• Music: Moonmare / Mega Man / Octavia Performs 400 Concertos


    And music.

    1.) Moonmare
    2.) I Bring Da LULZ - Mega Man
    3.) Octavia Performs 400 Concertos

    22 kommentaari:

    1. #3 sounds very different from the usual Octavia songs.

    2. CEE!!
      I tould you that they had videos.

    3. #2 was PRACTICE?


    4. I liked #3, it wasn't really good like most other Octavia songs I've heard, but it was also different from the rest, giving it some extra points from me.

      #2 was pretty damned good just for, 'practice.'

      #1 is sort of creepy in some parts. Well done.

    5. Woona astronaut is best astronaut.

      #1 I liked it, it sounded pretty cool and had some interesting parts.

      #2 Wasn't too bad. A line or two I thought could use some work. Also, y so short? lol

      #3 That was a little different. But I like it.

    6. @Jelfes

      *it wasn't, 'really good,' like most other Octavia songs

      Thought I needed to fix that, didn't want to make it look like I just hated it.

    7. I wonder if Octavia would get along with Twilight Sparkle since Twilight enjoys classical music too? Sure, she may be terrible at actually making said music, but that doesn't mean they can't be friends right?

    8. I was wondering why #2 was here until I actually played it.

      Also, getting close to 600 Mil visitors.

    9. 600 million visitors already? Holy Magoo. I had no idea this blog got so popular that fast. I could have sworn we just hit 50 million a few weeks ago.

    10. @dublio
      Don't worry, we'll be there in like... a month or so.

    11. #1 Would've been awesome without the dialogue
      #2 Doesn't play
      #3 Huh?

    12. @Eddmario

      I know, I just love to tease. :3

      Although I wouldn't be surprised if we did hit that number in a few months. The number of views seems to skyrocket every month. Exponential growth. :o

    13. 1. Very nicely done!

      2. Meh.

      3. Interesting... :D

    14. That picture is so cute!
      didn't like the music though

    15. That picture is to cute. That made my day so far well... just wait for the episode on luna tonight its going to be awsome!

    16. #1 Awesome. Did I hear some Frantic Factory in there?

      #2 ...Meh. Didn't sound like any Mega Man song I've ever heard, and I don't like rap too much anyway.

      #3 It's okay, but the instruments are a bit too MIDI for Octavia. I'd accept this from Scratch, since she's obviously more of an electronica mare, but Octavia needs to sound like actual physical instruments.
