• National Pony Writing Month Ending Message

    For all you crazy authors out there writing obscene amount of pony, Siraj has yet another message, check it out below!

    I was checking the comments for NaPoWriMo and it seems that several writers are worried because I'm not replying to their sent e-mails.  Could you make a fast post in regard to that with the following copypasta?

         Hello all NaPoWriMo participants! Siraj/Noble Cause here.  In looking over the comments for the final pep talk, I wanted to reassure you that yes, I am recieving your e-mails with your work linked in it, along with your word counts.  I noticed that there's concerns that I'm not replying back, and I wanted to give the heads-up that I won't be.  Why? I'm too busy going completely insane over here trying to compile everything for the round-up I'm planning on throwing out on the 7th of just how much everypony did.  Not to worry, I'm only going to post up names and word counts, along with the title of the fic.
         In the meantime, as per NaNo 'regulations', you're welcome to edit and submit your work as you like, at this point.  I'm still waiting for my e-mail to keel over from the flood, but so far, so good.

         - Siraj/Noble Cause, boggling at the sheer amount of awesome word smithing.

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Yay...

      I'm afraid I had to withdraw from the event due to me being sick for 2 weeks and then not feeling the mojo. It's like I lost my muse.

    2. copypasta within copypasta?


      (what? were you expecting something that rhymed with "inception"? That is so cliche -.-)

    3. I'm interested in seeing how many people participated, and how many words got written over this.

    4. Why must every post on EQD be filled with commenters saying "HERP DE DERP I GOT FIRST COMMENT I'M SO AWESOME" >__>;

      Also, good to see some kind of update for this finally! :)

    5. I just BARELY got my story done. I was past the word count at that point, but I wanted to finish everything for at least a rough draft. I actually typed "The End" at 11:58.

      Still, this is awesome, and I've posted my Fic on FF.net already:

    6. I've still a lot of work to do in terms of proofing and revising, but I'm glad this first part is done.
      I'll do the second part later, and a prequel if there's enough interest.

    7. Hnnng, suspense for Friday. Owell, time to keep my mind busy by working on part two...

    8. "Not to worry, I'm only going to post up names and word counts, along with the title of the fic."

      Oh, hmm, no links to the fics? Will we need to resubmit the fic via normal means if we want it to be published?

    9. 27.8k words...not even halfway done with this story. It was a good exercise, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of it!

    10. So, we get to submit the fics the normal way? Fantastic.

    11. ...and I was worried. Thank you, Noble Cause. I was wondering why I hadn't heard back in regards to NaPoWriMo (pronounced nahpohrimo), but I had figured it was because you were inundated with fics to respond.

      I'm glad that I have a chance to edit my story a little more because after I read the version I turned in I found out that I had accidentally numbered my chapters wrong! I had two chapter fours and ended with chapter six when it should have been chapter 7.

      This was a great event, and although it had me frustrated at times, there was a big hay-bale sense of accomplishment at the end just like you promised.

    12. @NDupree93
      I was in the same boat too...

      "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done." - Rita Mae Brown
