso... when is my guild i sent you the info of weeks ago going to get listed?
VastaKustutaThat poor dog! D:
VastaKustutaFunny thing about the drunk horse, my science teacher mentioned animals getting drunk off of apples yesterday...
O.o Who's PK?
VastaKustutaNight gathers, and now PK's watch begins. It shall not end until his death. He shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. He shall wear no crowns and win no glory. He shall live and die at his post. He is the sword in the darkness. He is the watcher on the walls. He is the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. He pledges his life and honor to Equestria Daily, for this night and all nights to come.
VastaKustuta*stares at the Storybook* ....that's not even REMOTELY what happened.
VastaKustutaDerpy's the user, heh heh heh.
VastaKustutaTrue Friendship looks amazing. I've been hoping they'd tackle that issue in a future episode. Maybe have one where his wings start coming in and they address the inevitable issue of Spike becoming an enormous juggernaut of friendly chaos. Potential for the best episode evar there, I think.
VastaKustutahow, in the name of Celestia, can you become a writer here in EQD? did i need to buy a membership?
VastaKustuta*open paypal*
Your right