• Music: Lunar Luminescence / Celestia's Faithful / Pony Space

    MC Luna is back with more Luna stuff, so have some Luna.

    1.) Lunar Luminescence
    2.) Celestia's Faithful
    3.) Pony Space - Mane Theme

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Why do people waste their time to just write useless first comments? Not only do they lower the quality of Equestria Daily but also do they waste time of their only life!

      Usually I dislike most music but this time it's pretty neat! 4/5

    2. I just started playing Dead Space 2 again and shortly after this (#3) pops up. Coincidence? I think not.

    3. First one was very spacy... probably what it was aiming at. xD

      Second one.. Nice track, but overdid it a little with the vocal cuts.

      Third one was a little boring though.

    4. #1 has earned a spot in my music library.
      #2 probably would have too if not for the mashed-together mess of vocal samples, but that kind of ruined it for me...

    5. I never did finish Dead Space 2 in Impossible, curse that regenerator >_>.
      Anyway awesome music especially #1

    6. #1 Hm, Luna. Reminds me of MM8 music oddly. Chill and relaxed, diggin it.

      #2 Instantly thought of castlevania, and then the voices came in. One of the few glitches I really enjoyed.

      #3 No comments from this end. Writing atmosphere is rather random for me. Also doesn't help that I can't really stand atmospheric soundtracks

    7. #3 POW HAHA!
      You are DED!

      I just had to say that.
      #1 is awesome, love electro 8).

    8. I love that picture of Luna so much.

    9. #1 Really didn't think I'd like this one when it first started off. Sounded like so many kinda dull and similar Luna songs. But it picked up shortly into it and I like it.

      #2 Aw yeah, All Levels At Once. Love some of his music. And this was no exception. I agree with some that the sound clips sound just a little too hectic at one point in it, but still, it's a really great mix. Very fluid and meshes well. Earned a place in my library.

      #3 Ooh, Baschfire. Another one of my favs. This was alright. Though some of it didn't really strike my fancy that much. Still, I think it was well made.

    10. #1 was really nice. Nice atmosphere, good use of vocals.

      I don't know why people are being so down on #2. I wouldn't necessarily mind a vocal-free version, but even as it is I liked it.

    11. #1 i liked a lot. so SPACEY

      #2 was a mighty fine beat i reckon.

      #3 i too liked. but i never played dead space 2 so yeah...

    12. 1. Luna approved!

      2. A bit confusing...

      3. Interesting.
