Anyway, shes dead, and Twilight Sparkle has taken her rightful place as the god of murder. Have some news.
German Cupcakes / Art of the Dress
For those of you out there interested in foreign pony songs, Germany has a few new ones out.
Art of the Dress
Groups / Meetups / Guilds Looking for More
TF2 Group
Facebook Page
Another Facebook Brony Page
Cal Poly Fall Mini Meetup
Apparently this happens... Today! A bit last minute. Have some a schedule/Flyer
Ponies of War FPS Group
Steam Group
Counter Strike Clan
Peru Brony Page
Operation Winter Wrap Up Charity
Another charity project has started up, with the goal of donating pony toys to children during the holiday season. Check out the website for it here, or the facebook page here!
Soarin Clock
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Mayor Mare Voiceover Required for Fighting is Magic/ Interview On Gamer Escape
The Mane 6 team needs someone to do voice work for Mayor Mare. Hit up this page for more information.
They were also interviewed recently. If you guys are following it, hit up this page for it!
Equestria Rave Radio Tonight at 10:00 PM
The weekly broadcast of Equestria Rave Radio is tonight. Hit up the copypaste below for stuff.
Just sending in a reminder that ERR weekly broadcast is tomorrow night @ 10:00 PM EST.
That's every Saturday @ 10:00 PM EST.
Here is a link to our website:
Our broadcasting page:
Listen to old broadcasts:
Any questions can be sent here: [email protected]
Team Fortress Two Ponyville Map Improved
Over on TF2, the modders are hard at work re-creating various settings of Equestria. Following feedback from their previous map, a new ponyville has been created. Check out the video demonstration of it here, with download links in the description.
Rhode Island Brony Meetup Album
A meetup recently went down over on Rhode Island. Check out the album for it here.
PDF Fanfiction Gallery Update
Maximillian Veers on Deviant Art has updated his PDF Gallery, all new additions are below.
Legion of Gloom
Storms on the Horizon
To Be A Better Stallion
The First Prince
Subject of Revenge
Long Distance
My Little Enterprise
Children of the Sun
A Fire on the East
The Son of the Emperor
Of Two Minds sequel: "Multimental in Manehattan"
Eversleep sequel: "Endless Sky"
Graffiti Ponies
Pinkie Pie Ornament Available Online
Pinkie Pie is now available online for 7 bucks. Hit up the page here if you want one.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Luna Night Light
Custom Keychain Blind Bag Ponies
59 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI love that Twilight Sparkle picture!
VastaKustutaPIE TIME!!!! :D
VastaKustutaNight, guys.
"Anyway, shes dead, and Twilight Sparkle has taken her rightful place as the god of murder."
VastaKustutaConsidering I've been reading Death Note Equestria until 2 AM last night, this felt oddly appropriate.
That Soarin' clock doesn't know of boundaries in the world of Awesome. It breaks so many it should be illegal.
The German versions were really well made, but I still think the voices sound to old, especially Apple Bloom's. I liked Rainbow Dash's voice and I could get used to Pinkie Pie's, but Twilight's and Fluttershy's were awful.
VastaKustutaMuffins sounds good, worked better then I thought, nothing else would have fit the song properly.
Gotta love dem clocks.
VastaKustutaI just lol'd at the PI on the pieclock.
VastaKustutaIts nice to see the brony community reaching out to those in need by giving pony toys to children, just another reason why this fandom is so epic.
VastaKustutaBaldur's Gate... I've always wanted to play that game, primarily because Bioware made it, and Bioware made KotOR.
VastaKustutaI've had that Pinkie Pie ornament for a while now, it is probably one of the best figures on the market for MLP. Certainly the most show accurate for sure. I wish they made ones for the other characters.
VastaKustutaAnother TF2 Pony group?
VastaKustutaThere is no such thing as being a member of too many of those! *Joins*
Nice meetup at Rhode Island there. Wish there were meetups here, or at least I could plan one myself!
VastaKustutaaww I liked having the Ornament as an Ontario-only thing. Made it feel special.
VastaKustutaI've played both Baldur’s Gates so many times, that I decided to try pony team in Icewind dale II. Pinkie starts as a bard but then just sorcerer’s levels. Which makes it a team of one Wizard and two Sorceresses (and a Paladin, Rogue and Druid). Which makes it "burn everything to the ground" team. Which is the best kind of the team.
VastaKustutaKeeps telling me "Access denied" when I try to view the ornament :\
VastaKustutaCan't... obtain... ornament... Q.Q
VastaKustuta"Access denied"
Lol, that boss is so ridiculously powerful it's almost unbeatable without using cheese tactics.
VastaKustutaMayor Mare fights as well? or is she some announcer I wonder..
VastaKustutaYeah, I searched the website and there's no sign of the Pinkie ornament any longer. Considering that it's an individual storefront, they likely sold out instantly.
VastaKustutaI can't access the page for the Pinkie Pie ornament either. Come on, Long Island Treasures! I want to throw $7 + shipping your way!
VastaKustutaThat Luna nightlight is really nice; I'm keeping an eye on it...
Did you guys get my other email with some more videos? I didn't get a reply to that one yet.
VastaKustutaJust wondering if you just haven't got to it yet or what...
Cool Soarin clock, by the way. If anyone is interested and hasn't tried it before, customizing clocks is super easy. Most readily come apart and go back together... The hands just pull off or at most unscrew, usually. Just find one you like at Walmart or Target or what have you, take it apart, print out a new face for it, cut it out and glue it on.
VastaKustutaThey can be cool, cheap and fun personalized gifts.
I'm a graffiti artist and i approve of those Graff ponies <3
VastaKustutaGreat, Cal Poly Pony meetup just after I move out of the SLO area.
VastaKustutaSet some Spike Traps with Rainbow Dash to defeat the final boss. It's a cheap tactic, but effective as fuck. It does ridiculous damage!
VastaKustutaSoarin Clock. Pi. ICWHUTUDIDTHAR
VastaKustutaIt's nice to the see the progress with Fighting is Magic.
VastaKustutathat clock is amazing^2
VastaKustutaThe link to the ornament doesn't work. I even did a search for "Pinkie Pie" and "My Little Pony". Can't find it.
VastaKustutaWHAT? theres a SEQUEL to "Of Two Minds"? did that update ever appear on EQ? WTH! That was a nice story too xD
VastaKustutaWell damn if it did show up in one of the story update posts it flew over my head >< curse the clumping of several stories in a single post (my fault for overlooking it though) -SIGH-
slow news day is slow D:
VastaKustutadat graffiti Pinkemina
VastaKustutaBaulder's Gate 2 referance FTW!
VastaKustutaFun fact: this is the second time PF2 has made the nightly news. The first time was months ago, as PF2 was one of the first pony servers in existence. I never thought about submitting the forums in. Kinda wish I had now...
VastaKustutaHere I am browsing a Pony site and all of a sudden BAM, a raving about one of my favorite old RPG's!... But with Ponies. :B Baldur's Gate 2 ftw
VastaKustutaI liked Irenicus more then Melissan as far as a villain goes though. But at least the latter can take the place of Nightmare Moon more readily!
Also, if Twilight's become the new god of murder... does that mean you played her as an evil character? :B
Sweet! My graffiti ponies made in into tonights nightly roundup! XD
VastaKustutaIf i could. I would buy the heck out of the soarin clock. Best pony foo sho.
VastaKustutaOMG A PERUVIAN GROUP OF PONIES!!!!!!! (hell yeah)
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle, God of Murder? Sorry, but after reading "the Rainbow Factory" it's Dashie who deserves that title.
VastaKustutaReally, Dashie running a death camp in Cloudsdale to make rainbows out of little fillies like Scootaloo? *shudder*
Error on the ornament page? Did we crash the page? haha
VastaKustutanext week is the new one, and then the 22nd we get another new one
VastaKustutaIt's on the 15th i think.
I want that ornament but the link is broken :O
VastaKustutaAmazon doesn't have it and ebay bids are going for $30+
I have two of the ornaments left; I'll be listing one on eBay Sunday night starting at $5. Second place bidder gets the other.
VastaKustutaeBay ID: unneutered
Woot Our Brony FB page got mentioned :D
VastaKustutaOh, another Brony-run charity project, cool. It's good to see all these charity events taking place. Not only is it giving a better name to the community, but it's helping other communities and people as well.
VastaKustutaYay, Soarin pie. I'll take that big apple clock! I like the inclusion of the Pi sign in place of 6. :P
I still haven't listened to Equestria Rave Radio yet. I should hit that up if I have the time and check it out.
Nice graffiti ponies. Though Pinkamena's colors look a bit odd.
Still haven't gotten that Pinkie ornament yet. It'd be cool if they came out with a whole set, but I think the chance of that happening is slim to none. :(
VastaKustutaFighting is Magic info is always good to hear, and the ornament looks really nice and really tempting xD
VastaKustutathe pony ornament page is broken for me, anypony else?
VastaKustutaEchoing everyone else to say the pony ornament link leads to "access denied", and doing a search on the site yields nothing. Either we broke it, they pulled it, or it was never there.
i was thinking about maybe going to one of those brony meet ups one day, but the thought of it, and who i might find over there, tells me the i should probably just enjoy mlp where i am and not go anywhere
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI can't get enough of the German version of "Cupcakes"... I think I might actually prefer it to the original! That might just be because it's a novelty after hearing the English version about sixty bajillion times, admittedly...
VastaKustutaI'm guessing that the ornament is sold out completely.
VastaKustutaI know that some ponies are putting her for sale on Ebay, but I don't have the money to pay $45 dollars ( at the end of bidding ) for this ornament!
I have a feeling that someone decided to buy out pretty much all the Pinkie Pie ornaments for their own collection..., which is rude and selfish if I might add.
I mean seriously..., buying two is okay, but 10?! I know that a lot of you probably weren't able to retrieve one either, but we should discourage this kind of stuff in the first place!
I went on my own personal hunt for this ornament, and the only thing I found was all the overly bidded one's on Ebay!
Seriously ponies, can we at least give others a chance to buy/enjoy the item as well?!
VastaKustutaRen, email me and I'll help you out.
biohazard at mindspring dot com