Have some news while I go install it.
Lets start off with some cake, because a bunch of people tossed me cake to post, and because I like cake
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Source : Garnet Glow |
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Source: Kristain |
Mass Winter Wrap Up Sing Along Project
Another sing along project has started up! He wants to gather 300 people this time around.. a pretty massive undertaking considering the last few only scraped together around 30 each.
If you are interested in contributing, toss a recording to this email, using this video as a reference for synchronization purposes.
More Great and Powerful Clocks + Clock Making Template
Yesterday we had an Great and Powerful Trixie clock as the main image. The artist actually emailed me and tossed a new template thingy that you can use to build your own. Check that out here!
There is also another Trixie clock. Apparently it's always time for Trixie. Check it out here!
Groups/Guilds/Meetups Looking for More
Israeli Brony Group
MSN Chat Group
Brony Skype Group
Send a friend request to BronySkypeAccounts. Apparently the larger chat starts later today!
Prancing Skiltaire (Garden Grove, California)
Copy paste:
The Prancing Skiltaire Party is October 8th from 4 to 10 PM. There
will be art and artists, videos and costumes, games and music, food
and drinks, and MLPFiM episodes and PMVs. The party is 'dry' 'cause
minors attend. Check http://prancing.skiltaire.net for details!
"Why Do Ponies Make You Happy" Psychology Project
Someone is doing a survey style psychology project on why ponies make people happy. Hit up this email with your story. He only needs 25 to complete it.
Friendship is Magic Moves to Airplanes
For those flying with Continental, Singapore, Etihad, Qantas and Thai airlines in the future, you can expect to see FiM fully available for your viewing pleasure. Check out the article here for more information.
AV Club Reports on Steve Jobs Tribute Pony Images
The writers over at AV Club recently plugged a bunch of pony images in their R.I.P. Steve Jobs article. Check it out here!
Pinkie Pie Barks at a Book Case for 15 minutes
FiM Nominated for Feature Article on Wikipedia
The pony wiki page is slowly moving toward featured article status. It's currently in the voting phase. Check out the page here for it!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Jewelry at Comparative Rarity
Clay Pony Shop
76 kommentaari:
first? huh
VastaKustutaGotta get a better mic so I can record my awful singing.
VastaKustutaHelsinki meetup tomorrow. SO AWESOME!
Fluttershy with sniper :D shits got real
VastaKustutaPinkie barking is somewhat... mesmerizing...
VastaKustuta2nd... maybe.
VastaKustutaThanks for featuring my clock!
VastaKustutaFluttersniper is new best pony.
VastaKustuta'Hush now, quiet now' indeed...
oh my gosh i want that pinkie pie cake so much
VastaKustutaSomebody let Pinkie outside, she's driving us all crazy!
VastaKustutajetBlue can suck it, I'm flying Continental for the next BroNYcon.
VastaKustutaThat is a badass Fluttershy pic. I dunno. You wouldn't think ponies and guns would go together well, but I certainly like when they're coupled together. :)
VastaKustutaYay more cake. That Pinkie cake... it totally awesome! And real darn adorable too. They even cut out the Pinkie in the next photo. lol
A sing-a-long... with 300 people? Whoa. I'm almost a little concerned on just how well that's going to sound. 300 is quite a lot of voices. They're going to need to be synched very well obviously. And that's a lot of voices to make sure are right on with eachother. I wish them much luck with that project. If done well, I'm sure it'll be very strong a piece.
So many Trixie clocks. "Everyday I'm Trixi'in'~" *wub wub wub wub* lol
Inb4 people realize The Prancing Skiltaire is a furry meetup too and complain. ;)
Why Ponies Make You Happy... I know some Bronies who could write short.. or even long, stories explaining all about ponies that make them happy. Some of which I'm sure he'll receive. :P
Huh, airplanes are going to be playing FiM episodes now. Pretty cool. I don't like planes myself, but hey, Dash would probably approve of this. :D
I know I shouldn't have laughed but a couple of those Steve Jobs pony images made me giggle. Especially the fourth one down. But they are rather touching too ,aw. :'(
That Pinkie video... lmao. And then Pinkie was a dog. A small yappy dog... real yappy. lol
Just about there with getting the FiM Wiki as a Featured Article, nice. We shall see.
And Pinkie is still barking of course...
give her barking about 10 seconds and at that point you should start giggling then laughing..by the 1 min mark pause it before you litteraly die laughing
VastaKustutaFinally the israeli bronies stuff posted, took you a while guys. Kiddin, THANKS SETH :D
VastaKustutalooks like we've got a bunch to fix before that Wikipedia article gets past nomination.
VastaKustutaalso R.I.P. Steve Jobs.
... at least we still have Stephen Hawking.
I'm totally gonna do that winter wrap up thing. I know every word of that amazing song by heart.
VastaKustutaDid anyone notice the alicorn at the bottom of that third cake pic looks ALOT like Midnight from Out in the Cold series? xD
VastaKustutaDamn Octavia ALL of your comments are SO in-depth,
What's up with that?
Being shown on Qantas flights = yesyesyesyesyesyesYES!
VastaKustutaId like to watch "sonic rainboom" while traveling at 42,000Ft in the air going 645Mph.
VastaKustutaHuzzah, my birthday (cup)Cake is on the Nightly Roundup!
VastaKustutaI realized yesterday that this website was to only one I went to without something about Steve Jobs's death. I can see there was a reason for that now.
VastaKustutaFluttershy being a badass?
I LOVED the earrings at Comparative Rarity. I especially liked the Rarity. The swarovsky crystal looked absolutely gorgeous in the arrangement. I especially loved the Rarity ones. They were absolutely stunning! The other day, I was making some earrings with borosilicate, swarovsky crystal, and a little bead cap thingy. Someone complimented me on them the other day. Sometimes, it makes me think that if I could throw those together in about 5 minutes, that I really need to make some Pony earrings.
VastaKustutafluttershy sniper *wingboner*
VastaKustutaYay, Steve Jobs tributes!
VastaKustutaSniper Fluttershy is best Fluttershy. :)
VastaKustutaAV Clubbers never cease to amaze me with the less than behaviors of some of them.
VastaKustuta"Laughter breaks the silence. Giggling til the dead of night. Party Pony is coming. She's returned to kill the lights. ??? Bark at the book case." No. I've got nothing.
VastaKustutaI'm not yappy and I'm not a dog!
There was just something about that bookcase, no pony would listen to me, and I reaaaally had to go outside.
VastaKustutaYeesss. Augh, and I'm gonna be so late for it. I hope I can find you guys.
When's that skype group gonna be up?
VastaKustutaMLP being shown on Qantas ehhh. Does that mean they'll start showing MLP in Australia then?
VastaKustutaYES!! I might be going to Thailand next summer, so maybe official FiM episodes for the whole airplane rode? HAY YEAH!
VastaKustutaWe really need More pictures of Ponies With War theme or Military Gear!
VastaKustutaAs one of the active editors/admins at Wikipedia, please please don't do "drive by" supports of the featured article page.
VastaKustutaOne, they will likely be ignored, and two, will likely cause other reviewers to consider that an issue and/or bias their input.
You're free to help improve/copyedit the article itself in the manner appropriate for Wikipedia for sure.
Rainbow Dash, this is 777-200LR. 777-200LR, this is Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustutaCan't believe planes are now bronies. Two of my obsessions placed into one. Time for a special livery.
As if telling the time with a clock wasn't difficult enough Bl
VastaKustutaI'll release the template for mine, but first I have to ask the artists' for permission.
VastaKustuta>"G.I. Joe: Renegades" on Emirates Airlines
"My Little Pony-themed Steve Jobs tributes exist, are obviously cute"
MBisonYES.gif ;~;
Psh... people still thinking that MLP is last summer's fad. They are sadly delusional, they always where.
And people that doesn't get the "creepy" images obviously don't know anything about memes. Well yeah, blame our 4chan heritage...
VastaKustutaGlad I wasn't the only one who thought of the Apple family mourning Steve. Mainly because I suck at drawing (well, I'm not as good as these people).
VastaKustutaThe Steve Jobs mourning pictures were both appropriate and funny. Those pictures took his death and made it a bit more bearable.
VastaKustutawhat no fluttershy i want my fluttershy now i'm disappoint
VastaKustutaEpic Pinkie cake is EPIC. I think if Pinkie ever saw that, she might literally weep tears of joy.
VastaKustutaHey! There are impostors on that Trixie clock. ...although for some reason, Celestia in Trixie gear is awesome to me.
Yeah, Battlefield! Sure, the beta for Operation Metro sucks, but DICE designed that map to bring CawwaDoodie players to join the Battlefield bandwagon (seriously DICE, we wanted Caspian Border), but Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is probably the best game I have ever played, followed by Fire Emblem.
VastaKustuta@Pocketguns2 hells yeah fluttershy with sniper rifle she is going to go snip people why cause she is the best XD
VastaKustutaOh phew, they took Pinkie off the cake before cutting it.
VastaKustutaOn the subject of Battlefield: IT'S NOT THAT GOOD. I mean, yeah, it's fun, and I didn't play it much, but I got the impression that the Recon kit's OP in all but extreme close range situations.
VastaKustutaYes I know this has almost nothing to do with the actual content of this article
VastaKustutaNo worries, they're opening Caspian Border to the public very soon here. I'm really excited for BF3!
Is it bad that I already had that Pinkie barking thing on my favorites?
VastaKustuta>NOT THAT GOOD
>didn't play it much
Well there's the problem. :) Also, I don't know what version of Battlefield you played, but BF2 was the bomb, and many of us are excited over BF3 because it's the successor to BF2 in a way Bad Company 1 and 2 could never be. And regarding the recon kit, that's sometimes an issue in Bad Company, but judging from what I've seen of BF3, it's no longer going to be.
Yes, cause battlefield is awesome!
VastaKustutaHow can she even pull the trigger? O:
VastaKustuta@Eat At Erik's
VastaKustutaShe asks it nicely to pull its self.
VastaKustutaIt is! I'm coming there too!
RAHR! How can she should fire that weapon? The M107 is like 40 pounds... even with all the massive springs inside... the recoil would topple her...
VastaKustutaSuddenly I have the urge to watch Gurren Lagann.
VastaKustuta@Eat At Erik's she can pull the trigger with her awesome
VastaKustutawhats the email for the winter wrap-up?
VastaKustutaThe barking started to annoy me 5 minutes in :v The picture of the Apple family mourning Steve Jobs is great.
VastaKustutaRef! Ref! Refref! Ref! Ref-ref ref! Refrefref... Ref! Refref- REFREF!
VastaKustutaElementary, my dear Jango! I'm an intellectual. ;)
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
VastaKustutaRef! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref! Ref!
I listened to the entire thing, the other day when I found it on you-tube. Then again when it was posted on canterlot.net. And now for a third time.
Is there a site for the Winter Wrap-Up thing, like so that we can see how many spots are left?
VastaKustutaThose Steve Jobs ones made me cry manly tears of mourning. He was a huge inspiration to me, so it was bad enough without seeing applebloom crying!
VastaKustutaspeaking of which, it totally made sense that appleblooms cutie mark be an apple logo. She's the youngest, and therefore probably the most tech-savvy, of the Apple family.
Wheres that lyra game's 10 songs you promised Seth?
VastaKustutacake looks so yummy! and that mass winter wrap up thing will b pretty awesome if they can pull it off xDD
VastaKustutaI NEED to finish my two Battlefield/FiM Crossover ficts... >_< I had procrastinated and my job sucked all my initiative for too long and only had one chapter in both, and no proof readers. ;-;)/)
VastaKustutaWell... stop whining and more writing.
Mmmmmmmm... Pinkie Pie Cake... :9 I want of those in my next bday.
Looking at the Wikipedia FAC page (and I'll reiterate Masem's point, don't do a drive-by post there, it isn't a popularity vote), the largest critique so far (and a valid one) seems to be that the Wiki page doesn't have enough credible sources. In this context, credible meaning interviews not done by EqD staff (awesome though they may be). Rather, "actual" journalists, who work on those whatchamacallits... "New Spa Pears"? People with legit reporting creds.
VastaKustutaTo which I say, vah! EqD just celebrated 50M hits, and you want me to believe that we don't have a *single* brony working at NYT or WSJ or AP or HuffPo or anything? Vah! C'mon, journalist bronies! Convince your editor to let you to grab Jayson Thiessen for the inside scoop on the brony phenomenon!
hehehe, Fluttershy with a .50 Barrett, what an oxymoron, but badass nonetheless.
VastaKustutaThat first Pinkie Pie cake looked really cool.
SO MUCH. PINKIE. <3 Best cutiemark.
VastaKustutaSo, I read part of the Wikipedia discussion and then slapped myself for wasting my time because it read just like the last Wikipedia discussion I read. I could almost guess responses.
VastaKustutaI say don't drive-by post in that thread, but for different reasons: Don't do it because these things are political to the extreme and it's not worth getting mired in that. You aren't the Chosen Ones, you can't play their game and expect to win. Hit yourself with a hammer or something, it'll be a less painful use of your time.
FlutterSnipe made my day
VastaKustutaHeh, I didn't notice the link that leads to my video until now.
VastaKustutaFluttershy with an M82? SWEET CELESTIA YES! Nothing like combining guns and ponies for me.
VastaKustutaThat Fluttershy is boss, just sayin'.
VastaKustutaתודה סת'! :)