• Music: Loyalty / Laughter / Soarin' through Cloudsdale

    The top two are actually part of an album called M4N3 6. Currently It's just Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, though the rest are planned for the future. Check it out here!

    1.) M4N3 6 - Loyalty
    2.) M4N3 6 - Laughter
    3.) Soarin' through Cloudsdale

    34 kommentaari:

    1. Derp, never mind, I thought the songs were Loyalty, Soarin, then Cloudsdale.

    2. Oh, Jelfes. No offense (<---i mean it when I say that), but sometimes you should better comprehend what you're commenting on before you're commenting. Once again, No. Offense.

    3. ^i am going to get so much criticism for that comment, aren't I?

    4. I found the third one nice and relaxing :D

    5. #1 was pretty good. Right when it reached a point where I thought it was getting a bit repetitive it changed it up, did a good job of not being too samey throughout the whole thing. The end of this just sort of cut off too fast though, it seemed like an out of place spot to stop at.

      #2 *sigh* why did you have to make it dubstep? I've already heard so much dubstep pony or no. It was still alright though, note that I don't care for the genre of these first two so any compliments they got are sincere, that goes the same for any criticism.

      #3 was okay, it really wasn't all too impressive, but it wasn't bad. I'll just leave it at that.

    6. I like the Cloudsdale one. Loyalty isn't bad either, but Laughter is meh. I get my fill on PinkiePieSwear's songs for songs from the infamous party pony.


    8. @Bombedrumbum I would suspect that my false reading of it was a combination of my absurdly huge resolution of a TV combined with my being sleep deprived.

    9. Update on my previous comment:
      The music is nice, its just that the dubstep was dissapointing. Call me unoriginal, but its just as Jelfes said. My reaction: (}(°_____°{)

    10. @Bombedrumbum
      I've been in that herd for at least four years now, only getting worse once I found pony :P (Note: I'm currently running on three hours of sleep from 20 hours ago)

      That being said, I should take more time to read them, but that would give those damned, "first," 'ers more opportunity. I aim for expedient relative comments, but sometimes I derp and do what I already did. (I ramble a lot, don't I?)

    11. @Jelfes
      All the firster's do is make themselves look silly, you could just take a bit more time to read things properly.

      Not to mention sometimes I think people do it just to annoy you.

      Besides, i'll get around to banishing them from Equestria sometime.

    12. Today has been pony music overload day. o.o

      Between the songs and PMV's, my playlist has slowly surpassed 400 songs now. >.>

    13. Another music post? Dang. So much music tonight.

      Those first two weren't too bad. But I didn't find them particularly interesting in any way.

      Kinda like the third one. Maybe I'm just one a soft and mellow music kick right now. lol

    14. @Jelfes I. Can. Not. Agree. With. You. More. I literally feel the same way

    15. I wonder if people would get mad at me if I started saying "first" at every post?


    16. @Celestia It really doesn't bother me too much, I just like comments on a video to be related (haha, look how big of a hypocrite I'm being right now!) I figured I irk them more by preventing them from achieving their pointless goal; though, I can see how my dedication to preventing them could cause others to believe that they could parasprite me by posting, "first."
      (I really hate my need to explain myself)

    17. @Jelfes "absurdly huge resolution of a TV" That right there? 'Explanabrag'.

    18. Also, these are pretty good. I really like those M4N3 6 tracks. Looking forward to more of that.

    19. When I was scrolling down the page and had a quick glance at the post headline, I accidentally read "Laughter" as "Slaughter". One letter but such a big difference...

    20. @Daniel M.

      Oh tsk tsk, one is usually accompanied with the other~

      And of course, on topic. Enjoyed the third one, but I was in a fairly relaxed mood that it fit perfectly at the time. Weeee.

    21. I love #1 and #2. Awesome stuff!
      As for #3, it's so chill that even Rainbow Dash knows it can't even be 20% cooler. (Unless maybe a remix was done? But then it wouldn't be quite as chill. So the original statement still stands I think.) Them pegasi know how to kick back.

    22. Thanks for the love guys! #3 here. I'll keep makin em if you keep enjoying them. :D

    23. Once again, thank you for my jealousy! You guys rock

    24. Am I the only one noticing the horrendous cuts in #3? The song was good but... ugh those cuts break any enjoyment I had in it.

    25. Producer of the M4N3 6 album here..

      Thanks ALLOT for the feedback i get here and at Youtube..

      Criticism here is awesome :D
      It helps me ^^
      Still an amateur, you know..

      Stay tuned for the other mares of the Mane 6..

    26. #1 was okay, but it didn't end gracefully. Sounded more like the stream cut off.

      #2 is... meh. I've had enough dubstep to last me a lifetime, and it's not really bubbly or energetic enough to be a Pinkie image song. Especially when it goes into the wubwubs, it slows way down and sounds more martial than I'd expect.

      #3 doesn't exactly say 'Cloudsdale' to me. I get more of an "urban sidewalk" vibe from it than a fantastic city made of cloud.

    27. @McSqueakers

      An issue I had with MM. I'm trying to progress to better programs, it's just a matter of time. Sorry about that. :x

    28. The first two were really cool, although I think the second needed a bit more to it.

      The third was really smooth.

    29. @ Silentcarto
      That's some really good criticism you are giving me.. Thanks ^^

      More energy and "bubbleness" for Pinkie Pie next time.. Logical :/

      Ponies, btw..
      #1 is loop able.. That's why it's ends abrupt..
      But if you loop it, it sounds like pieces together..

      I didn't intend to do it as a loop.. But yeah ^^

    30. #1 & #2 - Good job but I can hear your brain sweating in the song (at least that's the impression)... You did a wonderful job though! :)

      #3 - Smooth and clever introduction of the guitar! I like it! Jazz is a good genre.

