• Music: Fiends From Dream Valley Music

    The Fiends from Dream Valley game is still under way.  They sent some music over to give their musicians some love.  Check it all out after the break!

    1.) Epic Equestria - Concept Piece
    2.) Battle Music
    3.) Ragtime MLP:FiM opening theme

    24 kommentaari:

    1. One and two are pretty good though I can't think of anything to comment on.

      Number #3 actually fits fairly well, I like it.

    2. Why is the Mare in the Moon in the background? If the mane 6 are together, doesn't that mean this takes place after Luna's been rescued?

      #1: Not bad, though the bass drum sounds a bit thin.

      #2: Pretty darn good for video game fight music.

      #3: I love ragtime, and this pretty much got it right. Now I'm thinking it's time to play my Scott Joplin album...

    3. #3 Makes me wish Over A Barrel had this instead of the usual theme, just for the one episode.

    4. Loved #3, although it's more of a stride than true ragtime. Good though!

    5. #3 was great, I love a good piano medley, more so when it's ragtime that's been done well.

    6. That music is incredible.

      But the background I find intriguing. Does it have anything to do with the game?

    7. They are all awesome, especially #3 ^^
      I think you guys might also enjoy this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDRSbbDThVo

    8. Of the dozens of MLP:FiM games under contruction, I'm looking forward to this one the most.

    9. @Evina

      I'm really looking forwards to this game, but I think I'm more excited about Fighting is Magic then this one.

      But I have to say that whoever is making this game has done an excellent job with the music. Well done!

    10. They're alright. Third one was my favorite I think. :)

    11. sounding good, really looking forward to the games release.

    12. 1) I liked it, but it felt rushed in terms of a progression.

      2) Definitely epic sounding.

      3) Fun and cheery, also...

      *musical pedantry* my take would be more of a waltz with the root-chord-chord structure of the bass, as opposed to the root-chord-root-chord basic structure of a rag. Some of the non-syncopated embellishments on the melody point more towards a classical heritage as well. *end musical pedantry*

    13. #3 was great. Not what I expected in ragtime, but light and cheery, very good.

    14. Anyone else getting a Kingdom Hearts vibe from #2?

    15. I really liked all of those. And that picture looked sweet. I can't wait for this game.

    16. 1)Sounds like the music you'd hear in an opening cinematic.

      2)for battle themes it eminds more of something you'd hear for a boss stage.

      3) very catchy, makes me want to watch the old MLP movie for some reason.

      I honestly can't wait til this game is complete and playable.
