• Music: Dreamshy / Luna's Lament - Score

    We have genres all over the place this time. 8bit, Acoustic, and Score style stuff can all be found after the break!

    1.) muffins and mail
    2.) Dreamshy
    3.) Luna's Lament - Score

    26 kommentaari:

    1. that image looks more like a colt version of Twilight than Twilight. <_<

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. @Am I late Yet? Cmon man! You gotta get first! I'm ashamed...

    4. @Lazulic

      I know! but Jelfes was too busy dropping the ball to remind me!

    5. Bedhead Twilight is appropriate considering the music choices in this post. I like it.

    6. I like dreamshy :D

      also I JUST saw that picture on DA! :D

    7. What's with all the lament lately?

    8. oh...my...god...the new ED banner has caused me to have multiple loud and uncontrollable nerdgasms

    9. Dear god...
      THAT was just an acoustic guitar?!

      I must learn that song.

    10. @P. Pony Ponyson It's at least two tracks and maybe three at times.

      It is pretty amazing though, and i'd definitely like to learn it as well.

    11. Eh, first one still isn't my style. But not bad all the same. :)

      The second one I kinda liked, it's so nice and soothing. Actually reminds me a lot of the music I used to hear at one chiropractic place I frequented.

      Third wasn't bad. It has some lovely parts.

    12. Muffins and mail? ...my life is complete!

    13. @Bloomberg
      I agree, that was my favorite of the lot, and the acoustic was amazing! I want to learn it pretty badly now.

    14. The second could apply to any of the ponies - granted they are sleeping. The calm sound is just initially associated with fluttershy. Somehow I imagined Applejack snuggling a sleeping Apple Bloom for the song, then started thinking of Rainbow Dash sleeping on top of a storm cloud, rain falling below, sun shining on her back.

      Seriously, a really awesome guitar piece. Derpidety, you rock, woo-hoo!

    16. #1 I love blippy stuff, but this one isn't exactly my style.

      #2 Ah relaxing :) Nice.

      #3 Relaxing too! but ack right after #2.. this is gonna put me to sleep! *watches discord shufflin' video to wake back up*

    17. Derpidety's stylings remind me of the PS3 game Everyday Shooter, but that could be because he/she/whatever gender Derpidety is (confound internet anonymity and the awkwardness it can bring) plays a mean but relaxing accoustic guitar. Anyhow, don't stop being amazing, my brony!

    18. #1: It's a shame I can't get into 8-bit music, because this sort of happy, playful, rambling melody is perfect for Derpy.

      #2: Very nice guitar work; relaxing without being sleep-inducing.
