• Music: Fluttershy / Dislogic / Sophisticated Hoodrats

    This time around, we have two trance mixes, and one song I have no clue how to categorize. It's labeled as "Experimental hip hop", so I guess that could be the reason why!

    1.) Fluttershy (jex Trance Mix)
    2.) NoizyBrony - Dislogic ('Ode to Discord' Mix)
    3.) Sophisticated Hoodrats

    Sophisticated Hoodrats by DatWhackProducer

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Not for my taste. Still good, though.

    2. #1 was cool, though not really my style of music to listen to.

      #2 is pretty cool, but, again, not my style.

      #3 I didn't like, and I really didn't hear anything pony related. It's really done too often that music is made in this fandom then the composer just says that it's pony related.

    3. This is one of the very few music posts to not be added to my google chrome pony-post archive.

    4. Sophisticated Hoodrats - How is this ponies?

    5. Best thing about this was Surprise pony.

    6. Yeah, I fail to see how #3 is in any way pony-related. Still good though, I guess.

    7. Eeeeh, nothing here I really liked.
      #1 was okay, though.

    8. I liked #1 the most.

      Since... Ehm... Pony Raves.

    9. Surprise looks like super saiyan Pinkie Pie

    10. pretty nice spread heyah, but as many people already have said, it seems like a whole bunch of trance/house with pony names on them and its not my favorite style.
      But that fluttershy track: 11 minutes long
      sweet jesus thats alot of trance

    11. Dat trance music

    12. A lot of these fan-made music tracks seem to be "inspired" by MLP, which is great and all, but for me, the listener, I don't hear anything tying them to the MLP universe. It's basically listening to a trance track from YouTube.
      I liked the first and second tracks (which was the only one that had MLP content in it), but I'm not going to put them into my MLPlaylist rotation. The third was... out there.
      I'm sticking with AlexS for my MLP electronic music goodness. THOSE songs, wow.

    13. #1 and #2... all I can say is that they are repetitive but still have quite a lot of potential. If the intros were shortened, add a little more drop, maybe a few more instruments or melodic pony voices, etc. MORE VARIATION! Overall it's pretty good though.

    14. #3 is Venetian Snares (poorly in my opinion) mixed with Bjork. Nothing pony related.

    15. #1 good
      #2 f***ing amazing
      #3 Not my style, but come on, for those of you saying it's not pony related, how did you all miss Fluttershy's "yay"s?

    16. @Gakumerasara
      I stopped listening to #3 when it started saying Hello.
      Kind of creeped me out.

    17. @Levhitor

      #1, Jex's 11 minute Fluttershy trance Model Mix is awesome! Listened to it just once before jumping on the download link.

      #2, stopped it before the end, not quite my cup of tea.

      #3, It's art. Um. I did listen all the way through...

    18. I like the first one, but I can't see the connection to Fluttershy; maybe the original track was more evocative of our favorite gentle, kind, shy pegasus, but this remix sounds closer to Luna or DJ P0n-3, IMO.

      The second track is pretty good too, but again, it doesn't really bring to mind the character in the title; in this case, it's not chaotic enough for Discord, and there's not anyone else in the show it would fit.

      The third track... well, there's parts of it that I like, but it's too repetitive and too long. It's apparently going to be used for some MLP-related fan project, which I guess is enough for it to qualify as pony-related. It has piqued my interest in Venetian Snares, though.

    19. Holy pokey smokes! Eleven minutes long! (It's good though. I enjoyed it alot.

    20. Hey guise.

      jodyjm13 is on the right track; It is going to be used for a fan related project. The thought behind this project was to project the idea of Canterlot from MLP as a facade hiding a dense ghetto underneath, hence the project name, ' Downtown Canterlot'. The project is going to be heavily R&B influenced, with a lot of my ideas for the project from visits to my Grandma (my grandma lives on 8 mile, lol)and blurred memories from my one visit to Detroit.

      It's cool if you don't like it, and comments are very welcome; just make sure there's a strong justification. For example, make sure to point out where repetitive parts are, whether notated in seconds or relative sections of the piece.

      Lastly, this is a trial run. I'll try my best to make the changes necessary for this to still adequately express the original idea.

      Sincerely, DWP

    21. that last one freaked me out LOVED #2
