• Music: The CMC Takeover / The Grand Galloping Overture / Sunshine and Celery Stalks Remix

    Music time!

    1.) The CMC Takeover
    2.) Pony Piano (and Orchestra!) - The Grand Galloping Overture
    3.) Sunshine and Celery Stalks (UnderpΩny Remix)

    24 kommentaari:

    1. Oh, yes, I'm loving #1 already, and I'm barely in!

    2. #3 is catchy, some improvements from the original.

      The other two I must not be in the mood today or something :/

    3. #1 was nice
      #3 didn't really work for me - I guess I like the original too much :P

    4. Applejack's picture makes the whole remix cool

    5. #1 Love it.
      #2 Not bad at all.
      #3 Music if fine, but the lyrics repeat so much.

    6. Is it wrong that none of these did much for me? .-. I mean they weren't bad, but... I dunno. None of em hit home with me. .-.

    7. This set is amazing!

      Loved #1. Not sure why, but the beginning just had me so drawn to it, and it didn't let me go till it ended.

      Loved #2. Well, I like orchestral and piano music, so this one fit perfectly into that category. Very well done.

      Heard #3 yesterday, it was great as well, but I must say that I still prefer the original, if only for the clips that it plays during it. The original actually made AJ go up on the favourite mane6 pony list, but RD still, firmly, holds her place.

      This is probably my favourite music post from the last few weeks, absolutely love this set.

    8. #2 was very nice. My pony music folder keeps getting more and more instrumental stuff.

    9. Let me download #2! Please! I'll give you anything! Money, a leg, a lung, rights to my firstborn son! Plllleeeeeeeeaaaaassssse!

    10. #1 This was pretty decent. Didn't really grab my attention a lot though.

      #2 I like this one. Nice little piece.

      #3 This was alright. Though I still prefer the original myself.

    11. Numbers 1 and 3, fantasmical.

      Number two, though pretty good just didn't hit the right vibe for me. Good music update though.

    12. They're all really good, especially 1 and 2. I like the faster pace in 3, but the original is just better

    13. #3: This arrangement's greater energy makes it more appealing than the original, at least in my opinion. Great job! :D

    14. #1 was nice; bit sedate for me at the moment, but still. Nice.

      #2 had a soulless synth version of a brass section. I couldn't get past that. Some people can, and they might well enjoy the song.

      #3 wasn't bad, but I preferred the original, too. This one was faster, but less... lively, if that makes sense.

    15. sorry, but I definitely preferred the original sunshine and celery stalks... the remix doesn't seem very... is 'inspired' the right word?

    16. #1 I liked. probably because i made it. :P

      #2 was nice. very classicalish

      #3 was pretty dang good!

    17. #1 was something different and I enjoyed it! Catchy, and a pleasure to listen to.

      #2 : Spectacular. I LOVE this genre of music altogether, and this was just another piece I adore. Fantastic work. Was kinda cool when the notes near the 2:20 mark starting sounding like the MLP theme song. And after that, you can clearly hear Winter Wrap Up as well. Clever, clever.

      #3: Was quite good as well. Nice beat to it, and catchy. Similar to #1.

      Good set of tunes today. Awesome!

    18. 1. A very fun and joyful song.

      2. That was so good, I'm out of words to describe it.

      3. Wow, a great remix of a great remix... Win!

    19. #1 I liked it. Good energy.

      #2 I'll be honest, At the Galla is not my favorite song ever. Frankly, most pieces involving it I just skip past. But the longer this one went on, the more I found myself thinking "Wow, I'm really enjoying this." This was really nicely done.

      #3 Was pretty good. Goes to show: sometimes a remix can just be a remix, and that's fine, too.

    20. 1. Flow of music is.. Wonderful

      2. Reminds me of my childhood.. Interesting. (Although its VERY unrealistic)

      3. Every remixception is fine, but this one is special.. *starts dancing*

    21. For #2, I think Yourenigma needs a better orchestra emulator, it sounded too obviously artificial... although the syncopated rhythm (or if that's not the right term, the stuttering orchestration) didn't appeal to me.
