• Music: Time Is Running Out / Twilight Sparkle's Mind is a Curious Place / Run Away

    Twilight lost her mind twice for this music post.  You better be thankful.

    1.) Omnipony - Time Is Running Out
    2.) Pony Piano - Twilight Sparkle's Mind is a Curious Place
    3.) ArtAttack - Run Away

    29 kommentaari:

    1. Yup. Twilights gone crazy. Especially in music

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. Is #2 a repost, or did I just see that earlier?

    4. Wasn't number two posted before? I remember seeing a piano music post with that exact same image on EqD

    5. @Jelfes yup. If more than one people think its a repost, then it probably is

    6. #2 Has been posted before, but its still amazing!

    7. Number two. dubstep halloween with "run". Original, to say the least. it has a nice tune, evem being dubstep. Now, dubstep isnt my thing, so I cant really judge it as I dont know if its good among dubstep

    8. already watched all those this afternoon D:

    9. #2 is good anyway, but, yeah, it's a repost.

      #3 was okay, I've said this way too many times now, dubstep is not my chocolate milk of glass(Sadly, I'm all out of tea of glass right now).

      #1 was good, I think I could imagine it being played in a continuous stream of scenes showing Twilight frantically looking for friendship problems.

    10. Crazy ponies are awesome because you get to see that not everything is sunshine and celery stalks. After all, you don't act the same all the time do you? We all have a chance to have our own little freakouts. Muwahwahwah!

    11. @dublio sadly, cupcakes is one of them.....

    12. @Jelfes yeah, it's a very good song. Nice beat, rhythm was good, and in true pinkiepieswear style the words were not actual words, but rather melodic mumblings

    13. @Jelfes

      Yeah, I just heard the original song yesterday and loved it so much, I had it on repeat for three hours. I had no idea it was playing for so long. I guess Applejack's voice is just that soothing. I don't really like the remixes of it though.

      And now I get to do the same thing again today.

      -Runs song on loop-

      Oh Yea!

    14. Why do these music posts constantly have the comments get out of hand?

    15. @Bombedrumbum -

      Oh no, not Cupcakes! I keep trying to block it from my mind. I'm glad that I did not actually read the fanfic, because Pinkie Pie is too similar to me. It just wouldn't do to ruin the character for me. -hugs Pinkie-

      I think the most scary part is that Pinkie Pie acts exactly the same as the show, which is happy and not psycho in any way. You can't even tell what's wrong until it's too late. But I can only guess at that since I didn't read the fic. I don't plan to. Noooo Mommy Noooo.

    16. #1 Pretty good. Another cool song by Omnipony.

      #2 Seems everyone is saying this one was already posted. Seems familiar, think I remember it too. Still not a bad piece though at least.

      #3 Run from the wubwubwub! I like this one, it's cool and has a good beat.

    17. @Bombedrumbum

      It's because we're obsessed with ponies and have nothing else better to do. When there's a music post, the best you'll get is "I liked it." or "I didn't like it." And a few "It's not for me," comments too.

    18. what's with all the music reposts? we've gotten like 3 just today

    19. #2 is a repeat.

      I wasn't too impressed with the other two, but the last one was a bit more inventive.

    20. Quite liking #1
      seen the other two already

    21. #2 reminds me alot of the ancient ruins in Final Fantasy 7, kinda suitable too because that place is CRAZY!

    22. #1 Was really good. Makes me think of Fighting is Magic or Marevel vs Clopcom 3, for a Psycho Twilight battle theme.

      2# Is a repost. Somepony already left it here (THANKS PHOE!)

      3# Dubstep it's not my taste, and this wasn't the exception.

    23. Heyo, this is Yourenigma here, (TheRaggedyDoctor is what I use for forums and the like) and I will confirm that #2 is a repost from about 5 days ago. Not exactly sure how or why, though my only theory is that they might have used it to complete the triptych as it seems like all the pieces here are about Twilight losing it. Other than that, not too sure.
